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Kajar Laboratories / Re: Chrono Trigger Prequel Project finished!
« on: November 19, 2024, 02:43:44 pm »
I had a couple tell me it was saying it had a virus, not sure why. Refreshed the links, should be working now.
Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Crimson Echoes Plus
« on: March 09, 2022, 02:43:37 pm »
I haven't been on for a few years now, but nice to see that there's still progress being made. Would love to see this finished product once done.
No doubt I've missed a lot but am excited to see work like this going on.
No doubt I've missed a lot but am excited to see work like this going on.
General Discussion / Re: God, I Miss This Place
« on: February 26, 2020, 02:33:32 pm »
Welcome back!
Care to share the premise of the short film?
Care to share the premise of the short film?
General Discussion / Re: Commissioned animation
« on: January 10, 2020, 02:46:28 pm »Just wanted to chime in and say I'm also a big fan of Howls moving castle!
If you end up getting it animated and need a score, look me up!
That's awesome! Good to know I've got some support for this project.... even if just an initial idea.
General Discussion / Re: Commissioned animation
« on: January 09, 2020, 10:33:10 am »Tushantin was the animator. I have no idea if he does commissions, though. It's always worth a shot!
Also -- your wife has great tastes! Howl's Moving Castle is my favorite Ghibli movie (tied with Spirited Away), although I do like the book a bit better than the movie (they just diverge tonally so much in the second half, and the book is so much lighter and more fun - plus it all ties together better with the revelation to the Witch's schemes).
As for Castle in the Sky (aka Laputa) by Studio Ghibli, it's actually entirely separate and not related to Castle in the Air (the book) at all. Similar names, but no relation. The book is more of a semi-sequel in that it takes places in a new, Arabian country (not Ingary, the location in Howl's Moving Castle) and follows entirely new characters, and towards the end do find out that two of the characters were Sophie and Howell transformed.
Well now you've gone and spoiled it

Yeah I've only seen Howl's and wondered what was up with the witch since there wasn't too much of a back story if I recall correctly.
Tushantin! That's right. I may just reach out and see what he's up to. Thanks
General Discussion / Commissioned animation
« on: December 17, 2019, 04:27:18 pm »
Hey all!
Sorry I'm not as active as I once was... I had my 3rd child back in July and with work and kids I find it nearly impossible to keep up with the Compendium.
do however have an inquiry:
My wife loves Howl's moving castle - favourite movie of all time.I have recently gotten her the 2nd installment move - Castle in the air/Castle in the sky, but there is no third installment animated as of yet.
House of many ways the novel is what I'm looking into getting commissioned into an animated motion picture.
Any leads? I remember someone from the Compendium was a professional animator and posted some of their work, for the life of me I can't remember whom.
Anywho, nice to see the Compendium still up and running!
Sorry I'm not as active as I once was... I had my 3rd child back in July and with work and kids I find it nearly impossible to keep up with the Compendium.
do however have an inquiry:
My wife loves Howl's moving castle - favourite movie of all time.I have recently gotten her the 2nd installment move - Castle in the air/Castle in the sky, but there is no third installment animated as of yet.
House of many ways the novel is what I'm looking into getting commissioned into an animated motion picture.
Any leads? I remember someone from the Compendium was a professional animator and posted some of their work, for the life of me I can't remember whom.
Anywho, nice to see the Compendium still up and running!
General Discussion / Re: What is the abhorrence towards RPG Maker games and the lot?
« on: November 22, 2019, 09:59:36 am »
I can agree with a lot of the arguments here, especially people's expectations of being a generic cookie cutter type experience. This is why when I used it I made sure to use almost none of the original sprites/tiles from RPGMaker and stay as true to CT as I could.
Kajar Laboratories / Re: New Chrono Trigger Podcast, the Zeal Archives!
« on: November 22, 2019, 09:50:17 am »
Hey not gonna lie I have been out of touch a while, how is this progressing?
Kajar Laboratories / Re: Recognition for hackers
« on: November 22, 2019, 09:27:13 am »Although I would like sudo-moderator status so I can delete the stupid 'fake advertisement posts' that come up now and then.
A dream we all want realized...
Kajar Laboratories / Re: Chrono Trigger - Master Quest: Introduction
« on: November 22, 2019, 09:24:48 am »
Loving the ideas. Always enjoying seeing work being done to better the experience.
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Guardia Castle Sealed Chest 1000 AD
« on: June 13, 2019, 12:12:24 pm »
With the sealed chests, the trick is to first inspect them in 600 AD. You'll get a message saying that the contents are reacting to the pendant, then you're given the option to open the chest. Refuse, then go to 1000 AD and open it. You'll get a powered-up version of the item (since it's been percolating in Lavos energy for 400 years). You can then go back to 600 AD and open the chest to get the original version as well.
Didn't know this powered them up. Hm, learn something new everyday.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: A new, heartbreaking theory regarding Schala
« on: May 27, 2019, 10:01:01 am »I'm not sure the pendant could have been recharged at that time, considering the state the Mammon Machine was in.
My thoughts exactly. Was it plausible? Perhaps only Melchior (with his intricate knowledge of the MM) would know for sure.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Is the Masamune a part of Lavos?
« on: May 22, 2019, 12:17:43 pm »Melchior himself states the sword is made of Dreamstone, when you bring him the broken pieces.
MELCHIOR: Hmmmm... It might be possible if we could get our hands on some Dreamstone, which the sword is made of.
Bosch: If you can even now get the ore called Dreamstone that's its raw material...... I suppose so.
Dreamstone existed on the planet way before Lavos arrived. You might be confusing it with the Frozen Flame, which came from Lavos. Like Dreamstone, it is also red-colored and stone-like.
Do you have anything to back up this statement? I don't recall anywhere factualizing Dreamstone's existence before Lavos.
I want to edit my inquiry. When I meant "Before Lavos" I also meant before the Frozen Flame, as it is part of the Lavos, or in association with Lavos, therefore was present long ago, and I theorize, created Dreamstone.
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Guardia Castle Sealed Chest 1000 AD
« on: May 21, 2019, 02:39:08 pm »Thank you so much DarthNuno Looks like I have a sealed version of the IBM PC 3 1/2 as mine also says "Made in Canada". Mystery solved