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Topics - SuperAlan

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Characters, Plot, and Themes / Chrono Cross and Venture Brothers
« on: March 15, 2010, 11:24:13 am »
I was playing Chrono Cross the other day and a very important question popped up in my head; why does the military keep sending Solt and Peppor to stop me when it's clear that they are rather incompetent. Then I remembered this exchange from an episode of the venture brothers:

Dr. Girlfriend: Why do you always insist on sending numbers 21 and 24?
Monarch: They have that rare combination of expendable and invincible that makes them perfect as minions.

Of course further thinking lead to me to realize that Solt and Peppor, and agents 21 and 24, are very similiar. This is likely a coincidence, seeing as I'm sure the "one short fat guy and one tall skinny guy" comedic duo existed long before both Chrono Cross or Venture brothers. Although this now has the effect of me imagining Solt and Peppor sounding like the guys from Venture brothers.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Chrono Cross TCG?
« on: February 17, 2010, 05:38:38 pm »
i was recently looking through ebay to see if I could find one of those nifty Chrono Cross lighters and came across an interesting auction for some sort of Chrono Cross Card game (auction here -

Can anyone tell me anything about this? of it it's even real? From the images it appears that there are cards for possible party member and a few for some of the summon elements. There doesn't appear to be anything in the compendium about it and I'm fairly curious about when it was released, where, how it worked, etc.

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