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Messages - DoomSickle

Pages: [1] 2 3
Polling / Re: Crono v. Sephiroth
« on: June 09, 2007, 12:15:34 am »
Hm. Honestly? If you consider Sephiroth the amazing, suped-up on Lifestream warhero of SOLDIER, not Sephiroth thestupid, ugly, kill-him-in-four-hits final boss, I think it would be a tie, or a very close match, in Crono's favor.

Now, if we were talking Crono vs. Goose on the other hand, our redheaded hero is definitely screwed.

The Chrono Compendium - A Lavoid did it.

The Chrono Compendium - WR IN UR TIME PRTLZ, CHNGN UR HSTRY!

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Ozzie, Flea, and Slash
« on: June 03, 2007, 01:10:20 am »
If Mystics can all change their shape, why don't Imps change to a more powerful shape?

Sprigg is a Mystic, and she can change shapes. Doesn't mean ALL Mystics can change shape. It's a skill some have. Chrono can use magic, but not ALL humans can use magic. Flea maybe can change shape. It's not really addressed. He's just... weird.

Actually, it's proven that Flea CAN change shape. Remember the little bat that follows you around in Magus's castle? That bat turned into Flea when you fought her. Er, him. Shi? I don't know! D=

General Discussion / Re: A rose by any other name
« on: June 03, 2007, 01:00:39 am »
Well, THIS screenname is fairly obvious in its origin (Magus' ultimate weapon), but my devART is BlackLuminaire, which vaguely refers to the Shadowbomb spell, and then my other sn is usually Loxagn, which is my real name anagrammed Organization XIII-style.

Submissions / Re: Inverted Hearts -- Has anyone seen this?
« on: June 02, 2007, 08:46:24 pm »
Well, I have a KH rewrite going where instead of Final Fantasy, I used some more overlooked games. Magus, Lucca and Robo are already going to have somewhat major roles, and Serge has made a cameo. I can confirm that Marle and Schala will make appearances later as well. Perhaps I'll go dig up the link.

But that is really cool. I'll have to look into it.

What would you like to see in it?

I would love to see some voice acting. This is a horrible list, but...

Crono- I think Joshua Seth maybe... (Voice of Young Knives from Trigun, Tai from Digimon)
Marle- I looked and looked, and the only voice I thought could possibly work was Kate Higgins (Sakura from Naruto)
Lucca- Rachel Leigh Cook (worst on this list I think, but the voice of Tifa)
Robo- Anthony Daniels, hands down. (C-3PO. Who else?)
Glenn- Absolutely no clue whatsoever. Help?
Ayla- again, no clue.
Magus- Billy Zane, possible Steve Blum (who were Ansem from KHI and Vincent Valentine, respectively)
Schala- Mandy Moore (Aerith, Kingdom Hearts 1 (KHII had a different actress, and she sucked)
Zeal- Pat Carroll (voice of Ursula. Sorry, but I hear that damn laugh, and I think Queen Zeal every time...)

General Discussion / Re: Does anyone have this?
« on: May 22, 2007, 05:36:46 pm »
Well, crap.

General Discussion / Does anyone have this?
« on: May 22, 2007, 01:21:04 pm »
I remember seeing a 3D rendering of Lavos a while back on this forum. It had kind of a dissection thing, and then the full picture. Does anyone have it?

The way I see it, Lavos just got very rudely woken up, and so he was probably really pissed at the OP, and went all MWARLAR on everybody. Apparently Lavos just isn't a morning person.

Submissions / Re: Oh. My god.
« on: May 17, 2007, 02:56:26 pm »
It wasn't even Krete, it was some backwater place called Cyprus.

Submissions / Re: Oh. My god.
« on: May 17, 2007, 12:04:36 am »
Yeah well I was going to stick him in the Gulf of Mexico, but a friend of mine just HAD to insist that he be right on top of the most obscure country in the history of ever.

You actually think that's good? Wow, because I absolutely suck at photoediting.

Submissions / Oh. My god.
« on: May 16, 2007, 08:25:42 pm »

This is a very delicate thing to decide. See, Chrono suffers from what we like to call the 'Eragon Syndrome'. Such a thing must be done very carefully, for if you do it the right way, you will get the single most awesome movie in history. However, unless you pay attention to what you're doing, you're gonna get lukewarm shit. And lukewarm shit, unless you're the Poopsmith, is NEVER a good thing.

General Discussion / Top 10 RPGs of all time
« on: March 30, 2006, 04:13:31 pm »
Quote from: Julian
Best List
Legend of Dragoon, nothing more needs to be said for this one.
Final Fantasy 10 ( Love story almost as disgusting as FF8, please stop, seriously. )
Dunno if this counts, but Shenmue seems to be an rpg of sorts, and it was quite possibly the most boring experience of my life, next to being forced to watch titanic as a young lad.

Okay, 1) what is wrong with LoD 2) what is wrong with Titanic? and 3) WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG WITH FINAL FANTASY X?
I mean, geez, it was in no way the best, but IX was more forced than ten!

General Discussion / How Old Are You?
« on: March 08, 2006, 05:29:50 pm »
Bah... 16.
Though some people swear I'm like two.

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