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Messages - MaximusLight

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You know there may be a concise way to bring this in line with the Time Bastard Theory.

We see in Chrono Trigger one the party goes through a gate time seems to flow in both ends of the gate consistently, that is if 15 minutes pass on one side of it it seems as though 15 minutes pass on the other. We are never given specific numbers like that in Chrono Trigger but the game implies buy how events continue to happen in a time period before and after someone time travels so even if it's not at the same rate we know there is some kind of synchronization happening.
So because of this we could say that Gate must be in sync or "synced" on both sides.

Now as the party travels more and more gates link up more and more time periods until everything period we travel to is synced and time is flowing on both ends of every gate. (even in 12000 BC, the gates are sealed at one point but never destroyed).

That said we still have time bastard (theory) removing Janus and Melchior via black gate despite this synchronization but the real interesting thing I realized is that what if time bastard doesn't apply simply to when people would have otherwise left but it just eliminates contradictions in general? Kind of like a way of keeping the time stream consistent. We've assumed that Time Travel's Immunity makes that instance of a person who'd time traveled completely immune to changes in the timeline as they remain the same person but what if a person is the contradiction? If Time Bastard theory applies specifically to contradictions that would explain why Melchior and Janus still got absorbed by black gates at the point in time where them continuing to be there would be contradiction.

But what about Marle? Well remember that first part about time periods being synced once they are linked? We know that traveling back should cause the timeline to branch off into a new time stream and therefore grant immunity as the time traveler's are separate bits of information but since the time frames are in sync that could mean that while Marle is a separate bit of information she's still subject to contradiction in the synced time period and thus be subjected to time bastard theory. Kind of like time periods being in sync forces them into being one consistent timeline for the sake of eliminating contradictions.
To put it more simply Time traveler's are immune to changes in the time stream in their own personal history and will not be removed in an unsynced timeline as there is not contradiction due to being a separated dimension but in a synced timeline they can still be registered as a contradiction due to the link despite their personal history being immune to changes.
AKA. their personal history is immune to changes but they are still subject to be removed by time bastard if it's about contradictions rather than just when they should disappear.

That would mean that at the point were Marle's existence becomes a contradiction she should disappear when in sync like Janus and Melchior did. It's a bit of a stretch with what we are given in the story but by this logic we saw that point and this also leads to a prediction: Although we don't know why it was that point specifically this theory would predict that it wasn't just her being mistaken for her ancestor but another event or set of events that finalized that contradiction and when the contradiction ceases to be an issue should could potentially be added back in.  not just Marle being mistake for Leene.
What do we see in the story? It's not just Marle being mistake for Leene and Leene dying when Marle disappears but rather it's shortly after Chrono arrives and the castle and meets Marle both times. Which implies that Chrono doing something or being at Guardia castle was what cemented her being treated as a contradiction. This would also explain why she doesn't just come back right after the queen is found as Marle only reappears once Chrono and Lucca get back or Leene's chambers as the probability of Leene being in the right place at the right time is what eliminates the contradiction not just her being found but rather being back safely at the castle.

Then again I'm tired so what do I know. XD

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