Working title screen; likely to change laterCrono Returns is a dark-toned sequel to Chrono Trigger that ignores Chrono Cross and, well, everything besides the original SNES version of the game. It is being made with RPG Maker VX and the target completion date is December 21st of this year.
For those of you would who like Crono to stay a silent protagonist, don't hop into this game expecting him to be mute like in the first game. Also, for all of you Fritz fans (Yes, all 5 of you- well, more like 4 since I'm one of them), feel free to do a victory dance on the spot since he has been promoted from NPC to a main character in this game.
It is based off of my fanfiction of the same name, which can be found here:,9957.0.htmlAlthough the first arc follows the story of the original fanfiction accurately (The first 8 chapters of it to be precise), the 2nd and 3rd arcs of this game are written by Legendary Biologist (The writer of Chrono fanfictions such as "In Search of the Past"), and needless to say she has a MUCH different take on what happens after the chapter "Masamune of Darkness" than I do.
Since the plot of this game differs heavily from that of the fanfiction's, playing the game first will not spoil the fanfiction for you and vice versa.
The preparation of Marle and Lucca's dual tech "antipode". Notice that all of the sprites are custom made and not ripped from Chrono Trigger; in case you weren't aware, Chrono Trigger sprite sheets don't translate well to RPG Maker VX. I also decided to use RTP tilesets rather than ones from the SNES game for various reasons.THE GREEN DREAM TEAM:EliroX904/ProtomanX904: Main developer
Legendary_Biologist: Writer
More members to come? Perhaps eventually.
-A plot that follows Crono Returns for the first 8 chapter before branching off to its own storyline (Much like the original Fullmetal Alchemist or Soul Eater).
-A battle system which emulates that of the SNES game's, with dual techs included.
-Remixed music from Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Terranigma, and more.
-RPG Maker VX graphics are used rather than ones ripped from the SNES game. Your favorite time travellers are now in RPG Maker VX style!
-Non-linear with plenty of side-quests and different endings.
-No level-grinding required, just like the original.
-Contains homages to works besides the Chrono series, the most obvious being Batman (Hell, the title and cover art were inspired by Frank Miller's "Dark Knight Returns").
Here is the main page for the game on RPG