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Messages - Fox

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Characters, Plot, and Themes / Doppelgangers in the Black Omen
« on: November 04, 2005, 12:01:28 am »
Although it isn't proven, and that the opposite seems to be implied by the things you actually see him do, I think Lavos is sentient. After all, I highly doubt that a non-sentient being could corrupt zeal, manipulate the evolution of an entire planet, and pull things through time. As for why he seems to react so instinctively, I think its because he's barely awake. It seems to be implied many times that lavos is sleeping. His actions seemed somewhat similar to someone being woke up by an alarm, the hitting the snooze button and going back to sleep. Of course, if he's asleep all the time, he wouldn't be able to the things that make me think that he's sentient, so I think he wakes up occassionally, just not when your around, save perhaps the final battle.
  Now, assuming that some of the party members do something else important after they're done time traveling, what would hapen if they died fighting lavos? Would you want to find out, or would it be easier to make a clones to send back to their original times afterwards? Personally I think the clones. I also think that lavos, or maybe zeal, kinda thought the same thing, and that the clones were to preserve the timeline after killing crono and co. And yes, this does assume that magus dies in the lavos timeline.

Polling / 09/30/05 - What's your favorite Radical Dreamers scenario?
« on: September 26, 2005, 06:01:52 pm »
Its a real tough choice between Kid & The Sunflower and SuperXtreme Alphacosmos Police Case EX Ultra, because they're both so unbelievably hilarious. In the end, though, nothing beats a ridiculous name and the bunny joke. Although the all your base scene hidden in Magil: Caught Between Love and Affection comes close.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / The Entity's Purpose
« on: August 26, 2005, 10:24:40 pm »
IMHO, the entity created all the gates, except maybe 1.

Ocean Palace: The gurus are obviously very important to the Entity's plans, so it makes sense for the Entity to warp them away. The reason they arrived where (when?) they did was to meet the time travelers later. Janus and Melchior were both transported to the same time period, so it's likely that Janus was just too close and got transported entirely by accident. Or perhaps the Entity wanted Janus to become Magus.

Magus's Castle: Magus WAS summoning Lavos, and if he succeeded then the time travelers would have faced Lavos too soon. So the Entity warps them out of harms way. As for Magus, there are several possibilities.
1. Once again warped by accident. How he would wind up in 1200 B.C isn't clear though. Perhaps he went to the end of time and then 1200 B.C. from there?

2. The Entity sent him to 1200 BC on purpose, in order to cause the events of the black omen or to simply undo it's mistake of sending him to 600 A.D. in the first place. Or maybe to cause the fall of zeal. Is there any evidence that the prophet wasn't there in the original timeline?

3. Lavos sent him there on pupose. Assuming that Lavos can see the future, at the point some point in the game he would see his own defeat. This point would, presumably, be at whatever point his defeat became inevitable, with or without the Entity's further manipulation. Right after the entity warps crono could be that point, because aside from the red gate, the Entity doesn't seem to interfere anymore after this. Knowing that it is going to be defeated, lavos send magus back to make schala use the last of her power to teleport him, instead of herself. This of course causes him to become the time devourer after he is defeated.

As far as Lucca's red gate goes, I think the Entity was just being nice.

Quote from: Sentenal
i dont think the repites had anything to do with Lavos.  There is the example of the reptite dimension, plus, why would they summon something that would destroy their civilazation, and later the planet?  if they summoned it, they would have surely know what it was that they were summoning.

Didn't Azala say something the humans winning before lavos arrived? I always took it as meaning the Reptites were dieing out (presumably because of the humans). Therefore, it would sorta make sense for her to summon Lavos out of pure spite. After all, if you're dieng anyways, why not take your enemies down with you?

Polling / 5/7/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Trigger NPC?
« on: May 23, 2005, 05:56:44 pm »
As great as Schala is, Lavos is just as, or more, important. And when it comes down to it, how could I NOT vote for a big alien incarnation of destruction?

Polling / 2/19/05 - If you had a CT element, which one would it be?
« on: February 14, 2005, 06:09:23 pm »
My avatar is a Magus recolor. I think that would make it pretty obvious that I chose shadow.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / So are Serge and co...
« on: February 02, 2005, 06:56:08 pm »
The question is really a matter of opinion. Just because the planet and the dwarves and the dragons think that humans, including Serge and Co, are evil doesn't necessarily mean that they are. Just because they did a few good things doesn't necessarily mean that they are good either.  After all, Lavos evolved humans and gave them magic, but does that make him good? Crono and Co killed an entire future, but does that make them evil? The answers to all of these, of course, lie somewhere in between.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / interested about miguel
« on: February 02, 2005, 06:42:44 pm »
Wouldn't Miguel have completely annihilatted you if he was actually Crono? Crono was able to hurt Lavos, I doubt he could be beaten by your party at the time, even if he hadn't fought in years. Also, forgive me if I'm wrong, but didn't Miguel seem to like the dead sea? I could be wrong on that, my memory of that scene is fuzzy.
    Someone please find a way to poke a hole in what I have said, because I really like the idea of Miguel being Crono.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Fate of Robo [Finalized]
« on: February 02, 2005, 06:31:22 pm »
A couple quick points:
          Robo's serial number is R-66Y. I remember because I had the same opinion about that as Lucca ("COOL!") and as such named him that instead of Robo. Besides, what right does Marle have to say someone needs a new name?
          I'm fairly certain that Crono99 wasn't really saying that CT was inspired by Dragonball, but that because Akira Toriyama (the writer of Dragonball) made the characters, they would have some similar characteristics. Hell, if you color Crono's hair blonde he could pass as a super saiyan.

Also, Lucca may have aquired the knowledge of how to build humanoid robots from repairing Robo all those times.

Quote from: Teflon

1. Why do the Cybots in the Black Omen look and act JUST like Gato?

2. Why do the ghosts in Chronopolis dissapear after you kill FATE? Did FATE provide some sort of life-support system for them, and after she died, they died too?

The observation:

Here's a little interesting thing I saw when you bring Kid to the Radical Dreamers intro in Chronopolis for the first time.

Full transcript:
*end of part about Serge talking about memories of Kid*
Kid: "Radical Dreamers...!?"
Kid: "And me name's on here, too!"
Kid: "What the bloody hell is goin' on?"
<new textbox appears>
Kid: "And here's a passage with me and me old mates."
*start part about Magil, Serge and Kid talking to each other, before infiltrating Viper Manor*

Anybody feel like looking into this?

1. There are only three ways I can think of.
A. Gato is originally based on a small amount of knowledge Lucca had about those robots.
B. Queen Zeal saw Gato from the Black Omen and either liked the design or wanted to screw with the groups head.
C. They both just happened to create very similar robots.

And as for the Kid thing, maybe something similar to RD happened in the main timeline, only without the whole "Kid is Schala" and "Magil is Magus" revelations, along with the whole thing with obtaining the frozen flame and all.

sorry, didn't mean to double post. Can someone delete that top one?

Perhaps FATE didn't mean for the monsters to even reach El Nido. They could have been lab animals from Chronopolis who happened to escape at some point, and then breed to create the species of monsters we see. It's been pointed out that none of them were seen in Chrono Trigger, so perhaps this explains it. Or perhaps FATE put them in El Nido as an experiment, and kept them there in a similar way as they did the humans.  Who's to say the monsters had no records of fate?

Polling / 1/1/05 - Who is your favorite Chrono Trigger character?
« on: January 27, 2005, 07:03:38 pm »
Lucca. A mad scientist who's funny, pretty, smart, and powerful? What could be better?

Magic, Elements, and Technology / Spekkio...
« on: January 26, 2005, 10:25:00 pm »
Perhaps Spekkio actually is a god of war, I'm pretty sure he says so himself.     It would also explain why he seemed so unconcerned about Lavos. If you were a god who basically gave people weapons (yes, I'm calling magic a weapon here,) would you be concerned about a minor thing like the end of the world? I probably wouldn't. Plus, it makes sense for the god of war to give you power just to watch you use it  in battle. Maybe he just .... lived until the end of time watching people fight wars, and maybe supplying people with weapons and magic whenever things quieted down for a few centuries. Or perhaps he exists outside of time.  Or maybe I'm, giving him too much credit and he's actually just an illusion created by Gaspar who likes to say "GRRR" :D  Who knows?

Magic, Elements, and Technology / Magic in CT and CC
« on: January 25, 2005, 09:44:44 pm »
Well here is my theory, although iI probably haven't though it out NEARLY as much as you guys:

    All beings have their own magical energy. Most, however, do not know how to harness it.  Around the time that Zeal was founded,someone discovered how to harness the Sunstone's energy. This person taught others (the Enlightened ones), although some people (Earthbound ones) just didn't get it. At some point , Lavos's energy was discovered, and as it was more powerful than that of the sunstone, the sunstone was abandoned and people started using Lavos energy instead.  Sometime during all this, a very small number of people (Let's say 3. Let's also say the Gurus) learned how to actually harness their own energy. But, when they tried to teach others, they wouldn't listen, because Lavos energy was more powerful anyways, and all of the Enlightened ones, save maybe one *cough* Janus *cough* could harness it. I believe that Schala was just really really good at harnessing energy from   sources other than (and possibly also) herself. The reason most of the people said that Janus seemed to posses no magical ability was simply because he couldn't harness Lavos's energy. If I recall correctly, the one Zealian who said that Janus had more power than Schala actually said that one of the gurus said that Janus had more power than Schala. And don't you think the gurus would be able to tell? Who knows, they may have even taught him some magic. Or Ozzie could've taught him, or hell, he may have figured it out himself. Anyways, I'm pretty sure that the during the fall of Zeal, everyone who could actually use their own magic was gated. And I'm also pretty sure that the sun stone also became unreachable. And they sure as hell couldn't go back to using Lavos, so the Enlightened ones couldn't use magic anymore, simply because all of the methods that they knew how to use had become impossible. And there was probably a lot of prejudice against those who figured out how to use their own magic afterwards, to the point where nobody who COULD use their own magic told anyone. Also, magical "techs" require no knowledge of magic and are used instinctively.

Thus when Spekkio teaches your group members magic, he simply teaches them how to harness their energy in whatever form he decides is appropriate. Thias is suggested by him saying "Well, you're a frog, so lete's give you water." He probably decided on Chrono's, Lucca's, and Marle's in a similar fashion. He didn't teach Robo because Robo isn't techjnically a living being, and therefore can't use magic. He didn't teach Ayla for one of two possible reasons: A.Giving someone from that early magic could potentially screw up the timeline a LOT. or B.He didn't think Ayla would be capable of understanding.

I also believe that the Elements are a way of harnessing the energy of the planet itself, much like with the sun stone, only with a more specifiic purpose for each one.

Regarding your third point, isn't it possible that the other angels made the judgement?

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