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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Cold War completed

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Hello, i'm nearly complete a little project i'm doing.  I need a sound effects guy/girl looking for midi files other than the ones i got from VGmusic.  Now.  I'll take resumes for testing, but otherwise i'm pretty sure i can do that all on my lonesome. 

Manifest of currently complete tasks:

Enemies done
In game menu done (i'm really happy it looks and feels chrono triggery.
NPC's sprites done
maps 7 out of 20,  mostly planned out.
anyway,  I've tested out my first 7 levels and the game looks and so far is what it is in a chrono tiggery way.  More importantly all of the weapons have been made exceeding satisfying to fire. 

AAANNNY waaayyy....
I wouldn't know where to put the finished product either.  Since i've havn't got internet and i'm going madder than Belthasar living with a Nu, Spekkio and those freaky temporal cats I saw living around sun keep.  Jesus was that ever something...  Anyway, much love to you all.  I'll see if i can't make a cool preview video or something.  Add some dazzle to it, maybe a 15 seconds of machinimatic abuse.

If have any questions that don't pertain to my particular brand of lovely and delicious insanity please don't hesitate to rethink whether or not its a stupid question.  don't suck your thumb either.... just a bit of advice.

Modified:  Game completed


Some screens for you.  I'm hoping only for this game to give you one more time traveling adventure with belty and melchy and jazzy gasper in the old night club of the time stream.

here is one of the porre gaurds.  i've made some new animatations for them because we never see them fight.  It's really upsetting that they don't fight, I mean after all they are fighting personal.... you wouldn't send a snake or a small bird who carries a bell that is entirely to large.

aw.... I double posted... i'm stupid.

anyway whatever, i'll just give y'all a link when it's done...   AW COOL a smiling Nu!  He's adorable!  :D


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