Hey everyone, this is where you need to come if you're interested in auditioning as a voice for the CT Flash Series... We need voice samples galore! Feel free to send in a sample of yourself doing the sample lines for each character you are interested in playing. (Email samples to Jacob@RSJames.biz) So yes, you can audition for multiple characters.
Between WAV or MP3, I prefer MP3, but if you're not sure how to make one, then a WAV is fine.
The characters available are listed below. (I have to leave for work now, but I'll add more lines later.)
Try to audition first for characters who appear earlier on, ok? In other words, if you plan to audition for Queen Zeal, try to audition for Lucca or Queen Leene as well.
PCsCrono --
Already castNadia Guardia/Marle --
Already castLucca Ashtear --
Already castFrog/Glenn -- Mine name is Glenn! Cyrus' hopes and dreams, and now the Masamune...forthwith I shall slay Magus...and restore honor!
Robo -- Understood. Madam Lucca fixed me.
Ayla -- No! Ayla like Kino BEST! No more do bad stuff, okay? That wrong!
Janus Zeal/Magus -- Behold, everything is at the bottom of the sea. Gone is the magical Kingdom of Zeal, and all the dreams and ambitions of its people.
65M BCAzala --
Already castKino -- You strong, me weak. Ayla good chief!
12,000 BCBelthasar -- So to you -- YOU, who have opened the door! -- I leave things in your hands. Only by mastering time itself do you stand a chance against Lavos.
Dalton --
Already castGaspar -- The Guru of Time, eh? ...Now what would you want with him?
Masa/Mune --
I wanna be the wind, Masa! ...Oh, you will someday, Mune.
Sister Doreen's at Enhasa again... That's 'cause she likes dreams.
I like the wind better! Whoosh...Melchior -- The Masamune is made of Dreamstone... But you can't get it anymore. Unfortunately, it hasn't been available for a VERY long time.Schala Zeal -- The black wind... Janus, you feel it too? Don't worry, it'll be all right. I wish I could stay with you...but Mother has other plans.
Young Janus -- The black wind howls... You... One among you...will shortly perish.
Zeal -- For you, there will be no tomorrow! Fate has led you here, and here you will perish!
600 ADChancellor --
Already castChef -- Heh. That's what you get for thinking you're the only ones fighting for your country!
Cyrus -- R-run, Glenn... The queen... Protect...Queen Leene.
Flea -- What the...Hey, I'm a GUY! ...Male, female, what's the difference? Power is beautiful, and I have power!
Fiona -- My husband Marco hasn't returned yet from the war against Magus. I'm doing my best to preserve what's left of this forest.
King Guardia XXI -- Sir! I understand that you are the one who saved my dear wife, the queen. But can you tell me what happened? Leene is acting...rather odd.
Knight Captain -- *outraged* Stop your SNIVELING! It shames the Knights of the Square Table!
Ozzie --
Already castQueen Guardia XXI/Leene --
Already castSlash -- That's SLASH, you slimy dolt. Hmph. Beat me once, shame on you. Beat me twice, shame on me! En garde!
Tata -- Y-you need to get out of here! Th-this is... a horrible place!
Toma Levine -- Hey, no problem, chief! I'll have that Rainbow Shell for ya in a jiffy!
1000 ADChancellor --
Already castGina (Crono's Mom) -- Crono! How many times have I told you NOT to bring your pets in the house?!Judge --
Already castKing Guardia XXXIII -- Silence, Princess Nadia! The throne comes before your personal wishes!
Lara Ashtear -- Oh, dear me... My skirt, it's... It's STUCK! Lucca? LUCCA!
Norstein Bekklar -- (Already cast)
Ozzie VIII --
Already castPierre -- The issue here is motive. Was there any motive for this man to kidnap Princess Nadia? NO! There was none!
Taban Ashtear --
Already cast2300 ADAtropos XR -- Prometheus? Is that you, Prometheus?
Doan -- H...Heal...thy? Huh... Got a nice ring to it!
Johnny -- Hey, where's spike head?! I only ride with HIM.
End Of TimeSpekkio -- (when you first talk to him as red Nu) What're you lookin' at... Looks can be deceiving, you know!