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Topics - alarmclock

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Trigger & FF7
« on: September 30, 2006, 04:00:15 pm »
Can someone tell me why everybody seems to love FF7 and Trigger so much?  Also why does everyone think their soundtracks were great?  I hated the Trigger music but thought Cross' music was the best in any game.  And I'm not trying to cause controversy, I'm just wondering.  Is it beacuse I didn't play those games right when they came out?  Do they just seem old and outdated to people that only played them lately?

General Discussion / Everclear
« on: September 30, 2006, 03:53:42 pm »
If I'm 16 and weigh 140 lb, how much Everclear do you guys think I can drink without passing out or having to go to the hospital?

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / About a new Chrono game...
« on: September 18, 2006, 10:21:43 pm »
A petition  to get a new game is great...but theres not really any reward for SquareEnix.  So I was thinking, what if like we could get Bill Gates and his foundation to donate about $20 million (wiki says it takes about $15 millon) so they could create the game without losing any money whether it sells good or not.   And next I thought we could email Stephen Colbert and tell him about it, I know he's read emails on his show before, plus he does have the fake Stephen and Melinda Gates Foundation.  So then Bill Gates hears about it and since he's pretty rich it will barely effect him and he can just say it was for fun, kind of a joke, since he normally only donates money to needy people.  So any thoughts on this? (I don't care if you flame me since this is my first post anyway.)

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