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General Discussion / Re: Do You Believe in "God"?
« on: January 09, 2013, 11:16:35 pm »I know one thing. Christianity can make some really shitty people into good, upstanding citizens.
It can also turn otherwise good people into rabid, frothing heathens that hate just to hate. I believe that, as Christ taught, every person on this planet is an equal. You love your neighbor as you would love yourself, the Second Greatest Commandment.
As much as I'd hate to say it, there's one thing that Gandhi says that really strikes true here: "I like Christ, but I don't like your Christians." It's largely accepted that Christ, along with other "pillars" of philosophies and reason, helped inspire Gandhi to war against sexism and make non-violence fashionable again.
I, like him, love Christ. But I don't like some Christians.
The Westboro Baptist Church being a great example of shitty people in the Christian community.
General Discussion / Re: Do You Believe in "God"?
« on: January 08, 2013, 11:57:58 pm »
Allow my confused ass to weigh in on this topic.
Yes, I believe in a supernatural entity that created the universe.
Yes I believe in natural selection of weaker organisms.
However, as for what God actually created all of us, I have no idea anymore. I used to be a die-hard, dyed-in-the-wool Christian, but I'm just not sure anymore. I don't think that if there is a judgement day, whenever that happens, that any God will fault me for having doubts.
I know one thing. Christianity can make some really shitty people into good, upstanding citizens.
It can also turn otherwise good people into rabid, frothing heathens that hate just to hate. I believe that, as Christ taught, every person on this planet is an equal. You love your neighbor as you would love yourself, the Second Greatest Commandment.
There are other religions that work to make other people good, and that's great too! My best friend is a Buddhist. He is also one of the kindest people I have ever met.
Me having the faith that I do makes me the person I am. It makes me believe in and act out of kindness and goodness. So in other words, this isn't really a scientific debate so much as it is a philosophical and psychosemantic one in my opinion.
Yes, I believe in a supernatural entity that created the universe.
Yes I believe in natural selection of weaker organisms.
However, as for what God actually created all of us, I have no idea anymore. I used to be a die-hard, dyed-in-the-wool Christian, but I'm just not sure anymore. I don't think that if there is a judgement day, whenever that happens, that any God will fault me for having doubts.
I know one thing. Christianity can make some really shitty people into good, upstanding citizens.
It can also turn otherwise good people into rabid, frothing heathens that hate just to hate. I believe that, as Christ taught, every person on this planet is an equal. You love your neighbor as you would love yourself, the Second Greatest Commandment.
There are other religions that work to make other people good, and that's great too! My best friend is a Buddhist. He is also one of the kindest people I have ever met.
Me having the faith that I do makes me the person I am. It makes me believe in and act out of kindness and goodness. So in other words, this isn't really a scientific debate so much as it is a philosophical and psychosemantic one in my opinion.
General Discussion / Divorce. It sucks bigtime.
« on: January 08, 2013, 11:51:16 pm »
So friends, fellow Compendiumites, I am now going through a divorce.
It has been the single worst experience in my entire life.
Anyone else ever been divorced?
It has been the single worst experience in my entire life.
Anyone else ever been divorced?
Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: I'm back, friends!
« on: November 04, 2012, 01:52:48 pm »
Well the lack of stable internet and the data capping on my phone prevents me from posting pics, however my Facebook is so just drop me a fr and I'll add you all so you can see my family and house!
Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / I'm back, friends!
« on: October 26, 2012, 01:35:10 am »
After a very long hiatus, I am finally showing my face again!
What's happened in the last two years almost?
Pic updates of my goings on soon to follow. Spoiler alert: I'm a dad and a homeowner!
What's happened in the last two years almost?
Pic updates of my goings on soon to follow. Spoiler alert: I'm a dad and a homeowner!
Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Long time no see.
« on: November 24, 2010, 11:03:45 pm »
General Discussion / Re: THE BIG DAY
« on: November 24, 2010, 11:03:08 pm »
I was crying so hard my eyes were stinging. I cut the cord on a blind slice. The doctor had to guide my hand.
I think the coolest part of the whole process is that everyone was so supportive and the environment was very comfortable because we had the baby at the hospital that I work at.
General Discussion / THE BIG DAY
« on: November 23, 2010, 07:54:02 am »
My wife has been in labor since 11pm, and it's funny because we're currently at the hospital that I work at.
I had to call in the on-call therapist to work so I could come be with her!
Updates as they come, and this will be the first place to get baby pictures!
Besides Facebook of course.
I had to call in the on-call therapist to work so I could come be with her!
Updates as they come, and this will be the first place to get baby pictures!
Besides Facebook of course.
Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Just an update.
« on: November 11, 2010, 02:25:17 am »
I have currently achieved EVERYTHING I had set out to do two years ago.
I finished school, I'm now working full-time in Respiratory Therapy.
I got married to the most beautiful and wonderful woman in the entire world.
That beautiful woman is carrying our even more beautiful and wonderful child, due in a few weeks.
I have a great job with benefits, an excellent marriage built on caring and trust, and I can finally call myself a man. I am providing for my family. I have to tell you, it feels GREAT.
I finished school, I'm now working full-time in Respiratory Therapy.
I got married to the most beautiful and wonderful woman in the entire world.
That beautiful woman is carrying our even more beautiful and wonderful child, due in a few weeks.
I have a great job with benefits, an excellent marriage built on caring and trust, and I can finally call myself a man. I am providing for my family. I have to tell you, it feels GREAT.
Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: So long, and thanks for all the fish.
« on: May 07, 2010, 11:47:20 pm »
You guys, I am seriously bawwwing right now.
You are so amazing, and I will be back as soon as we get internet access.
Thank you so much my friends!
You are so amazing, and I will be back as soon as we get internet access.
Thank you so much my friends!
Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / So long, and thanks for all the fish.
« on: May 07, 2010, 02:56:11 pm »
Well everyone, I have to bid you all adieu. As of tomorrow, I will be a married man, and the new house we're moving into doesn't have any internet access yet. We're going to have to wait for a while before we'll be able to get any because I have yet to get a job.
I'm going to miss the spirited discussions, and the extensive analysis that we've done in not only Chrono-related events but also in real-life experience and theories.
I hope your lives are rich and full! May your way through life always follow the spirit of the Springtime of Youth, as mine has!
I'm going to miss the spirited discussions, and the extensive analysis that we've done in not only Chrono-related events but also in real-life experience and theories.
I hope your lives are rich and full! May your way through life always follow the spirit of the Springtime of Youth, as mine has!
General Discussion / Re: The Record of Right-Wing Crazy
« on: May 05, 2010, 10:40:00 am »
Ok so Rush Limbaugh is an outspoken opponent of the liberal left-wing agenda. Understandable.
So when Seth MacFarland offered him a check to get him to come in and say a few lines for the Family Guy remake of Star Wars entitled Blue Harvest, he was all over it. Hell, who wouldn't be, it's more money.
My point is that when the left wing is filling the coffers, even the leader of the right-wing crazies will bow to the almighty dollar, even though they claim to be above such pursuits.
Fucking ridiculous.
So when Seth MacFarland offered him a check to get him to come in and say a few lines for the Family Guy remake of Star Wars entitled Blue Harvest, he was all over it. Hell, who wouldn't be, it's more money.
My point is that when the left wing is filling the coffers, even the leader of the right-wing crazies will bow to the almighty dollar, even though they claim to be above such pursuits.
Fucking ridiculous.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Chrono Cross and Venture Brothers
« on: April 29, 2010, 10:54:55 pm »This is likely a coincidence, seeing as I'm sure the "one short fat guy and one tall skinny guy" comedic duo existed long before both Chrono Cross or Venture brothers.
I believe Abbott and Costello started this, but I may be wrong.
General Discussion / Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« on: April 23, 2010, 11:51:11 pm »I'm guessing this was a bad day to make my glorious announcement. =/
Dude, J, I'm totally excited about your bagpipe thing. I love the instrument myself, and I feel it's very underappreciated for the difficultyit presents to learn and play successfully.
Also, as a father-to-be, I have to say that if someone called up to offer my fiancee information about abortion, I'd be pissed too, in defense of the boyfriends. If we had talked about it beforehand, that would be a different story.
Also, on a much lighter note, my wife-to-be and I have recently paid our security deposit on a 3-bedroom 2-bath rental property equidistant from both our families, which is exactly what we wanted!
General Discussion / Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« on: April 16, 2010, 10:44:00 pm »QuoteIf Herman Ree and Sam Drunknuts could actually play guitar as well as they say they do, I wouldn't be as bad about them.
I lol'd.
I understand this is rock and roll, but wtf would you give yourself a name like that?
His real name is Sam Totman, but I called him that because of the "Herman Li is Cool" video.