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Messages - Uboa

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I'm new here, but I've already been working on what I feel is a really good fanfic based on Magus' transition to the Magil character in Radical Dreamers.  Thing is it's a crossover with Metroid, and I'm not sure if that's allowed here as everything I've seen is pretty purist.   

I'll post it for people to give a look-see.  Just thought I'd post an initial disclaimer.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Welcome, welcome!
« on: March 05, 2009, 11:44:23 am »
Hi, I'm a newcomer here.  I watched a radical dreamers playthrough the other day and got eerily in touch with my inner Chrono geek.  I'm also working on what will hopefully be a pretty rad fanfic. 

I guess I'll be posting -- just thought I'd start by saying hi in the designated "hi" thread.

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