New Character Information Ideas: The Commander of the Kingsguard of Baron (Later in the story he becomes lord commander of the Baron armed forces, second to the King).
Cecil Guardia* (Adopted, original surname Debrune) Time period - 7600 BC
A brilliant soldier and Commander who has distinguished himself leading Baron Troops in the war against Asteria, he gradually rose through the ranks due to sheer heroism and courage in battle. He grew up in Guardia village, a small town in the northwestern continent then subject to the Kingdom of Baron, the people of guardia are very pious and contribute funds (derived from the local mine) to the ecclesiastical city of Trucania to the west; they also help contribute manpower to the armies of baron. The Kingsguard of the King of Baron tends to recruit extensively from the inhabitants of Guardia and of the (not shown) surrounding forest
Cecil is not originally from Guardia however, all he knows is that he was adopted and that his Father named Finn and was a commander from the City-state of Turania on the imperial Continent who took up arms against Asteria early in the war and was killed by Asteria. The Rest of his Finn's family was also killed except for Cecil and his Older Sister who were evacuated away by the King of Baron at Finn's request shortly before the battle of Turania. The City of Turania was also destroyed. When he was a teenager, his sister informed him that she was going to travel to look for the secret of how to kill Asteria and that it would be many years before they see each other again, she the departed for parts unknown and Cecil has not heard from her Since (the sister would be another recruitable character). Cecil has made it his life mission that he would not rest until the Empire has been defeated and Asteria has been brought to Justice.
When the New heroes of Time arrive in this time period they quickly learn of the great war and side with the allied forces lead by Baron. They Reunite Cecil with his sister (who has learned several powerful magical abilities along the way) and help with battles that are being fought to prevent Asteria from gaining the Crystals. They Find the Sword of the Oldest of the mystical Sword Spirits, Doreen which is the only weapon forged by man capable of defeating Asteria.
During the course of these battles Cecil learns several fundamental secrets about himself that temporarily creates doubts about his life's mission but presses ahead once Asteria gains control of the crystals through long-range raids on their holdings. After Lakarian City is destroyed by Asteria's new weapon and She also gains control of the sun stone to begin her ritual; Cecil and the heroes of Time leads the remaining allied forces to launch an all out offensive on Midgar, Asteria's Capital. While the allied forces battle the imperials outside the city, the Party slips into the city and reaches and ascends the tower of Babil a massive tower with 66 levels.
When the party reaches the 66th level they confront Asteria; She offers Cecil to betray his companions so that He and his sister can rule at "their rightful place" at her side. Cecil Refuses and the in the final battle Asteria is slain by Cecil wielding the Doreen sword, but before she dies Cecil tells her to order the unconditional surrender of all imperial forces which she does. When Asteria dies however King Zeal and Dalton unexpectedly appear and summons the energy initiated by Asteria's ritual to warp time itself and bring two new lands into this era. After the battle Midgar crumbles into the Ground and the Surrender of the survivors is organized. Cecil Joins the New Heroes of Time in their overall fight against Lavos, King Zeal and Dalton.
When Cecil Returns to his time period he builds a memorial to the war, and in a remote location also builds a small shrine to pray for the rest and redemption for Asteria's soul. He then Returns to Guardia Village and takes his name Guardia as his permanent surname. He Marries his friend Tifa who lives in Guardia and have many descendants.
* Regarding the first name this May Be subject to Change regarding current ideas other proposed names for him so far are Isildur, Cloud, or Paul.
Also Current Ideas for Asteria's Physical appearance; Basically Scarlet from FF7 except her dress is black, Her hair is Blue instead of Blond and she wears gloves with Spikes on her sleeves. She also has a demonic alternate form as well. Due to the strong magical energies that Emanate through her, she looks no older than her early 30s even though she was buried under ancient ruins for thousands of years and has lived since being found for over 60 years. Her personal weapon is a deadly dark whip/dark sword which shapes shifts depending on what she wants it to do. The whip form looks like quistis whip from ff8 except that it is spiked. The sword form resembles sephiroths sword from FF7.
Regarding Cecil: I implied certain things that I've refrained from mentioning outright regarding Cecil and His sisters backstory. Another implication is Cecil's Connection to all future time periods that include Guardia.