They're great. The oldest one is six now, started kindergarten this year, and we had another baby in March. There were some complications during and after the birth, though. Mom and baby are perfectly healthy now, but the medical bills are insane. The whole experience really opened my eyes to some of the dilemmas with the health care industry (which is saying something, because I work in health care).
As for the new job... it's good but super stressful. I've had multiple new jobs over the past 1.5 year, and keep getting shuffled into new roles through reorgs and resource shuffling. For a time I was doing QA, then was helping as an analyst, now I'm now back to project management and I don't love it, but it's stable and decent money. My background is really straight up Agile/Scrum project management, which is what I was doing when we were last working on our "project."
EDIT: Warning, here comes a life rant!
I'm definitely the type that wishes I could find that one job that gets me excited. I actually interviewed with a fairly well-known video game company on a whim not too long ago, but the job was more geared to marketing than actual project management (despite the job post), and the move would have been to CA with an insanely high cost of living and not enough pay to justify. I love the company, though, and even knowing the insanity of the video game industry, I was tempted.
I've toyed with trying to start my own company, but am scared to death of the risk associated with it. My wife is a stay-at-home mom, and being the sole breadwinner for a family of four doesn't really leave much room for risk... And to be honest, I also don't really know what kind of company I'd start. I mean, I know software development from the PM side, and I know some SQL, but by no means am I technical enough to sit down and push out something that requires technical work. I look at things like Black Isle studios (RIP), Stardew Valley, and old game studios that had a dozen people and the idea of it is attractive, but only in theory. I'm revisiting Terrangima by Quintet on the SNES and I am finding it both therapeutic and inspiring.
I dunno, I'm in my 30's now and I'm just waiting for that lightbulb that I fear may never come. All I know is that I hate being tied to a cubicle and feeling like I'm just a cog in a machine. Some days I feel the springtime of youth is fading, hahaha...