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Time, Space, and Dimensions / Creation of Chronopolis after the Time Crash
« on: June 16, 2009, 02:01:08 pm »
After the Time Crash (Keystone T-2), FATE wants to avoid disrupting the timeline in case that would prevent the creation of Chronopolis in the future:
According to our theories, Chronopolis didn't exactly time travel; its space-time coordinates just slipped to the past. But then how can Chronopolis be built if its space-time coordinates replace those of its past counterpart? i.e. how can Keystone T-2 Belthasar build Chronopolis if the Time-Crashed Chronopolis already occupies the physical location that he wants to use?
Quote from: Ghost in Chronopolis
FATE has been manipulating the
world of El Nido, in order to
avoid any major change to the
history it knows.
If an event on El Nido
influences the main continent,
the year 2400, in which FATE
exists, would change.
This paradox could potentially
lead to great disaster...
According to our theories, Chronopolis didn't exactly time travel; its space-time coordinates just slipped to the past. But then how can Chronopolis be built if its space-time coordinates replace those of its past counterpart? i.e. how can Keystone T-2 Belthasar build Chronopolis if the Time-Crashed Chronopolis already occupies the physical location that he wants to use?
Site Updates / Re: SUMMER'S CRY ULTRA UPDATE! A lot of stuff plus CE Chapter 18 & 19!
« on: June 16, 2009, 07:21:50 am »
Bon voyage, Agent 12!
It's $39.99.
how much is CT:DS? 30 bucks? so they made 6 million from EU and 18 million in the US? That's pathetic? That's an eye opener...
It's $39.99.
Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: The Time Devourer Issue
« on: June 14, 2009, 07:49:47 pm »If you defeat the Time Devourer with using the chrono cross, doesn't it just warp off with Schala? It's been awhile since I've beaten CC without using the cross.
Yes, it warps off. Some interpret this as the TD dying; however, it could also be that the beating somehow completed its maturation and then it teleported to the outside world to start devouring time.
Site Updates / Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 17
« on: June 14, 2009, 06:20:28 am »The plot hole is that Crono and the gang wouldn't be able to return from the Ocean Palace? Because there's no permanent Gate there?
I remember listing all the Time Egg uses during development but apparently the team forgot to take this one into account. The Gate is currently in 11,995 BC and the gang travel to 5 years before that; they should be stuck in the past because Belthasar didn't give them a Time Egg for the return trip.
Site Updates / Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 16
« on: June 13, 2009, 02:26:11 pm »
Cakulha and Coyopa are male.
Reality, Real-World Connections, and the Supernatural / Re: Should AD and BC have been used in the Chrono series?
« on: June 13, 2009, 12:35:59 pm »
Nobody except Toma speaks of the Cathedral/Abbey negatively, and there's a Nun in San Dorino (and "san" means "saint" in Spanish and Italian). AD and BC were clearly chosen for simplicity's sake, but it's inaccurate to say that there's absolutely no sign of an organized Christian-like religion in the series:

There are also mentions of angels (Angelus Errare) and a "Saints" summon Element (which may or may not be summoning real angels, but the name is still indicative of something some people in the Chronoverse might believe in).

Good Lord!
Is there nothing more
to life than destroying
and defeating one
another after all...?
Come see me should you
ever need anything!
You will make a fine
dragoon, young man.
God be with you!
There are also mentions of angels (Angelus Errare) and a "Saints" summon Element (which may or may not be summoning real angels, but the name is still indicative of something some people in the Chronoverse might believe in).
Reality, Real-World Connections, and the Supernatural / Re: Should AD and BC have been used in the Chrono series?
« on: June 13, 2009, 12:07:07 pm »
How is that a long shot?
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Crimson Echoes plothole discussion
« on: June 13, 2009, 06:29:25 am »Based on the epoch's design, more precisely, the design of its time controls... Chronopolis is currently in... 1999?
It's the Neo-Epoch, not Epoch. Storywise it's not the same time gauge. Also in Chapter 1 Belthasar mentions that he wants to make the Neo-Epoch be able to go to anywhere in time but that he hasn't implemented that function yet.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Explain Serge's Silence.
« on: June 13, 2009, 06:23:08 am »at least Crono had a friggin surprised sprite. Serge's world is turned upside down several dozen times throughout his adventure and he never seems to bat an eye. "Oh, yeah? That's my grave? Big whoop." is what it feels like, only if he HAD said that, it would have been more acceptable!
He did shake his head. It's more a problem or art style than anything. Can you imagine Serge doing Crono's "surprised" animation?
Site Updates / Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 15
« on: June 13, 2009, 06:17:20 am »I don't really mind the idea of Belthasar wooing Cakhula especially since in chapter 12 you can sort of win her over if you make the right decisions. If I could go back though i'd have Crono or Marle have a better reaction.
Well even in Chapter 12 in the plot draft Cakulha's stopping of the missile was supposed to be a last-minute remorse of sorts, like "Mmh, maybe I shouldn't sacrifice innocents that have nothing to do with this", rather than "Eh let's ally with these time-travelers that killed my timeline! Woo!!". If I were Belthasar I'd never feel safe with that guy hanging around in Chronopolis (also it's a guy, Yaluk is the female).
Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Re: Lavos and Immortality
« on: June 12, 2009, 09:49:45 pm »
If you believe that the Frozen Flame was powering the Mammon Machine, there are various quotes on it in RD and CC that could explain Queen Zeal's immortality.
Also the Frozen Flame healed Serge's body when he was attacked by the panther demon.
It's interesting how you mention cancer; one of the ghosts in Chronopolis says "We're conducting a simulation of phase metastasis." The Compendium theory page on phase metastasis has two theories... Seems like "immortality" could be a third.
So the way I see it, the Frozen Flame was in the Mammon Machine and the Machine radiated anti-annihilation energy that prevented Queen Zeal's body from degenerating (i.e. that was continuously healing her body).
Finally, kinda off topic but note that "Lavos immortality" may not the only type of immortality in the series. According to Masato Kato, Harle never aged since her birth in 1006 AD and always had the body of an 18-year-old girl.
Quote from: Radical Dreamers, about Schala's fate during the Ocean Palace disaster
But the stone, It had other plans for her...Turning back
the hands of her clock, scattering her memories, she was granted another
chance. Since the precious stone was in her possession, she carried with her
all its will and power. And so, she was born into this era, returning to
reality as a mere infant...
Quote from: Chrono Cross, Chronopolis
I heard group 3B's experiment
today is going to be a biggie.
They're releasing the Flame's
lock-level to D in order to trace
the counter-time effect...
Yeah, but based on previous
experiments, I'm sure it'll
work out just fine.
During their simulation,
FATE guaranteed that they
would be able to use the
Flame as an up-link to
extract the anti-annihilation
energy associated with it.
Don't worry, it'll be a success.
Once we're able to counter
time successfully at will, we'll
have full control over time.
We'll find out soon enough.
Perhaps what we are
doing is wrong?
If this experiment succeeds,
we will be able to control time.
We will have complete control over
history and, in a sense, become
a presence, much like god...
If so, what meaning is there
to the history of mankind?
But it's too late, now...
We can't afford to fail
in this experiment.
If, for some reason, anything
goes wrong, the anti-annihilation
energy will probably overwhelm us.
Who knows what the
consequences may be?
Also the Frozen Flame healed Serge's body when he was attacked by the panther demon.
It's interesting how you mention cancer; one of the ghosts in Chronopolis says "We're conducting a simulation of phase metastasis." The Compendium theory page on phase metastasis has two theories... Seems like "immortality" could be a third.
So the way I see it, the Frozen Flame was in the Mammon Machine and the Machine radiated anti-annihilation energy that prevented Queen Zeal's body from degenerating (i.e. that was continuously healing her body).
Finally, kinda off topic but note that "Lavos immortality" may not the only type of immortality in the series. According to Masato Kato, Harle never aged since her birth in 1006 AD and always had the body of an 18-year-old girl.
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Crimson Echoes plothole discussion
« on: June 12, 2009, 07:00:38 pm »
Remember CGM's strengthman contest?
Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: Problems With Posting
« on: June 12, 2009, 01:50:31 pm »
Maybe a weird bug with the scroll wheel of your mouse or something.
Site Updates / Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 15
« on: June 12, 2009, 01:41:22 pm »Thank you for acknowledging Dalton's military past! I was starting to feel like the only one who believed he could do that. Oh one more thing, are we not suppose to know what KZ is planning? Because it's frustrating me to know WTF he wants or could possibly gain from all this.
Magus and Schala talked about KZ's mysterious motive in the Ioka reunion. Basically we don't know what his motive is at this point. We don't even know if he is lucid (as he claims at the Atash Kedah scene), acting as an agent of Lavos's last will through the Frozen Flame (as Belthasar thinks), or if the Frozen Flame has its own will.
You'll know it soon enough though, and you can probably already deduce what he wants if you make a list of everything he accomplished so far.
Site Updates / Re: CE Plot question
« on: June 12, 2009, 01:15:56 pm »....maybe it delayed the apocalypse and lavos will rise in Reptite Timeline 2999.
Or the Vision Serpent is a trojan for the will of Lavos, via the Frozen Flame, which would explain why the Dragon God ultimately returned to Lavos/TD upon its defeat in CC. Controling nature directly would be really useful for a creature that harvests DNAs.