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Messages - ggy128

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History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: Sun stone
« on: July 23, 2014, 09:33:09 pm »
in my theory sun keep is a power spot of the planet

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Sun stone
« on: July 18, 2014, 07:44:53 pm »
First forgive my English I do not live in US

Ok in chrono compendium

Its says the amount of energy of the sun stone is 4.184*10^9 Joules

But lift zeal continent would need a greater amount of energy

lets calculate the amount of energy
Let's say Zeal irradiates downwards some energetic or magical radiation; these magic particles would be massless such as light so in order to calculate  the amount of energy used we must use Impulse-momentum theorem

the amount of power  need is P=mgc
c the speed of light, M mass and g gravity
the total mass of zeal would  be like Greenland mass

so lets calculate the mass of Greenland (earth continental crest density*wide*high)
8.12282E+14 kg

Now lets calculate the amount of power:

-The sun stone needs 2.38808E+24 W to keep zeal floating around
Now lets say the sun stone kept zeal in the sky for the last 300 years until it lost its power

So the sun stone total power is  3.71394E+34 J

how is that possible
Lets imagine that the sun stone is fuel by the enormous power of the sun that hit the earth and sun keep is a special point where the planet release some of the energy collect from the sun

Earth receive 173,000 terawatts from the sun
Earth in 65 billion year gets 3.49764E+35 W

With those numbers in mind the sun keep release only 6.3 of the total amount of energy that earth collect from the sun

Is perfectible possible to think that the sun stone power is 3.71394E+34 J

Chrono Apocalypse / Re: Episodes and Updates
« on: October 20, 2013, 09:58:22 am »

Oh how I've grown since then.

are you the one who did  Apocalypse Series?, why did you stop,

I love them and you didnt do the final part sniff TT.TT

Chrono Apocalypse / Re: Episodes and Updates
« on: August 11, 2013, 03:13:12 pm »
Schala Zeal really you have them can you upload it please

me either

 maybe nu arcana do nothing LOL :picardno

 well that true b but in the case of choras is quite different because  chorasīcastle is abandoned, no one took care for that castle but in the case of Guardia maybe in time porre  could  declare Guardia castle a national monument because  no one will destroy such a beautiful castle,  Guardia  castle survive 1000 year and 2 wars so I doubt that some one will destroy it becouse is almost a sin destroyed something like that itīs like to destroy Cairo pyramids, roman coliseum, or the statue of liberty but sure some freak can destroy a castle for build something better there are plenty  morons in this world

In My free Time ( Yeah finally i have plenty of free time ) I made  a world where guardia won (1999)

 Memento, quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris

but in 1999 Guardia castle iīt gone  but It make perfectly sense using guardia castle as a fortification but in human history  we are a little barbaric after all roman empire destroy all Jerusalem, alejandro magno burnt the whole city (i donīt remember the city name, sorry) because he was drunk and decided just burnt it  and the mongols also destroy every city.
in  the end  maybe  porre decided destroy Guardia Kingdom that mean put his own government but keep the castle as a fortification so in that part Iīm agree with you but itīs possible that in the future someone attack porre and destroy Guardia castle in the process and that explain why in 1999 Guardia castle do not exist

I highly doubt the existence of a weak guardia state first the rulers are gone Guardia castle no longer exist even the ruins are destroyed and when an empire attack another reign usually the empire destroy everything and put his own rulers (like roman empire for example greek is know not for being a reign Greek is know like a province in that time  or egipt  it also know like a province of the roman empire so probably that Guardia kingdom fall and it was  destroyed and in WW II Germany was defeated but no one take control of the country so my theory is that Guardia kingdom was rebuilt because in the Video [when you died against lavos ( see that ending in chrono trigger)] the operator and supervisor are too similar with Guardia guards. Now theoretical if some one rebuilt Guardia kingdom the problem is where because porre dominate zenan but all of us remember the whirlpool it a possibility that many people escape from the attack of porre and it seems that medina had good relationship with Guardia because truce had planed built a ferry. so medina people help truce people offering a safe land but soon the  people  truce people began to rebuild Guardia kingdom and the place of the new kingom would be near of melchor house, now in the video you can see a great building in Ex melchor house and this building  itīs not like a comun dome like truce so there is a chance  that dome could be the new Guardia castle,but is just a theory

sorry for my grammatic English is not my native language

Memento, quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: The Fall of Guardia
« on: May 23, 2008, 09:03:07 pm »
* I put the same post in another Subject so if you already read this post I apologize.*
first sorry for my grammatical problems because English is not my native language.
I want to say a theory want happend with Guardia after his fall
 I believe that Guardia kingdom was rebuilt because when you died against lavos ( see that ending in chrono trigger) the operator and supervisor are too similar with Guardia guards. Now theoretical if some one rebuilt Guardia kingdom the problem is where because porre dominate zenan but all of us remember the whirlpool it a possibility that many people escape from the attack of porre and it seems that medina had good relationship with Guardia because truce had planed built a ferry. so medina people help truce people offering a safe land but soon the  people  truce people began to rebuild Guardia kingdom and the place of the new kindom would be near of melchor house, now in the video you can see a great building in Ex melchor house and this building  itīs not like a comun dome like truce so there is a chance  that dome could be the new guardia castle, beside in chrono cross are plenty reference (not direct reference ) of Guardia Kingdom , but in the end is just a theory


Memento, quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris

sorry for my grammatical problems becouse English is not my native language
well about the fall of Guardia Iīm 100 percent agree but I also believe that Guardia kingdom was rebuilt because when you died against lavos ( see that ending in chrono trigger) the operator and supervisor are too similar with Guardia guards. Now theoretical if some one rebuilt Guardia kingdom the problem is where because porre dominate zenan but all of us remember the whirlpool it a possibility that many people escape from the attack of porre and it seems that medina had good relationship with Guardia because truce had planed built a ferry. so medina people help truce people offering a safe land but soon the  people  truce people began to rebuild Guardia kingdom and the place of the new kindom would be near of melchor house, now in the video you can see a great building in Ex melchor house and this building  itīs not like a comun dome like truce so there is a chance  that dome could be the new guardia castle, beside in chrono cross are plenty reference (not direct reference ) of Guardia Kingdom , but in the end is just a theory


Memento, quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris

the kingdom of Guardia fall but the true question is was Guardia kingdom rebuild? after all in chrono trigger in 2300 exist a decendent of nadia  and of course in chrono cross in several part are reference of Guardia kingdom so the Guardia Kingdom fall but it appear that someone rebuilt it

Articles / Re: dimension and the time flow in the game
« on: May 21, 2008, 09:31:11 pm »
no problem but i like my theory because maybe Guardia kingdom survive hey about that I was playing chrono triigger (again ) because I want to know how many cat can you get and I notice that in 1999 where lavos arise locate in melchorīs house near to the whirlpool (in the video when you die and lavos atack and oparatior (possible a nadia decendent) he had guards and they are identical with the guards of Guardia kingdom) so maybe Truce people escape  from truce trough the whirlpool so maybe Guardia kingdom survive, after all No one mess with Nadiaīs kingdom without punishment hahaha

Articles / Re: dimension and the time flow in the game
« on: May 21, 2008, 04:33:59 pm »
sorry but relativy  is not out because relativity explain why time travel to the past is not possible but Iīm  totally agree with you in the quantum theory ( Iīm not  agree with the quantum theory the truth is the quantum theory had a lot of "holes" and the quantum theory for my has  good thing but also a lot of bull shit but quantum theory explain multiple universe , the effect of gravity in a universe with more than 3 dimension or less) Iīm also agree that multiples universes is just a theory but I already said is Just theorical explication and is the only way to explain several thing I know that multiple universe is based in mathematic so I apologize if a confuse anyone quantum and universes are theories not a law

again please forgive my grammatic  mistakes and thanks for reply BROJ

Articles / dimension and the time flow in the game
« on: May 21, 2008, 12:21:04 am »
First I want to apologize because English is not my native language but i want to explain the flow of time with physical theories sorry for my grammatic

I have another explanation about time travel, dimensions, singularity , well in physic time travel can be done but only in future no one can travel to the past  because travel to the past means break the relativy law but einstein theory prove time travel to the future , so the gang (chrono, marle , ayla serge ...) can travel to the future (you must put 1000 Ad like the current present) so if 1000 is the present that means every change that chrono or the other made in the future is possible because they created a virtual future (a virtual future is like a prediction because is only make truth is no one change the future again , an example is chrono killed lavos and everyone is hapyy but what if lavos reborn inmediatly after his death which is highly improbably but that means that future donīt change at all even if chrono killed lavos so like i said is a prediction no one is sure if the future is seal) so every change make after 1000 ( guardia fall, lavosīs death, chronopolis) they are only a virtual future so Chrono trigger time line is the beginning of every possible future (if 1000 is the current present ) so if chrono croos began after 1000 that means that chrono croos is like a continuation of chrono trigger (i repeat is a continuation  because is the virtual future ) now why did chrono travel to the past if the past can not be change) well that easy when the travel to the past that past was not a time line that means that every travel is only a different dimension that explain why marle donīt die after travel with ayla to the future and also explain why in this game has so many endings so in conclusion chrono only travel for different dimension and the change that produce in his current time is not his truly world, in the end chrono live in another dimension and the chrono of the first dimension (the first dimansion is the one in the beginning of the game , when chrono disappear from the first dimansion means that chrono real mother is sad because he lost his son.. poor chrono he dumped heīs real mother) so that explain why when marle died lucca or chrono domnīt die with her after all if the queen of guardia die then  magus win the war then lucca and chrono  never exist  so every travel to the past is not a time travel is truly a dimension travel now for explain dimension is easy because exist a law,  we sopuse to  live in a 4 dimension universe that is not  a complete truth (see quantum theory) when the bigbang create a universe it also create several universe like 1 dimension universe or 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 but we can't see them because they are hipercurved (if you want to know more see hawkings book or penrose books ) so a aislated universe is possible and then jump from one universe to another is possible ( like movies  when they travel to hiper space the must travel for one universe to another if they do that  they can foul time line and travel long distances without breaking any physical law (we canīt because our  multiples  universes are so small and curve ) another thing if we want to explain aslated dimension like lavos dimension (because he can make created time warps ) he must be in a place where the timeīs flow is almost Zero but how can be done?  , that easy gravity curve space and time (if we live in the sun we can live more becouse the time flow is slower than the Earth time flow) so if gravity curve space and time a high concentration of mass in a small space of the universe  can make that happen but if that happen gravity will destroy lavos becouse is to much gravity for any living thing but we can make gravity weak ( this is why i love chrono because when i Fought lavos the only thing you saw is lavos and a blue space so so the only thing you can see is three dimension objects is easy to sopouse that in lavos dimension is equal or higher than 3 , like a point or a line exist in a 2 dimension universe but a cube can not exist in that  universe but a cube can exist in a three dimension universe ) so if lavos  live is in a singularity and we can make gravity weak then we explain lavos dimension but for make gravity weak  we must create a universe with more  dimensions , in conclusion if lavos lives in a 4 spacial dimension the gravitry is only 1/6* in compare with a 3 dimension gravity  with the same amount of mass (* iīm not sure if is 1/6 ) so in a X dimension world with X higher than 3 is possible explain why the gravity didnīt kill lavos or  the others and the last physical explication of chrono is why in the same game porre defeat guardia but guardia is the ruler of the 2300 Ad well the physical explication is .. ( the game is wrong that is impossible LOL)

that my explication of the chrono games i apologize again for my grammatic

Articles / Re: Condensed Plot Summary of Chrono Cross
« on: May 21, 2008, 12:18:57 am »
First I want to apologize because English is not my native language but i want to explain the flow of time with physical theories sorry for my grammatic

I have another explanation about time travel, dimensions, singularity , well in physic time travel can be done but only in future no one can travel to the past  because travel to the past means break the relativy law but einstein theory prove time travel to the future , so the gang (chrono, marle , ayla serge ...) can travel to the future (you must put 1000 Ad like the current present) so if 1000 is the present that means every change that chrono or the other made in the future is possible because they created a virtual future (a virtual future is like a prediction because is only make truth is no one change the future again , an example is chrono killed lavos and everyone is hapyy but what if lavos reborn inmediatly after his death which is highly improbably but that means that future donīt change at all even if chrono killed lavos so like i said is a prediction no one is sure if the future is seal) so every change make after 1000 ( guardia fall, lavosīs death, chronopolis) they are only a virtual future so Chrono trigger time line is the beginning of every possible future (if 1000 is the current present ) so if chrono croos began after 1000 that means that chrono croos is like a continuation of chrono trigger (i repeat is a continuation  because is the virtual future ) now why did chrono travel to the past if the past can not be change) well that easy when the travel to the past that past was not a time line that means that every travel is only a different dimension that explain why marle donīt die after travel with ayla to the future and also explain why in this game has so many endings so in conclusion chrono only travel for different dimension and the change that produce in his current time is not his truly world, in the end chrono live in another dimension and the chrono of the first dimension (the first dimansion is the one in the beginning of the game , when chrono disappear from the first dimansion means that chrono real mother is sad because he lost his son.. poor chrono he dumped heīs real mother) so that explain why when marle died lucca or chrono domnīt die with her after all if the queen of guardia die then  magus win the war then lucca and chrono  never exist  so every travel to the past is not a time travel is truly a dimension travel now for explain dimension is easy because exist a law,  we sopuse to  live in a 4 dimension universe that is not  a complete truth (see quantum theory) when the bigbang create a universe it also create several universe like 1 dimension universe or 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 but we can't see them because they are hipercurved (if you want to know more see hawkings book or penrose books ) so a aislated universe is possible and then jump from one universe to another is possible ( like movies  when they travel to hiper space the must travel for one universe to another if they do that  they can foul time line and travel long distances without breaking any physical law (we canīt because our  multiples  universes are so small and curve ) another thing if we want to explain aslated dimension like lavos dimension (because he can make created time warps ) he must be in a place where the timeīs flow is almost Zero but how can be done?  , that easy gravity curve space and time (if we live in the sun we can live more becouse the time flow is slower than the Earth time flow) so if gravity curve space and time a high concentration of mass in a small space of the universe  can make that happen but if that happen gravity will destroy lavos becouse is to much gravity for any living thing but we can make gravity weak ( this is why i love chrono because when i Fought lavos the only thing you saw is lavos and a blue space so so the only thing you can see is three dimension objects is easy to sopouse that in lavos dimension is equal or higher than 3 , like a point or a line exist in a 2 dimension universe but a cube can not exist in that  universe but a cube can exist in a three dimension universe ) so if lavos  live is in a singularity and we can make gravity weak then we explain lavos dimension but for make gravity weak  we must create a universe with more  dimensions , in conclusion if lavos lives in a 4 spacial dimension the gravitry is only 1/6* in compare with a 3 dimension gravity  with the same amount of mass (* iīm not sure if is 1/6 ) so in a X dimension world with X higher than 3 is possible explain why the gravity didnīt kill lavos or  the others and the last physical explication of chrono is why in the same game porre defeat guardia but guardia is the ruler of the 2300 Ad well the physical explication is .. ( the game is wrong that is impossible LOL)

that my explication of the chrono games i apologize again for my grammatic

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