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Messages - xcalibur

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Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« on: July 19, 2018, 02:41:21 pm »
I'm not sure if it's worth updating just to cover that. I'll wait for more info for the time being.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Easter eggs/cool stuff
« on: July 19, 2018, 02:35:27 pm »
Also, until yesterday I had never noticed how counterattacks sometimes cause odd behavior when they kill an enemy, despite the fact that I almost always have Ayla in my team and equipped with the Rage Band or FrenzyBand. Details in this thread.
the Bantam Imp thread inspired this one. I thought about piggybacking off that thread, but decided to post a new one.

In the room with the Guardian boss fight, if you press X, some enemies will appear to fight you. If your timing is good, this can be done in the intro sequence too.
this has to be some kind of beta test feature that was left in.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Easter eggs/cool stuff
« on: July 18, 2018, 11:18:36 am »
Working on battle sound fx led to me mucking around in the game, and even after many years and playthroughs, I still made a few discoveries.

If you return to the Middle Ages after defeating Magus:
• the people of Guardia Castle express their gratitude for helping them win the human-mystic war, and if you bring Frog, you get special dialogue.
• over in Manoria Cathedral, there's a nun (real, not fake) who gives you encouraging words.

Pardon me if this was posted before, I just wanted to share with all. I thought I had known all the details of the game, so it was really cool to find something new.

Other points of interest which are probably known:
• Singing Mountain (it's unfortunate this wasn't included, it always bothered me that the east side of the continent in prehistory was empty)
• the unused dungeon under the Blue Pyramid
• the unused cutscene accessed via Schala's room
• You can introduce your party members to Chrono's Mom. If you visit her while Chrono is gone, your characters lie about the situation, and Bottom of the Night plays.

If you've got more easter eggs or details to discuss, feel free to post em. This thread can be a repository for any and all obscure content.

General Discussion / Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« on: July 16, 2018, 06:39:26 am »
No data loss, but I lost all my programs. I do have multiple drives, but they aren't mirrored or anything. Drive 2 is all my video for streaming through Plex.
I guess that means it'll take awhile before you examine those unused sounds.


technical difficulties suck, hopefully this will get worked out. redundancy is key, and it's easier than ever to make backups with the cloud, flash drives, etc.

I too look up etymologies, especially with There's a whole web of meaning to be discovered underneath the words we use.

According to this chart
English vocabulary is a mix of latin, french, old english, norse, greek, and a variety of other sources.

Language is shaped by history, and you can see that in etymology. For example, the Norman conquest introduced many French words to English, but only in certain contexts relating to the conquerors. Words such as government, crown, etc are from French. The word 'beef' comes from French, while 'cow' comes from Old English; this is because the native English would raise the cows, while the Normans would eat the beef. The plural -s comes from French, and became dominant, with a few exceptions: children, oxen, brethren. These words, closely related to peasant life and family, retained the -en plural from Old English.

To give an example of Greek influence, the Hellenic city-state was known as a 'polis'. From this root, we get: politics, policy, police, metropolitan, and so on.

As for the word religion, I believe it comes from the latin roots 're-' (backwards, again) and 'ligare' (to bind). Thus, religion binds you to past tradition.

Of course, other languages contain layers of meaning too. From studying Japanese and learning kanji, I've become familiar with how Chinese characters work. Each character is made out of radicals, or components. There are 216 radicals in total (although less than half of those are common) which are used to construct all the thousands of characters. The radicals also provide you with meaning and pronunciation in an intuitive manner. In this way, the cumbersome task of learning the characters becomes somewhat easier by identifying radicals and taking their cues. For example, the character for language/go has the 'speech' radical (consisting of a mouth with lines coming out), and another 'mouth' radical. Thus, speech from multiple mouths is a language (it also has the number 5 as a radical, which is pronounced the same way: go). Another example is the character for autumn/aki, which has the 'two-branch tree' radical and the 'fire' radical. So when leaves turn red, orange, and yellow, when trees are the color of fire, it's autumn; downright poetic imo. Then there's the character for teaching/doctrine, which has radicals for old, young, and strike/whip; invoking the imagery of a teacher smacking a kid with a ruler. The 'foolishness' character combines the 'wisdom' and 'sickness' radicals. There are many other examples.

Human languages are fascinating to delve into.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« on: June 27, 2018, 02:22:49 am »
I'd be interested in learning more about that, and any other 'unused' sounds which might be used. even if they're in unused techs, I can still elaborate with that info (like in the layer 3 section).

the ride never ends.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« on: June 26, 2018, 05:53:34 am »
I beg your pardon, just one more thing. I'll need the layer 3 packets section updated with the fixed-width version, provided below:

2C: 54, D0......unused enemy tech 5E (electric ring/flash, non-elemental magic attack)
38: B6 x3, 77...boss breakdown
40: B6 x2, B7...large boss breakdown
48: D7..........Super Volt
5F: D3..........Spire
82: C3 x3.......Dark Eternal
86: runs away

it can stay the same version, since this is just an aesthetic fix. hopefully you don't mind.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« on: June 23, 2018, 03:59:17 am »
thank you! maybe this is finally done, but who knows. I tried to get it right the first time, only to make a bunch of updates like everyone else. I approach every undertaking with work ethic and attention to detail, and this is no exception. the complexity of a seemingly simple 16 bit game made this a challenge.

btw, here's an informal changelog, to the best of my recollection:

1.1: added newly discovered contexts for sounds which I had thought were only used in one place (4B, 5D);
new recipes (boss breakdowns, Lock/can't use techniques, etc) bringing the total to 64;
expanded the additional info under Appendix with a couple more entries (in particular, I wanted to flesh out 91, since the cyclone sound is used by several party techs, as well as two enemy techs that I'm aware of).

1.2: the addition of the layer 3 packets section;
removed layer 3 packets from the main list (because I couldn't include them consistently);
labelled the additional info subsection under Appendix;
improved the formula and placed it atop the main list;
minor changes (eg changing a comma to a semicolon for 03).

1.21: style/organization: only major section titles are in ALL CAPS, subsection titles are only Capitalized;
fixed 'level 3' typo, changing all mentions to 'layer 3'.

1.22: info added on mystery layer 3 tech;
change to introduction (iirc removing the formula, leaving it only above main list).

1.23: minor changes. rewrote the description of the Appendix in the intro;
added an etc to D0 (to indicate that it's used in other contexts besides Rainbow, namely Dalton summoning fail and the mystery layer 3 tech);
improved the description of the aforementioned mystery tech to 'electric ring/flash'.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« on: June 14, 2018, 02:53:41 pm »
made a few minor changes (to intro, main list, and layer 3). updated to 1.23

I've delved into philosophy, as well as history, religion, science, and other topics seeking answers. While I learned alot, no one seems to have it all figured out.

I don't mean to romanticize past societies, either. Strict hierarchies and circumscribed roles can be confining and oppressive, not just for the peasants but also those higher up (eg Marle chafing against her royal obligations). There are pros and cons to both freedom and duty. Duty can be repressive, but it also provides a reliable structure. Freedom gives you choice and agency, but it can also create a sense of drift and aimlessness.

I've thought about this. I believe modern industrial/technological civilization tends to have an alienating effect on its participants.

I've wondered this myself. In the "olden days" (take that however far back in time you wish), people were quite literally almost always confined to the towns/communities they were born into. This, of course, changed with the advent of communication. It likewise increases the literal scope of connectivity, but limits the alienating effects of those who fall within.

Currently absorbing 5 Centimetres Per Second, which is my favorite (but the least watched) film by Makoto Shinkai. The literal beauty of the film is superb; it's able to capture the beauty of every day living, but my god is it harsh on the spirit. It's just... too true to life. People come and go.

I wrote the original post and felt a need to help further capture this feeling. Sometimes I do that. This film was it (for tonight, at least).

it's true, many people used to spend their lives in a given community/tribe/city-state/etc. modern technology has made it easier to connect in some ways, but breaks down social bonds in others.

however, it goes much further than this. past societies had an overarching conception of life: ideas, values, purpose, and hierarchy in which everyone knew where they stood in relation to the grander scheme of things.

in Egypt, there were pharoahs, pyramids, hieroglyphs, and myths of the afterlife, all intended to enforce a hierarchy and purpose.
Ancient Rome had roads, aqueducts, theaters, baths, coliseums, and (at first) a republican form of government, all in pursuit of the Good Life.
Medieval Europe had cathedrals, universities, a unified Church, and a culture of chivalry, which sought to glorify the Christian religion by all means and get people to Heaven.
Classical China was a stable agricultural empire, governed by scholar-bureaucrats who passed examinations on Confucian social philosophy, for the purpose of maintaining a stable and harmonious society through enlightened leadership and moral example.

I could keep going, but you get the point. the typical person in these societies was given a place and purpose in an idea larger than themselves, which could be relied upon. in modern industrial society, what is our larger idea? there's free trade and pursuit of wealth, hedonistic pleasure seeking, and there's enlightenment-era political philosophy encompassing democracy and the Constitution. Those count for something, but is it enough?

There's a relative lack of stable purpose and ideals in modern life, which leads to many people finding themselves adrift, unsure of who they're supposed to be or what they're supposed to do. This leads to anomie, as well as attraction to extreme ideologies and cults, which have flourished in recent history. I believe many people experience a sense of drift and anomie in modern life, often without knowing what it is. I think that directly relates to this thread.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« on: June 04, 2018, 12:50:33 am »
interesting. it might've been intended for the Mother Brain sidequest or the Black Omen, but who knows.

updated to 1.22 with that info and a change to the introduction.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« on: June 04, 2018, 12:02:59 am »
that's true.

not to nitpick, but the layer 3 subsection isn't formatted properly. there's also an issue with the first formula given in the intro (the second on the main list is fine).

can you find any more info on enemy tech 5E, ie what sort of attack it was or where it was intended to be used? tia

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« on: June 03, 2018, 08:57:50 am »
 :? fixed. I don't know why my brain did that. At least it wasn't as bad as when I listed the Winged Ape enemy as Primeape, which is a pokemon. that was easily my silliest mistake, even worse than overlooking Zombor's attack.

interesting. I'll update that if you can find more info.

I've thought about this. I believe modern industrial/technological civilization tends to have an alienating effect on its participants.

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