- Total Time Spent Online:
- 2 days, 13 hours and 11 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 265 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 16 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 1 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 12 votes
- 12 am
- 1 am
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- 12 pm
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- 2 pm
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- 11 pm
- General Discussion
44 posts of the member's 265 posts (16.60%)44
- Chrono Trigger Modification
34 posts of the member's 265 posts (12.83%)34
- Kajar Laboratories
31 posts of the member's 265 posts (11.70%)31
- News Submissions
26 posts of the member's 265 posts (9.81%)26
- Polling
23 posts of the member's 265 posts (8.68%)23
- Characters, Plot, and Themes
21 posts of the member's 265 posts (7.92%)21
- Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion
21 posts of the member's 265 posts (7.92%)21
- Dream Splash VI - Dream of Zeal [2018]
13 posts of the member's 265 posts (4.91%)13
- Site Updates
8 posts of the member's 265 posts (3.02%)8
- Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum
8 posts of the member's 265 posts (3.02%)8
- Dream Splash VI - Dream of Zeal [2018]
13 posts of the board's 183 posts (7.10%)7.10%
- News Submissions
26 posts of the board's 745 posts (3.49%)3.49%
- Radical Dreamers, the RPGMaker Remake
1 posts of the board's 62 posts (1.61%)1.61%
- Chrono Shift RPGMaker Project
2 posts of the board's 317 posts (0.63%)0.63%
- Kajar Laboratories
31 posts of the board's 5480 posts (0.57%)0.57%
- The Great To-Do List
2 posts of the board's 410 posts (0.49%)0.49%
- Chrono News
5 posts of the board's 1303 posts (0.38%)0.38%
- Polling
23 posts of the board's 6341 posts (0.36%)0.36%
- Chrono Trigger Modification
34 posts of the board's 10725 posts (0.32%)0.32%
- Fan Fiction
4 posts of the board's 1807 posts (0.22%)0.22%