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Messages - jotabe1789

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17
General Discussion / What exactly IS a rom?!
« on: July 13, 2005, 11:21:11 pm »
Actually, in the properties of the new Nintendo console called Revolution, they include: backwards compatibility with GameCube and (attention to this) built-in emulators for N64, SNES and NES. That, including a HD and an internet connection that would enable you to download (working similar to X-Box Live!) the ROM images of most of the games for these consoles. They didn't say if they will charge for them or it will be for free. If it was for free, they would become public domain, i think.

Anyway, it is the first time that a gaming system exploits, officially, the emulation and the ROMs.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« on: July 13, 2005, 11:11:13 pm »
But there is no reason to do that kind of joke, i think...
And then, there is the matter of her adding "Kid" to her own name.

What i think is: even if she was able to create a clone and send it to the past, if she really wanted that Kid would "connect" with Serge, a simple genetic replication of herself wouldn't do it. She would need to give this clone part of her soul. But not only the good or the bad part: Kid has both kindness, compassion, and anger, a wish to bring everything to nothing. Schala and Lavos, since it was already impossible for Schala to tell the difference between herself and the Lavos Spawn. So, Schala and Kid, will be both "uncomplete" people: that would explain Kid's attitude of being in permanent seek of something, as if she lacked something: a whole soul.

Maybe this is a bit rambling... but the point that they merge looks clear to me ^_^

Not only that: Swift's Laputa is a utopian society of wise men and scientists (any science advanced enough will look like magic to backwards people), if i am not mistaken, what deepens into the relationship with Zeal.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« on: July 13, 2005, 10:09:53 pm »
Yeah, Schala does talk like Kid in the ending, and she actually "signs" as Schala "Kid" Zeal... that really hints to them merging.

   We alone do not have the power
   to heal the world's woes,
   or to solve all its mysteries.
   And yet, even then...

   It was bloody good
   knowing ya, mate!
   Thanks for being born
   '"you,"' Serge!
   I guess now's the time to say,
   '"see ya later, mate!"'
   I'll find ya...
   Sometime, somewhere...
   I'm bloody sure of it!
   No matter the time period,
   no matter the world ya live in,
   I'll find ya!

   I'm sure...
   I am sure I will find you...

  Until we meet again,
   Take care of yourself, my friend...
   Forever yours,
   Schala "Kid" Zeal

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Norstein Bekkler, who is he?
« on: July 13, 2005, 10:01:57 pm »
I agree with Zapperking. I see those figures more like holograms. Probably they were scanning the intruders to reveal their powers and their weaknesses.

Time, Space, and Dimensions / Dimensional split and time travel
« on: July 13, 2005, 08:14:11 am »
problem is: when you time travel, are you really confined to your own "dimension"?  :lol:

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Legend of the Hero Medal
« on: July 13, 2005, 07:54:52 am »
Yep, i remember about their personalities ^_^ (girls are always more responsible lol) but still, i don't see how she could be already in the Masamune, in a way that it's coherent with CT... after all, could she really be in the Masamune when it was broken and scattered? And in order to retrieve the other piece, you had to prove your worth to Masa and Mune, only.
And the way they react when they notice Doreen:
   You awake, Masa?
   But looking back...
   I think we've done
   something terrible.

   Heh heh...
   No one will know if
   we don't tell.
   What were you
   two up to!?

   It's Doreen!

makes me really think they were alone in the sword. If Doreen was in the sword with them, she would be to blame as well, i think.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Legend of the Hero Medal
« on: July 13, 2005, 06:37:26 am »
If it wasn't already in the Zeal Kingdom, she might have crafted it before. For me, i mean, it was the first idea that came to my mind when i played CC: since the masamune merges with the Sea Swallow (thx for the name :D), and formes the mastermune, who is masa, mune and doreen, then doreen must have been in the swallow.

Just thinking aloud ^_^ trying to fit the looks of the Hero Medal (I had never seen the drawing) with an epoch in time, and the mention of an evil wizard in the time of the foundation, made everything fit for me.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Legend of the Hero Medal
« on: July 13, 2005, 04:05:04 am »
Wouldn't be a posibility that Doreen was in Serge's original Swallow? after all, it is this original Swallow that gets upgraded as the Mastermune.

Also, about the Hero Medal:
In the Millenium Fair, there is a kid who says:
 [Little Boy]
   What's the big deal?
   So what if we won a war against a
   Wizard hundreds of years ago!

Of course he could be talking about Magus, but he looks like he is annoyed about the millenial fair, so it could be the the foundation of Guardia happened in the victory against a powerful wizard. It could be that the Hero Medal (CT) dates from that time (hence the classical look), and that it was forged to grant power against Dark magic users.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Why Crono?
« on: July 13, 2005, 03:31:32 am »
I thought that, in the original timeline, Frog somehow pulls himself together (maybe he meets the running away Tata and reacts) and kills Magus (with an unbroken/mended Masamune?).

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Lavos and the Beginning
« on: July 13, 2005, 02:47:37 am »
Just clearing up some things :wink:

When we talk about pure energy, usually we are thinking about EM waves. Actually, those EM waves (any energy, actually) can be woven. Well, better say that could be woven if we knew how. The particle interaction can be "entagled", making them to keep their quatum states. If you want to have ghosts, here is your best bet (this is the property they want to exploit to get quantum computers, btw). Ideally you would be able to entagle photons themselves... if you had a being created by this entaglement, even thought the photons wouldn't be the same along its existance, the structure would remain: the photons would move still at the speed of light, but the being could stay stationary.

Bosonic particles can go into condensed state precise because, under certain conditions, quantum mechanics determine they will become "transparent" to each other, that is, no interacting at all. So nothing prevents them from occupying the most stable state, that is, lowest energy state.

Also, actually, forces are transmitted, not by fields, but by interaction carrier particles: photons, gravitons, gluons and bosons W+,W-,Z0. Force fields would be just a measurement of the flux of these particles in every point of the space.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / question about original timeline Zeal
« on: July 13, 2005, 01:43:32 am »
Speaking with little memory of the events (i need to play CT again, hehehe)... weren't there a bad ending when you are defeated by Magus, where Magus succesfully summons Lavos?

Actually, from what i know about latin, they did actually use "j". It was a kind of deformation of the writing of the normal "i" to symbolize that the "i" was not a fully vowel, but it was a semi-consonant. It appears later in the official writing... about century I or II.
Something similar but opposite happened with the "u" and "v" ("w" is a completely new letter, created for the writing of the germanic languages). Originally they were the same sound and letter (written "v"), but as they evolved, for fully vowel sound it got written "u", while the sound "v" became fully consonant.

Since i am Spanish, i like to think my pronounciation is close to what was intended :lol:  (the equivalence letter-sound in spanish is very close to that of romanji). For me, it would be:

Krono - Kro-no (with a vibrating "r" (this is not romanji at all) and the "o" pronounced like in "talk")

Lucca - Look-ka or Loo-ka (for this word in italian, they use double k sound, and a long "u:"

Marle - Mar-le ("a" pronounced like in "luck", vibrating r, and "e" pronounced like in "pet")

Ayla - Ai-la (with the "y" pronounced like in "tea", for the "a", see above)

Magus - Ma-gus (the "u" like "oo", but shorter sound)

Melchior - Mel-kior ("e" see above, "i" see above, but short, "o" see above)

Nu - Noo

Belthasar - Bell-ta-zar (see above lol)

History, Locations, and Artifacts / When Zealiens sleep...
« on: July 12, 2005, 09:47:20 am »
Talking about sleep... don't Masa and Mune spend sleeping all the time while the Masamune gets tainted with evil? They were Zealians, as well.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Home World Kid Theory
« on: July 12, 2005, 09:35:54 am »
Yes, you are right. After all, with Lynx lacking an antenna, and his brain being purely organical, there would be no way for them to be connected (FATE is a purely mechanical entity... there wouldn't be such a thing as a "common soul" for both of them). Then Lynx would be an independent replica of FATE intended to work as interface... since they both think the same way, and have the same goals, their interests would never conflict, and each would do their part... they would be the same... yeah, it makes a lot of sense, actually ^_^

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