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Messages - tushantin

Pages: 1 ... 234 235 [236] 237 238
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Who Are the Radical Dreamers?
« on: June 21, 2008, 06:44:57 am »
Well, if you've played RD, you'd know that the Radical Dreamers are in fact none other that Magil, Serge and Kid. But in Cross, Magil is no existent, and Kid meets up with serge long after the rumor about the Radical Dreamers were told. And Kid being the only one in her own clan would only mean that she created the Radical Dreamers herself, regardless in RD or Cross.  :lol:But since not much of a background story of it was told, I suppose it leaves enough room for creativity by the fans themselves. 

Polling / Re: If you could change Chrono Cross, how would you do it?
« on: June 14, 2008, 08:32:09 am »
Here's a good opinion. Considering we're giving Serge the character and personality he had in RD, then the whole adventure will be a bit storybook-ish (which I personally like a lot xD). I dunno, I feel that Chrono Cross will have even MORE of a feel than the old opera style FF6. Why not give most of the narrations in RD style? XD Not only that, his point of view can even deepen several other characters' personalities and sort.

 :lol:Guess there's not much to say, for we all know about it anyway! But I'll point a few things out.

The tendency to change time with out decision. A second late/early may change the future drastically.
Change through time.
Psychological effects on the mind due to a certain past. (Check Leena without serge, Magus, Kid, etc.)
How the world would be affected while you're not here. (Serge is/isn't around? Magil in RD but not Cross?)
The struggle: For the planet or For ourselves.
How far one would go for his dreams, how much more would it change time.
Heroes: Only to those who change history and those who acknowledge it. To the rest, they're evil demons. (Check Cross)

General Discussion / Re: Free RPG Creator program?
« on: June 10, 2008, 03:36:01 am »
There is many free rpg maker but the only one for know is rpgmaker2000 and the others are ESA protected and you cannot download it anymore.
*cough* torrents *cough*
:lol: Righto!

However, you may find RPGMaker 2003 somewhere over the net for direct download. XD As for RPGMaker XP, you NOW need to have internet connection >_> (WTF?!). Lol, RPGMaker ain't the only RPG maker around. There are lotsa other softwares that help, especially those 3D ones. XD I forgot their names, but you can either google it, or go search here ---->

Crono: Numa numa ye~ Numa numa numa ye~  :lol:

Chrono: Magus! What does your black wind say about his powerlevel?
Magus: OVER 9000!!
Lucca: WTF I ALREADY HAVE A Sight Scope.

Crono: By your powers combined, I am CAPTAIN CRONO!! Captain Crono, he's the hero! Gonna take Lavos down to zero~ *does a silly dance*

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Harle-origin and accent
« on: June 06, 2008, 03:52:12 am »
 :lol:Actually, like stated, in the flashback Kid does NOT have that accent, and it's developed after the burning of the orphanage when she's all alone.

And truth be told, I actually have 2 accents that depend on my mood. A writers accent (which I often use while writing too) and the Aussie style like Kid's (which tends to get in my humorous nature). xD Often I kept pondering if that was the result of me hanging out with english friends of mine, but then again the latter's an easier/straight forward way to express one's self.  :lol: And it wasn't difficult to develop an accent like that, but that differs from person to person.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Not Certain
« on: June 06, 2008, 03:13:00 am »
 :o Nice idea, but I agree it needs to be modified a little bit. Hmm, so you'd wanna make a game of this sort, a cross between Cross and Trigger? Hehe first we might try knowing how we'd make the game when we DID figure out the story. RPGmaker? And what battle system? At the same time, we'd need someone who works with the sprites/models and battle system/game while the rest work with story, art, etc.

I think the drawings could be better IMO.
Who's drawings? =\

Whenever I am on newgrounds and see some great remixes of CT songs on their audio portal... I get this melancholy feeling and butterflies in my stomach.
LMAO TOTALLY!! xD You've got no idea how many CT/other games remixes I've got stored on my Cell phone! *listens to Magus Midnight and Schala remix*

:P Lol, here's something. Pokemon was only made for Pokemon lovers, not everybody else. XD Haha, I've seen a lot of angry FF7 fans getting on people's throats, you know!


XD For Crisis and/or Crimson Echoes, that is!

Polling / Re: CT-CC-FF7
« on: June 03, 2008, 06:39:36 am »
You only get Magus playable after Lavos seemingly drains his energy, which explains some of his skills needing to be relearned...but, yeah, RD showed that he learned a few new tricks along the way as well...

He managed to avoid the Leeches, didn't he?
  :mrgreen: I agree to that. BUT even after Lavos drained his energy he fights once again, and at that time he HAS spells like elemental barrier which are not obtainable in-game.  :wink: Now explain that.

Polling / Re: Who's got the best hair?
« on: June 03, 2008, 06:36:27 am »
o.O Why would it suck? Hey, it's my personally opinion and I don't have anything against the sprites. In fact I like it, but let's face the facts here.

The characters WERE designed by Akira, and sprites couldn't have been made without that. In fact, Akira didn't really have any intention of giving Glenn long hair. :P The spriters made that outta thin air. In the FMV sequence you notice Glenn actually having short spiky hair, which ACTUALLY IS Glenn's character design.

So simply saying which you prefer is your personal opinion, whether you like something or not. But please, saying that the art of the creator "sucks" is like insulting the character designer of that game:? Don't say that, unless you have something against the artist. But I'm sure you like all the characters, their backgrounds, personalities and ideas put forth by the artist. =]

Hey, spare me the facts, I'm just trying to crack humor! xD I know Lucca was killed by Lynx, lol!

But that was merely a theory, since she was kidnapped and didn't come back. There was no body to witness her death except for Lynx. I know it's safe to assume she was killed by him. ;3 Buuuuut, can't fans have their own fantasies for fiction? XD

Polling / Re: If you could change Chrono Cross, how would you do it?
« on: June 03, 2008, 06:24:45 am »
Exactly! So suppose when we do develop the hack for Chrono, aside from the development team we'll need a debate.

 :D Along side Magus, which characters would be playable. (But I suppose, playing with useless characters could also prove to be enjoyable)
 :D Turn the game into a dating simulation~ (Lol, not really. xD Just for the several ending's sake, we could give Serge alternatives for his right girl, for fun's sake.)
 :D Assign 2 to 3 people to work the story and design character background.
 :D 1 or 2 to design "in-detail" plot and subplot, say, secret characters and quests/sidequests?
 :D Customized artwork? xD Lol, just random.

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