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Topics - Chains Of Fate

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Fan Project News/Updates / Chrono Crisis March Update
« on: March 28, 2008, 04:33:10 pm »
Hello all! Lots of good news, so let's get right to it!

The artwork for Raia Ashtear (Formerly named Lutania) has been finalized and completed!

Her info here on the forum has also been updated.

In addition to Raia's finalized artwork, a finalized design has been made by DodgingTires for Calypso. It will later be redrawn by Dice to match the Crisis style, but I'd really like to show off this amazing art of Calypso in her concert attire.

Check out her cute little sprite, too!

I signed a new Ruby coder onto the team and he's gotten right to work on the battle system! That said, I decided it was time to finalize its layout and structure. We decided to stick with the smaller sprite size, BUT battles will take place on the map just like in Chrono Trigger. Lena created a mock up which you can see below.

Keep in mind that it has NOT been skinned yet and this is just a basic layout. However, there will be several different themed skins that you can change at will for both the battle system and message window. Onto the mechanics!

"How will it work?" you might ask. Well, it's pretty simple. Battles are fought in ATB (hence the gauges). Once a character's turn comes up, a ring of commands (Attack, Item, Support Tech, and Tech List) will appear around them. You select your choice by pressing up, left, right, or down, whichever commands corresponds to that direction. If Attack is chosen, you will choose an enemy and that character will run up to them and you will then have to enter button commands consisting of A, B, and Y (Space, Shift, and Enter for you keyboard users). Each attack will reduce your Stamina, indicated by the number in the circle on each character's info box.

Simple enough, eh? Things get a little more fun with techs. In Crisis, techs work just like a combo attack (as they always have). Each one has a combination of keys you have to hit. Techs consume more stamina than a normal attack (each has a base cost on top of the cost of reaching the tech with your successive attacks). If you don't have enough stamina left to perform the tech after you've built it up, it won't happen.

The "tech list" button is a list of your available techs. Scroll down to the tech you want to view and press accept. This list also tells you the base cost of each tech. If you hit left or right on this screen, you will be taken to your learned double and triple techs. Clicking accept on these items will display who the techs are to be preformed with, what each combination is, and how much it will cost with each character.

How do dual and triple techs work, anyway? Just like in Trigger (and Cross), double and triple techs become available when two or three characters have all learned certain prerequisite techniques that they can combine into a coordinated strike. Also, in order to activate this move, both characters have to have turns available at the time. In Crisis, the idea is the same, but the payoff is a little higher. Of course, because of this, it's a little more difficult than just picking what you want to do out of a list.

Basically, your techs build on each other. Say you want to perform a double tech that requires Xavier and Matison. First, you'd take your lead character (we'll say it's Xavier. It could be either one, really), and begin your attack. Your first goal is to set off the single tech that builds into the dual tech. Once you do that successfully, Xavier will perform the single tech. This is your chance! During the single tech, if a dual is possible, you will see a "L" or "R" over your character's head. If you press L (or R), you'll get a notification that you've set a dual strike. The action will freeze, and you will have a set time limit to enter the command for the second character. If you can't remember your tech, you can call up the tech menu (probably with select, L or R) and view the list. There's a time limit though, so don't dawdle too long. Enter it correctly, and your dual tech will begin after the damage from the single is dealt.

Triples are the same as this, only you have two characters involved. You would see "L" over the head of one character, and "R" over the head of the other during your single. First you'd select a character just as though you were going to do a dual tech (and enter the commands). During the dual tech, you have to select your third character in the same way, enter their commands, and sit back and enjoy the chaos that ensues.

It's sort of complicated sounding when written out, but it'll make for battles that are a little more interesting than the everyday "point and click" variety. It should also make for some really cool combination attacks as you're literally attacking 3 times (single, dual, and finally triple).

Aside from Attack and Tech List, Item is of course selected in order to use whatever items you possess in your inventory, and Support Tech is for using healing Techs/Magic and stat raising Techs/Magic. These don't require button inputs like weapon based techs. And there you have it! There will be a more in depth explanation with pictures on the forum sometime soon, so if you're confused on something be sure to check for that in the near future.

In other news...

Roe has completed a nice heap of songs, and a new clip has been uploaded! It's a remake of a previous clip representing the "Boss 2" theme, The Enemy Intensifies. Feast your ears on "Good Will Triumph" below:

Lena has made good progress on the battle sprites as well as other in-game sprites! (Also redoing the whole character section without breaking the site! Wooo! -Lena)

I've made significant progress on the game script as well as finalized the lyrics for the song to be performed by Calypso during the Millennial Celebration!

Xenith has made progress on designing and coloring more weapons!

That's all for now! Be sure to check out the forum for a lot of new information on the 1999 AD characters as well as profiles and sprites for newly revealed minor characters!

Fan Project News/Updates / Chrono Crisis Halloween Update!
« on: October 31, 2007, 05:25:08 am »
Special update today! Be sure to check out too!
Firstly, something I'm sure everyone will be excited to see... finalized artwork for Xavier, Matison, and Celia! All done by our wonderful new artist, Dice. I'm sure you'll notice that Matison's outfit is different, this is because I felt the old design didn't really catch Matison's personality and battle style perfectly. I also wanted to give her a more futuristic look and a cool accessory. (Headphones! XD)

Here's the new artwork of Xavier, Matison, and Celia:

Secondly, there's a new screenshot available in the Gallery. Don't you just love convenience stores?


Next up, a new music clip has been put up in Downloads, "Forward to the Past." It's an old version of the intro that has made it's way to be used in a different way. Where though, is a secret. ^__~

Roe's Cross remix, "Dreaming By Your Side," is going to be featured in Crisis. To give it a listen, find it in Roe's Soundclick:

Finally, I had our second new artist prepare a teaser poster for this occasion. Check out it: (Click for bigger size!)

This poster is an ad for an upcoming concert in the Crisis world, featuring the hottest music artist in Guardia, Calypso. Calypso used to be a somewhat different character who went by another name. Hardcore fans may remember the old version of her, do you?
Well, I hope everyone enjoyed this update! Happy Halloween! Now go out and do something fun!

Fan Project News/Updates / Logo Contest Winner!
« on: April 30, 2007, 02:13:20 pm »
And the winner is...

Fortis! Thank you to all of you who submitted an entry. It was a tough decision.

Congratulations to Fortis for his awesome entry. The background of the logo will pan, so we'll also have an animated logo.

Fan Project News/Updates / Chrono Crisis Logo Contest
« on: April 12, 2007, 05:55:27 pm »
Welcome to the official Chrono Crisis logo contest! The other team members and I have decided that it's high time we had the logo design finalized. We know what we want, but we currently have no one to make it for us.

That's where you guys come in. There will be no prize, other than the satisfaction of your work being used as the logo of our amazing game. XD

I want the "C" of the logo to be very ornate, and for the logo to look very dark, to stress the deeper and darker storyline.

For example, the C should look something like this:

Though you can feel free to take creative license and try out different things.


There is no limit on the number of submissions you can send in, but your submission must be colored with Photoshop, a similar program, or be very high quality. If you use Photoshop, send in a PSD format of the file, and whatever is similar to that with the other programs so that we can use the logo to it's full potential for whatever we please.


As stated in the topic description, the deadline will be Saturday, April 28, 2007. You can send in your submission whenever you complete it, but we must have it by the deadline.

Send your submissions to me in a PM labeled "CC Logo Contest."

Ready... Get set... Go!

Fan Project News/Updates / Chrono Crisis Art Competition Winner
« on: February 22, 2007, 12:20:49 am »
This was an extremely difficult decision to make, but Lena and I have finally picked our winner for the art contest. Those of you who didn't win shouldn't be discouraged though, the judging for fan favorite has begun!

We'd like to thank everyone who contributed, we got a lot of amazing entries and it was hard to decide on just one.

Drumroll please...

And the winner is...

Paul Levesque! His entry was a promotional poster type drawing which really stuck out to us. Check it out for yourselves:

Fan judging is taking place on our forum, come put in your vote here:

Fan Project News/Updates / Chrono Crisis Art Competition II
« on: January 04, 2007, 03:33:30 am »
Official Chrono Crisis Art Contest II

The deadline for the contest has been extended to Saturday, February 17th.

Hello, all! This is the official topic for our second art contest. ^^ It's been a while since the last one, and we figured this would be a nice time to hold another one. Especially with the winter holiday. ^^


 For this contest, we're requiring that all drawings must have Crisis characters in them. Trigger or Cross characters can be in the pictures, but you must have at least on Crisis character. Here are references for the Crisis characters:




Miss Vanessa



Concepts of Schala and Serge as they appear in Crisis:




 The art must be original. We'll accept any format or medium--digital, traditional, paintings, colored pencils, ect.

 All entries MUST be submitted to me via email or PM. Please don't post them on the forums!

 We'll post the entries once we've begun judging.



 A Chrono Trigger or Cross fan comic fresh from Japan, OR the Chrono Trigger or Cross Japanese game guide. I have a friend in Japan who has offered to hunt down the goods for us, so we're not 100% sure if we can find the guides at this time. The comic will be non yaoi/yuri/hentai as there will more than likely be minors in the contest.

 Grand prize winners will also be granted a cameo appearence in Crisis as a NPC, have their art shown along with Dai's (the first art contest winner) in the programmer ending credits, and recieve a credit.


 After we post the pics, we'll also have a fan favorite competition. We'll allow you guys to vote on which pic you like best. The picture won't be labeled by artist, so the judging should be non-baised.

 The winner of the fan favorite competition will also be granted a cameo in Crisis. If the winner of the fan favorite competition is the same as the grand prize winner, we'll pick the runner up to have the cameo. You'll also get a credit, and have your artwork shown during the programmer's ending.


 The deadline for the contest has been extended to Saturday, February 17th.

 Well, there you have it! Do your best! ^^

 Happy New Year~

Winning art from the first contest:

Mac (
Rye (
Xenith (Chrono Crisis Forums)
ViciousCaberet (Chrono Crisis Forums)
crazymew (Chrono Crisis Forums)
Dream (Chrono Crisis Forums)
Saraquiel (Chrono Crisis Forums)
Jacktherippa (Chrono Crisis Forums)
Rogue PL (
Rir (
Dai Akako (Chrono Crisis Forums)
crono as glenn (Chrono Crisis Forums)
Hammerkast (Chrono Crisis Forums)

Fan Project News/Updates / Chrono Crisis Early Christmas Update
« on: December 17, 2006, 10:53:47 pm »
Final Light Ceres completed a colored picture of Matison, though she's no longer working with us as an artist, she wanted to practice her coloring. Enjoy!

Serge and Schala as they will appear in Crisis:

And last but not least, a new song has been added to the soundtrack demo. Enjoy!

Walking On Sacred Forest (Forest Theme)

Fan Project News/Updates / Chrono Crisis Soundtrack Demo
« on: October 06, 2006, 01:11:34 am »
For your listening pleasure, 4 clips have been prepared from what we have of the soundtrack so far. Enjoy!

Crisis Breaker

Millennial Jam

The Enemy Intensifies

Time to Fight

Walking On Sacred Forest (Forest Theme) (New!)

I think everyone will be pleased now, as Xavier's room is 100% finished. Enjoy and tell us what you think!

Fan Project News/Updates / Chrono Crisis Tile Progression Update
« on: July 14, 2006, 01:43:16 pm »
Validus has stepped up and decided to do all the custom tiles we'll need for the game, beginning with Xavier's house. Here is the completed version:

Xavier's Room (The bed is still missing because it will be sprited seperately)

Tower where he paints

More to come soon!

Fan Project News/Updates / Chrono Crisis Sprite and Artwork Update
« on: June 25, 2006, 02:08:15 pm »
Progress is still coming along at a good pace, as the game script is about 40% done, and the sprites are being done at a good pace. We also have a new addition to the team, Validus, former artist for CTRP, who's jumped right in and started doing NPC, enemy, and boss artwork.




Miss Vanessa:

Lena has completed the bases for the CT cast (And Serge and Kid) :

The artwork and sprites have been done for two NPCs, Queen Amelia and Princess Lecea, Celia's family:

Amelia Guardia

Name Meaning: Amelia (Industrious, Admiring)
Age: 40
Sex: Female
Home: Guardia Castle
Occupation: Queen of Guardia
Overview: Queen Amelia has solely ruled Guardia since as long as anyone can remember. Since she doesn't actually rule the kingdom anymore, she's had a lot of free time to tend to other things. Since becoming Queen, she's built many monuments to honor Guardia's past such as the Guardia Museum and came up with the idea to hold a big concert on the eve of the new millenium. Lately something has been troubling her but she refuses to reveal what's truly on her mind.

Concept Art:

Lecea Guardia

Name Meaning: Of noble birth
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Home: Guardia Castle
Occupation: Princess
Overview: Lecea is Celia's younger sister and second in line to become Queen. She is very jealous of Celia and does what she can to make her miserable. She is also lazy and has no desire to explore the world outside of the castle walls, unlike Celia who longs for adventure.

Concept Art:

And congrats to Dai Akako, who won our fan art competition with the following entry:

More to come soon!

Fan Project News/Updates / Chrono Crisis Art Contest
« on: May 19, 2006, 01:31:33 am »
Time to tell you guys about the official Chrono Crisis artwork competition!



 What is it?

Just a fun little game! ^___^ We're going to be selecting a piece of fanart to place somewhere into Chrono Crisis. The winner will also get their name in the credits, and my spriter will make you a personalized sprite. Oh, and we'll probably make you some sort of spiffy banner.

 Why is it?

 We thought this might be something fun to pass the time for everyone while we're working like mad little puppies on the game. Don't worry--no staff will be entering the contest or anything, so don't feel intimidated to show your stuff!

 What counts as art?

Well, just about anything! Digital media, traditional media, painting, sketching, sandart, sprite art, ect...

 What should I draw?

Something Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, or Chrono Crisis related. We'd prefer Chrono Crisis, since well, that IS the game. XD But seriously. If you can do some kind of badassed picture of Serge versus Lynx or something, that's fine by me.

Click Read more![hidden]

 How do I join?

[hidden]Simply PM your entries to me, along with your alias, if you'd rather be known as something other than your handle on the board.

 How long do we have?

 1 Month. If this is successful, we may do more. ^__^

 I have a question...?

 Just post all your questions here, and I'll do my best to answer.

And here's the info you may need on four of our new characters, which BTW, are being redone in a slimmer fashion as you'll notice by the new sprites!

New Character Information   

Xavier (Sprite still in progress)
Eyes: Bright blue
Hair: Blond to Strawberry blond
Outfit: His jacket is dark blue with red trim. Long white shirt underneath it with black trim--it's not tucked in. Pants are black, boots are white with red trim. Gloves are black with red fingertips, and red trim at the tips. Wears a red headband. ^___^ If you decide to draw his weapons, he uses a pair of long swords that would either be crossed acros his back, or at his sides (haven't decided on where he wears his weapons yet)

Eyes: Purple
Hair: Brown
Outfit: Her dress is a very very light purple, almost to the point of being white. The details on it are darker purple. Belt is brown; her pants are very tight and black. Boots are brown with blue trim. Matison is a fist fighter, and thus her gloves should be a very prominent feature. They're brown with purple.

Eyes: Green
Hair: Blond (lighter than Xaviers--closer to platinum)
Outfit: Celia is tough. She wears sort of a two teired dress--you'll want to look at the character art closely to see it. XD The top is darker blue, and sort of comes down around her bust and goes behind her. It's longer than the rest of her dress. The remainder of the dress is white to light blue, though I'm thinking of having it fade from light blue to white at the bottom. Boots are white with blue ribbons at the top. She wears a gold necklace with a green gem in the middle. She uses fans to battle.


Eyes: Blue (if you can see them. XD)
Hair: Purple, but maybe showing just the the tiniest bit of gray.
Outfit: Her uniform that she has to wear to school is a simple buisness outfit. The skirt is fairly short for a teacher. She wears a white blouse underneath her jacket, and has blue high heels on. She's also wearing pantyhose.


Fan Fiction / Legacy
« on: May 12, 2006, 11:11:59 pm »
 This is a story I wrote a few years ago, and had completely forgot about until I saw it in a folder recently. The Prologue is based on the timeline after Trigger, when Lucca's mother was saved by Lucca changing time via the Red Gate. This was fun for me to write about my favorite character, but I had begun working on Crisis at the time, and couldn't do much with the Guardian War, as I wanted to make something new for this. But anyway, I hope you guys can enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Happy reading!

                The story of Lucca Ashtear

Chains Of Fate

    It all started on that fateful day. The day my passion for machines began...the day my mother almost lost her life. My dad had left to go to the market in Truce, and me and my mom were cleaning the living room. It was always dirty, since dad used it as his workshop. A few bookshelves inhabited the corners, a large clock occupied the right corner, and there were some tables spread all over, with books covering half of the floor. Mom had a bad habit of tinkering with dad's inventions while she was cleaning them, but that day she went too far.

"What IS this thing? Taban says to keep away from it, but it's so dusty. I'll just..." She started to say.

 The machine was used to grind up parts of old machines dad could use to make new parts for his inventions. As she was cleaning, her skirt got stuck in the conveyer belt and she couldn't get it loose. Her eyes widened with fear as she realized she couldn't get freed.

"Dear me! My's...I'm STUCK! Lucca! Lucca help!" She yelled in terror.

 I ran to her as fast as I could, and I tugged and tugged at her skirt, but I couldn't get it out.

"I can't pull it out." I told her.

Suddenly, the machine activated and she slowly started getting dragged near the grinding spikes. She started screaming, and quickly began pulling on her skirt as hard as she could. No matter how hard she tried, it remained caught in the machine, and she kept hurdling toward the razor sharp spikes. All I could do was watch helplessly.

"Lucca! The password! Stop this machine!" She screamed.

"But I don't know it, mommie!" I yelled in confusion.
I was so angry at myself for not knowing how to stop the machine. A machine that I passed everyday, and one that dad had often explained to me how it worked. Bitter at the fact that he never spent time with me because of his work, I never paid attention when he talked about his work back then. What was worse, was that the password to stop the machine was my mother's name. If I hadn't let my negative emotions get in the way, I would have known that. Miraculously, a strange older girl appeared from nowhere, and was able to input the password and stop the machine. Mom thought it was me who stopped the machine...but in a way she was right.

"Thank goodness, mommie." I said in relief.

"Lucca...Lucca..." Mom said calming herself down.

  Before I could think anything more about the mysterious girl, she disappeared just as quickly as she had came. She was just like daddy, so talented with machines. I wanted to be just like her. And I kept thinking about how if she hadn't come, what would have happened...just because I didn't have the knowledge of the machines that were all around me. Everything changed that day. I vowed that I would never let anything like that happen ever again. Dad never had the time to spend with me because of his job, and I had loathed machines for it. I realized that science was my ticket to spending more time with him, and much to my surprise, the more and more I studied, the bigger my passion grew. Soon science became my life, and I spent all of my time thinking about everything associated with it. Little did I know, that older girl who saved mom WAS me. During our adventure, I was able to travel through a special time gate, back to that moment. Changing time for my own selfish desires seemed wrong, but I would have given anything to change what really happened that day, and I jumped at the opportunity. Originally, I wasn't able to stop the machine, and mom ended up losing her legs. How could I pass up the chance to change her life for the better? Everyday she was forced to sit around, not being able to do anything for herself. Most of the time she just stared into the sky from her window. As much as she tried to hide it, she hated her life, and slowly died on the inside. I gave her a new life, one where she could be like a normal person. Out of all the memories I have from my time traveling days, the one I'll never forget was the instant I got back from changing the events that happened that fateful day. Robo was waiting for me, and somehow knew of what happened.

"Lucca, you've got a kind heart. You're always thinking of others." He said as he started to pull something from his chest.

"This is for you. It's a piece of amber I created using the sap of a tree in my forest. It took 400 years and a lot of pressure to make! I hope you find it useful." He said as he softly placed it in my hand.

"'re so sweet." I told him.

And he really was. Out of all the new friends I met during our adventure, I became the closest with Robo. I used to pity him, because of the way robots were treated in his time. It’s impossible for robots to be evil, people have to make them that way. Hopefully in the new future, he’s together with Atropos again in a peaceful world.

      When I got home I headed towards mom's room, and I could hear her footsteps. I saw her rushing about the room cleaning, just like she used to do. She always hummed when she cleaned, and when I heard her, memories of my childhood came flooding back. Seeing her so happy and lively, a small tear formed in the corner of my eye. I didn't know what to say, so I quickly ran back down the stairs before she noticed me. Dad asked me why I was acting so strange when I left the house, so I just simply told him that I had a lot on my mind.

Chapter One: Before We Became Legends
 Before our adventure, Crono and I weren't very well known. We weren't very liked either. All of the other kids our age didn't appreciate my all. My father was known to be quite eccentric, and it wasn't until the Telepod that we had invented something that actually worked. I could never understand why the other kids didn't like Crono, but it was probably due to my friendship with him. I used to playfully tease Crono myself, mainly about his intelligence, but he knew I liked to joke. I could always tell that he looked down upon himself because of the way the others treated him, and I hated myself for being the reason other kids tormented him. It probably wasn't only my obsession with learning that they didn't like about me. For one thing, I wasn't as pretty as all the other girls. I always kept my violet hair trimmed short, and my face was always hiding behind those thick glasses. Crono had so many good features. Especially his deep blue eyes, which I could stare into for hours. That spiky red hair, which he always kept pulled behind that bandana of his, was very unique for a citizen of Truce. Crono said he got it from his dad. However, Crono never mentioned much else about him, probably because he never knew him. I heard he died before Crono was born, but I never touched that subject around him because I didn't know how he felt about it.

                                                Crono pretty much stayed the same before the adventure. We were always late for school, since he overslept most days. I would always wait for him outside of his house, and then lecture him about being on time. After all, I needed to take advantage of my first rate education. He probably always saw me as a cocky know-it-all, but that was just my cover. Like Crono, I was never very confident with myself. I would always be the first one to defend us if we were teased, but in reality what the other kids said sunk in over time. However somehow, I knew one day that I would blossom into the beautiful woman I've become. I figured the more they made fun of me, the better it would be when I showed them how wrong they were. Vengeance IS served best with a can of whoop ass, after all. That happened the day I revealed the Telepod 2, which was a much more powerful version of the Telepod that could transport things over much larger distances, such as bodies of water (bye bye ferries!). It was a year after our adventure, during which I let my hair grow out to below my shoulders. I finally perfected what I like to call "contacts." They were small lenses I put over my eyes, that had the same effect of glasses. With straight hair and no glasses to hide my face, even I had to admit that I looked like a different person. Although Crono was with Nadia, I think that even he got a chill from my new look. I felt so silly for liking Crono...but he was my best and only friend. Naturally I felt attracted to him, I just wished he felt the same way. For all I know he did, but I guess I'll never know now. He loved Nadia, and I had the opportunity to tell him how I felt before it was too late, but I chose not to. The years passed by pretty quickly, and now we find ourselves changed more over the course of a year than our entire lives. 

Chapter Two: A New Beginning

   It had been a little over three months since we had defeated Lavos. Things were a lot different. WE were different. Crono spent all of his time with Nadia, and the day I had been expecting for a while had finally came. Nadia came rushing into the house, her long golden hair swaying in the wind. She usually kept it in a ponytail, but recently she started wearing it down. It was no surprise Crono loved her, she was one of, if not the most beautiful girl in Guardia, and she had a heart of gold.

"Lucca! Me and Crono are getting married! Can you believe it?!" Nadia exclaimed. I don't think I'd ever seen her so happy before.

I put on a soft smile and held back the tears.

"Congratulations...I'm really happy for you." I said.

"You're okay with that, right?" Nadia asked.

"Don't be silly...he's perfect for you. I wish you only the best." I said.

 "Thank you, Lucca. Well, I'd better be off and tell everyone else! I had to make sure I told you first." Nadia said.

 With that, she quickly left the house and continued on her way. I couldn't hold it in any longer... and I completely broke down. Crono was the only boy I'd ever loved. I would never admit it, and now, it was my deepest, darkest secret that the world would never know. Crono was in love with Nadia, and I wouldn't dare ruin their wedding by confessing my secret love. I just had to accept it and move on. After a few long days of putting on fake smiles,  the day arrived. Nadia got ready at my house, with the help of me, my mother, and Crono's mom. Her dress was absolutely stunning. Nadia said it was her mother's wedding dress before her, and that she was honored to wear it. The wedding itself was beautiful as well, and everyone looked so happy. I thought about how terrible it was for me to even consider interfering with their day. This was the one time in my life that I couldn't fix my problems with science. I felt so helpless...just like I did that day so long ago when it all began. I thought I would never find someone to believe in and care for like Crono and Nadia had. I stayed depressed until the day I had finally completed my latest project, Robo II. He looked just like Robo, except he was blue and much smaller. I kept telling myself that I was making him for the world...but I knew that he was mainly a reminder of Robo for me. One day, as I was taking my daily stroll through Guardia Forest with Robo II, I saw a strange flash from behind some bushes. Much to my surprise, after I began examining the area, a small baby girl's face came into view. She was wearing a pendant similar to Nadia's around her neck, which had "Kid" inscribed on the back. I gently picked her up, and headed home. When I walked in the house my parents were immediately curious, and started asking me a million questions.

"Have Crono and Nadia been hiding that little one away somewhere?!" Dad asked.

 "She's so adorable, who's is she?" Mom asked, ignoring Dad's joke.

"I found her in Guardia Forest...and I've decided to raise her." I said proudly. The funny thing is, I hadn't really decided what I wanted to do with her, it just seemed like the right thing to say.

 "Are you sure you're ready for that?" Mom asked with her left brow raised.

"She'll do fine, and she has us to help her!" Dad said.

 "This is wonderful! I always wanted another child!" Mom exclaimed.

 And that's what she became, a member of our family. I raised her like she was my own, and we all lived so peacefully...until the war began five years later in 1005 A.D. I can't go into detail about my involvement during the next few years in a place called Chronopolis...but, it housed what was left of my good friend Robo, and an unimaginable power, the Frozen Flame. And that, my a whole different story.

Chapter Three: The Beginning of the End

     Crono and Nadia had their own child just three years before, a little boy, Rowan. Over those years I found more orphans. David, Gregory, Susie, Meg, and Chloe, and we had all become a big happy family. All of the kids got along really well, they hardly ever had any problems. Kid always craved the most attention from me...she was my little angel. She would often stay up late with me when I was working on my inventions, but I didn't mind, she was always good company. She had a clever idea to make an ice gun that would stop fires, which I felt might come in handy some day. For years she had horrible dreams of a fire burning the house down, and wanting her to feel safe, I finally finished the gun and hung it in the corner of my room. Her biggest fear was being alone, and I always found myself waking up late in the night to comfort her when she was scared. It must have been hard for her, and all the children for that matter. Me and my parents were all they had. Luckily, me and dad finally became successful and we all lived a pretty good life.  That is...until the war started in late 1005 A.D. It was around the time of Kid's fourth birthday. I was visiting Crono and Nadia at the castle, when the King came into the throne room. He had gone to Porre to discuss the reconstruction of San Dorino, but we knew that something horrible had happened instead. He said that soldiers from Porre had blockaded the Zenan Bridge. They exclaimed that they were beginning an expansion of their nation, and that if we weren't with them, we were against them. Outraged, the King had told them that "if it's a war they want, it's a war they've got." Unfortunately, that's exactly what we got. Crono gently kissed Nadia, and then followed the King out of the room.

"I can't believe this is happening." Nadia said.

I couldn't believe it either, yet I still tried to calm her down.

"I'm sure it will all be fine." I said.

 But I know I couldn't have sounded very reassuring. A few hours later, the King, Crono, and the soldiers were ready to intercept the attack Porre was planning. All of the soldiers looked petrified, probably because none of them were really ready. It had been over 400 years since the last war, and there had been no need to train for battle. All the better for Porre who had probably been planning the attack for a long, long time. Crono kissed Nadia again, winked at me, and marched off with the soldiers to the bridge. Nadia somehow looked different that day. She was very worried, a look that didn't suit her very well.

"I don't feel safe here. Let's go to your house." She said.

 I could hear the terror in her voice. I knew the thought of Crono dying was haunting her, and it seemed like it was tearing her apart.

"Good idea. Let's go get Rowan." I said.

 We quickly went up to Rowan's room and Nadia embraced him. It must have been nice to be completely unaware of the chaos that was brewing. He just smiled as she picked him up, his reddish blonde hair swaying in the wind. He looked just like Crono, from his eyes to his crazy hair. He was such a gentle reminder of the wonderful bond between Crono and Nadia. We quickly left the castle, and I'll never forget the silence that plagued it that day. It was as if everyone knew that Guardia was going to be completely destroyed. They were right.

Fan Project News/Updates / Chrono Crisis Location Progress
« on: May 03, 2006, 11:37:42 pm »
Progress on the different world maps is going smoothly and quickly, as we've already completed 1999 AD, 1026 AD, and now 2300 AD. Look below for some information on the new 2300 AD, and don't miss out on the other time periods at our official forum, here:

2300 AD

A Brave New World
Click here for world map

The glorious future that the Heroes of Time fought to create, and the heroes of the Chrono Cross sought to preserve. The world in this era is a technological paradise--robots are plentiful, and machines do much of the work for their human counterparts. Man has tamed nature, but there is a shadow over what seems like the perfect utopia that was sought in the year 1999.

The people here are bleak--perhaps as bleak as they were in the future that was witnessed by the Heroes of Time. There is fear of the end of humanity, and strife is beginning to tear at the future that so many died to create. The common thought in this world is that the defeat of Lavos brought about the gradual decay of humanity, and also the world. Where there were once lush forest, there is now desert. The seas have begun to die, their water turning stale. Most now put their salvation on the shoulders of the Central Regime, a governing sect ruled by Avernus, a man who most regard as a savior. He promises to dedicate all of the resources of the world to finding a way to cure the disease which now leeches away at all life. Many cities have become deserted as millions flock to his floating metropolis, far above the decaying world.

Avernus's methods are questionable, however, and there are rumors of people vanishing upon delving too far into his research. He has also passed several laws, requiring that a person be marked with a special mark and chip, where their identification is kept. Attempting to purchase an item without this mark is impossible, and often is seen as a mark of a rebel.

But there are some who question the Regime's motives, and have their own answer to solving the problem. Their leader named them the Radical Dreamers, after a pack of thieves who fought back against Porre's oppression in the early 1000s. The Radical Dreamers are mostly made up on those who were wronged or hurt by the Regime--people whose family members are among those who have disappeared, who have had their towns erased.

Why is the future so bleak? Why, if Lavos is gone and the Time Devourer destroyed is humanity dying? Is it true that without Lavos, humans cannot continue to exist...?

Truce Dome

Once a sleepy suburb, Truce has finally grown into the city that most expected it to be many hundreds of years before. The people here are largely factory workers who maintain and repair the robots who run the power stations around the city. The rest spend their days lazily browsing through shops and enjoying the latest virtual craze. The people in Truce are generally loyal to the Regime, and are critical of anyone without the mark. However, the people here staunchly oppose the opinion that they should leave Truce behind, and ascend to the sky like so many others.

Arris Dome

A bustling and glittering metropolis, to the scale that humanity has never seen. When the fields around it began to decay, Avernus and his men called the city's robots to arms, and in ten short years transformed the city into a floating refuge. Since then, the city has grown significantly. Robot labor allows Arris to expand with ease.

Arris also the location of the Central Regime's HQ, which strikes upwards, towards the stars, its glittering towers an testiment to the power of man. The Central Regime uses the towers to house their government, army, and laboratories. While the spotless streets are virtually crimeless, there is an uneasiness in Arris. Those that speak their minds sometimes disappear, and rumors abound about the Central Regime's experiments on humans. These things aside, most people ignore the disappearances, perhaps in denial, perhaps because they have no choice but to believe. For in a hopeless world, what do you have if you do not have something to believe in?

Bangor Dome

Just like in 1999 AD, Bangor is an entertainment center, and home to the grandest amusement park in the world. They hold a number of casinos as well, and millions pass through its glittering gates each year to get their minds off of their troubles. Bangor hosts most major events these days, as the rest of the domes have become rather utilitarian. Because of Bangor's openness to all types, the rebels often use this as a spring board to get to Truce during their missions.

Guardia Museum

Once the beautiful home to the monarchs of Guardia, this castle now serves as a huge monument to the past achievements of man. The entire building has been converted into a museum, with the treasures of Guardia locked deep within.

Radical Dreamers HQ

The HQ of the Radical Dreamers. No one knows its location, but it's rumored to be home to some pretty serious technology--some even perhaps surpassing that of the Regime's.

Andum Dome

Andum is a small port servicing novelty boats and small numbers of tourists visiting Guardia. Their facilities are laughingly outdated, and people from Andum are generally regarded as outcasts. As such, it's the perfect place to go if you need to get away from the authorities--perhaps the best aside from Chorus, anyway.

Bio Dome

A research facility once belonging to the Ashtear family, and the main site of their research. It is here that the Mother Brain computer is housed, as well as the main hub of development for the long running R-series robots. Until five years ago, this dome was the home and workplace of Lutania and her fiancé, Will. Rumor has it that the two were trying to master the art of time travel.  No one will ever know, however, because the Central Regime raided the dome, declaring Lutania and Will rebels. Will vanished on that fateful day, and Lutania only escaped thanks to the help of her loyal R-series robot, Prometheus. Bio Dome today is a very different place--it is primarily used for genetics research, and has been since renamed to "Genome" (usually shortened to "Geno") Dome.

El Nido

El Nido has also become a paradise and a refuge for many--long ago, the people there erected dams to hold back the rising waters of the ocean. Though they have begun to feel the impacts of the world decay as well, the people of El Nido have a far more relaxed feeling towards it than the other people of the world, and put their faith in the planet to save them.

Medina Dome

Mystics have all but disappeared in 2300 AD--many believe that their race is suffering the same fate as the humans. After the 1999 disaster with Lavos, the earth around Medina turned foul, and most people began to avoid the city. The Mystics that do remain have turned Medina into a sort of shrine, and generally oppose any sort of urban development. As such, Medina is regarded by most as a dying city, and few people venture there. On an interesting note, the Imps are still the leading race in Medina, and a descendant of Ozzie is still their butler. This cycle dates back to 600 AD when the Heroes of Time defeated Ozzie, ousting him once and for all from Medina.

Choras Dome

Once again in history, Chorus is a refuge for those needing to get away from the problems of the Zenan Mainland. The people of Chorus, being very independently minded, have violently rejected any meddling in their government by Avernus and his Regime, and as such, remain the only separatist country in the world. Their charmed life still hasn't ended, even with the current problems facing humanity--many people in Chorus live for the day, and try not to let the looming crisis bother them.

And for all you Cross fans, more sprites:

Fan Project News/Updates / Chrono Crisis Story Update
« on: April 24, 2006, 05:35:21 pm »
Got another update ready!

I figured it was about time we showed off some of the revised sprites. ALL of the sprites from CT (Main characters, sub characters, and misc. NPCs) are being redone in the new style, as you can see here:

And let's not forget the Cross characters:

We've also updated the menu a little more as you can see:

Soon I'll have pics of the individual parts of the menu, attack, techs, etc.

Luckily for you guys, the graphics are only icing on the cake. We've done a lot of work on the script lately to, so I hope you all enjoy this updated intro and story synopsis:

The Earth... She holds everything we know, everything that we can hope to understand.

She is marred with the scars of humanity, wounds from wars fought needlessly from era to era, dynasty to dynasty. I suppose it is natural to pray that time heals all wounds...But there are some things that even the long droning march of time cannot heal.

We learned that as children.

We witnessed the dreaded future sculpted by the entity known as Lavos, and gazed into the dying eyes of the people there... And saw nothing but bleak grey. Everything was grey.

It was if Lavos had taken even color from the people of the world... But why? Why was our Mother Earth under attack from this horrific monster? What was... Lavos? And why could it warp the minds of whomever approached it?

We tried to fight it...

We chased Lavos through time, doing everything we could to tip the scales of fate in our favor.

We risked everything for a future we could never hope to see.

In the end, we emerged victorious, saving the future, and ultimately, we hoped, ourselves.

It was such a long journey...

And we were so young... If we had only known that the evils of the world didn't end at Lavos...

If we had only seen the evils in our own kind...

If we had only realized that by saving one future, we were destroying our own...

But perhaps there is still hope... Perhaps, somewhere...

There are a new group of heroes who can set things right again. To finish what we began. To end it, eternally.

Safe and sound in his bed, a boy dreams of the future. But his dreams are becoming polluted by a growing shadow, a voice that beckons to him from the dark. Who are the shadows that dance before his mind? What fate is he destined for?

In the glittering metropolises of the future, the people cry for salvation. The answer lies in the hands of a deciever. His ambitions could bring either the end to a nightmare, or the beginning of a new and terrible dream...

A memory searches for its lost owner on a forgotten breeze. It flits between this world and the next, never remembering its name, but always recalling its sorrow. It stands now at the door of eternity, its fate tied with the world's.

These are the ripples of fate in motion. Let them take us to a world of serenity.

Story Synopsis:

~~~~ A.D. 1000 ~~~~
~~~~Nadia's Bell~~~~
May our prayers for peace
~ ring on for eternity...

It has been nearly one thousand years since the Heroes of Time left on their epic journey to save the past, present, and future from the entity known only as Lavos. And though they believed that their lives would go on happily in the new era of peace they had heralded with their journey, they soon found that they were wrong. War erupted five short years later, and the fates of the heroes were thrown to the winds. How could their futures be taken so violently? Had they truly saved the world?

A new set of heroes stepped forward in the ashes of their fates, discovering that Lavos had a plan sculpted for vengeance--a plan to devour all time. The heroes traveled across dimensions, eventually vanquishing the dread monster known as the Time Devourer. They went their seperate ways after that, the deminsions set right, their memories wiped clean of their journey. But in the instant before their seperation, they united under one hope--that the nightmare was over. That their world could finally rest.

But could it rest? What of the evil within men, the very evil planted by Lavos?


Xavier Ashtear had never considered himself special. Unpopular throughout his childhood at school, Xavier was often getting into fights and was constantly teased and rediculed for his tendancy to slip off into day dreams. The two bright spots in his life were his best friend, Matison, and his growing fame as a highly talented artist.

Little did he know that fate had something else in mind for him. Flung through time after a disaster at Guardia's 2000th anniversery celebration, Xavier soon discovered that history was gravely in error, and that the future was in horrible jepordy. With his friends at his side, Xavier swore to solve the mysteries of the past to unlock the secrets to saving the future. But what begins as a quest simply for an anwer soon evolves into much more... And Xavier begins to learn that time is a very delicate thing... And that sometimes, the answer is not as simple as it seemed...


Chrono Crisis is our answer to what may or may not have happened after Chrono Cross. Using various sources across the net, we are trying to keep the story as close to canon as possible, while still allowing ourselves to create and expand upon the Chrono universe. This is meant to be a final chapter--a culmination of the events portrayed in the games that we love. We're not claiming to be "the" sequel to Chrono Cross, but we fondly like to think that we may at least be able to provide some tenative answers to the larger questions in the series. This is a game purely for fans, by fans, and we will do our best to uphold the amazing story of the series.

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