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Retranslation of Chrono Trigger / Re: Translation Suggestions.
« on: December 12, 2008, 11:44:39 am »Quoteマール (MAARU) I'd have done it as "Maryl". Marle read in English is too ambiguous. Is is Marl? Is it Marlay? Is it Marlee? "Marle" only works if read phonetically in which case it still doesn't look like "マール", rather "マーレ"What do you think she's real name is?
Mardia or something?
Never know whether someone has a name like that.
It's Marledia isn't it?
I've never known anyone with a lot of names in CT.
Serge? Crono? Marle? Leene? Toma? Tarta? None of that matters.
If what we are shooting for is niuance, and the audience has some sense of Japanese, then we should have just gone with MAARU though.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Zeal is based off of Austrailia?
« on: December 12, 2008, 02:30:15 am »
Well at least you see something in common. 
BTW I speak standard American English.

BTW I speak standard American English.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Zeal is based off of Austrailia?
« on: December 11, 2008, 07:37:55 pm »Quote
An Australian reading Kidd's dialog will be able to tell that it's not the same exact accent that they're using.
Anyone who reads it will think it's not the same accent they're using, because they would hopefully have learned by reading normal English.
Just like an American could tell that your "Ha Ma'am Ahm frum the Sawth!" is an attempt at a Texan or Southern Accent. In fact, I live in Texas and I can tell that that is supposed to sound like a stereotypical Texan accent. Now, whether I, as a Texan, think that the "Sawth" quote was accurate is another story.Yes, exactly. Now If the story or game I wrote had a guy who was supposed to be from Texas as the only one who's dialogue is represented that way, and meanwhile everyone else talks normally, you're going to think that me, the ignorant ass who wrote that, thinks that all Texans must speak like that. (I've actually been to Texas and found that practically nobody spoke in that manner, Alabama on the other hand... yowza..)
And there isn't a representation of an American accent because you can't highlight the phonemes of an American accent the way you can with regional dialects.
Sure you can, provided that your spoken English isn't at all the Standard American (or close to it.) Here, I'll try it, but it's increasingly hard cuz that's how i speak.
"I wiz wawkin' to da store tiday an I sawuh byootiful car. I bedid cawsda milyun dalers."
The point of reference is in our heads, the British don't hear American voices when they read the dialog. And the only reason we think it's America-centric is cause we're American (I can't speak for any British people who've played CC, but I doubt it'd sound too farfetched to 'em). The game is Western-centric, to some extent; I don't think I heard them try to implement a British accent on anyone. That's cause they couldn't.
No SHIT! The british would hear their own spoken language when they read the text! That's what I have been saying all along! So would the Aussies and so would anyone else. Do Aussies hear themselves when they read Kid? NO, they read what Americans think they sound like when regular spelling is standard American English.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Zeal is based off of Austrailia?
« on: December 11, 2008, 06:40:03 pm »Well, wasn't that the whole point? It's the same as saying "If that guy talks to me in american english I'll recognize it but if he talks to me in australian I don't know what he's talking about." Obviously australians will recognize the accent, but all the others won't.
Oh well this discussion is pointless and uninteresting anyways
Talking is different from writing! I'll clearly recognize those who speak to me the way I speak to them, and I'll also clearly recognize those who speak to me differently than I speak to them. I'll still know what they are talking about. Regardless of how we say things, when we write, it will be exactly the same!
CC's localization is Americacentric which is all I was trying to say.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Zeal is based off of Austrailia?
« on: December 11, 2008, 06:34:05 pm »People who actually speak with that accent don't spell differently (except for the common USA GB differences like armour and armor etc).I never said they spell anything differently, but I do feel that the accent system in Chrono Cross was designed highlighted some of the stereotypical phonemes of certain accents. We can safely assume that all the accents were generated to sound different than whatever accent you use, even if they're from the same country. So an Australian can perceive all speech with an Australian accent and simply read Kidd's as from a different class or region.Please, type an American accent for me. Everything I read with correct spelling is in American accent. I'm interested to see how one would indicate American accent by changing of spelling.Well, let's make this clear, with all accents (even American accents), there are different regional dialects. There are different regional dialects for British accents as well, you have Scouse accents, Cockney accents (like the the one you tried to type), the Standard English accent, and many others. There isn't really too much different between the "American" accent and what the Standard English accent; you can't type out the differences because they're highlighted with pitch changes and slight phonetic tweaks.
I don't know what it is, but you guys are totally missing the point.
OF Course there are different accents within the same country. I could write something like "Ha Ma'am Ahm frum the Sawth! Ah cum frum Takesus!" (Hi Ma'am, I'm from the South I come from Texas.) Sure sure.
I'm sure Texans, Brits, and Aussies could easly write something for what I sound like to them.
The point is, you need to have a point of reference for what is standard... (to me, that's the dialect of English which I grew up speaking, which is similar to the dialect used in news broadcasts on American TV). Only then will the changes in spelling that I did to denote a seperate accent (similar to how it was done in CC) make sense.
Try to type something in what you think of as your own accent. You can't.
You don't even think you have an accent. Because that's how you talk.
Where is CC is the representation of an American accent? Nowhere! Why? Because the ones who localized it were Americans!
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Zeal is based off of Austrailia?
« on: December 11, 2008, 06:16:57 pm »
So you're saying Kid and Zappa's accents and all the others you read like american accents? O...k... I don't have that problem.
No, that's not what I am saying at all. I'm saying that anything spelled correctly in English thas an american accent to me because I speak American English. The same text, to someone who speaks British English, would have a British accent.
All this accent highlighting in Chrono Cross was done by changing spelling.
It is impossible to write an American accent (for me) because standard English spelling (to me) indicates an American accent.
Australians who read things would read them how they say them. Kid's Australian accent then is only Australian when read by non-Australians.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Zeal is based off of Austrailia?
« on: December 11, 2008, 05:48:32 pm »How else would they give Kid an australian accent? Since there's no voice acting, it would be impossible without changing the dialogue. I see it sometimes in books as well. I really can't understand how this would bother anyone. It's not like she talks entirely australian. She just has a slight australian accent with some words replaced.
An Aussie would read what you just wrote and it would have an Aussie accent! Don't you see what I am getting at?
Please, type an American accent for me. Everything I read with correct spelling is in American accent. I'm interested to see how one would indicate American accent by changing of spelling.
History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: Planet wide Ice age for 64,988,000 years?
« on: December 11, 2008, 04:35:07 pm »I still think FFVIII can explain the map thing because unlike most games, it does uses a spherical map.
But to understand the concept of game maps, picture the CT map on a piece of paper. Now, join each of the four corners toguether. While the result may not end up spherical like a planet, it does have geographical sense to the game map (north and south joins, west and east too, and you can quickly travel from one corner to the other).
Done, and this merely creates more probems. Sure, the corners are now easily connected, but north and south do not join unless they are close to the corners. In the meridian (at the half way point of the paper), you travel north till you hit the top of the map, then to continually fly in what would be the same direction on a globe, your course would be altered, making you fly towards the corners. Try it yourself, and remember that since the video game map is a rectangle, when you connect the corners, your paper looks somewhat diamond (rhombus) shaped. fly to a peak on the diamond. do you get transported to an opposite peak? No, you would go to the other side, following perpendicular to the folds of the paper. use a pen and draw lines if you dont' see what I am getting at.
History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: Planet wide Ice age for 64,988,000 years?
« on: December 11, 2008, 03:37:27 pm »On the contrary, it can make sense to fly to the north of the map, but then be in the south. Have you ever played Final Fantasy VIII? The world map can be seen as a standard map, but also as a globe. Surely with this setup you just need to compare both and notice how is it possible.
there are two possibilities for video game like map projections..

In this projection, if you fly north, it makes no sense for you to end up in antarctica. But that's exactly what would happen if this were a video game map.

In this projection, the flying north south problem is fixed, but now, flying east to west can make you miss entire continents that you shouldn't be missing (fly west from California, end up in Maryland, without hitting Asia or Africa)
Video game maps are impossible.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: I don't understand King Guardia
« on: December 11, 2008, 03:24:37 pm »
Plus, remember that each time you warp back to 1000 AD, it might not be the same time of day, or even the same time of the month since you've last been there. You could've originally left at say, noon, and when you get back, its 4:00 pm 5 days later. We aren't given that information in the game, just that its 1000 AD.
That's technically true up until you release the chancelor from the treasure chest. You release him hours before the moonlight parade, so all subsequent departures and returns to 1000 AD occur within those hours before the midnight parade.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Zeal is based off of Austrailia?
« on: December 11, 2008, 03:19:48 pm »I'd assume that most Australians would look at her accent and easily recognize that it's supposed to a less classy-sounding Australian accent--it's got that Steve Irwin, adventure-seeking, boisterous voice.
People who actually speak with that accent don't spell differently (except for the common USA GB differences like armour and armor etc).
I speak American English, and since that is standard to me, if I wanted to spell things differently to indicate that one of my characters is speaking American English, I wouldn't know how, because when I read things written properly, in my head they sound like American English.
Oi kud vary issaly troi ta toipe bri'ish occent thay... (I could very easily try to type a british accent though) by simply highlighting what I personally percieve the differences are between my spoken language (American Standard English) and a british accent.
British people on the other hand would rightfully be angry that that silly spelling I put in there is supposed to represent them, yet the language that they all know (normally spelled english) represents Americans.
I can't imagine that Aussies were pleased with Kid's "accent"
If they had done it with voice actors that'd be one thing, but they change spelling to achieve it, which basically says one type of english is standard. and all others are dialects.
History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: Planet wide Ice age for 64,988,000 years?
« on: December 11, 2008, 02:57:53 pm »Wikipedia is not a credible source. Try again.
Oh please...
The information that he's presenting (that multiple ice ages have occured in Earth's history) aren't at all incredible. Nobody disputes that multiple ice ages have happened, except maybe creationists and crustal slippage theory advocates.
If the ice age was merely caused by the debris from the lavos collision blocking out the sun, then it makes no sense whatsoever that the ice age lasted that long. If Lavos's presence (something we don't have on real Earth) made the ice age, then why does it suddenly stop in 12000 BC? Cuz of the fall of Zeal? What does that have to do with anything?
History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: Planet wide Ice age for 64,988,000 years?
« on: December 11, 2008, 02:40:08 pm »On the contrary, it can make sense to fly to the north of the map, but then be in the south. Have you ever played Final Fantasy VIII? The world map can be seen as a standard map, but also as a globe. Surely with this setup you just need to compare both and notice how is it possible.
It's not possible for the north pole and south pole to be right next to each other by definition, and no I have not played final fantasy 8.
I guess it's a matter of projection. If say the top of the map isn't really north, and the bottom isn't south, then I suppose it is possible. however that creates other problems, as the center of the map and the outer edges would all be the equator, yet when we fly east west, the latitude on the map does not change.
History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: Porre and Guardia: An Exhaustive and Exhausting Analysis
« on: December 11, 2008, 12:55:46 pm »
No, his presence does not prove that he knows about time travel any more than Marle's appearance originally in 600 AD proves that she knew about time travel. But it does seem probable (since one would otherwise suspect he was stranded in 12,000 BC, hence the reason he used to be thought to have been an unlikely candidate for the fall of Guardia). The difficulty is in the manner of his transportation. Was it a one-way trip? Can he travel through time at will? etc.
He vowed to destory Guardia in 1000ish, but if he has access to time travel, then the when is questionable.
That's exactly what I was saying. I think he has no idea how to travel through time and he's stranded in 1000AD. Otherwise, why bother with Porre? Go back to Zeal and kill Crono's crew while they are in captivity!.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: If Crono would be killed before he goes to the Millennial Fair
« on: December 11, 2008, 12:52:05 pm »That is what Time Traveler Immunity and Time Error are for. You'd have the same problem with ANY change to the timeline if time travelers could be effected by such changes.
1) Crono travels to 2300 AD, sees a ruined future, vows to destory lavos.
2) Crono destroys lavos,
3) There is now no ruined 2300AD for Crono to visit, he'd never vow to destory lavos, so...
4) Lavos lives.
5) There is now a ruined 2300 AD for crono to visit, he vows to destory lavos.
6) Wash, rinse, repeat.
Hmm never thought of that.