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Topics - warmgun

Pages: [1]
Time, Space, and Dimensions / A Quirk of Forward Time Travel
« on: November 19, 2008, 01:21:23 am »
A quick hypothetical...

A completely insignificant male human named James in 65000001 BC encounters a gate to 2300 AD.  He enters the gate and winds up in 2300 AD.  Which version of 2300 AD does James see?  (Ignore Crono Cross)

Now if you're going to complain that you don't have enough information to predict which version of 2300 AD is the correct one, this means that you need knowledge of what time travel has taken place between 65000000 BC and 2300 AD.  In other words, does James enter the gate before Crono kills Lavos?  I think that question doesn't make any sense.  James isn't aware of Crono or Zeal or whatever.  Everything that Crono does is in James's timeline's future, chronologically.

We know what 2300 AD is like "before" Crono kills Lavos because we're following Crono.  But in my hypothetical, we're following dumb, ignorant James.   What does he see in 2300 AD?

My answer?  Well, if I strictly follow the time travel mechanics of the game, as I interpret them, then James ends up in the "final" 2300 AD, the bright sunny future of a slain Lavos.  It's impossible for him to see the ruined future we've seen because all of the time travel that makes up Chrono Trigger's plot happens in his future.  The cast of Crono never venture before 65000000 BC.  So I think this has be a general rule, and one that's consistent with the storytelling of the game.  You can never see a timeline that's been destroyed due to time travel taking place in your future.

What do you think?  Is this obvious?  I started this rant intent on proving that, with Crono Trigger's time travel rules, determinism must exist.  But now I think the opposite is true.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Hello... again :P
« on: November 14, 2008, 11:37:27 pm »
Hello everyone,

My name is Warmgun and I'm a recovering Chrono-holic. 

About five years ago, I followed a link to some site called the Chrono Compendium posted by Zeality on the OCRemix forums.  I had actually been replaying the two games and I was interested in the discussions going on.  I joined in and I had a whole mess of fun essentially deconstructing the series.  We tackled everything from love and war, science and history, timelines and dimensions, and everything in between.

Then a combination of real life and discovering big plot holes (damn you Marle's Grandfather Paradox!) squandered my enthusiasm and I went afk... for five years.

A couple of days ago I read an interesting tidbit of info about the upcoming DS port, namely that it might contain some rewrites.  Then I remembered my time here and decided to google the site.  I'm glad Zeality kept up the good work and turned the ramblings of a couple of bored gamers into a thriving community!  I'm also delighted that alot of my old posts are still around in one form or another.

Anyways, I'm going to lurk for a couple of weeks while I await the game's release and play it during the upcoming winter break.  I'll probably follow this with Crono Cross and relive the wondrous enigma that is its plot.  Maybe, in the mean time,  I'll argue some of the finer points: Belthasar Clairvoyance Inconsistency?!!?!!?  I THINK NOT!

General Discussion / PHEW!
« on: December 13, 2003, 05:41:22 pm »
With a very busy finals week behind me, I am ready to return to the discussions and such.  I'm reading Slaughterhouse 5 and its pretty good.  Kinda turns time travel on its head.

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