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Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: CHRONO COMIX
« on: April 09, 2010, 12:14:13 am »
Dare I say, it is all geek to me.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: See yaaas.
« on: April 09, 2010, 12:11:37 am »
Hey! Welcome back!
General Discussion / Re: The Most Beautiful Thing You Ever Did
« on: April 07, 2010, 11:39:13 pm »I believe everyone has a beauty, a quality of themselves and their actions that makes them unique. If I learn how to discern that beauty in others, it should set me on the path for doing the same with my own being. In any case, I will be giving Lord J's particular question more thought throughout the day, and see if I come up with anything.
EDIT: Giving it some thought, I have come to the belief that beauty cannot exist in singularity. What I mean by that is, something would be considered beautiful because of a combination of things and not just one in particular. It requires an action and a property, and not just one or the other.
Absolutely. Like a well composed painting or photograph, or any other artwork, the beautiful moments in life are often the ones where everything just "clicks", and all seems to be in a suitable place. There is such a great synergy to real beauty, and within this synergy there have to be some aspects of ourselves which play into the art, or our company, or the moment itself. From that synergy we can derive a truly awesome experience, and within that experience we may say that we feel "truly alive".
What I find interesting is how often our actions are capable of turning the most banal moments into beautiful ones. For example, just a while ago I was annoyed at the fact that I have to write another routine to convert poorly structured ancient data into a more accessible format. Sometimes I get stuck with the "housekeeping" where I work, but no matter. I realized that writing the routine is yet another opportunity to practice my ability to converse with my computer, and the ability to converse with my computer is something which I've put much effort into being able to do artfully and appreciatively. In doing so I've managed to find beauty in coding even the most routine procedures.
Kodokami, I often find myself amazed at the the thoughtful way in which you seek out beauty and aim to understand it. And, Josh, I'm appreciative of this thread as well. I've been brainstorming for a thorough response which will come later. I hope that many more people will volunteer responses.
General Discussion / Re: The Compendium Language Learners' Corner
« on: April 06, 2010, 09:01:06 pm »
My co-worker who taught herself Japanese up to a high school reading level had a similar experience. She actually just walked into the room, so I asked her for some advice! Her only advice was to start with books geared towards beginners. Amazon is a good place to find cheap-o old editions of textbooks, so that might be a decent place to start for people wanting to begin learning any language.
(Also, check your messages!)
(Also, check your messages!)
General Discussion / Re: SakuraCon 2010 - Anyone going???!
« on: April 06, 2010, 01:49:36 am »
General Discussion / Re: The Compendium Language Learners' Corner
« on: April 06, 2010, 12:59:45 am »
This topic has not been active for 120 days! Wow. I suppose that means I should drop in and make a note of more resources that I've found since my last posts here.
I've finally commenced my long awaited study of Welsh with a rather inexpensive book and CD set. I happened to have a $25 Amazon gift card, so I decided that I would use it to order the Welsh edition of the Teach Yourself series. For a $20 investment, this set is amazingly extensive and thorough. I'm not sure what the other Teach Yourself sets are like, but for the content to dollar ratio alone I can recommend them. Once you learn your way around the books you can make your way through the lessons at a pretty rewarding rate.
For those who have little or even no exposure to linguistics and want a more comprehensive view of language in general, I recommend picking up a copy of The Language Construction Kit. Or, head over to the website for a free but more limited (yet still very impressive) overview of the subject. While TLCK addresses the concerns of people who are interested in creating languages, it also provides a very entertaining context in which to explore the innumerable possibilities of human (and even alien!) communication. It very well may change and challenge the way you think about any languages you are currently learning. The chapter on phonology has so far been the most helpful aid to my sometimes struggling articulation of Spanish words and phrases.
Speaking of which, for those learning Spanish I found a really neat page which deals with uncommon vocabulary words, idioms, sayings, and even jokes. Every week day, Spanish Word-a-Day reviews one vocabulary word along with a couple other linguistic novelties. I find myself repeating some of the idioms over and over because they amuse me that much. Estoy en la danza hoy. (I say that one a lot!) Hooray for Spanish Word-a-Day!
Finally, one of my co-workers informed me that a great way to become more immersed in a language without getting overwhelmed is to read some of your favorite books from elementary school in the language you are studying. You'd be surprised at the variety of young adult foreign language books available on Amazon. If you are able to find the foreign audio version of the book as well, then you are really set! I've yet to try this, but I likely will in the near future.
I've finally commenced my long awaited study of Welsh with a rather inexpensive book and CD set. I happened to have a $25 Amazon gift card, so I decided that I would use it to order the Welsh edition of the Teach Yourself series. For a $20 investment, this set is amazingly extensive and thorough. I'm not sure what the other Teach Yourself sets are like, but for the content to dollar ratio alone I can recommend them. Once you learn your way around the books you can make your way through the lessons at a pretty rewarding rate.
For those who have little or even no exposure to linguistics and want a more comprehensive view of language in general, I recommend picking up a copy of The Language Construction Kit. Or, head over to the website for a free but more limited (yet still very impressive) overview of the subject. While TLCK addresses the concerns of people who are interested in creating languages, it also provides a very entertaining context in which to explore the innumerable possibilities of human (and even alien!) communication. It very well may change and challenge the way you think about any languages you are currently learning. The chapter on phonology has so far been the most helpful aid to my sometimes struggling articulation of Spanish words and phrases.
Speaking of which, for those learning Spanish I found a really neat page which deals with uncommon vocabulary words, idioms, sayings, and even jokes. Every week day, Spanish Word-a-Day reviews one vocabulary word along with a couple other linguistic novelties. I find myself repeating some of the idioms over and over because they amuse me that much. Estoy en la danza hoy. (I say that one a lot!) Hooray for Spanish Word-a-Day!
Finally, one of my co-workers informed me that a great way to become more immersed in a language without getting overwhelmed is to read some of your favorite books from elementary school in the language you are studying. You'd be surprised at the variety of young adult foreign language books available on Amazon. If you are able to find the foreign audio version of the book as well, then you are really set! I've yet to try this, but I likely will in the near future.
General Discussion / Re: Got Fooled
« on: April 01, 2010, 04:52:40 pm »
Good eye. I also cannot think of the "J. Burgess" they might be referencing...
General Discussion / Re: The "WTF? Check this link out!" thread!
« on: April 01, 2010, 01:32:52 pm »
Nice twist, the human speaking like a horse. A horse speaking like a human would have been so 1960's...
General Discussion / Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« on: March 27, 2010, 07:15:37 am »
A while ago I did discover that you have the option of selecting more than "story mode" off the bat. I just assumed that boss rush and such would be unlockables. Silly me! And, you are right. That particular mode for the Sanctuary/Sacred Gounds/Hell time attack is frustrating.
I'm almost to the point where I can run Hell (I actually prefer "Hell") the way it was meant to be run. But, sadly, I did not get to the clock in time, so I won't be able to time my runs. Looks like that will have to happen on my "alternate character" run, and I'll just have to practice this time around.
(I did just manage to beat the game wearing the mimiga mask, though!)
Also, to answer your question about leaving things behind: It had been so long since I last played Cave Story that I thought you could not accept the machine gun from Curly if you wanted to get to Hell. I'm actually glad that I did not accept it, though, because ultimate weapons make the Uboa happy...
I'm almost to the point where I can run Hell (I actually prefer "Hell") the way it was meant to be run. But, sadly, I did not get to the clock in time, so I won't be able to time my runs. Looks like that will have to happen on my "alternate character" run, and I'll just have to practice this time around.
(I did just manage to beat the game wearing the mimiga mask, though!)
Also, to answer your question about leaving things behind: It had been so long since I last played Cave Story that I thought you could not accept the machine gun from Curly if you wanted to get to Hell. I'm actually glad that I did not accept it, though, because ultimate weapons make the Uboa happy...

General Discussion / Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« on: March 26, 2010, 05:18:28 pm »
Hah, never thought of it like that before.
General Discussion / Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« on: March 26, 2010, 05:15:42 pm »
I downloaded Cave Story for the Wii on release day. I'm still on my first playthrough, which I've decided to make a complete playthrough. That is to say I'm taking all steps necessary to open up the secret Sanctuary level at the end of the game. I forgot just how frustrating getting to the Sanctuary is, as it denies you so many useful weapons and items throughout most of the game. The new soundtrack, though it took some getting used to, is superbly done, and I cannot complain about the graphics updates one bit.
Not sure how many others here have played it or are even interested, so I will leave off there.
Edit: Oops! Forgot to check the previous page.
I do wish they hadn't gone the Kool-Aid Man route with Balrog. Also, I think I noticed an unintentional grammatical error in the Physician's dialog. The translation does leaves something to be desired.
At least you got there! I'm still struggling in the Labyrinth. Come to think of it, that may be due to the fact that I'm using the Wiimote instead of the Classic Controller...
I understand how fans of the original might not like the new soundtrack. At first listen it seems to lack the energy of the original, but I came to appreciate its subtlety, especially in the Core Room before the beginning of the fight. Such a haunting melody...
Not sure how many others here have played it or are even interested, so I will leave off there.
Edit: Oops! Forgot to check the previous page.
Quote from: Delta Dragon
#2: The new translation was stupid for 2 main reasons one being minor the other major. The minor is they changed Grass town to Bush land. Come on, seriously?! The Major. I'm still ticked about it. Thay changed Balrog's awesome and classic "Huzzah!" to "Oh yeah!" Yay we went from one of my favorite video game villains to the Kool-Aid man. *Groan*
I do wish they hadn't gone the Kool-Aid Man route with Balrog. Also, I think I noticed an unintentional grammatical error in the Physician's dialog. The translation does leaves something to be desired.
#3: The sacred grounds speed run. I suppose this is minor but it still bugs me. Every time you die you have to pick up your guns, health, and they don't even give you the option to use the Machine gun, Snake, or Missile launcher. Alone those would be bad, but together they're downright stupid.
At least you got there! I'm still struggling in the Labyrinth. Come to think of it, that may be due to the fact that I'm using the Wiimote instead of the Classic Controller...
I understand how fans of the original might not like the new soundtrack. At first listen it seems to lack the energy of the original, but I came to appreciate its subtlety, especially in the Core Room before the beginning of the fight. Such a haunting melody...
General Discussion / Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« on: March 17, 2010, 11:38:39 pm »"Hey guys, sorry that everyone in my 'state' except for me and everyone who thinks like me is a complete screw up."
Whether or not this is what you meant to say, the implication is definitely there. Your position is not what frustrates me, Uboa, but rather your method. These "apology" statements are nothing but pure condescension; there's really no argument made here. This is probably the main part of most of Lord J's discussions that irk me the most, although to give him credit, he has been abstaining his typical method in recent weeks, and I've found that his arguments aren't nearly as maddening when he does this.
Uboa, you personally have been able to make potent arguments about a position you feel strongly without this insulting and elitist attitude. I know you can do better than this.
Although, to be frank, the fact that both you and Lord J patronized me for my use of the word asshatery(and a fine linguistic construction it is) because it is not considered "standard English" makes me second guess that notion.
Your chosen spelling of that fine linguistic construction suggests the act of hating asses, rather than "asshatting".
I suppose that I am a little flattered that my apology carried enough chutzpah to be considered as an argument. I don't usually enjoy inciting heated political arguments on forums, so I try to refrain from tossing out such statements unless I'm really willing to see an entire argument through. Still, instead of a political argument I seem to have incited here a bizarre diatribe about the sincerity of my, um, apo-argu-logy-ment, in addition to my potential "elitism". Or, does that count as a political argument these days?
Since you were so considerate to read into my statement for the benefit of everybody I clearly intended to insult, allow me to return the favor. As a general rule, if anybody at the Compendium expresses regret, remorse, disappointment, anguish, woe, etc. about the direction of their country, state, district, or any other social group to which they belong, without a doubt they are really intending to distinguish as a "complete screw up" everybody within that group who does not think exactly as they do. Truthordeal will graciously point out this transgression and remind them that they can do better, free of charge. He will even offer an uplifting reminder about all the times they did not speak so unbecomingly! (Bonus "Lord J" typification while supplies last.)
General Discussion / Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« on: March 17, 2010, 04:16:12 am »Statements like these; overly-broad generalizations about an entire group of people based on the asshatery of a few legislators, coupled with spiteful "apologies" on behalf of said people.
1.) I think that my tone was pretty obviously one of disappointment, not spite.
2.) The only group of people mentioned in my statement is the "set", if you would, of Texans who do not like the thought of history textbooks being tampered with by people who have little if any background in history, and for the purpose of "balancing" the teaching of history in the same fashion that Fox News "balances" the reporting of current events.
I mentioned being ashamed of my state, yes, but my mention of my state was more a reference to the figurative entity that is "Texas", and the foolish trend now set by this entity. Unfortunately, the asshattery of 2/3 of our school board members has lent such a loathsome character to our entire state.
Actually *rereads your statement*, I think that you are referencing two different groups of people in a rather jumbled way in your post. I apologize on behalf of everyone in my state who is upset by the school board's vote, and I generalize about... whom now? I'm confused.