OoooohhOOOOOhhhh!!! More thread necromancy!
I was going to post this in the general chat starting a whole new thread, but thought I'd look to see if there were an existing thread first. Glad I did.
So, here's what I was going to post on the subject...
Between replaying the game to tighten the canon agreement wherever possible while editing my massive story, and finally grabbing hold of enough of an inspiration to finally write a decent big boss battle (which is why this story has been unfinished for decades) my fanfic mind is pouncing upon and worrying at the least unexplained things in Chrono Trigger like a terrier with a bone.
I do not want to get distracted into writing a shiny 'new' story (which is what Graven is – I was trying to work on Shadows of Schala but Glenn just wouldn't SHUT UP and leave me alone, oh I'm not mad, I like Graven and I love writing Glenn no matter what shape he's in, but I have got to focus or it's going to be another couple of decades before I finish the first Chrono Trigger story I started to write and that just makes me feel like a failure and – yeah. Glenn, sweetie, please let me focus and oh, no, Cyrus is starting to want fanfic, too! O.O!) so I am going to post the bare bones of the concept here, like I did with the Gurus' Gambit/Norstein Bekkler idea, just to get it out of my mind – for the moment.
And it's just fun to share these off-the-wall story seeds with you to see what you think.
Chrono Trigger – A Point to Ponder – Crono's Ancestry
This theory is admittedly far-fetched, but my hope is it will be deemed 'plausible'. I read somewhere that Crono's mother is named Gina (or Jina) in the Japanese version of the game, but that even in that version there is no information about Crono's father.
Bear with me here. It's always bugged me that there is a sprite of a young adult woman near teen-Glenn (as I am currently sporting purple hair at the moment, I do not believe this individual is anyone other than Glenn -- maybe in a bout of hero worship he tried to dye his hair to be more like Cyrus?) in the flashback scene where Cyrus confronts and defeats the Frog King and earns the Hero Medal. Who is she? Why is she there? What is her importance? Was she part of an adventuring team with Glenn and Cyrus on that part of their quest? What happened to her during the rest of their quest? Who is SHE?!
Someday I may just get around to writing a fully-developed story, but just suppose she is, er, 'involved' with one of our two Guardian adventurers. Sure, it could be Glenn, but far more interesting if it were Cyrus. And, suppose that she had become pregnant just before Cyrus left on his doomed quest. Pretty easy to see where I'm going with this....
While Leene's children and descendants lead ultimately to Marle's birth, this puzzling, out of place woman, who could have been a girlfriend or newly-wed wife of Cyrus', may have given birth to a child by him after he had died, and whose descendants lead ultimately to Crono's birth.
There's a pleasing narrative symmetry in this notion, and it makes Frog's quip that Crono might one day become a passable swordsman all the more humorous!