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Messages - ZeaLitY

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Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Lucca's hemet and cameos?
« on: December 06, 2023, 11:18:53 pm »
This thread was gold. That guy posted this and rolled out permanently the same day. What Lavos do

Bizarre. I guess he himself was likely the one who locked it. We usually don't do that around here...

Gotta love, Krispin's name is still in that thread as a poster. Who even remembers RPGPlanet anymore? Or was it PlanetRPG? The GameSpy spin-off. I imagine we could all get smashed pretty quickly on drinks if we found ourselves in a room reminiscing about the Compendium.

That Cross remaster didn't do much for traffic here, no doubt because everything's on Discord these days. Which is still a step down. Discord's vulnerable like every other for-profit institution out there; the moment the plug is pulled, congratulations—decades of history will be instantaneously lost. It's also a nightmare to try and find anything of value there, since everything's a constant stream of consciousness chat. It irks me how much good research is shared on Hidden Palace/TCRF etc. that doesn't make it into the Wiki, because people just dump it on the Discord.

Chrono News / Re: Happy Chrono Holidays!
« on: December 16, 2022, 03:22:50 pm »
Just amazing. That human Glenn note -- was a standalone Glenn patch ever released? I forgot who was working on that...

Got it added to the Tutorial page.

The Great To-Do List / Re: Chrono Series Music Archive - Needed Items
« on: December 07, 2022, 05:28:24 pm »

Will delete after a length of time. Get it while it's hot.

And if you have any of the doujins in the needed list, definitely hook me up. There's a ton of stuff in that torrent that would've been lost forever if the Compendium hadn't preserved it 15 years ago.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Chrono Trigger Soundtrack Expansion
« on: December 07, 2022, 01:33:56 pm »
Oh man, incredible. Yeah, I will totally blast it on the front page. If you grab a couple screenshots of the plugin interface, that would be great. Just make a fresh topic somewhere and once I move it to the Site Updates forum, it will automatically appear.

The Great To-Do List / Re: Chrono Series Music Archive - Needed Items
« on: December 01, 2022, 11:20:07 pm »
I just want to say, fuck the doujin system.

"Let's put a ton of work into a remix CD, sell like, a handful of copies at the Japanese Comic-con, and then disafuckingpear"

"I want as few people as possible to hear what I've made"

"I won't even upload the shit to Youtube 10 years later"

Jesus christ. 90% of the lost media list up there = doujins. Some of the best game remixes I have come from doujins which we managed to find back in the 00s; who knows what's still out t here? Like come on! If you invest all that time making something, why not at least leak it to a streaming site or a torrent at some point in the future? Anything...such a stupid, stupid system.

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: Encyclopedia needs Editing
« on: November 25, 2022, 12:13:00 am »
Changed back to Shoda.

Site Updates / Massive Interview Update via DeepL
« on: November 24, 2022, 08:45:35 pm »
We have just completed using DeepL (where possible) to translate certain interviews. Please note, this doesn't include the majority of Chrono Trigger's Prerelease coverage, or V-Jump coverage (including its Dream Team Player's Guide interview), as DeepL has a hard time with vertical Japanese text. Check out Supporting Material Translation for what's been completed. A summary of juicy tidbits is below. If you've recently played Chrono Trigger DS, by the way, help us out with this question. Now, on to the findings...

[CT MYSTERY INTERVIEW]  The exterior of Magus's Lair and the Blackbird, as well as the Courtroom in Guardia Castle were all added after the expansion from 24 Mb to 32 Mb, as this enabled much more art and detail to be added to the game. Hironobu Sakaguchi possibly originated the sapling plot with Fiona's Forest.  [KEIZO KOKUBO 2008]  He explained that the Dream Team used an intricate debugger when testing Chrono Trigger's events (part of the Active Time Event Language), which, when a softlock occurred, would pinpoint which event was the last executed, and how many actors were waiting on further input.  [TORISHIMA 2016]  Where to begin? Torishima claims he arranged for Enix to lend Yuji Horii to Squaresoft for developing Chrono Trigger, and that he co-pioneered the basic concept of the game with Hironobu Sakaguchi as a fusion between Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. He also states that the first revision of the game did not see much involvement from Sakaguchi, who'd delegated it to staff; Sakaguchi later scrapped this revision and restarted development from scratch via his personal involvement after fearing Toriyama would be displeased. This story is extremely unlikely and farfetched, of course.  [MITSUDA XENOBLADE]  Mitsuda had a job doing sound effects for plays; his mentor worked for Enix. While flipping through a video game magazine, Mitsuda saw an ad for help wanted at Squaresoft, and his mentor encouraged him to apply. 

[2015 SHUESHIA]  Square ran a "Chrono Trigger Training Camp" in an opulent hotel in Roppongi Hills, allegedly to impress Yuji Horii. During the camp, Sakaguchi and Horii determined that an interplanetary parasite, Lavos, would be the final boss.  [2016 SAKAGUCHI]  FF6's development team was folded into Chrono Trigger's team after FF6's release, which caused rifts and disagreements between the groups. Sakaguchi's solution was to make the teams have an hour lunch together every day to build camaraderie.  [CT DEV TWEETS]  The floating glass platform screenshot from 1994 was planned for a location in antiquity, but was scrapped as they just could not get it to work correctly. ~~ Toriyama drew Marle casting fire magic because someone forgot to tell him that her powers are water/ice-based. ~~ Takashi Tokita took a personal interest in writing the resolution of Frog and Magus's enmity. ~~ "Grand Dream" was rejected as the name of the game due to copyright fears over a separate company whose names translates to Landream in Japan. ~~ In the earliest drafts of the story, the heroes are children from 1999 A.D. who disperse into different eras during the apocalypse, where they grow older and train to eventually defeat Lavos. It was planned to require the team to defeat Lavos simultaneously in all time periods.  [MITSUDA 2083]  While working on the music for Zeal, Mitsuda got into a massive argument with Kato in Kato's cubicle over the setup of a scene featuring Schala, which concluded with Mitsuda wadding up a piece of paper and throwing it at Kato. Kato claims he doesn't remember this encounter at all.

[1999 MITSUDA]  Mitsuda apparently tried to warn Masato Kato that he should save the Radical Dreamers ROM somehow, to preserve it for posterity after Satellaview stopped broadcasting. The team discussed adding it as a bonus to Chrono Cross, but did not for whatever reason.  [2010 MIWA IKUTA]  Miwa Ikuta wrote the Mirror of Whispers in Radical Dreamers, and mentioned that at least one magazine reviewer felt the mirror's story was beautifully sad.  [MITSUDA CC 20TH]  Lots of details about Scars of Time, including a chart of the song's progression.  [MITSUDA 2015 TO FAR AWAY TIMES]  For the arrange album, Mitsuda initially wanted to write a conclusion for Kid's story, which was left hanging at the end of Chrono Cross via the scenes showing her searching for Serge through time. (He's literally...RIGHT THERE, IN ARNI, IN 1020 A.D....AUGH). Unfortunately, the final lyrics shed virtually no light on either Kid or Serge's fate, except that they get together (which we already knew).  [MITSUDA AND KATO BRINK OF TIME]  Kato was crushed by the negative feedback to Chrono Cross; particularly, he did not understand the backlash against featuring so many characters, especially from fans who complained that multiple playthroughs were required to recruit them all. It soured him on being a video game designer for some time. Secondly, Mitsuda revealed that he had a lot of arguments with Kalta Ohtsuki and the other jazz musicians while recording the Chrono Trigger Brink of Time Jazz arrange album.

[CCDEMO SCRIPT]  NeoFio's prototype name was  改良ラブルー. The Quadffid dialogue portrait is a placeholder for Neo-Fio, and the Nu/Beach Bum portrait is a placeholder for Pip.  [MISSING PIECE]  Missing Piece states that the Acacia Dragoons were allied with Porre and presumably played a role in the Fall of Guardia. The "first time around" (before the Time Crash occurs, but after ''Chrono Trigger''), the Acacia Dragoons presumably would've stayed on the Zenan mainland (as they did in the continuity of Radical Dreamers), and still would have been fighting for Porre. Shifting gears, Tanaka and Kato revealed that for half of Chrono Cross's development, the default party was always Serge, Leena, and Mojo. Hiromichi Tanaka intervened to stop Mojo from being recruited so early, fearing that players would think the game is too quirky. Kato later commented that his preferred party is Serge, Mojo, and Starky.

[CROSS DEV TWEETS]  Not all of the character designs were done by Nobuteru Yuuki; Kato designed some characters, like Starky.  [2011 YOSHIYUKI MIYAGAWA]  He recounted that the deadline for Chrono Cross's development was too short, requiring Final Fantasy 8's team to be brought in two months before the Japanese release date to hurriedly finish the game. While proud of the game's art style, he did worry that it would be compared to doujinshi (fan-made works). Chrono Cross's programming became the basis for Final Fantasy 11's engine.  [CC ULTIMANIA PLOT]  You don't want to know. Apparently, any Arbiter can possibly merge with Lavos to become the Time Devourer; the Arbiter is supposed to heal conflict between lifeforms. How does this work with Lavos?! He's always going to destroy the planet and harvest humans' DNA after straight-up murdering them. What is there to mediate?! Ultimania also states that Home World's future reflects a future in which Serge merges with the Time Devourer, which makes zero sense (it hasn't happened yet, for one; for two, the Time Devourer threatens all time, not just Home World, and not just post-1999 A.D.). Sigh. I am done carrying water for Chrono Cross.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Question on a Magus line
« on: November 24, 2022, 12:28:58 am »
Does this appear in-game? I'm steadily going through CT Ultimania to see if they expand on any of the new areas, but so far, there's been no new info (not even on the "Space-Time Institute"). However, this appears in the Dream Devourer section.

太古にこの星に降り立ち、 未来に破滅の運命をもたら すラヴォスを、時空を超えて打ち倒し、 星がたどるはず の歴史を変える一我らがやろうとしているのは、つま りは選択の数だけ存在する可能性のひとつをつかみ取る 行為にすぎん。
ならば、 我らに選ばれなかった別の歴史は消え失せて しまうのか? そうではあるまい。 数かぎりなくわかれて いく無数の“可能性”の世界は、この世界とは次元のずれ た時空に重なり合って存在しつづけるだろう。 そこはラ ヴォスを止められなかった世界・・・・・・あるいは、 もっとや っかいな魔物に踏みにじられた世界もあるやもしれぬ。
そのいずれでも、 私は戦い、 あらがっているはずだ。 どれだけ過酷な運命のもとでも、かならず・・・・・・!


A world where more threats lie in wait.

What we are trying to do is merely to seize one of the many possibilities that exist, as many choices as there are.

So, will the other histories that were not chosen by us vanish? Not at all. The countless worlds of "possibilities" will continue to exist, overlapping in a time-space that is out of dimension with this world. There may be a world where Lavos could not be stopped ・・・・・・, or a world where he was trampled by a more dangerous monster.

In each of these worlds, I will fight and rise above. No matter how harsh the fate, I will always be there ・・・・・・!

I took a crack at

One of the posters is almost definitely describing the Prerelease prototype, so that probably settles that. But interestingly, it shows that the Prerelease may have first popped up after being dumped to a CD of Super Famicom games sold in Hong Kong.

I have to wonder how a normal user would play the games at this point, considering there weren't common emulators yet. I guess they would've had that actual SNES pirate hardware that the anti-theft SRAM checks were designed to detect.

Getting through more with DeepL. Shinichiro Okaniwa is zerohime524. This is in reference to the translucent floating world map. Sounds like it was meant for "antiquity" (12,000 B.C.)

ネットで見つけた古代編のボツマップ。ガラスでできた半透明の浮遊マップっていうお題が降ってきのですがSFCの仕様と当時の技量では全くもってムリでした。<Br />
— 524 (@zerohime524) 2017年4月21日<Br />

This is a rejected map of the ancient version that I found on the Internet. I was given the task of creating a translucent floating map made of glass, but with the SFC specifications and my skills at the time, I was completely unable to do it.

I've started going through things with DeepL as a stop-gap, but wanted to point out this Mystery Interview I saved from a Japanese Geocities site untold years ago (maybe I'll discover it's from one of the magazines you've scanned).

The first third has them discussing the active time event system, and Aoki seems to reference the Manoria Cathedral Goon scenario. The bottom third has Kato and some others talking about what was added after the 24 to 32 megabytes decision. DeepL really struggled there, but it's clear that the elaborate courtroom graphics, the intro to Magus's castle, and the Blackbird (which part?) were added after the increase in ROM size.

It's November! The buzz around the Radical Dreamers Edition may be slowly dying down, but we've got a massive update covering all three games and more. This update will be followed by the great DeepL renaissance (covering interviews), and afterwards, an update for the albums and doujins section of the encyclopedia. The dream of Zeal is alive!

[TRIGGER]  Reld has produced some insanely detailed scans of Chrono Trigger art, now happily on our Official Art page. Seriously, this is the best resolution we've ever had these in; find them in the V-Jump section.  [PRERELEASE]  Reld has also scanned a ton of new magazine coverage and has also made several new comparisons of different areas during CT's development. Head to this post to catch up on everything!  [GENDAI PLUS]  Vehek found an episode of Gendai Plus with a section showing some work on Chrono Trigger, including the tile editor for the exterior of Magus's lair, as well as possible proposed titles for the game. Find it here; we need someone who understands spoken Japanese to translate, if you're feeling charitable!

And now, some other odds and ends from the new material...  [SECRET HD SCENE]  There is a secret credits scene if one beats Chrono Cross and Radical Dreamers; see the transcription here (thanks to AcaciaSgt). It appears to confirm that Guile is Magus with his memories erased, although it's, as expected, written so vague as to almost be useless. It's a shame that this is all Square could muster to close out some of the canon's questions.  [AE and FFBE TRAILERS]  All have been mirrored on the Compendium here[AE, FFBE, AND RD ART]  Art from Square's Twitter and Another Eden's other press releases has been added to the Chrono Cross (Official Art) page. Sprite art from Final Fantasy Brave Exbius has been added as well (thanks to AcaciaSgt).  [MUSIC VIDEOS]  The music videos for the Radical Dreamers Edition of Chrono Cross can be downloaded here.

Interviews abound!  [KATO Q&A]  Kato, Mitsuda, and Yuuki did a Q&A for a while on Twitter. Vehek graciously saved all the responses, translated with DeepL and viewable here. Unfortunately, the majority of the answers are deeply unsatisfying, with a handful outright contradicting prior canon. Join the sad discussion here. The encyclopedia has been updated here and there accordingly.  [DEV COMMENTS]  Masato Kato, Yasunori Mitsuda, Hiromichi Tanaka, and Nobuteru Yuuki all left comments on release day, explaining the light polishing work they did on the remaster. Check them out here[AE INTERVIEW]  Kato did another interview for Famitsu before Complex Dream debuted; find it here. The only interesting detail is that at one point, Serge was going to be able to recruit Mojo and Poshul both before meeting Leena, before Hiromichi Tanaka intervened.  [SAKAMOTO]  Producer Koichiro Sakamoto was also interviews, describing some of the technical challenges of the remaster; find it here.

[RADICAL DREAMERS]  RainOnMars has ripped and given us the full script to the official translation of Radical Dreamers, in all languages presented! This is an incredible contribution. Download it here[ANALYSIS]  A read-through of the script revealed two gems missed in the original fan translation. First, Lynx wants Lucca's Time Egg to correct certain mistakes in the past (by combining its power with the Frozen Flame); this tidbit about his motivation was previously omitted. Second, it's clarified that Kid was asked by Lucca to bury the Frozen Flame in Marle's grave, not in Crono's grave. It's also explained that Lucca's "mates" were married, but died shortly after, which apparently confirms that Crono/Marle both survived Chrono Trigger, but died in the Fall of Guardia (whereas we previously thought that Radical Dreamers came from a timeline where Crono wasn't revived). This also confirms that Kid's Time Egg is not THE Chrono Trigger, which would've been previously used to revive Crono; rather, it's likely an incomplete Time Egg made by Lucca, analogous with her ability to create them in Chrono Cross. Lastly, the script does indeed clarify that the Frozen Flame (called "the stone" in Kid's recollection) is what took pity on her, didn't want her to die, and de-aged her and sent her to the modern age as a baby to be found by Lucca. Why does Lavos/the Frozen Flame suddenly show pity on her? Who fucking knows?! Alas, woe that these plot revelations have only spurred more questions!

[CHRONO CROSS]  AcaciaSgt compiled all the character bios released by Square leading up to the HD remaster; find them here. They'll also be added to the encyclopedia. Some revelations are that Glenn was indeed named after Frog; General Viper earned his title while fighting in wars on the continent; Turnip is the continued life of a soldier who perished in the Dead Sea in Home World; Leah indeed is from 65,000,000 B.C.; and more. Many thanks for compiling.  [WEAPONS]  Beach Bum wrote a guide on the arduous process of getting a sorted weapons list in Chrono Cross's inventory; check it out here. We've also added it to the encyclopedia under Features.  [ENDING ENIGMA]  Morao has posted some ideas about how the bogus Kid rumors started for the Chrono Cross programmer's ending; check out the list here[STARKY]  Reliable as ever, AcaciaSgt has delivered the goods on what Starky's mini-quest reveals in Another Eden (written by Masato Kato). Apparently, Starky's home planet was destroyed by a member of Lavos's species, causing his race to depart across the galaxy to find another planet to terraform. The party must defeat his manager's terraforming equipment, as well as a transformed version of his manager who uses Lavos energy (as channeled through the still-corrupted Masa and Mune) to grow in size and power. Sadly, the last update came out a few months ago, so we're unsure if more Chrono Cross characters are on the way.  [S.O.T.]  PowerPanda has begun a retelling of Chrono Cross to address its flaws (such as having too many characters, and losing the plot as the game goes on). Check it out here; it's already generating some buzz!

[CT+]  Chrono Trigger + has been updated to version 2.5.2; grab it here[BATTLE THEME]  PowerPanda has innovated a way via ASM to control (based on your story progress) which default battle theme plays in Chrono Trigger. Check out the tutorial here[TURKISH CT]  The Hot Coffee Turkish translation of Chrono Trigger has updated to version 0.7; find it here[CT DS]  G-bit has released a small patch for Chrono Trigger DS that changes "Fiends" back to "Mystics", with some other minor graphical tweaks included; grab it here[TUTORIAL]  TheMage completed a tutorial on decompressing tilesets; find it here.

[CROSS FONT]  Dabitto has found a way to restore the old-style Chrono Cross fonts in the Radical Dreamers edition; check here[CROSS 60FPS]  Marcelo20XX tried overclocking ePSXe's Cross emulation to 240% to get 60fps gameplay, but this causes softlocks due to the 09 opcode in the fieldscript. Head to this thread if you have any ideas for workarounds. I suspect, based on a certain mod at the Chrono Cross Nexus, that he's found a solution since then.  [ENCYC]  Other encyclopedia updates for new notes: [ Offset 2535 ]

[MUSIC SAMPLES]  A better sample list for game music has been launched at this link, now featuring Chrono Cross! We've saved a backup to the Compendium and are hosting the link on the Music page in the encyclopedia.  [ORANGEC] OrangeC has completed more Chrono Trigger restorations via finding the original samples used in the game! [ Secret of the Forest ][ Boss Battle 2 ][ Battle with Magus ][ Schala's Theme ][ Epoch ~ Wings that Cross Time ][ Remains of the Factory ]

OCREMIX  [ Joyful Forest by RebeccaETripp et. al. ][ Neons of Time by Neon X ][ Presdestination by ABG ][ Protector in Green by MkVaff ][ The Secret was Clarinet by Multiplayer Big Band ][ Vision of Hades by RebeccaETripp ]  DWELLING OF DUELS  [ Burned to the Death by Development of Avoid ][ Johnny B. Fool' by Unknown Pseudoartist ][ Battle with Magus by BadHairlineProductions ][ Ayla, Queen of the Prehistoric Age by Sly ][ Is Loscann É by Na Daoine Laghairt, et. al. ][ Final Confrontation by Ian Martyn ]

DOD Mitsuda Month  [ Run to Forever by Ivan Hakštok ][ Chrono Trigger Warning by BadHairLine Productions, et. al. ][ A Synonym for Death by minusworld, p4p3r ][ Khrono Kong by Biggoron, Newmajoe ][ A Vow of Wind and Dreams by Triple B Music et. al. ][ Corrido of Time by Hat, Surbhu Samdani ][ Go! Go! Shin Gato Robo by Jett Swole ][ Policing my Dreams by Shea's Violin, Baron ][ Deep Blue by Maldivir Dragonwitch ][ Scars of Time (Broken Memories Will Mend)' by Mule Parking, et. al. ][ Big Black Omen by CRGuitar ][ u]Corridors of Time - This Really Isn't a Paradise[/u] by Ian Martyn ][ Before, In Those Peaceful Days by valence ][ Cafe of Time by Luna Rabbit ][ u]Whispers of the Wind[/u] by Cyril the Wolf ][ Beyond, a Far Green Country by Newmasonic, evilsonic, Newmajoe ][ Arc Impulse by Unknown Pseudoartist, et. al. ][ Radical Dreamer by celtzcaneddie ][ Wind Scene by Izzy ][ Undersea Palace (This Goth Club Endeavor)' by ButcherShoppe ][ No Bone Roomies ][ Can't Help Feeling at Peace by cacomistle ][ Wait for Slurp by Biggoron ][ Requiem - Dream Shore by celtzcaneddie ][ Epilogue - To Good Friends by Ian Martyn ][ A Synonym for Death (Instrumental) by minusworld, p4p3r ][ Er...Hu Is Schala by Shea's Violin ][ You knew It Was Coming by Unknown Pseudoartist, Newmajoe ][ Frogificator by Unknown Pseudoartist, et. al. ][ Lavos Delaverno (Big Fire of Hell) by Unknown Pseudoartist ][ KazooNo Trigger by zeonicfreak ]

FAN ART  [ Chrono Cross Wallpaper (Updated) by Beach Bum ][ No Komodo Is Safe by Tirion ][ Chrono Trigger Poster by DanjisDesign ]

Last but not least, we are indebted to many contributors for combing the entire Internet and finding all the material that we've gathered here. We have new Gurus! We would like to extend our thanks to Reld (Life) for finding and scanning prerelease coverage with incredible quality, plus making comparison images illuminating the development of Chrono Trigger; to PowerPanda (Time) for blowing open Chrono Trigger music hacking (including the recent developments of ASM hacking different battle themes by map or era); to Zakyrus (Time) for the numerous Temporal Flux videos; and lastly, to AcaciaSgt (Reason), for steadfastly keeping track of the tons of random content that flooded the world with the Radical Dreamers Edition. We also have to thank Vehek for gathering the Q&A transcriptions, along with several others (glennxserge, inuksuk, IHBP, Mauron, grobycftw, TheMage, Sailor Phantom, itoikenza, Beach Bum, MrBekkler, tirion, trig and the old usual suspects I'm recalling as I type this) for keeping things alive. The RDE brought a lot of old faces back temporarily, including Radical_Dreamer!

Got it. Okay, yeah, LabX8 put a ton of Overlord issues on their wanted list, so that must be it.

I feel guilty for being disappointed that Video Game Densetsu is still updating, since that means I can't upload the V-Jump Koryaku-hon world maps they did yet (the claymation-looking ones). Alas, I'll keep them in deep storage.

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