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Messages - Uboa

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General Discussion / Re: Official Apologies Thread (For Anyone)
« on: March 16, 2010, 12:32:43 am »
I was about to post this in the "Record of Right-Wing Crazy" thread, but then remembered it would go against the purpose of that thread.  So:

Somebody's gotta be kidding here. It's days like this when I wish it were April 1.

This upsets me, too.  The more I think about it, the more I read about it, and the more I'm reminded of it, the more ashamed of my state I become.  On behalf of all Texans who can't stand this nonsense, I'm sorry that our state is setting such a backward trend.

Just remember: "Magus" is prounounced "Magus"!

^That sounds like a good Compendium slogan candidate.

Welcome, B!  (How's that?)  Wow, looks like you have a lot of aspirations and neat hobbies!  In light of that, I'm curious as to whether you've checked out the Springtime of Youth section of the forums yet. 

General Discussion / Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« on: March 14, 2010, 11:23:17 pm »
I found myself crying while listening to the end of "These Hopeful Machines" -- the A side.  What a production.  I really do love Bt... 

General Discussion / Re: The Record of Right-Wing Crazy
« on: March 12, 2010, 10:54:28 pm »
“I reject the notion by the left of a constitutional separation of church and state,” said David Bradley, a conservative from Beaumont who works in real estate. “I have $1,000 for the charity of your choice if you can find it in the Constitution.”

(From the NY Times article Josh linked above.)

General Discussion / Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« on: March 10, 2010, 06:16:59 am »
Reading through this last page, I was a little surprised to see my name being mentioned so much, as I do not know how much of what you guys are attributing to me is actually attributable to me.  At any rate, perhaps I can raise a point or two worth considering here...

For the time being I do not have a whole lot that I would like to add, save that I want to briefly segue back to where this emergent debate began.  That is, with Z's remarks about a potential legal fiction being scripted with regard to the personhood of a fetus, in such cases where the undesired death of an unborn child causes great pain and suffering to other persons.  From what little I've read about legal fictions, creation of one which bestows personhood upon a fetus would be quite a dangerous maneuver where the protection of the right to an abortion is concerned.  I pulled the following definition of "legal fiction" from this seemingly trustworthy web site: 

Quote from: Justice Lennox/Stoner v Skene
A legal fiction ... is an assumption of a possible thing as a fact, which is not literally true, for the advancement of justice, and which the law will not allow to be disproved, as far as concerns the purpose for which the assumption is made.

It would probably be better to instate laws which would allow simply for ridiculously tough sentencing in cases of unwanted termination of pregnancy, with the spirit of such laws being, clearly, solely for the benefit of the mother and any other potential immediate family of the unborn child.  Of course, I do not know how one would staunchly define the "spirit" of any law, and I would be worried about even laws like these being potentially twisted in unfavorable ways.  If we could create a legal environment where it is given that all laws concerning abortion rights, and "wrongs" for that matter, are to benefit the potential mothers, primarily, and other family members secondarily, then I would feel safe in instating such laws.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Burfdai
« on: March 09, 2010, 08:40:22 am »
A day of Tues to remember, then!   8)  Happy birthday!

Ah, there's more than one episode out. It kinda goes downhill after the first one. The non-sequiturs get old. But! That first page is gold.

Did you happen upon the "Ask Axe Cop" section?  That's been my favorite part of the site so far.

General Discussion / Re: My daughter rests in the planet's dream.
« on: March 09, 2010, 08:24:19 am »
For all of the things I mull over for better or worse in the day to day, I find myself musing on something most important now...

That quote you posted in the quotes thread, Saj, the one that said everybody is fighting a great battle, is spot on.  How often we forget that, though most of us need only look in the mirror to remember.  Then there are some battles that most of us simply cannot comprehend, and that as well is paramount to remember.  Far too often we cannot grasp that there is so much beyond ourselves.

And, all I can think of every time I try to comprehend it is how important it is to just "keep going".  "Keep going" is something of a mantra for me at times.  Just keep going, keep moving, keep looking, because it is the only way to come to a better understanding, and perhaps to a better place.

I appreciate your openness with us, Saj.  I really do.  Hope you are as well as you can be. 

General Discussion / Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« on: February 26, 2010, 05:17:48 am »
This made my night.

Uboa: One to be born from a dragon
Uboa: Hoisting the light and the dark
Uboa: Arises up high in the sky from the still land
rushingwind: Veiling the moon with the light of eternity!
Uboa: Veiling the moon with the light of eternity
Uboa: HAH!
Lord J Esq: =)
rushingwind: It brings, another promise, to mother earth, with a bounty and mercy.
rushingwind: *HIGH FIVES YOU BACK*
rushingwind: FF4 IS AWESOME.

General Discussion / Re: Fuck Sexism
« on: February 18, 2010, 06:05:22 am »

The top link on Digg is currently...
^...that.  I was going to call it garbage, but I'm not sure if "garbage" quite encompasses what that is.  It is absolutely insulting to every human being, period, and yet it is so insidiously insulting that the great majority of Diggers cannot see past the facade of lackluster "humor" and bury the thing.  What a dismal mirror of just how screwed up our preconceptions about the sexes still are.  It's hard to fathom just how corrupting these prevalent stereotypes can be until you see something like this and wonder at just how strongly it reinforces the rotten thought patterns which cause people of both sexes so much misery. 

General Discussion / Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« on: February 18, 2010, 04:28:56 am »
I'm watching this right now.  I've been digging these "videosongs" more and more.  It's amazing what people are able to accomplish music-wise with video editing software!

General Discussion / Re: Fuck Sexism
« on: February 18, 2010, 04:22:44 am »
Haven't seen you around the Compendium while I've been online today, Saj.  I really hope everything went alright...

General Discussion / Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« on: February 16, 2010, 01:13:59 am »
ActRaiser music!  Love it.  North Wall theme all the way.

Saj, your picture is uber cute.

General Discussion / Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« on: February 15, 2010, 12:02:52 am »
Hooray for rav themes!  I just started a new one as well.

General Discussion / Re: I DON'T UNDERSTAND
« on: February 14, 2010, 07:23:56 pm »
The Google search which happened to find the following image did not contain either of the terms "Satan" or "Lesbian".

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