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Messages - Enigma Outlaw

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General Discussion / Re: Question about SNES emulators
« on: May 21, 2009, 12:58:12 am »
Well I wasn't asking where I could get the ROMs themselves or for links. Anyone with a basic knowledge of the net can find them. The primary question was what the best one was and what to look out for when downloading them such as what may tip me off if the ROM was actually a virus, ect. Pretty much my primary purpose is going to be to get the games I actually own so that in the unlikely case someone rained hell on me then I'd be able to show them the original game and the busted SNES.

General Discussion / Question about SNES emulators
« on: May 20, 2009, 09:54:09 pm »
Well in the past if I wanted to play a SNES game I'd just dust my old one off. However years ago the system took a fall that cracked the connector on the back for the AC adapter making it a time bomb that would eventually not work. Even so I still got about another 5 years of life out of it and finally after 16 years my SNES has bit the dust. Not really a problem for me as far as CT is concerned since I have the DS version now but there's plenty of games I can't play now so I'm finally going to go ahead and get an emulator. I just was mainly wondering what the best one was and what things I should look out for or know prior to downloading ROMs. Any help I can get I'd be very thankful for since I know jack shit about this topic :lol:

Site Updates / Re: C&D: Director's Response
« on: May 20, 2009, 05:59:28 am »
I don't mean to stir things up further, but what do you mean by "get 4Chan in on this"? Isn't 4Chan just a site with lulz images?

To keep it short let's just say 4Chan is famous for more than lulz, cat pics and Rick Rolling. From my understanding they've also got a rep for having a fair share of hackers/assholes and have been known to really make life hell for people they deem deserving. Some of the pranks they claim to have pulled can range from harmless (Rick Rolling is said to have started there) to downright mean and damaging (such as this C&D).

As I said before it's tempting but they like chaos. Either they would see him as a huge jerk or a hero. Plus they don't like to be anyone's "army" for revenge. If 4Chan ever did get wind of this and started something then there's no telling what could happen. Dealing with them is like opening Pandora's Box. Something good may or may not come out of it but in the end someone is still getting fucked.

Once again it's tempting but it's far from worth it :-/

Site Updates / Re: C&D: Director's Response
« on: May 20, 2009, 04:01:40 am »
Man now I'm really pissed. Everything about this is now coming together in such a way that I personally see almost no way of this being fake. To quote a great scene from Spaceballs:

Dark Helmet-Who is he?
Colonel Sandurz-He's an Asshole sir.
Dark Helmet-I know that but what's his name?
Colonel Sandurz-That is his name sir! Major Asshole.

I too am almost tempted to get 4Chan in on this but as we all know they thrive on chaos and that has nearly as much potential for blowing up in our face as it does for making his internet live hell. In any event I want to hear Faust's (or anyone else close to the project) thoughts on this matter in light of the new info. Plain and simple this was a set up. Granted at the end of the day the chances are not in our favor for the release of CE but one would think in light of this that at the very least presenting this info to Square Enix might get them off the Compendium's back and keep them from doing further legal action.

Site Updates / Re: C&D: Director's Response
« on: May 19, 2009, 02:46:25 am »
While I agree that the e-mail is both disturbing yet at the same time a possible hoax do bear one thing in mind. It would be one thing if the name was misspelled as something such as Neal. However adding a second "l" really isn't that much of a typo. I think we've all typed a letter one too many times at least once in our lives and didn't catch it until after the fact. However considering the timing of everything I'm going to lean towards that being a real e-mail for the very fact that I'd imagine it would take Square Enix a few weeks to investigate. Besides didn't Zeality say he was getting internet stalked about a week before the C&D came out?

One thing I am sure about is this. No matter which way that letter falls that person is an ass. If it's fake then he's an ass for making light of what I feel has been a stressful situation for both the CE team and the fans on the Compendium. If it's real then he's an ass for starting this in the first place and dragging your good names through the mud.

In short he's just an asshole :P

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Dalton and the Blackbird
« on: May 16, 2009, 08:29:18 am »
The funny thing is when some people try to argue gameplay rules and mechanics as being the reason why Dalton shouldn't have been able to win assuming Crono, Marle and possibly Lucca were present during the battle resulting in the Fall of Guardia. You can't just go ahead and say things like "Crono would blast them all with Luminare! END OF STORY!" That's like saying "Cloud should have used a Phonix Down on Aries when Sephiroth attacked her!" Bottom line is outside of a battle system anything goes. Even the most seasoned warrior can lose a battle if the opponent can get in a lucky hit, catch them off guard, fight them after they were seriously injured, ect.

The Fall of Guardia still has many unanswered questions such as what happened to Crono and Marle, why did Porre attack, ect. What we do know is that Kato did hint a long time ago that a source outside the normal flow of time is what resulted in the fall. Dalton's lines in CTDS seem to confirm that the mystery man in that cut scene who's shadow strangely looks like Dalton could have very well indeed been Dalton. And while I doubt a Blackbird like machine would have been possible in Zenan around 1005 AD we do know that there is other technology avalible as shown early game with the Dragon Tank, Lucca's ablilty to make guns, energy based pistols and other machines, ect. In my mind it doesn't matter if Dalton had the know how to engineer the Blackbird/build it from the original blueprints. At the end of the day Zeal was FAR more advanced than any city or nation in 1000 AD so it stand's likely that even if he wasn't great with machines he'd at least know enough to help possibly make something Porre could use in the war. As someone else said it would be like one of us going back in time 100-200 years. I'm no genius but I'm fairly decent with some handguns. If I went back in time to a period that still used flintlocks and if I had the right materials I'd bet I could teach them how to make a revolver with what I do know.

The bottom line is like it or not either directly or indirectly Dalton was the one who crushed Guardia. He was the one with the bone to pick with Crono, Marle and Lucca and at the end of the day while he can appear somewhat foolish and sure as hell isn't Belthasar he is far more dangerous than he appears and with 1000 AD tech could most likely do some damage. The only way we will know anything for sure is when Chrono Break is finally announced.

Crazy how one little anime version of the scene can cause so much confusion. I've always felt it was the pendant myself since that makes the most sense. You'd think that Bird Studios would get that right and not make it so confusing. They also get a double dose of WTF? since it's Akira Toriyama's company and all. At the very least I'd figure THEY would know what the hell is going on in the scene. Of course then again in AT's defense he didn't write any of it did he?

Polling / Re: Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« on: May 16, 2009, 06:48:43 am »
Heh....already see some good ones and some crazy ones but this one.....
Dalton-Conan O'Brien?!
For the love of all that is good in this world not him! It's already bad enough that Leno is leaving the Tonight Show and being replaced by that humorless turd. Nothing good can come from Conan O'Brian!
(And while I understand it's a joke it still scares the shit out of me :P)

I do like DeVito as Ozzie however. That one seems to fit wonderfully in my mind when I try to put his voice to Ozzie's lines ^_~

Polling / Who would you cast in a Chrono movie?
« on: May 16, 2009, 06:04:51 am »
Out of boredom I figured I'd post that good old question that eventually seems to pop up on all anime/video game sites. If they were to do a CT movie who would you cast in what role?

This'll by far be far from a full list from me since all I'd do is populate it with LotR actors and far too many obvious choices or popular names but one guy that I could truely see as either Gasper or Melchior would be Ian McKellen. As for Dalton I'd say James Marsters (Spike from Buffy and Piccolo from the god awful Dragon Ball movie). Spike's nature in that series usually had those comic relief moments yet he could still be a menace which is exactly what would be needed to play Dalton.

In any case what do you guys think? I always find these kinds of topics intresting so I'm eager to see what you guys say ^_~

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: CT:DS Sales Numbers
« on: May 16, 2009, 05:22:34 am »
Soldier: "Dalton Sir, I come with bad news"
Now I'm imagining Dalton's voice is the same as Skeletor or Megatron...! >_>

Funny.....for me I'm hearing Darth Vader since he says that line word for word just

In any case I don't know when that site was last updated but if those numbers are recent then the Euro sales have been piss poor. Only 50K sold. The biggest complaint of Euro gamers on that website is that it's only avalible in English over there. I can see where that may hurt. In any case if those numbers do happen to be up to date then CTDS is only 100K shy of 1 million. In contrast any idea what the total sales of the original SNES version and the PSX versions were?

Site Updates / Re: C&D: Director's Response
« on: May 16, 2009, 04:47:15 am »
So as not to beat a dead horse once more I'll make this quick. In regards to Glenn27 I'll say again. If you were in their shoes could you possibly handle the potential of up to $150K in fines, plus court costs and possible jail time? If your answer is yes then apprently you've got bigger balls then all of

This seems to be the one thing people who are shouting "RELEASE IT!" are missing. Sure you may regret not putting it out after working on it so long but the regrets are going to be much bigger when your more than likely broke and/or in prison.

Anyway grats on the story hopping the pond guys. Wish I was fluent in Japanese so I could help out too. I think the idea was tossed around in one of the many topics already but can someone fluent perhaps try to contact that big Japanese game mag Famisu? (at least I think that's what they are called)

If not them then try someone else. Someone that may actually hold influence with either a big mag or gaming site or even god willing someone like Akira Toriyama ^_~

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: BEST ARRANGEMENT EVER
« on: May 16, 2009, 02:13:36 am »
Got an awesome remix for you guys ^_~
That one combines the Home World map music from CC with Schala's Theme from CT. One of the better ones I've heard.

I think you've gotta take the anime sequences with a grain of salt...They're just barely canon at all as far as I'm concerned...

Granted the scene where Crono gets the blasted into nothing by Lavos is debatable but one needs to remember that Bird Studios is Akira Toriyama's animation company. If you can find me a color drawing of Janus by AT where his eye color is NOT green I may have to conceed on this one. However this does need to be said again. Granted many people have green eyes and blue is a common hair color in anime and manga. However the combination of blue hair and green eyes along with so many other similar things between these two characters leads me to believe we are looking at a very possible retcon in the near future.

Site Updates / Re: Cease & Desist Letter
« on: May 15, 2009, 04:33:18 am »
Hehe, my god, that is enlightening. I for one thought Dragon Quest was lesser known than Final Fantasy

Well the only reason why Final Fantasy has outsold Dragon Quest worldwide is because DQ was never very big here in the states. In Japan the DQ series is a bigger seller overall than FF. In fact if you want to know how big that series is in Japan consider this. When a new FF comes out it's just a normal day. When a new DQ comes out it will sometimes effectively shut work down because people will be calling out and waiting hours in line to get it. It's damn near a national holiday whenever a new DQ is released.

As I said before Final Fantasy ranks high because it has always had worldwide numbers to back it up. As of 2007 FF sold about 80 million worldwide. Dragon Quest never was big in the US until the more recent games. In Japan DQ is the third best selling game series of all time coming behind only the Mario series and the Pokémon series. Worldwide numbers for DQ are about 47 million. Here's the shocker......43 out of 47 million were in Japan alone. A few years back one of the big Japanese video game mags did a Top 100 list for their 20th anniversary issue. While FF10 and FF7 were 1st and 2nd respectively the DQ series had 8 games on that list and every single one was in the top 35 with DQ3 and DQ8 taking 3rd and 4th.

As for why no new Chrono here's the main issue. It's not a matter of Enix is in control and has no love for the series. The problem is everyone is off doing their own thing and several of the people involved with Chrono Trigger have said that for them to do another Chrono that most of the key members would need to be involved. Last I heard Sakaguchi was still tied up and busy with FF11 and Mitsuda has pretty much said it's a matter of politics. Mitsuda has also gone on to say that Kato has to be on board if a new game were to be made. Personally the way I read that is no Kato=no Mitsuda.

Ok this post has admitedly been slightly off topic so I leave you on this note:
The Better Business Bureau has graded Square Enix as being a C+.....not exactly 100% horrible but not a shining ray of light either :-/

Site Updates / Re: Cease & Desist Letter
« on: May 14, 2009, 08:27:20 pm »
In regards to the guy who translated some Japanese Squaresoft games in the 90's and wound up getting invited over as opposed to burned at the stake I may be able to shed some light on that. When that happened the company as he said was still SS. However when they merged with Enix to become Square Enix it was actually Enix that became the parent company if I'm not mistaken. It's kinda how we now have Activision Blizzard and yet the parent company is Blizzard. Some of their titles are still made under the old Activision label for simply the fact that people know the name but for all intents and purposes Guitar Hero is made by Blizzard.

What does this mean? Simply this: with Enix in control of Square it's a different group of people you are dealing with. As a result they may not be as easygoing as the Squaresoft of old. Hence the C&D.

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