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Characters, Plot, and Themes / Nu?
« on: September 21, 2005, 10:00:50 pm »Quote from: Daniel Krispin
By the way, I just had a funny thought. You know that 'all life begins and ends with Nu. That is my belief... at least for now...'? It just struck me: that sounds like a Natural Philosopher talking, from some heyday of early philosophy where the philosophers were putting out this theory and that for what lies at the origin of the world.
It does sound like some of the early Greek philosophers like Miletus, Heraclitus, Anaximander, etc. They were trying to understand what was the foundation of the material world and survived all change. Was it water, air, earth, fire? Apparently out friend in Zeal thought it was Nu...
Polling / 7/16/05 - How do you feel about Schala replacing Ayla?
« on: July 15, 2005, 10:57:12 am »
I always enjoyed Ayla's character - a good member to have in the party, and I really liked the Reptites vs. Humans plotline.
I'd say remove Robo. I've never been a big Robo fan - didn't use him unless I HAD to in CT, and I didn't really care for him as a character. That's just my humble opinion.
I'd say remove Robo. I've never been a big Robo fan - didn't use him unless I HAD to in CT, and I didn't really care for him as a character. That's just my humble opinion.
General Discussion / Your best movies
« on: July 13, 2005, 12:38:03 pm »
Some of my favorites in no real order:
Andrei Rublev (epic and challenging Russian film)
Seven Samurai (greatest samurai movie ever!)
8 1/2 (Strangest and most frustrating movie you will likely ever see...)
Donnie Darko (Time travel elements remind me of the Chrono series...)
Requiem for a Dream (Among the most disturbing movies ever...)
Vertigo (How could I leave off Alfred Hitchcock???)
These are just a few, I'm a big movie buff.
BTW, Batman Begins was very good, bodes well for the future of the franchise.
Andrei Rublev (epic and challenging Russian film)
Seven Samurai (greatest samurai movie ever!)
8 1/2 (Strangest and most frustrating movie you will likely ever see...)
Donnie Darko (Time travel elements remind me of the Chrono series...)
Requiem for a Dream (Among the most disturbing movies ever...)
Vertigo (How could I leave off Alfred Hitchcock???)
These are just a few, I'm a big movie buff.
BTW, Batman Begins was very good, bodes well for the future of the franchise.
History, Locations, and Artifacts / The Pendants: Marle's, Schala's and Kid's
« on: July 09, 2005, 12:33:07 pm »
The thing that's always bugged me about Kid's pendant is this "rewind time a little" deal. What exactly does this mean? It doesn't really make much sense to me unless I'm missing something obvious.
It seems like it would create and endless loop: Kid dies, time rewinds and she's back alive, but then 5 minutes later she dies again, but then time rewinds again, and so on...
Am I missing something obvious here?
It seems like it would create and endless loop: Kid dies, time rewinds and she's back alive, but then 5 minutes later she dies again, but then time rewinds again, and so on...
Am I missing something obvious here?
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« on: July 09, 2005, 12:12:05 pm »
Yes. The reason Home World is doomed is because no one from the past can Time Travel to it. Therefore, the destroyed future still comes to pass there, since Crono's actions are reserved to Another World.
History, Locations, and Artifacts / Gaspar's original Time Egg
« on: July 08, 2005, 11:08:38 am »Quote
so I have this question, if a Clone is used, Serge isn't killed thus there won't be dimension split right?
Yes, this sounds right.
Keep in mind, though, Legend's theory that Kid used a Time Egg to save Serge much like was used to save Crono in CT is just a theory; I don't think there's anything to back it up from the game itself. However, it is a very good way to explain the dimension splitting, that in failing to use a clone to replace Serge, Kid violated one of the major laws of Time Egg use.
History, Locations, and Artifacts / When Zealiens sleep...
« on: July 08, 2005, 11:01:58 am »
Yeah, Enhassa is called the City of Dreams. When you run into Masa and Mune at Zeal Palace, they say something about Doreen being at Enhassa again "because she likes to dream."
Yeah, I agree with Translanka. I always thought the Queen had a huge spell over all of Zeal; they all just seem so oblivious and carefree and childlike and brainwashed. Only those close to the Queen like Schala, Janus, the Gurus, and Dalton seem to be free of this.
Yeah, I agree with Translanka. I always thought the Queen had a huge spell over all of Zeal; they all just seem so oblivious and carefree and childlike and brainwashed. Only those close to the Queen like Schala, Janus, the Gurus, and Dalton seem to be free of this.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Hehe, something ironic I just figured out
« on: July 08, 2005, 12:24:17 am »
Nice observation Legend.
History, Locations, and Artifacts / Gaspar's original Time Egg
« on: July 07, 2005, 04:20:26 pm »
The ruined future happens because of the split, not because Serge survives.
History, Locations, and Artifacts / Gaspar's original Time Egg
« on: July 07, 2005, 02:16:25 pm »Quote
The thing with having to have a clone is more because the event happaned. There's no denying that. If they woulden't place a clone instead of Crono, it would cause the dimensions to split, like in Opassa Beach. I doubt Kid took the time to prepare a clone. That broke the laws of time, dividing the dimensions. If you put a clone, the event still happaned. Crono didn't die, but the event still happaned. Hope you understand what I'm saying.
Hmmmm, interesting theory. I like the possibilities this has.
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / The Gurus: Who was the strongest (in all aspects)?
« on: July 07, 2005, 11:18:19 am »
That Avatar gets an A+ in my book.
And yes, I'm currently studying philosophy in college. I took a course in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy this past semester, so most of it is still fresh in my mind.
And yes, I'm currently studying philosophy in college. I took a course in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy this past semester, so most of it is still fresh in my mind.
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / The Gurus: Who was the strongest (in all aspects)?
« on: July 06, 2005, 04:05:01 pm »Quote
They always seemed in some ways like philosophers, anyway.
Maybe this is why the Gurus have been among my favorite characters in the Chrono Universe. I'd sometime like to sit down with Melchior and discuss the meaning of life
it is Aristotle who is remembered for it
Yes, and you're probably right that Hesiod, being more of a poet, was probably speaking in more mythological or metaphorical terms. The Milesians were trying to find what it is that is constant and does not change, so while they sometimes acknowledged 4 elements, they would debate over which was the "Supreme" element (for instance, Earth, Fire, and Water all being more "hardened" forms of Air). Aristotle may have been the first to argue for the 4 elements, none more supreme than the other, from a more scientific standpoint. Since he so heavily influenced important thinkers long after him, for instance Thomas Aquinas, I favor Aristotle as the most important philosopher in all of history, but that's just my opinion.
And I like thinking of Melchoir as a Platonist.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« on: July 06, 2005, 03:53:02 pm »Quote
Oh, that "everything in Home World before 1010 AD didn't happan?" theory?
Well, the theory is that Home is the aberration, split off from Another. Another and Home share the same past, but not the same future. Time Travelers can only time travel within their own dimension, along a straight line you could say, and Home splits off at 1010. Therefore, Crono's defeat of Lavos only affects Another World.
But then again, maybe Serge's existence wasn't a threat just because of that?
Serge's existence didn't necessarily cause this split, but the fact is that the dimension split happened because of events centered around him. Serge's significance lies in this fact, and in the fact that because of his contact with the Frozen Flame, he's become the Arbiter of Time/Chrono Trigger, denying FATE access to the Frozen Flame.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Lavos' location
« on: July 06, 2005, 03:44:30 pm »
Read the "Beyond Time" piece in the article section of this website. It has a part on Lavos' pocket dimension that is helpful.
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / The Gurus: Who was the strongest (in all aspects)?
« on: July 06, 2005, 02:15:44 pm »Quote
I think that must be the most brought-up irony/quirk in the Chrono series. I've seen it mentioned no less than a dozen times.
Haha, yes, I know I just dredged up an often-repeated observation.
Your commentary on the gurus was an interesting read. One nit-picky point, however. You say it was Aristotle that put forward the idea of four elements. Maybe he made the idea more popular and more widely accepted, but I thought that much earlier the poet Hesiod had put forward his cosmological picture with the earth covered by water and surrounded by air and fire. Thales thought the one constant was Water, Anaximander went for the vague "Indefinate Boundless," Anaximenes proposed "Aer," and Heraclitus went with Fire (along with establishing the notion of the "Logos"), and then of course there were the Pythagoreans with "All is Number." Maybe Aristotle was the first to speak of 4 elements, but I thought it happened earlier, during the Pre-Socratic period.
Oh well, lets veer back to the topic after I sent us careening into Ancient philosophy.