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Messages - manekrox

Pages: [1]
Polling / Re: Did you ever cry while playing the games?
« on: October 25, 2009, 03:01:26 am »
I did not cry in any part of the game. But i did feel touched by a few parts.

1. When Marle runs to hug Crono when he is revived was touching.
2. When in my first attempt i did not manage to save Lara, i was sad, although I did eventually.

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character do you most relate to?
« on: October 25, 2009, 02:55:32 am »
I would relate myself to marle. Im not girly and sorts, i just feel her personality matches mine. Im not just saying this as a big marle fan, but i feel her energy, positivity and guts is outstanding. So i feel im much like the girl.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Best Party?
« on: October 14, 2009, 12:52:19 pm »
of course marle, ayla chrono

reason: FINAL KICK TRIPLE TECH=6000+ damage.

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