Author Topic: What would Break have even been about? Time? Dimensions? Something new?  (Read 2571 times)


  • Iokan (+1)
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So if Chrono Trigger were based on semi-linear time travel (I say semi-linear because of the way the timelines branch out) and Chrono Cross was about "crossing" between two dimensions, what do you guys speculate Break would have been about?

Break could have implied a complete stop or even a literal break in the very system of time (and what would that have even looked like? Warping to and from points in time like hopping across rafts drifting at sea? How different would that even really be from Trigger, though?)

If a third Chrono game were to be made and "Break" as a title were dropped entirely, what would the system even be?

Trigger was time travel, Cross was dimensional travel. What system would a third game be able to introduce? Space travel? (In which case, that's probably why Xenosaga happened and Star Ocean continues to get attention.) There has to be something else for the protagonists of a hypothetical third game to be able to screw around with.

Thoughts, anyone? Between time and dimensions, what else is there?

Schala Zeal

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  • Porrean (+50)
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I like that idea. Since Lavos came from space, one would think the next step would be expanding to the cosmos to see what else is out there, or even more about the origins of this being.


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Final Fantasy 13-2.

Also, it was Chrono Brake in Japan.


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Re: What would Break have even been about? Time? Dimensions? Something new?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2015, 06:26:33 am »
Final Fantasy 13-2.

FF XIII-2 had great mechanics and an intriguing story involving many space/time theory including paradoxes. Regardless of the negativity the series received, it was a pretty good game. It also reminded me of some far-distant spiritual successor to Chrono in some way.


  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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Re: What would Break have even been about? Time? Dimensions? Something new?
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2015, 08:28:19 am »
In my opinion, Chrono Break would involve the breaking of a temporal causality loop.  I think this is a logical progression of the time-traveling/dimension-hopping themes we have seen.  Is a time-loop a good thing?  If you become aware of a time-loop, would you seek to preserve it - and become immortal, or would you seek to destroy it?  Who has the right to decide if a timeline created by a temporal causality loop should continue?

I think this is the best idea for a sequel, because it would create a plausible scenario in which the events of Chrono Trigger are repeated, and someone becomes aware that time is repeating.  We get a new take on the consequences of space-time manipulation, and everyone gets to see their favorite characters in action one more time, as opposed to creating a completely new cast and trying to figure out how to place them into the canon.

To increase the sense of urgency, the Chrono Trigger crew will have only one chance to break the time-loop if that is what they choose to do.  (Of course they would, because the original history doesn't end well for most of them.)  If they cannot change things before the events of Chrono Cross play out (the direct cause of the time-loop), then time will repeat itself forever, and they will be destined to fail over and over for eternity.  But if they succeed, they will have but one life to live, but they will free the future for all time.  The stakes cannot get any higher than that.

Michael Zeal

  • Iokan (+1)
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Hi! Name's Michael Zeal- usually go by Michael Mario... everywhere else, really, but I opted for a more Chrono-esque name for this site  :).

If I had to guess, a Chrono Break would have you travel between multiple alternate 'possibilities- like the Reptite Dimension, or maybe a timeline where Zeal wasn't destroyed, or where the Fiends/Mystics won the war with Guardia. Normally this would be impossible since discarded timelines are immediately sent to the Darkness Beyond Time, but someone (likely Lavos in some form) is subverting that process in an attempt to "Break" time and reshape reality in their own image.