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Messages - Dream Devourer

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...If 6 letters are available then why couldn't you name him "Chrono"

Apparently it wasn't possible to name Serge "Crono" or "Chrono" either. So that's why I want certainty.

Can't just keep sitting here and not play Trigger, gonna look if my local gamestore has an imported US version.

Now, I just want to confirm one last thing: I want to be absolutely sure that I can name Crono Chrono in the US/English version. Please don't answer if you just heard it from someone else, but only if you actually have the game and tried it yourself.

Guess I over-analyzed...>_<"

Ah, how did the folks in Medina Village call Magus in SFC/PS version?

Now they call him 'fiendlord', which is quite interesting, because his Japanese name '魔王' means EXACTLY 'fiendlord'.

Also I checked the Japanese dialogue of a certain NPC, he says '魔王樣' (maou sama), if you translate it back, it should probably be 'Lord Magus'. And in English script, he just says 'fiendlord', interesting...

Mao/Maoh/Maou means "demon lord" or "dark king", so fiendlord is a pretty accurate title. With Mao being a title one could also assume his English name is also actually a title, Magus being the singular of Magi.

@ Dark Serge and Shadow D. Darkman,
I suppose that's true.


Also, if Chrono Cross is just the result of one of the endings (or rather multiple ones...), could we assume Radical Dreamers is that as well? If so, what ending would be the most logical to predate RD?

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: ChronoTrigger Orchestra Extra soundtrack
« on: November 26, 2008, 02:07:03 pm »
Great, now I don't know which version to get:

US version has:
-6 letter name limits
-Bonus CD

EU version has:
-6 letter name limits
-Superior boxart

I can already see myself waiting a few months and then discover the EU version won't have any goodies...

And it's amazing how simple word choice made Magus's characterization seem so different--Magus appears to have a greater level of understanding in the translation Arc provided us.

Probably came with the time that passed after Lavos was defeated.

More likely his reunion with his sister.

Also, it it just me or does Schala just being "attached" to Lavos seem a bit weird? I figured they'd at least explain it for those with no knowledge of Cross.

Aye, the translator didn't seem to take CC into consideration...unless a CC retranslation is on the way! Hah.

Quote from: Japanese script
Magus: Heh...  very well, then...If that's how it is, I too will throw away everything and disappear. And if even then, something still remains--if some part of this being I call "myself" still keeps existing...Maybe then it will be possible for something new to be born, to begin.
Compare that to this quote:
Quote from: English script
Magus: Hmph. If this is to be the way of things, then let me abandon all that was and fade away as well. Should a part of me somehow even then remain, then perhaps that will be the birth of something new--something with greater meaning than all of this.
In the Japanese script, he seems to take this a lot more lightly and even acknowledges an alternate "self". Look how disheartened and...pissy...he sounds in the second quote; it sounds like he's giving up out of anger, whereas the Japanese script shows this greater level of understanding in what he's about to do.

Is it just me, or did Magus' encounter with Schala reawaken his "Janus" personality? To me it seems like he sarcastically refers to himself post-Zeal (after becoming Magus) as "myself", indicating that this isn't the true him.

And yes, I have seen what she said in the English version, I just want to know what she originally said.

All my predictions/analysations still hold true? Interesting...

Arc, did you notice anything else that might be interesting? If so, please tell us.

Also, the Schala-fanboy in me wants to know what she says if you lose that battle.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: CTDS New Ending =o
« on: November 26, 2008, 01:03:30 pm »
Wow this a great day CT and a better day for CC because it might get thrown out of the window (I dislike cc).

With the new final boss screen I am happy to say that CC will have been put to rest1!!

Only seeing the new final boss does indeed make one think that, I myself thought that as well. The new ending, however, pretty much confirms Chrono Cross.

Wait! Are you able to rename Crono Chrono in English?

i want to know what was the purpose of the Lost Sanctum, why was it opened when the Black Omen first appeared?

Isn't that the point at which most sidequests become available.

the only thing that was new for me is knowing that a Nu might really have eternal life (i thought the Nu's from various timelines where not the same, but this event showed that some of the nu's we encounter throughout the game can be one and the same, and this supports the all begins and ends with nu quote, nothing new i guess)

Could Nu possibly be the Entity? With all Nu being incarnations of the Planet's spirit (think Avatar) and them having some kind of hivemind? [/sarcasm]

and i really want to know what was purpose of assimilating the Crono, Marle and Lucca shades, they did power up after getting them,

My first thought is that these "shades" were actually their spirits from the Prophet timeline, with their purpose being helping their other selves. Obviously, for this to work they need to have died, which prevents Lucca from ever finding Kid...unless she died after finding Kid? but then she'd be older, wouldn't she? Sigh, timetravel is a difficult thing...but I guess it could work, because the threesome also reappears in Cross at their "normal ages".

As for when the whole Dream Devourer incident takes place, I say the best guess would be right after the fight with Lavos in 1999 and the party returned to the End of Time, BEFORE the actual normal ending takes place.

However, if the party dies in Time's Eclipse, we still see the planet being destroyed...which means their presence there actually is of some relevance. What we don't know however, is which dimension/timeline this apocalypse takes place and during which time. Perhaps the follwing is a bit out of the blue, but what if this is the planet during Cross? Maybe the real purpose of the party here is to buy Magus some time to awaken and allow Schala to temporarily regain consciousness, who will thanks to this create Kid and prevent the destruction of the world.

Or is this all a little too unlikely?

It isn't really clear what happens to everyone after the fight with the Dream Devourer, do they all get sent back to their own timelines/dimensions? If so, Cross probably takes place in the What the prophet seeks timeline...allowing the player to decide on their own what canonically happened during the normal Trigger new game (most importantly Magus dying or not) without really affecting what happens in Cross, as Eclipse Magus is probably needed to become Guile in the "Prophet timeline".

Also, it's interesting to note how in TE Schala sends the party away like she originally did during the Ocean Palace incident, while she sends Magus away through a portal, like young Janus and the guru's not much later after the party during said incident by Lavos' presence (in the normal timeline anyway).

The portal might be there because Kato wants to explain this Magus will not return to the same time/timeline as the rest does.

Dalton's victory over Guardia is also indeed easily explained this way: if Dalton, who may be from either or both timelines, goes to the Prophet timeline where none of the heroes are aware of his plan...hell, they might even be dead already.

The way Schala talks to her little brother in this ending might be because she knows him better than he does: she probably knows what the result of that conversation will be, which, thinking like an older sibling, would indeed be the right thing to do...allowing him to have peace of mind instead of infinite regret over something he cannot change. She obviously still thinks of him as little Janus, not the battle hardened warrior he is now.

Also, there still is no way two Magusses are able to appear in the same place, because like Zeality said, no one in the party is able to encounter an older him/herself... but an alternate one is quite possible.

* If Future Magus really were from an alternate dimension, why would he be searching for THIS dimension's Schala? And this would also mean that the Darkness Beyond Time is connected to infinite dimensions (one DBT per infinity), which creates all sorts of probabilistic issues with the creation of a Time Devourer, which is capable of destroying the universe. Basically, as long as the probability of a Time Devourer forming is greater than 0 (and it is, apparently), then all existence would have been destroyed by now.

He probably doesn't know it's an alternate dimension...but that matters not, what matters is that the Dream Devourer is made up from the Lavos' and Schala's from at least two of those infinite dimensions. Also, apparently any creature in this dimension is incapable of affecting anyone or from before it's creation, so Lavos from 1999 can't just return to an earlier point in time.

but evidence seems to suggest Magus lost as usual and Schala sends him to another time. Eventually he teams up with Crono and co, either still disguised as the prophet or not, and they all go to fight Lavos.

I agree with everything but that.  I'm not sure theres any reason why schala would send him to another time.  She only sent Crono and co. to last village she'd probably do the same to him.


Sorry, it's been five or so years since I last played the game, so my memory isn't that good...^^"

Anyhow, then just replace "another time" with "a safe place" or whatever village they got send to...I think.

First off, hello everyone! I love this site and look forward to becoming part of it's community!

I think Eclipse Magus being the one from What the prophet seeks is indeed the most logical solution to this whole "Who's that Magus?" mess. The tricky thing here is that we don't exactly know what happened over the Ocean Palace, but evidence seems to suggest Magus lost as usual and Schala sends him to a safe place. Eventually he teams up with Crono and co, either still disguised as the prophet or not, and they all go to fight Lavos.

At some point during the fight, I think everyone but Magus could have died, leaving him alone to finish the job. What matters is that Magus survived and experienced Lavos dying (sorta). Magus still refers to himself and the group as we, which could either allude to the possibility that the group survived or that he greatly respects them.

Anyway, he eventually succeeded...but Schala was nowhere to be found. Later he travels to Time's Eclipse, of which I do not yet fully understand how it works,  but here is what I think it is:
-Like a real world eclipse where the sun and moon "intersect", Time's Eclipse is where all alternate timelines are able to intersect
-The Greek verb from which eclipse originates (ekleípō, I cease to exist) might describe the purpose of Time's Eclipse, as Lavos should basically have died after his battle with either Crono's group in the normal timeline or Magus/Magus' group in "his" timeline. Interestingly enough, it also seems to describe Schala's/the Dream Devourer's current mindset.
-If TE is really where alternate timelines intersect, the Dream Devourer might possibly be multiple Lavos' and Schala's (or it's just a plothole)

Anyhow, Magus is about to enter the portal inside TE to the "new" enemy as Crono and co show up. He's wearing his robe because Kato wants us to know where this Magus originates from.  It appears he believes them to be from the past, which would be what most of us would think should we encounter ourself with a group that might have died (or disbanded, whatever, it's just unlikely for the group to stayed together in any timeline). Brave Magus, having experienced Lavos die or maybe even being responsible for it, probably believes himself to be of godly strength and able to defeat anything that might ever cross him again...or simply wishes to keep Crono and co safe, who knows?

He enters the portal and the rest is history.


What the prophet seeks---Magus and the group defeating Lavos (group possibly dying)---Magus goes to TE, encounters group and goes to face the Dream Devourer---Magus loses his memory---Chrono Cross?

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