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Messages - tushantin

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 238
General Discussion / Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« on: June 23, 2018, 05:13:09 pm »

I have a new favorite anime. 5 episodes in and I already love it to bits.

The anime is loosely (and I mean VERY loosely) based on a far older anime by the name of:

General Discussion / Re: The "WTF? Check this link out!" thread!
« on: June 23, 2018, 10:12:36 am »
Bumped into another game engine, but one that actually has a bit of pricing... for private games. But is completely free for public / opensource game-development. That said, though, it seems mostly focused on web-based or mobile platform game development.

General Discussion / Re: Other RPGs?
« on: June 21, 2018, 04:46:14 am »
That said, there are quite a few RPGs I really want to get into now.

First of which is Fire Emblem, because it seems like the kind of series that would really appeal to me.

Another is the Trails series, and here's why:

General Discussion / Re: Other RPGs?
« on: June 21, 2018, 04:40:26 am »
Zelda! (Because it's totally an RPG and anyone who says otherwise is a lying liar who lies)
A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time

If you're looking for a 2D Zelda RPG, I'd add Minish Cap  along with A Link to the Past. For some reason it always gets overlooked, but I personally found it to be pretty enjoyable. When I started that game, I just couldn't put it down.

General Discussion / Re: Go ahead and take a look.
« on: June 21, 2018, 04:27:01 am »
Thank you!

Is she an original character?

Yeah, her name is Sonic The Groundhog. Original character, DO NOT STEAL!

General Discussion / Re: The "WTF? Check this link out!" thread!
« on: June 21, 2018, 04:25:46 am »
Found a game-engine for JRPG building, but I wouldn't recommend it as default option -- not because it isn't good, but because it doesn't itself build to platforms other than Windows (though it does have an option to export to Unity and then build for, say, Linux).

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Goodbye...
« on: June 21, 2018, 04:24:17 am »
Dayum! That sucks... I hope you and your family is holding well.

General Discussion / Re: Go ahead and take a look.
« on: June 16, 2018, 11:19:10 am »

General Discussion / Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« on: June 14, 2018, 01:02:19 pm »

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Is there anyone else who...
« on: June 12, 2018, 05:53:20 pm »
But you know... now that makes me wonder. Just how did no one from the Mystics/Fiends ever thought of revealing Magus had killed Cyrus to the humans? I could see Ozzie as the kind of individual who would love to divulge stuff like that, and he was there to witness it, to boot.
Man, gimme some Ozzie propaganda! I'd love to see how he makes mountains out of mole-hills.  :lol:

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Is there anyone else who...
« on: June 12, 2018, 01:03:03 pm »
People know he's still just a human being, and despite that he outlived most of the troops he was with, and reached Magus to take him on mano-a-mano. Even if he failed, he sacrificed himself for a cause that will not be forgotten. The fact that, despite his fears, he was willing to take on an entire army of fiends because somebody needs to, that can boost the morale of some soldiers, except for the ones who may have given up to their helplessness.
I'm not sure what you mean here. Cyrus didn't go after Magus or take on an entire army of fiends. He set out to recover the Hero's Medal and search for the Masamune. Based on what we see in the game, it seems more likely that Magus ambushed him as he left the Masamune cave.

Yikes! If that's the case, I must have completely forgotten. (Then again, it's probably been almost 10 years since I last played the game...)

Still, he was a major figure in Guardia even before then, I presume. He may have heard the rumor (no idea who was spreading it or how on earth they know about it) that the legendary sword Masamune and the Hero's Medal could give them all a chance against the fiends and their magic, especially Magus, and the fact that he may have overcome the trial of Masa and Mune to wield the sword to begin with, despite being human, says a lot about him and perhaps may inspire the other troops who may feel helpless against the fiends and their superior might.

I disagree. If he was missing, it's lamer, because it assumes Cyrus was kidnapped or something. If he wasn't kidnapped or lost or something, then he's likely a deserter who has abandoned his own people because of his cowardice. That makes him the opposite of a Hero that people revere him to be.
Or he's still on his quest. Or indeed lost or taken captive. Just because a guy is missing, that doesn't mean he's turned coward. A big theme of this game is the power of hope. A possibly alive hero is more hopeful than a definitely dead one.

Maybe, but who would go out to find him? Assuming he's a major figure who was indeed capable of acquiring the Masamune, being the best chance the kingdom has, maybe the entire Kingdom of Guardia would be on the look-out for him? How long has it been since he died? Also, with an imminent threat on the horizon, that of the fiends, would it not be a useful assumption to regroup your resources for defense and assume that he has, in fact, died?

You can perhaps also imagine if Frog / Glenn frequents Inns / Pubs at Guardia (and maybe gets mistaken for a Mystic, idfk), sitting in silence somewhere and hearing gossips about Cyrus, perhaps, still being alive somewhere and the King has offered a bounty to have him found, while some spreading rumors about maybe, just maybe, he may have deserted them all, being hushed out by others who still believe in him. If Glenn is right there, wouldn't he rather them all not waste their resources and man-power on something futile? Maybe he calls them stupid, tells them he's dead, offers no explanation, and just walks away.

But again, I may be missing details, because -- as I said -- it's been pretty long since i played the game.

Anything other than death, in this case, could negatively affect the people's morale even further, because how could Cyrus go missing if the people he vowed to protect are still dying every day?
Then why didn't Frog tell the truth? Why did he tell the lie of omission that left people thinking Cyrus was still alive?

Wait, he did?

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Is there anyone else who...
« on: June 12, 2018, 03:33:16 am »
He couldn't afford to tell anyone that, because it's much better for morale if the kingdom's greatest hero is listed as "missing" rather than "dead." (And not just dead, but "killed by the kingdom's worst enemy, without very much effort at all.")

I disagree. If he was missing, it's lamer, because it assumes Cyrus was kidnapped or something. If he wasn't kidnapped or lost or something, then he's likely a deserter who has abandoned his own people because of his cowardice. That makes him the opposite of a Hero that people revere him to be.

People know he's still just a human being, and despite that he outlived most of the troops he was with, and reached Magus to take him on mano-a-mano. Even if he failed, he sacrificed himself for a cause that will not be forgotten. The fact that, despite his fears, he was willing to take on an entire army of fiends because somebody needs to, that can boost the morale of some soldiers, except for the ones who may have given up to their helplessness.

Anything other than death, in this case, could negatively affect the people's morale even further, because how could Cyrus go missing if the people he vowed to protect are still dying every day?

Eh, TL;DR, except for the first post.

On a personal note:
Looks like you haven't learned to be comfortable with yourself that much, despite your love for loneliness. I don't blame you -- discomfort in loneliness is generally a default position for everybody, usually due to biological reasons -- but it's hard to find peace from one's own existential terror unless one "can" make peace with their own loneliness and other fears / discomfort.

After all, perhaps the reason anyone feels so alone despite being surrounded by so many people is because one is one's self. You are you, and you are all you'll connect with the most.

On a non-personal note:

Perhaps another reason for why anyone would feel lonely is because of the fact that there are seven-billion people. Too many people to know, too many people become disposable, with fewer actually meaningful connection. Not to mention it's a particularly common illness among urbanites make friends on the basis of high standards (say, somebody has more money / better skills / better looks than somebody else), and quickly not wanting anything to do with that same person on those very shallow reasons (they chose to disagree / have the wrong politics / felt angry one time / called somebody a cunt / etc.). Because why not, among seven-billion people it's easier to find somebody who may be ever so slightly more perfect than the one before, and even then the association is just as shallow.

Because they aren't people anymore. They are just a number from a crowd. A stereotype of an average joe with no depth to them (at least to any of us). People made of card-board cut-outs.

This is a luxury that smaller and tight-knit communities do not have. They have to live with ones they know because they're all they've got, and there will be nobody else to replace them. They might do shitty things, but they learn through each other, hash out their differences and learn to get along again. It's like siblings: Doesn't matter how different you are or how much you hate each others' guts, because he's still your brother / she's still your sister and you love each other anyway and have to look out for each other.

The more snowflakey a generation gets, the more detached they seem to be from each other, despite all the preaching of love and harmony. Everything is surface-level, because everybody is disposable, and no real connection is ever made.

In this situation, nothing will help you. Not even a God.

As far as I know, the only way to eradicate this problem is to sit down with the ones you know and bond with them at a level that nothing can break you apart. Easier said than done, of course.

EDIT: James Bond With Them

General Discussion / Re: The "WTF? Check this link out!" thread!
« on: June 06, 2018, 06:15:44 pm »
Bumped into this neat thing, thought some programmer somewhere might find it useful.

General Discussion / Re: Park Your Amusements Here
« on: May 28, 2018, 05:17:14 am »

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