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General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy XIII
« on: February 04, 2009, 01:58:27 am »The ATB system in Final Fantasy XIII uses a cost system, which consists of an ATB gauge containing a number of ATB points and a blue bar to represent the amount of points left.
After every action, a certain amount of points are deducted from the ATB gauge depending on the action, and the blue bar featured on the gauge gradually gets smaller. The points gradually replenish over time.
In the E3 2006 Trailer, Lightning is seen using a chain of attacks and the points are gradually decreasing from the ATB gauge. Final Fantasy XIII will string attacks together in a visually pleasing way, causing an attack to be shown in many ways depending on the chain of attacks.
That sounds like a Xenogears/Chrono Cross/Vagrant Story rip-off.
I'm not sure you can call it a rip-off when you have to cite 3 different games to compare it to something.
General Discussion / Re: Pictures Thread
« on: February 04, 2009, 01:50:24 am »I was forced to go to Circut city, that's why I was gone.But I got some nice stuff. Like Some new Headphones, and A box of Starcraft, which I've never played, but the kids in my Boy Scout Troop Never shut up about it, so...
It is certainly a great game, but keep in mind how old it is.
Don't forget about the campaign mode. It's pretty good too.
General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy XIII
« on: February 03, 2009, 06:58:36 am »
I can understand the "Lightning is a female Cloud" comparison (I think Nomura made it himself If I remember right), but I really don't see how everything else looks like FF7.
FF7 was kinda techy, but this looks just plain futuristic. How many airships were there in FF7? The highwind and that WW2 looking plane that sunk underwater? Go look at the ships in the trailer, that's completely different.
Yes, there appears to be a resistance thing going on here, and AVALANCHE was a resistance, but that's really a dumb comparison. For one, Final Fantasy has had several "resistance" groups throughout the entire series (if I'm not mistaken, FFII was the first). Two, the group appears to be a bit larger than AVALANCHE. It looks more on par with FFVI's resistance group.
Yes, there's a guard scorpion-like boss in the trailer, I'll give you that. Honestly though, I don't think that's a very good argument at all.
EDIT: Oh yeah, the battle system.
From what we know it's supposed to be like Chrono Trigger (the devs made this comparison). No battle transitions. They also apparently ditched MP for some action point system or something.
This is mostly my speculation but from what it looks like in the trailer, they went back to FFX-2. No free movement in battle (although no transitions as I mentioned). It's ATBish, but characters and enemies all execute their attacks at the time of input rather than each attack happening one at a time.
FF7 was kinda techy, but this looks just plain futuristic. How many airships were there in FF7? The highwind and that WW2 looking plane that sunk underwater? Go look at the ships in the trailer, that's completely different.
Yes, there appears to be a resistance thing going on here, and AVALANCHE was a resistance, but that's really a dumb comparison. For one, Final Fantasy has had several "resistance" groups throughout the entire series (if I'm not mistaken, FFII was the first). Two, the group appears to be a bit larger than AVALANCHE. It looks more on par with FFVI's resistance group.
Yes, there's a guard scorpion-like boss in the trailer, I'll give you that. Honestly though, I don't think that's a very good argument at all.
EDIT: Oh yeah, the battle system.
From what we know it's supposed to be like Chrono Trigger (the devs made this comparison). No battle transitions. They also apparently ditched MP for some action point system or something.
This is mostly my speculation but from what it looks like in the trailer, they went back to FFX-2. No free movement in battle (although no transitions as I mentioned). It's ATBish, but characters and enemies all execute their attacks at the time of input rather than each attack happening one at a time.
Site Updates / Re: Chrono Trigger: DS Ultimania OUT!! Translators Desperately Needed!
« on: January 29, 2009, 05:02:00 am »Quote
Side Quests (literally “multi-events”)
Side Quest Challenge
A) The Green Dream
B) Ozzy's Palace (Ozzy is called "Vinegar" in the Japanese)
C) Geno Dome (in Japanese, an abbreviation/pun on “Genocide Dome”)
D) Sun Stone
E) Hero’s Tomb
F) Rainbow Shells
G) Dragon’s Santuary
H) Dimensional Vortex
I) Darkness at the End of Time (lit. “Time’s Darkness”)
Did they really call it the Dragon's Sanctuary in the Japanese version? That's our Lost Sanctum right? Why would they call it that? The Reptites there aren't Dragons.
General Discussion / Re: Character Designs All Games
« on: January 27, 2009, 04:03:42 pm »Quote from: ZealKnightLook at all the lines on Maverick, too much. To me it loses it's distinctiveness.
That's Fayt Leingod (from SO3). Edge Maverick is the new game (SO4)'s hero.
I think he knew that, he was just pointing out an earlier character design in comparison with the one he already posted. At least that's the impression I got.
General Discussion / Re: Question about PSX emulators.
« on: January 26, 2009, 11:56:58 pm »pSX1.13 worked great for me. I played through the whole game without any problems (I was using an ISO though). If you wanna avoid all the plugin nonsense of the ePSXe emulators, I'd go with that.
The plugin "nonsense" is a pain in the ass for sure, but if you know what you are doing you can make ePSXe work far better than the other PSX emulators. It's perfect for playing most games flawlessly, and the ones it doesn't play flawlessly (like most FF games) can be made to work with the right plugins, while with other emulators this is sketchy at best.
ePSXe makes some games look better than they did on the PS1, but it can still be a big pain even if you do know what you're doing. All I was saying was if you don't feel like dealing with it, then pSX1.13 is the way to go. I've had fewer "sketchy" situations with pSX113 than I have with ePSXe personally.
General Discussion / Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« on: January 26, 2009, 03:16:08 pm »Would I be hugely flamed if I said I actually liked FF XII better than FF X?
I just got my hands on the International Zodiac Job System version...and all of the text is in Japanese...dur...
Time to look into hex editing now...see if I have any chance whatsoever to make some kind of translation patch...
That re-release pissed me off. It's cool when they do stuff like add a few new items and an extra boss, I don't really care so much about that, but they revamped the summon system and the license board into something MUCH better.
General Discussion / Re: Question about PSX emulators.
« on: January 26, 2009, 02:30:47 am »
pSX1.13 worked great for me. I played through the whole game without any problems (I was using an ISO though). If you wanna avoid all the plugin nonsense of the ePSXe emulators, I'd go with that.
General Discussion / Re: Character Designs All Games
« on: January 26, 2009, 02:10:18 am »Have you ever seen any Amano designs? That guy started the over accessorizing craze. Only difference is at the time they couldn't impliment the details within the games.
Which of his designs are you referring to? Maybe I wasn't paying much attention, but I didn't really see anything that bad. Except for maybe Gogo or something.
General Discussion / Re: Character Designs All Games
« on: January 26, 2009, 12:48:08 am »I believe it is from Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope.
Which better kick ass because I have come to expect a lot from that series.
EDIT: Nevermind I thought you were asking where the second one was from. I have no idea where the last one is from.
If I had a 360 I'd play SO3, but I don't have much interest in most games on the 360, so I don't have one =P
After looking around, I found out that the character I was talking about is from The Last Remnant.
General Discussion / Re: Character Designs All Games
« on: January 25, 2009, 09:03:56 pm »The second one (is that the new Star Ocean?) reminds me of the previous installments of Phantasy Star, which I'm perfectly okay with. And the last one doesn't look too bad either...sort of a cross between oldschool medieval adventurer and newschool pseudo-sci-fi casualwear.
Yeah I kinda like the last one too. Where is it from anyway?
General Discussion / Re: Character Designs All Games
« on: January 25, 2009, 08:16:46 pm »
I'm not sure what you mean exactly. What's getting out of hand? Their clothing?
Polling / Re: New Game or CT Sequel?
« on: January 25, 2009, 04:29:00 am »I don't see it as any more or less a side-story than Chrono Cross...They're both basically there to tie up the Schala storyline...In fact, in RD at least you get one of the original party members paling around with you...
I suppose. RD just kinda feels that way to me. Not exactly sure why. I guess it doesn't really matter.
Polling / Re: New Game or CT Sequel?
« on: January 25, 2009, 03:45:27 am »I don't know...It's not like when they made RD they went, "This isn't a sequel guys, just a spin-off"...Each game so far has started in a new timeline/dimension though, that's been consistent. Even Trigger starts out in the one with the Entity making its changes...
And, yeah, I've been doing the teaflower thing with my avy, so you'll have to be more specific.
I dunno, I thought RD was intended to be a side story or something. I guess I have no way of knowing what they were thinking when they made it.
Polling / Re: New Game or CT Sequel?
« on: January 25, 2009, 03:13:17 am »In CC you could only travel to two of the dimensions though...And anyways, Radical Dreamers didn't focus on either so I don't think it's a necessity for the series.
Radical Dreams is kind of a spinoff though right? I think it's more acceptable in that case.
Oh, and V, I just have to say that I love your avatar.
Which one? It seems to change a lot.