Author Topic: Thread for a Proposal for a new Fan Game. Chrono Trigger II: The Battle for Time  (Read 18813 times)


  • Earthbound (+15)
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If you draw in paint a really really bad drawing of what you want and send it to me in a pm, I'll make a decent map out of it in TF. I'm bad at conceptualizing maps, but if i have a rough outline (and it can be rough) I'll do the rest.

Could I write a detailed description of the various continents and locations in each time period and send that to you instead? Most of the continents in my proposed conception would be similar to what they were in Chrono trigger for most of the periods, the only real difficulty would be the 11975 BC map. Which reminds me; does anyone have a crimson echoes 11995 BC map anywhere? That could be used as a rough base map for conception art.


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Sure, feel free to PM me!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 02:21:58 pm by TheMage »


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I know it has been months since I posted here but, here are New conceptual ideas for this as a minor snippet:

A history of Magic of the Kingdom of Zeal (excerpt)

Part 1: The Founding of Zeal and the discovery and use of the 8 elemental crystals

Part 2: The gradual superseding of the Crystals in favor of the Sun stone, also the development of the distinction of magic users and non-magic innate humans.

Part 3: The Overuse of the Sun stone which forces the search for a new power source, the discovery of the sleeping lavos and the beginning of Lavos worship in zeal. Toward the end of this period, the Frozen Flame is rediscovered.

Final Part: The Kingdom become dependent on Lavos energy for magic which eventually leads to it's destruction and fall. Before this the distinction between Magic Users and Non-users has been made into official castes (the enlightened and earthbound ones seen in CT). With the kingdom using lavos energy to power their magic, both the elemental crystals and even the sun stone to some extent are largely forgotten, and are lost entirely after the fall of zeal. Fall of Zeal of course occurs when they begin tapping directly into lavos itself, triggering its awakening in 12000 BC.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2019, 12:30:02 am by CH86 »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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I like it so far!


  • Earthbound (+15)
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The History of Magic after the Fall of Zeal Part 1: From the Fall of zeal to the prelude of Asteria's rise to power (excerpt):

Part 1: 12000 BC to 11975 BC; Survivors gradually rebuild new society Most Humans lose their Magical abilities but, those who few had Innate magic or learned Elemental magic can still use them (Dalton and his goons could still use magic in CT). Janus Returns and settles in this era. He battles with Dalton who settles in an abandoned palace that resurfaces several years after the disaster. At the end of this period Dalton is defeated and Janus creates a Knights of the roundable type-organization to regulate Remaining Magic use and artifacts. Afterwards as more landmasses emerge from beneath the waves, these areas are settled by humans in masse. The area of the original last village is abandoned by humans as is eventually settled by mystics.

Part 2: 11975 BC to 9200 BC; Remaining Magic continues to dwindle although occassional magic innates are found in each generation due to the gene resurfacing occasionally. Innates are sent to the Rountable Keep to be trained, The Knights of the roundtable gradually becomes something more akin to the medieval church. Toward the End of this period The First elemental crystals are rediscovered after having been lost to history since the fall of zeal. Another discovery is that the ground and minerals in areas in the vicinity of the crystals have mineable magic that can unlock the latent ancestral magic use in humans that has been lost since shortly after the fall of zeal. Attempts by the church to suppress this discovery leads to the next era.

Part 3: 9200 BC to 9000 BC. The Unlocking wars, this was an era of religious types wars fought over the right to unlock magic using the new minerals dubbed "magicite", This pitted the forces loyal to the Church against the reformists. Eventually the reformists triumphed in 9000 BC and the hold of the Church was broken. The Church cedes the right to unlock magic but shortly afterwards their leadership flees en masse to the Forest of Trucania in western forests of the Northwestern continent where they become a spirtual type order. There they build the ecclesitiastical city of Trucania where the Church leaders reside and keep their most cherished knowledge (as well as those dangerous knowledges to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands) , the church remnants in Trucania are protected by the Kingdom of baron which is located in the eastern part of the same continent (Baron is located where the city of truce is located in a much later era with Baron castle being where truce canyon/millennial fair is at). Wholesale advancement in new tech capable of unlocking latent magical abilities occurs. After the Unlocking wars the return of Peace as well as technological advancement facilitates new trade Networks. Chocobos become a primary mode of transportation.

Part 4: 9000 BC to 7650 BC. With the collapse of Church rule, magicite use and exploitation becomes a more freely used commodity. The discovery of More magicite deposits results in the discovery of More and More Crystals until eventually All eight have been rediscovered. Various Local wars break out over magicite deposits and over possession of the crystals. This Results in the Growth of Military grade Magic (known as "magitek") and partially successful attempt to reverse engineer magic into technology. Success is also made infusing magic into select warriors. This marks the beginning of an arms race between the nations of the world. Toward the end of this period the magic renaissance takes and even darker turn however, after the discovery around 8000 BC of the ability to cobble together monster parts to glean out magic use from said parts, this becomes known as "Synthetic Magicite" or Spiritnite. Raiding of Mystic settlements to kidnap people for spirtnite nearly causes all out war, however due to heavy losses on both sides, a larger war is avoided, however a "spirtnite shipping trade" develops as mystic criminals, dissidents and the occasional kidnapped wayward fiend are shipped to human settlements to be killed or sometimes used as living weapons. The Spritnite trade is dominated by the New Floating city of Cloud carpet (located over the oceans between the central continent and the Choras continent, the city is able float due to being powered by the air crystal), later on the growing kingdom of Babel (located in the central Continent) becomes a major customer of the Cloud Carpet Traffickers. Toward the very end of this period the Kingdom of Babel Proclaims itself an empire and begins local campaigns against other polities on the central continent with the objective of forced unification.

« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 09:33:03 pm by CH86 »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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You know, I never really thought the period between 12000BC and 0AD could be interesting, but this is great! You mix the end of the ice age and dawn of advanced civilization quite well. I assume the world (societal and architectural) wouldn't look like the middle ages (600AD-1000AD), right? What would technology and architecture look like during these eras?


  • Earthbound (+15)
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You know, I never really thought the period between 12000BC and 0AD could be interesting, but this is great! You mix the end of the ice age and dawn of advanced civilization quite well. I assume the world (societal and architectural) wouldn't look like the middle ages (600AD-1000AD), right? What would technology and architecture look like during these eras?

My idea is that Although Humans lose magic after Zeal falls, they would try to get those abilities back and are partially successful. However doing so creates a unsustainable society in the very long term. The premise here is this eventually results in a devastating great war, after which Humans realize that they must carry out technological advancement without Magic. Which results in a purely natural Human civilization and the final loss of Magic use by Humans. Humans rebuild after the great war without Magic, however the seeds of much later conflicts (such as the mystic war in 600 ad) have already been sown.

My conception of 11975 BC is that would look very much like Crimson echoes 11995 BC except that there is now more than one Settlement although the last village is still there, and more landmasses has risen as the years passed since the fall of zeal. Dalton Has a palace in one continent and Janus has a castle on another where his knights are gathered.

By 7600 BC the world maps looks similar to what it does in Later eras, although the Ice age is largely over the map should have the tundra-like appearance that Crimson echoes 1 AD does. Asteria's capital of Babel/Babylon would be very advanced and should have a pallette on the world map that indicates that. There is also a floating City (cloud Carpet) which would be in between the central continent and the Choras continent. Other regions should look similar to what they do in 600ad and 1000ad. Choras exists during this time period but should be smaller than it is later to it not having risen to great power status yet. The continent where Guardia is at in later eras is dominated by Baron and Trucania, although there is a small mining village called Guardia where Guardia castle is in much later eras. Guardia forest exists but is called Baron Forest this era with Trucania forest being located west of Baron forest. There is an advanced looking Aerial platform (that looks like the blackbird's port in 12000 bc) on what later becomes lucca's island, the red wings base. On the southwestern Continent there is the Cities of Dorino in the northern part, Lakarian City on the coast of the central part of southwestern continent, with the town of Porre (although porre is much smaller in this era) is the far south. In the Northeastern (mystic) continent is mostly covered by forests although deep in the interior you would see the outline of a town (similar to laruba is 65000000 BC). The Forest is accessible but not the town (which you must travel through the forest maze to reach). The Sun keep exists is it does in other eras, in the skies next to that their is another floating level, asteria's floating fortress, The Sun Palace (where you fight son of sun in CT) is visible but is just beneath the waves ( it becomes accessible later on). The giants claw island is present but instead of that level there is only a small human village which you only visit once and is then destroyed (in a scene inspired by the first scene of star wars: force awakens and is also the party's introduction to this level, also somewhat inspired by the scene in FF6 where Kefka ambushes the party and espers at thamasa.) Just North of that but south of the Babel Continent is the imperial prison (which you visit only once and escape from, immediately after the village scene).

The Post-war Map looks somewhat different. The City of Babylon is gone and Lakarian City has been destroyed. The city of Cloud Carpet has been beached on the northern coast of the Choras continent and Asteria's fortresses and prisons are gone. There are several Magitek decommissioning sites where if you visit them you see there are workers being supervised by a church official who says that the Crystals are being hidden and the advanced war tech is being destroyed in order to prevent it from ever being used for evil again. Also the Sun Palace island is no longer accessible, and Chronopolis and Dinopolis are present on the world map and can be unlocked.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2019, 05:09:16 pm by CH86 »


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Year recording conventions from the time of Zeal To Guardia:

During the Zeal Kingdoms reign there were two separate conventions. The first one was (Year number) Oz (of Zeal) which was dominant through most of the zeal period. The second Year timekeeping convention was (year Number) OL (of Lavos), This convention became the dominant one used during the last two centuries of Zeal's existence. For example the Fall of Zeal occurred in 12000 BG/1000 OZ/64988000 OL.

After Zeal Fell the Survivors (except Dalton who intended to use OD (of dalton)) unanimously declared that time would be recorded using the AZ (after zeal) convention. This was the main convention Until the great battle against asteria in 7600 BG. This apocalyptic showdown that was the culmination of nearly 50 years of war and resulted in the destruction of Asteria's empire as well as the nation-state of Lakarian city (one of the prominent members of the anti-imperial coalition) and the general exhaustion of all other nations on the planet. In the peace conference in which the surrender of those imperials who survived was organized, the church delegation of Trucania city proposed a new time recording convention of ABA (after the battle against Asteria) which was accepted by the nation-states.

The ABA recording convention began to decline after 1500 BG/6100 ABA, because by this point large swaths of the historical records had been lost by this point and enough time had passed and other fights, wars and conflicts had occured that overshadowed earlier conflicts in the consiousness of the existing generations, that the War against Asteria had long passed into the realm of the mythological, Most nations in the final two millennia before Guardia's unification of the nations based their era dates on important events specific to that nation.

When Cerdic Guardia defeated The Choras empire in 1 AG/7600 ABA, he decreed a new era recording in that the year would be year one of the Guardia Peace. This convention continued even after the fall of Guardia in the 11th Century AG and is still used in Xavier Ashtear's time in 1999.


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Time-Split Schala or Schala doppelgangers: A conceptual debate and input requested.

I'm Split on concept Ideas for Asteria: Would it make more sense for her to be a split off version of Schala after the ocean palace; or should she be a Schala doppelganger.

The proposed doppelganger idea would be, that the timestream itself would regards Schala's fate after the ocean palace as a tragedy and attempts to correct it by having be born a girl with powerful and identical magic abilities as schala as well as nearly identical appearance every 1500 years or so. Each doppelganger would have their own separate personality like Kid did, but would be born with the (locked) memories a schala and any preceding doppelgangers, the memories unlocking once the doppelganger reaches young adulthood. In this version, Asteria would simply be a doppelganger who happened to insane and being given her powers would be the start of her evil.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2019, 02:35:58 am by CH86 »


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Another Concept Idea: Lavos' backup Plan, King Zeal and the nightmares of Xavier Ashtear.


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I've decided to Retcon the timeline mentioned here. I will repost the excerpts revised timeline of the zeal and post-zeal eras. Also the Great war Lasts much longer now, closer to 500 years instead of the 35 to 50 years that was in the original draft idea. Location info would remain mostly the same, however.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2020, 06:18:06 pm by CH86 »


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Sorry that I haven't posted recently, I've decided that i'll probably not do the proposed retcon mentioned in the last post. Instead I plan to post a fanfic short story which links my proposed conceptions with standard CT/CC canon.

Premontions of completed adventures: Shortly after the encounter with the "Dream Devourer", Crono and the crew gather at the end of time to discuss what to do next. When Marle shows the team a copy of a strange prophecy book she secretly stowed with her way back when the gang first visited zeal. Jasper reveals that their mission is not over and their fight will later be joined by other heroes and their efforts together is what ensures that the threat of Lavos is defeated for good.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2020, 03:42:14 pm by CH86 »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Sounds interesting! Are these:

1.) Legit prophecies that exist beyond space-time and time line change shenanigans, or
2.) Are these prophecies that exist as a result of someone in the far past having knowledge of the future


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Sounds interesting! Are these:

1.) Legit prophecies that exist beyond space-time and time line change shenanigans, or
2.) Are these prophecies that exist as a result of someone in the far past having knowledge of the future

A bit of Both actually, the idea i'm leaning towards is that that Jasper reveals that he wrote down the prophecy book after having a series of visions as a young man, long before he becomes the guru of time. The story idea I'm thinking of right now is that When marle remembers taking a copy of the book and shows the rest of the party the book. Jasper reveals that he originally wrote said book and that their adventures is not fully over and would be also be completed by a new group of heroes that arrive later on and their combined efforts is what anchors and consolidates lavos' defeat.

The prophecy book in the short story would be series of passages originally written by young Jasper. Each passage would be about a specific time period and include several Time periods that weren't in Chrono Trigger and how it relates to how humans can eventually free themselves from the threat of the "Dark Star".

I'll post the short story and how it ties in CT's and CC's stories and how it relates with my proposed concept at a later date.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2020, 11:50:36 pm by CH86 »


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Still working on the Prophecy book story/fanfiction, but first at the moment i'll elaborate or my ideas on the origin of the Guardia vs Porre conflict.

In my conception Guardia unifies the planet under Cerdic Guardia who is a Ruthless warlord but also brimming with the ideal of a unified peace under his rule, as in crimson echoes. Unlike in Crimson echoes the war is fought mostly against then Ruling Choras empire, not Porre. However Guardia only enters the war to overthrow Choras relatively late, say only in the last few years of the conflict while Porre had been fighting against Choras for 20 years or more. Thus, in the minds of the Porreans, THEY should have ruled the unified kingdom, not Guardia because they did the heavy lifting for most of the unification war while Guardia only entered the war relatively late in the conflict and took over everyone instead. Thus there is an undercurrent of resentment within the Guardian kingdom between Guardia and Porre from the beginning pretty much.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 12:20:14 pm by CH86 »