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Topics - SergeWolf

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Kajar Laboratories / Table Top Kingdom of Zeal
« on: March 02, 2009, 09:20:47 pm »
Hello Everybody, I figured this would be the best place to post my idea for something I've really been wanting to work on and hopefully get some advice or find someone will to help me out. But first I need to do some explaining on what I'm trying to do.

I'm trying to make a fan module for a tabletop role playing game called Mage: The Awakening. For those that don't Roleplay but have an idea of it. Think Dungeons and Dragons except modern era and dealing with people who can wield magic, hidden away from regular mudane people.

What I, Myself, am trying to do, is build a game setting, Made from the Kingdom of Zeal from Chrono Trigger and Cross.

Now, My main idea was to take example of the reptite dimension, and create a slightly alternate Kingdom of Zeal, one where Chrono and friends did not appear, but instead a group of Enlightened humans (the people who play) who rise up and either help bring about the downfall of Zeal or perhaps save it from it's fate. The good news for me is that I already have all the dice rules since I'm just lifting most of them from the Mage book.

But what I really need is kind of detailed analysis (more than likely theoretical ideas) and detailed descriptions about the locations of Zeal itself. How the Society is, what life is like on in Ehasa and Kajar and the Zeal Palace. I've tried writing them up myself, but I find myself coming up with major writer's block in that area.

Instead, I've been able to make up rules and stats for things such as Schala's Pendant, the Ruby Knife, the Nu, the Mammon Machine, the Spring of Recovery. Plus the character stats for the main characters such as Queen Zeal and the Gurus. All the mechanic fame stuff that doesn't have any real impact on the setting to a degree.

Any advice anyone can give me? Anyone else a Tabletop player like me, who dreams of playing games set in Zeal?

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