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Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Frog/Glenn theory
« on: June 22, 2008, 05:20:08 pm »Wow, this thread got unlocked? Talk about a blast from the past.
So does CC Glenn's hair color being a Pale green add to the chances of him being one of CT Glenn's descendants?
It's possible, but you must also take into account how long it had been since CT. There would be like 100 descendants at least of Glenn. Now, him being a direct descendant of Glenn from CT is possible, but it's not likely after so long. Then again, everyone on the Chrono team was all about "Story Story Story!!!" So maybe.
Reality, Real-World Connections, and the Supernatural / Re: Chicxulub Impact Crater, Lavos?
« on: June 22, 2008, 01:46:11 am »
Nah but seriously, I wish that the 65,000,000 B.C. map would have changed after Lavos' impact to reflect the gigantic amount of ash that would have been in the atmosphere. I guess they didn't want to have the same type of world at either end of the spectrum though. It would look almost like 2300 A.D. I would assume.
Nah but seriously, I wish that the 65,000,000 B.C. map would have changed after Lavos' impact to reflect the gigantic amount of ash that would have been in the atmosphere. I guess they didn't want to have the same type of world at either end of the spectrum though. It would look almost like 2300 A.D. I would assume.
General Discussion / Re: Satanism = Bad?
« on: June 22, 2008, 12:13:51 am »Strive to judge by a higher standard than the cheap religious morals by which so many other people justify their evil. Know yourself, and religion won't be necessary.
Now, to understand where I stand with my religion.
Christianity is a religion, yes. But I despise religion for the same reasons that you posted.
I've chosen not to follow a religion, but a close personal relationship directly with the deity I worship. I receive my spiritual gratification from worshiping and spending time with this deity.
Submissions / Re: EVERY FAN LOOK AT THIS!!!!
« on: June 21, 2008, 10:35:19 pm »I just saw this for the first time about a month ago. I just love it for some reason. Probably mainly because of Gato.
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Something I found in a magazine...
« on: June 21, 2008, 10:20:21 pm »Come to think of it...what was the last part of that strip talking about? I thought it was talking about Advent Children, but then that was mentioned before that so...we have two things that never came out.
That was probably an early predidction of Dirge of Cerberus. They new an FF7 action game was going to come out, but they weren't aware it would revolve around Vincent.
Everyone automatically assumes Cloud. Anything where Final Fantasy VII is mentioned, it's either Cloud or Sephiroth.
General Discussion / Re: Satanism = Bad?
« on: June 21, 2008, 10:15:00 pm »It's truly strange, but I find the situation of a friendship between an Assembly of God Christian and a Satanist truly heartwarming. There may be hope for the human race after all. Thanks for sharing that Lakon.
Well like I said, I can't judge someone on their belief system. i judge by the person.
I have hope for the human race too, and that's why I'm like that lol.
Time, Space, and Dimensions / Re: Schala a Violation of the Conservation of Matter?
« on: June 21, 2008, 07:05:00 pm »
Good observation.
And you're right. But another argument can be brought to the table.
Lavos was a LARGE amount of matter. At the same time, the Mammon Machine contained a gigantic amount of Lavos' energy. Well, the Time Devourer is glaringly smaller than Lavos. Not only that, but the Mammon Machine seemed to be almost completely drained of its energy when it sat broken behind Queen Zeal in the Black Omen. Is it not possible that these large amounts of matter and energy that were apparently just lost account for the creation of Schala's daughter-clone, and the innate abilities of the Time Devourer itself? Matter can be changed into energy, and vice-versa, so therefore I believe that a chunk of Lavos' mass must have been formed into energy, which Schala then shaped into matter (Kid) and then used the remaining energy to transport her to the correct time period. The rest of the matter and energy resulted in the creation of the Time Devourer. This then corrects the Time Error, I believe.
And you're right. But another argument can be brought to the table.
Lavos was a LARGE amount of matter. At the same time, the Mammon Machine contained a gigantic amount of Lavos' energy. Well, the Time Devourer is glaringly smaller than Lavos. Not only that, but the Mammon Machine seemed to be almost completely drained of its energy when it sat broken behind Queen Zeal in the Black Omen. Is it not possible that these large amounts of matter and energy that were apparently just lost account for the creation of Schala's daughter-clone, and the innate abilities of the Time Devourer itself? Matter can be changed into energy, and vice-versa, so therefore I believe that a chunk of Lavos' mass must have been formed into energy, which Schala then shaped into matter (Kid) and then used the remaining energy to transport her to the correct time period. The rest of the matter and energy resulted in the creation of the Time Devourer. This then corrects the Time Error, I believe.
General Discussion / Re: What's your "Worst game Ever"?
« on: June 21, 2008, 06:23:06 pm »
On the subject of FFIV, I have to say it was my favorite in the series. I loved the battle system, I loved the character development, I loved the story, I loved everything about it. The music was the best of any FF, IMO.
One fault I did find with it was that it was a pain to level up as much as they wanted you to between each dungeon. That's one of the reasons I loved CT and CC so much. If you play through either game the first time, and fight every enemy once, you're a sufficient level to beat it.
The fight with Zeromus is actually VERY easy. Kain jumps, Edge throws stuff until he runs out, don't heal him, physicals until he dies. Rosa attacks with holy, Rydia with Nuke, then Rosa heals party with Cure4. Cecil is physicals the whole time. Then when Rosa dies, make sure to have a few Elixirs. Like 5 or 6. Physically attack with Cecil 2 turns, then use an elixir. He's gone in no time.
I solo'd Zeromus with a level 61 Cecil once. I made sure that all of my characters were dead by the time I [SPOILER] reached the bottom of the Crystal Tower [/SPOILER] and ended up using 13 or 14 elixirs.
One fault I did find with it was that it was a pain to level up as much as they wanted you to between each dungeon. That's one of the reasons I loved CT and CC so much. If you play through either game the first time, and fight every enemy once, you're a sufficient level to beat it.
The fight with Zeromus is actually VERY easy. Kain jumps, Edge throws stuff until he runs out, don't heal him, physicals until he dies. Rosa attacks with holy, Rydia with Nuke, then Rosa heals party with Cure4. Cecil is physicals the whole time. Then when Rosa dies, make sure to have a few Elixirs. Like 5 or 6. Physically attack with Cecil 2 turns, then use an elixir. He's gone in no time.
I solo'd Zeromus with a level 61 Cecil once. I made sure that all of my characters were dead by the time I [SPOILER] reached the bottom of the Crystal Tower [/SPOILER] and ended up using 13 or 14 elixirs.
General Discussion / Re: Satanism = Bad?
« on: June 21, 2008, 06:12:29 pm »
I will say this. I'm an Assembly of God, tongue-speakin' Christian. One of my best friends is a Satanist. I don't see anything wrong with the ideals and values of the religion. It's basic principle is "Do whatever makes you feel good, just don't hurt anyone else in the process." However, the rites and practices of the religion are what creates such a negative view of it. Some of the various rituals and chants turn people off. This is where I feel my opinion comes into play, because people are freaked out by my Christian denomination as well, almost for the same reason. I may be a Christian, but I'll never judge anyone for anything they do. If you want to worship a goat, I don't care. Just don't start telling me that my religion isn't worth anything because we don't worship a goat.
So in conclusion, it's not a bad religion in itself, but some of the rites and practices (Just as in my church) are viewed as kind of weird by everyone who doesn't understand it. I'm telling you, I'm 20, and therefore have had a long time to think about my lifelong religious affiliation. This is what works for me, I know it to be right, but it might not be right for everyone. So therefore, experiment around while you're a kid. Experiment for as long as you can.
So in conclusion, it's not a bad religion in itself, but some of the rites and practices (Just as in my church) are viewed as kind of weird by everyone who doesn't understand it. I'm telling you, I'm 20, and therefore have had a long time to think about my lifelong religious affiliation. This is what works for me, I know it to be right, but it might not be right for everyone. So therefore, experiment around while you're a kid. Experiment for as long as you can.
General Discussion / Re: Tearjerking moments from Video Games.
« on: June 20, 2008, 01:24:42 am »When I was a kid I bawled every single time I watched Milo and Otis. A few years back I watched it again, and guess what; I cried during the dream sequence.
That was the first movie I ever cried in, and it's still one of my favorites. God bless english accented pugs.
Sometimes I like to believe my pugs have english accents.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Crono Foreshadowing
« on: June 19, 2008, 02:59:47 pm »Well, that's my personal belief, but I believe it originated in the Death Peak article in the Encyclopedia. I think they could have done more with that area. In fact, if Sony would have kept its deal with Nintendo to make the Playstation, I think that this game could have been fleshed out a LOT more. Like CE, but for the initial, wouldn't that be a mind boggle? Are there any theories on this site that has that? I know I've read a huge majority of them a while ago. Haven't checked in lately.Well, for what my thought's worth, I don't think anybody would deny that Lavos is/was a parasite. Though you do have to wonder about whether it left the planet by 2300 AD or not. I can't remember exactly, but does Queen Zeal say anything about it to imply whether he's left or not in the Black Omen?
Well there are the theories that Lavos actually IS Death Peak. Like underneath the snow and ice, Lavos rests. See I think it could be a viable explanation, judging by where on the continent he emerges in 1999, and by that amount of time with the cold, ruined atmosphere, tons of ash and dust could have settled on its shell.
General Discussion / Re: What's your "Worst game Ever"?
« on: June 19, 2008, 02:57:23 pm »I bought it, and I didn't see anything wrong with it... It was just a run of the mill beat 'em up. The combat definitely could've been deeper, though.Nah, you're right. I listed that as an example....because I'm having a hard time to find a game that really gave me such a horrible experience (lol). I just remember getting "The Bouncer", and expecting a really TOP notch game. Not saying it's completely horrible...but hell, it could of been a whole lot better. It was the first game for the PS2, so my hopes for it were really high.
And that is another very valid point. It was the first game for a new system. Nobody knew the true capabilities for the thing, and as are tons of games that are released during the launch of a system, I viewed it as more of a tech demo than anything.
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: You know you've been playing too much with Chrono Trigger When..........
« on: June 19, 2008, 02:54:57 pm »When you got a tattoo on your skin coin purse that has "Time Egg Bros." stamped on 'em.
That's a good one.
I lol'd.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Crono Foreshadowing
« on: June 19, 2008, 12:27:41 pm »Well, for what my thought's worth, I don't think anybody would deny that Lavos is/was a parasite. Though you do have to wonder about whether it left the planet by 2300 AD or not. I can't remember exactly, but does Queen Zeal say anything about it to imply whether he's left or not in the Black Omen?
Well there are the theories that Lavos actually IS Death Peak. Like underneath the snow and ice, Lavos rests. See I think it could be a viable explanation, judging by where on the continent he emerges in 1999, and by that amount of time with the cold, ruined atmosphere, tons of ash and dust could have settled on its shell.
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: What did you not do the first time you played through Trigger?
« on: June 19, 2008, 12:22:55 pm »Shit....the first time I went through Trigger, I didn't even revive Crono. Yeah, the game felt so much better when it ended with Crono.
I also didn't really do any of the side quests. But I pretty much did anything you could do in that game in the next, uh.......'x' number of new game plus'.
I've currently played through a cycling New Game + like 5 or 6 times now, and It's gotten to the point where I'm lucky to gain two levels on every play-through. ** is not an easy level to get to.