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Messages - KingKongFu

Pages: 1 [2]
Hey, thanks for all your hard work, ZeaLitY and everyone else, including KWhazit putting his sweat into translating this game so it stays faithful to the JP version. This is superb! However, the only complaint I have with the patch is that it suffers the same problem as the NA version with the text not being able to display everything in one line without abbreviating any words, since the item/tech naming system was originally designed to handle Japanese characters (e.g. where in the NA version one of Crono's swords is Iron Blade, the JP version of it is called the Bronze Katana, but due to space limitations, it actually says BronzKtana, because as you know, it can only fit in 10 characters).

One of the guys in this board, Teh Mick, was making a WIP retranslation of this ROM, reducing the text size in the Status Menu to fit everything in, which I thought is very clever, but I don't know if he's still working on it. You can download the patch here at,4122.0.html to see what I mean. If you can look into this, that would be cool.

There also seems to be missing some dialogue from the retranslation, like when you talki to the child on the bench at the Fair. It has the retranslation, but it's missing the part where he says they wouldn't have a Millennial Fair if Magus's army won.

Other than that, I think this is a solid effort, and I want to thank you all for taking the time to making the translated script into a playable ROM. Good job!

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« on: June 14, 2007, 01:01:09 am »
Oh right. I forgot all about the Story Pointer. Thanks. I honestly don't think that your idea isn't really that bad, but that's what the Story Pointer is for, for our convenience. I'm kind of 50/50 at this idea, but I might change my mind.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Chrono Trigger+ Bug Report Thread
« on: June 14, 2007, 12:45:02 am »
I don't know if anyone else caught this, but I made it up to the point where Lucca tells Crono that they must find find the real Queen Leene. I go to the Cathedral, but there is no hair pin! I hit the "A" button everywhere in the cathedral, but I get nothing, no dialogue! Is there something I have to do first before going to the cathedral or is it a plain bug? Thanks.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« on: June 13, 2007, 11:02:13 pm »
This is a very decent patch and has potential. However, I would like it a lot better if all the dialogue stayed a lot closer to the retranslation provided by KWhazit. For example, I patched the original CT ROM, and I go to the Millennial Fair and talk to the little boy sitting on the bench at the top and the same following conversation goes:

Kid: What's the big deal?
       So what if we won a war against a
       Wizard hundreds of years ago!

The text in the NA version above is very out-of-place and he should say the following line from the JP version instead:

Kid: Eh, heh, heh, I know about it.
       I heard there was an awesome battle with
       Magus's army hundreds of years ago.
       My mama says that if we'd lost that battle,
       there wouldn't be a festival like this now.

Just something I would like to point out. If you guys could look into the translation inaccuracies like this, that would be great. Thanks!

Just be sure to use the Japanese ROM instead of the US version, since there is more differences between the two than just translation differences (e.g. artwork that may be missing in the NA version).

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