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Messages - Grobycftw

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Hum have you tried editing an existing basic enemy for testing purposes?
Like look at how a regular enemy's element grid is set, I believe the numbers for element have +4000 for some reason, you have to add the proper values or else it will not show up.

If I was you I would try doing test on a regular enemy, learn how it works/see what you can changes, once everything works properly try out editing Dark Serge. I'm fairly sure the info are accurate, there is a byte that checks which enemy ID is used for the Dooplegang but Dark Serge normally doesn't have one.

in an enemy data :
byte 0x2B   =   Doppelgang monster ID

and there are two table for Doppelgang elements?

Element Grid definition for Doppelgangs. Takes the form
of a series of bitflags; each level of the grid uses 16 bits,
starting with the first bit in the top left corner and working
down to the bottom right (L to R first). If the flag is set,
the grid position is open and can have an Element installed.

Elements with which to fill the Grid during Doppelgangs.
 A series of 2-byte little-endian values indicating Element indices
(with each mysteriously inflated by 0x4000). Open slots in the Grid
defined by the previous section are filled in the order in which
they were defined.

been a long time so I would inspect an existing one to see first how it's made then I would do testes if I were you!

Hi DarkLynx

Yes you should be able to add any element to his table
it should be located at offset   8D90   in the file    cdrom.dat\battle\data\monster.bin

I see a bunch of zeroes where it should be his allocated element for dooplegang, so it should be the good place located under his stats -> B8 0B 5A 4F  :

B8 0B = HP 3000
5A = Attack   90
4F = Defense 79

Chrono Cross Modification / Re: Element Grid Growth Formula
« on: July 09, 2024, 12:21:38 am »
Amazing discovery Glennxserge!! Props for figuring it out and giving all the information for it!
I will give it a try once I can get back to modding

Thanks for sharing!   :D

Hi I just released a video on how to extract NPC overworld model & texture using Flea as an example
and replacing Lynx PC overworld with her (making Flea ~playable!)

Tutorial Video link :

How to extract the model & texture of a specific NPC :
1) you wanna pick a room where your desired NPC appears in, like in the video I went and look for Bend of Time backroom to take Flea's overworld's model/texture, but you can pick just about any NPC (I think)

This doesn't seems to work with very big NPC such as Dragons, I tried and I think the Dragons models are just to huge to be put instead of a PC that simply, this needs more testing/editing to know

2) Using Purplecat tools you can find the room.cpt & .rgfx
the .cpt contains all the model(s) used in the room
the .rgfx contains all the texture(s) used in the room

using both unpackcpt.exe & tim2view you can extract both Model & Texture
*How to find the right model & texture?
- Opening the .rgfx as seen in the video, will open up all the texture(s) for the room
simply look for the texture of your desired NPC -> Flea in this case
- Once you got the NPC.tim extract it, open it in Hex Editor and look at the first line
the 01 EX is the VRAM corresponder values, shared between both the Model & Texture so the game knows which Model goes with which Texture for the room.

So simply confirm that the numbers for both are the same and you know it's the right model!

3) The .mdlx are exactly the Overworld Model NPC but with an extra ~line of code
You must absolutely delete that line to get the working overworld model for us to use!

4) Since Flea model/texture is a 128x256 we have to edit both to make them useable for PC
- Model Edit : Using the remap.exe you can half the Y axis model UV map (256 -> 128)
making a 128x128 model UV map!
- Texture Edit : Using PS6 .tim plug-in we simply reduce the size of the texture to 128x128
very easy to do and save with the setting used in the video, results may vary if you don't

5) Now that both your Model/Texture are 128x128 we can simply replace both instead of ~any PC, used Lynx in the video for easy demo

That's about it, ~all the tools can be found here on CCompendium utilities page :

but now everybody can replicate it  8) 
Enjoy! If you have any comments or info you want to share feel free to here :) !

On this page is all the currently known commands for the fieldscript

Here are all the Unknown Commands left :
03 - Unknown
04 - Unknown

27 XXYY - Unknown
28 XXYY - Unknown
29 XXYY - Unknown
2A XXYY ZZ - Unknown, ZZ is sign bits

32 XX YYZZ - Unknown
37 XX - Unknown
38 XX - Unknown
39 XX - Unknown
3E XXYY - Unknown

44 XX YY - Follow YY character ID with XX parameters? (See below)
47 XX - Unknown
4C PP QQRR SSTT UUVV WWXX YYZZ - Unknown, args may be one byte less than shown.
4D LL MMNN OOPP QQRR SSTT UUVV WWXX YYZZ - Unknown, args may be one byte less than shown.
4F WW XX YY ZZ - Unknown

59 - Unknown

63 XXYY - Unknown
64 XXYY ZZ - Unknown
65 XXYY - Unknown
66 WW XXYY ZZ - Unknown

74 WWXX YY ZZ - Unknown
76 WW XX YYZZ - Unknown
77 WW XX YYZZ - Unknown
78 WW XX YYZZ - Unknown

83 RRSS TTUU VVWW XXYY ZZ - Unknown (ZZ is sign bits for other arguments)
89 WWXX YY ZZ - Unknown, YY and ZZ may not be used
8B WWXX YYZZ - Unknown
8D XX - Unknown

91 XX - Unknown
92 XX YYZZ - Unknown
93 XX - Unknown
9A WWXX YYZZ - Unknown
9B VV WW XX YY ZZ - Unknown (effect-related?)
9C WW XX YY ZZ - Unknown
9D XX - Unknown

A0 XX - Unknown -> Randomize Movement  (00 = with pause, 01 = no pause)
A2 XX YYZZ - Unknown
A4 XXYY - Unknown
A5 XXYY - Unknown
A6 XX - Unknown
AB WWXX YYZZ - Unknown
AD XX - Unknown
AE XX - Unknown
AF TTUU VVWW XX YYZZ - Unknown (XX is sign bits for preceding arguments)

B1 XX - unknown
B5 XXYY - Unknown
B6 WW XX YY ZZ - Unknown
B7 XXYY ZZ - Unknown (ZZ is sign bits)
B9 TT UU VVWW XX YY ZZ - Unknown (parameter grouping uncertain)
BE - Unknown
BF WW XX YY ZZ - Unknown (parameter grouping uncertain)

C7 XXYY - Unknown
C8 NNOO PPQQ RRSS TTUU VV WWXX YYZZ - Unknown. VV is sign bits for the three preceding parameters.
CA - Unknown
CF XX YYZZ - Unknown

D2 - Unknown
D7 WW XX YY ZZ - Unknown
D8 TT UUVV WWXX YYZZ - Jump to ZZYY based on an unknown condition. TT is a character.
DF SSTT UUVV WW XXYY ZZ - Unknown (WW is sign bits for preceding arguments)

FE 01 XX - Unknown
FE 02 XXYY - Unknown
FE 03 WWXX YY ZZ - Unknown
FE 04 XX - Unknown
FE 06 XX - Unknown
FE 07 XX - Unknown
FE 09 XX YYZZ - Unknown (XX is a character)
FE 0A XX YYZZ - Unknown (XX is a character)
FE 0D XXYY - Unknown
FE 0E XXYY - Unknown
FE 0F XX YYZZ - Unknown (XX is a character)
FE 11 XXYY - Unknown
FE 12 UUVV WWXX YYZZ - Unknown
FE 14 XX - Unknown
FE 15 XXYY - Unknown
FE 17 XX - Unknown
FE 18 XX - Unknown
FE 19 XX - Unknown
FE 1A - Unknown
FE 1D WWXX YYZZ - Unknown
FE 25 XX - Unknown
FE 29 XXYY - Unknown
FE 2A XX - Unknown
FE 2B XX YYZZ - Unknown
FE 2C XX - Unknown
FE 2D XXYY - Unknown
FE 2F XX - Unknown
FE 31 XX - Unknown (XX is a character ID)
FE 32 - Unknown
FE 33 XX - Unknown
FE 34 PPQQ RRSS TTUU VVWW XXYY ZZ - Unknown. ZZ is sign bits for all previous arguments.
FE 35 XXYY ZZ - Unknown. ZZ is sign bits for previous argument.
FE 37 WWXX YYZZ - Unknown
FE 3A VVWW XXYY ZZ - Unknown. ZZ is sign bits for first argument.
FE 3F - Unknown
FE 40 XXYY - Unknown
FE 41 XX - Unknown
FE 42 XX - Unknown (yaz0r has a note here saying "save parameter to external array", but I don't know whether that's an indication of what this does or a coding TODO for his own software)
FE 43 WWXX YYZZ - Unknown
FE 45 00 XX YY - Unknown (YY is a character ID)
FE 45 VV WW XX YY ZZ - Unknown (XX is a character ID, VV > 0)
FE 46 TTUU VVWW XXYY ZZ - Unknown (ZZ is sign bits for preceding arguments)
FE 47 TTUU VVWW XXYY ZZ - Unknown (ZZ is sign bits for preceding arguments)
FE 49 VVWW XXYY ZZ - Unknown (ZZ is sign bits for preceding arguments)
FE 4B XX - Unknown
FE 4C XX - Unknown (XX is a character ID)
FE 52 XXYY - Unknown
FE 59 - Unknown
FE 5A XX - Unknown
FE 5C WW XX YYZZ - Unknown (XX is a character ID)
FE 64 XX YY - Unknown. YY is a character.
FE 6B XX - Unknown
FE 6F XX - Unknown
FE 70 XX - Unknown (XX is a character ID)
FE 72 -   Is Not even listed on the Field Page -> Looks like   Make NPC Rotate
FE 76 XXYY - Unknown
FE 7E - Unknown
FE 81 XX - Unknown

New discovered commands :
A0 XX = Randomize Movement for specific NPC (confirmed)
FE 31 = Dialogue Related (under study)
FE 38  = SET_HP function (under study)

44 XX YY - Follow YY character ID with XX parameters?
44 00 ID (Go to entity)
44 01 ID (Wait until there)

Thanks to F-man's works and research, we are currently trying to properly identify all the missing functions!
We discovered that   A0 00  is actually use for    Randomize Movement
A0 00 = Randomize Movement with random pauses/waits
A0 01 = Randomize Movement with no pauses (perpetual)
other F-man's potential unknown command under research :

  "I think FE 38 is actually SET_HP function."

  "opFE31 might be used to tell the target of dialogue. If you 0C it, game gets stuck waiting for dialog. "

I will update this post when more Unknown Commands are discovered!?

If you have any information you want to share to help this post please do share with us here! ty :)

Chrono Cross Modification / Re: Dario - Playable Character Release 1.0
« on: February 29, 2024, 03:10:09 am »
Thank you!

Yes dimitri, here are the info

Changing Turnip/Dario Innate Color

Innate Color Table :
Blue      = 80
Red       = 20
Yellow   = 40
Green   = 04
Black    = 10
White   = 08

*Format 2352*
13B73769 = Turnip Innate element color 1 (change this)
13B777B9 = Turnip Innate element color 2 (change this)
13B85D69 = Turnip Innate element color 3 (change this)

139936A9 = Turnip Innate element color 1 (change this)
139976F9 = Turnip Innate element color 2 (change this)
139A5CA9 = Turnip Innate element color 3 (change this)

Changing Turnip/Dario Spells Color :
*Format 2352*
Menu         Battle
26C435  |  13BA3055 = @VegeChopper/Dash&Gash   (change both Menu & Battle)
26C461  |  13BA3081 = @VegeMight/SonicSword  (change both Menu & Battle)
26C48D  |  13BA30AD = @VegOut/Conductarod  (change both Menu & Battle)

Chrono Cross Modification / Re: Dario - Playable Character Release 1.0
« on: February 21, 2024, 12:23:58 am »
No worries we can talk about it here!

Ok so for #1 , you are right you have to replace serge model -> But here's the catch :
I heard you could do "extend" the size of the disc (like adding 5000 if we replaced serge with dark serge in this case) but idk how much of a hassle it would be to offset everything after.
So instead what I did for that test was overwrite Kid's model, making her un-playable o.o as idk how to extend the game size (in the new version it is possible tho >> I believe) we might wanna start working on the new version, altho it misses alot of info still

Potential solution is swap a model that has enough size in it so you don't need to offset anything, which is what we did with Dario, only Turnip and few others had enough space for it!

for #2 all PC animation attack can be found here :

for #3 all texture in battle are always right before it's model, they are under .atim file and not .tim link here :

luckily it is very easy to put a .tim ->  .atim  via hex edit

for #4  yes all weapons exist for all PC & NPC   : ) 
link here for NPC and (link above PC) :

lmk if all of this helped!

Chrono Cross Modification / Re: Dario - Playable Character Release 1.0
« on: February 18, 2024, 07:56:17 pm »
Hi Jeetkunjo
ohhh nice thank you very much I'll try making patches from now on!

I just re-uploaded a new version fixing few things, and making the Bend of Time accessible in regular game

Yes this glitch is #5 on the remaining problem left! It is the blinking animation, we still haven't figure how to remove that animation. All Npc don't blink but PC does so when we use an NPC it does that weird visual glitch  x.x

And yes for sure, here should be the latest version :
Can't remember if there was issues with it tho it's been a long time

Dark Serge Battle Model :

Dark Serge related info :

let me know if it works!

Chrono Cross Modification / Dario - Playable Character Release 1.0
« on: February 18, 2024, 02:44:18 am »
Hi y'all! It's been a long time!
I'm happy to release this first version of playable Dario mod!!!! 8)   
*This mod has been made/tested on ePSXe v2.0

** This mod features : **
- replaces Turnip character for Dario
- removes Turnip joining scenario and his Tech 7.
- adds a new scenario for Dario to join
- Dario's stats are enhanced
- Dario can equip both Einlanzer 1 & 2  (doesn't show 2 blades as it needs another model)
- Viper's unlimited Dragoon Glory bug is fixed
- Removed 1 ~useless chest in Water Dragon Island (Another) for Dario's joining event (sadly had to but turns out there are several unused Var_Bit -> will provide updates someday)  Done! No more losing chest!
- Bend of Time now accessible in regular game

I do not know how to make patch so here's the link to both .iso   :
(version 1.3 - fixed missing standards animation + Innate Color issue!)

*Warning - Something seems off with the innate color, encountered that a few times I'm trying to figure out why if you close the emulator and reboot before Dario joins his color resets to Green somehow, maybe something in the memorycard stores a preset of all characters stats? I'll try to figure it out

For a workaround in the meantime simply use Save States instead of regular save/load. That seems to work fine for now!

Innate color when loading game has been fixed! it will auto fix if you load your game on v1.3 !

*Make sure you start a new game to have Dario's name, stats, innate color & element Tech 3-5-7 to work properly (Dario should be Yellow Innate)

*Dario can join the moment Riddel joins your crew!

There are a few minor details still left, he is ~99.5% completed I will try to fix those whenever I can

1 : Rectangle Image in both End-Battle and Menu Screen isn't edited, it needs a good polishing

2 : Dario Dash&Gash camera during the first part of the move is odd -> Probably because it's supposed
     to be an NPC using the spell.

3 : Dario's cloak during certain animation(s) isn't fully edited. Needs a bit more editing

4 : Laughing Animation also needs editing.   All animations Overworld/Standards have been ~100% Completed!

5 : Blinking animation make some spot appear in both battle & status screen, not a big deal

6 : The text for the event when Dario joins the party is not finalize and have errors in it (need to make a little dialogue between Dario & Riddel ideally)

I think that's about all of the remaining issues! Please let me know if there are any other issues ty!

Enjoy  :)

Chrono Cross Modification / Re: Custom Boss(es) (99% Completed)
« on: April 08, 2023, 03:32:08 am »
I wouldn't know about adding more but definitely could custom new ones and use the unused space taken by the empty ones (dummies) and all the enemies that are only available in CD2 (assuming you don't play a Newgame+ and go to the Bend of Time which would be the only way to see them in CD1)

Chrono Cross Modification / Re: Drop tables
« on: April 07, 2023, 06:23:32 pm »
If you would be so kind and make a post with details of how Battlescripts works generally, or if you have more info about the commands, we can update the known list from this page :   

I only did a few research about it and so far I found that some mobs kind of "share a basic BattleScript" (not directly but the structure is very very similar down to like a few bytes of difference each) I think one of the Wraith and very common enemy have an extremely similar one, I know the elements casted are written in little Indian, so if :
000D = Bushwhacker  in the code it will be written as 0D 00   

but I'm still yet to know how to make good modification, I would love to be able to "code" new scripts (or at least know what's the extend of our possibilities are!)
I would really appreciate if you can share your knowledge on those!
Happy to have new/more people in the community!  8)

I believe there's an old version of ePSXe that was able to read/boot 2048 format (Like v1.5 or v1.6    I can't remember why I ~lost it and couldn't find it in my drives, worth trying older version if possible) ahh and I think it was annoying cause that version of the emu didn't had the Fast Forward hotkey or something lol

Chrono Cross Modification / Re: Drop tables
« on: March 31, 2023, 11:26:31 pm »
Woaw this looks incredible! I must totally try it out as soon as I can
Very nice breakthrough here F-man! One more step towards a fully editable CC game!

You also found how the values for Selling Prices works, that is neat  8)

Chrono Cross Modification / Re: Custom Boss(es) (99% Completed)
« on: March 31, 2023, 11:03:09 pm »
Hi F-man !
If you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to ask here
I'll try answering with the most info I can share! We haven't abandoned the project we're just really busy IRL with work & boring stuff hehe. Yes with all the tools around there's actually a lot that can be done!

Editing the color was a real challenge (at least for some images/texture) my fella synthesis14 is very good with Anim/3D/Photoshop
we got a pluggin that can extract & edit .tim file, but to re-inject it you have to edit in Hex a few bits to make it compatible again on the .iso after re-compiled by the pluggin (it was quite a feat  :lol: )

Oh also this Boss's model doesn't exist on CD1 (only on CD2) so we had too replace an existing one (TimeDevourer) that was long enough to fit it in (since Aquator/Pyrotor uses one of the biggest model size it's really limited to swap around with another one.) -> This makes TimeDevourer unable to fight in CD1, so beware which one you're swapping!

Yes exactly make sure the number of entities amount correspond in both file.
I remember the main issue most of the time was we don't have enough space for adding more scripts in open rooms. It is kind of limited sadly

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Temporal Flux Plugins
« on: August 18, 2022, 12:02:41 am »
Wow! Thank god Mauron for this, that's amazing!
It worked instantly!!! :D

Alright so this brings us to our other issue regarding Attack Power display, Marle and Lucca both uses a different formula to show and calculate their damage and current Attack Power. Would it be possible to edit that formula?
I know editing it would change the display for both character but it is totally fine with what were trying to achieve.
What we want exactly is to have the same damage and display formula that Crono has for Marle and Lucca, except it would takes HIT into consideration instead of PWR.

I think because Ayla can't equip any weapon, her display uses a different formula, since we added weaps for her, the damage she was doing didn't correspond to the displayed values anymore! so we had to change it to match a similar character in strength (like Crono!)

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