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Topics - Lilka

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Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / A few ZXG questions...
« on: December 25, 2008, 03:54:39 pm »
This stuff's about the newly-possible Zero Experience Game, which I'm planning on doing.  But there are a few things on my mind.

1) The arena wallets.  I've been grinding with my Bladesman forever.  Anybody have an idea whether a particular enemy drops them more often?
2) Magus.  How do you survive Dark Matter?  Obviously, Robo's the only one with a decent amount of HP, but his MDef is crap, and if I go the barrier route, I don't know if I can get off enough damage within two barriers.
3) Arena capsule grinding.  In the main game up to DD, I'm not going to do it.  But it brings up an interesting conundrum.  If I'm capable of casting Lifeline, and have my capsules full, could it be possible to defeat the shell Lavos in the Ocean Palace?  (Lavos II is still too damn fast, and I ain't getting Haste Helms until Tier 5 or so.)

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