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Polling / 5/7/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Trigger NPC?
« on: May 04, 2005, 08:00:40 pm »
I had to go with Cyrus, he was pretty much Frog's whole reason for fighting. It was between him and Spekkio, I mean Spekkio gave Crono & Co the power to get the job done.
Polling / 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
« on: April 18, 2005, 12:27:49 am »
I gotta go with Serge, but Kid and Glenn are both close seconds.
Polling / 4/16/05 - Which is your favorite Green-innate CC character?
« on: April 10, 2005, 08:10:10 pm »
Glenn, because I can use X-Strike. X-Strike rules! Plus, I like his story.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Is Magus truly a Prophet?
« on: March 29, 2005, 09:32:02 pm »Quote from: Dain
Direa has the same power to see the wind that surrounds people, although she doesn't call it "black" wind. So the power seems to exist outside the Zeal family.
Maybe Direa's power revolves around sensing people's wind, and trained to sense the wind, while Janus & family are able to sense the Black Wind only as a side-effect to their great magic ability.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Magus's Weakness to the Masamune
« on: March 26, 2005, 02:12:20 pm »
On the Lavos-mimicry of boss Magus--
Think of boss Magus's magic shield as a 'locked door'. So as a 'locked door', it would mean that the Masamune is the 'key' to unlock that 'door'. So when Lavos mimics boss Magus, Lavos mimics the 'locked door'. Now, if you have a 'locked door' on one side, and a copy of the 'locked door' on the other side, it would make sense that the 'key' would be able to unlock both 'doors'. Also consider that at this point in the game Frog is the master of the Masamune, so I don't think he'd need his anger to drain the boss Magus magic shield anymore. Like a kind of "I've done it before, I can do it again" kinda thing.
Think of boss Magus's magic shield as a 'locked door'. So as a 'locked door', it would mean that the Masamune is the 'key' to unlock that 'door'. So when Lavos mimics boss Magus, Lavos mimics the 'locked door'. Now, if you have a 'locked door' on one side, and a copy of the 'locked door' on the other side, it would make sense that the 'key' would be able to unlock both 'doors'. Also consider that at this point in the game Frog is the master of the Masamune, so I don't think he'd need his anger to drain the boss Magus magic shield anymore. Like a kind of "I've done it before, I can do it again" kinda thing.
General Discussion / How's it look, guys?
« on: March 26, 2005, 12:49:57 am »
It's shiny, looks great.
Magic, Elements, and Technology / Spekkio...
« on: March 01, 2005, 09:15:46 pm »
As of half a minute ago I lost to Spekkio's Masa & Mune form.
Full health. But... I remember I used to go out to the bucket for health after fighting Spekkio...
Which versions are we talking about here? I just lost to Spekkio on the PS1 version.
EDIT: Now I just lost to Spekkio on the SNES one. Still full health. Hmm.
Full health. But... I remember I used to go out to the bucket for health after fighting Spekkio...
Which versions are we talking about here? I just lost to Spekkio on the PS1 version.
EDIT: Now I just lost to Spekkio on the SNES one. Still full health. Hmm.
Chrono Compendium Discussion / The Long-Term Goals
« on: March 01, 2005, 09:03:00 pm »
Yes, I did not mean physical characteristics, I meant the facial expression. I should have specified.
Chrono Compendium Discussion / The Long-Term Goals
« on: February 27, 2005, 11:30:34 pm »
Ok, I was comparing that unused Lynx portrait with the Serge and Lynx portaits...

While I don't know if everyone else sees it as this, I'd say the one on the left definately bears an uncanny resemblence to Serge, while the one on the right...doesn't.

While I don't know if everyone else sees it as this, I'd say the one on the left definately bears an uncanny resemblence to Serge, while the one on the right...doesn't.
Polling / 3/5/05 - Which is your favorite White-innate CC character?
« on: February 26, 2005, 11:17:16 pm »
Silent protagonist wins by default in my book.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Magus's Weakness to the Masamune
« on: February 26, 2005, 09:52:38 pm »Quote from: CTcronoboy
Yea we have strayed off topic a tad bit
So have we come to any conclusions so far?
Back on page 3 we had pretty much concluded that the Masamune affected Magus due to Frog's will. Then we drifted faaar off-topic when wondering how the workings of the Masamune of CC fit into all of it.
Magic, Elements, and Technology / Josh's Magic Guide to the Chrono Series
« on: February 25, 2005, 03:33:34 pm »
I don't think magic and anger would be a good mix...I'd think magic would require some mental concentration.
Sure, anger can help in sports, but when doing something akin to bending the elemental forces of nature to your will I think some focus would be needed.
Sure, anger can help in sports, but when doing something akin to bending the elemental forces of nature to your will I think some focus would be needed.
Magic, Elements, and Technology / Josh's Magic Guide to the Chrono Series
« on: February 24, 2005, 11:55:59 pm »Quote from: Symmetry
I think that's also why the rest of Zeal - outside the Gurus, who recognize the true source of Lavos' power - seems to think that Janus lacks any magical ability whatsoever. Perhaps, for some reason or another, he never "taps into" Lavos and thus his magical talent is realized as the natural magical energy of the Planet. It's also why the Zealians laugh at Crono & Co's arcane power, even though Crono & Co probably could have cut down virtually any Zealian standing before them.
Well, one of the Enlightened Ones states that one of the Gurus(I forget which one) said Janus's powers may even surpass Schala's. So if the Gurus knew Janus was a powerful innate, they may have prevented Janus from being 'Mammonized', for lack of a better term.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Magus's Weakness to the Masamune
« on: February 24, 2005, 02:22:14 pm »
Magus's shadow spells don't necessarily sound evil, though-- Dark Bomb, Dark Mist, Black Hole, and Dark Matter. The last two are scientific terms even. Dark Bomb sounds a lot less evil than, say, Evil Emanation.
Magic, Elements, and Technology / Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« on: February 23, 2005, 10:24:54 pm »
Heh, neither would I; I assume that person was being pompous because Crono & Co's magic was different, not necessarily weaker.
Although, it's not like the Enlightened Ones raise themselves up above everyone else or anything like that. Oh, Wait.
Although, it's not like the Enlightened Ones raise themselves up above everyone else or anything like that. Oh, Wait.