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Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Sir Crono Facts
« on: October 26, 2011, 02:00:34 am »
Wow I've not seen any based off his insane "F**K the ATB system" Speed so I'll go ahead
1. The Speed at which Sit Crono's ATB bar fills is just a representation of how quickly he's ready for the "next round"
2. The only thing faster than the speed of light is the speed of Sir Crono
3. Sir Crono's 4 for Confuse Slashes are actually 40,000 slashes, but SE had to make it four cause of sprite and hp limitations.
4. Weegee is scared to have a stare down with Sir Crono
5. All of Sir Crono's Cats are the ones we find on the internet, they are there to request cheeseburgers and cookies for Sir Crono.
O.o wow some of these are lame...ohs well back to some mor Ultimate Tenkaichi.
1. The Speed at which Sit Crono's ATB bar fills is just a representation of how quickly he's ready for the "next round"
2. The only thing faster than the speed of light is the speed of Sir Crono
3. Sir Crono's 4 for Confuse Slashes are actually 40,000 slashes, but SE had to make it four cause of sprite and hp limitations.
4. Weegee is scared to have a stare down with Sir Crono
5. All of Sir Crono's Cats are the ones we find on the internet, they are there to request cheeseburgers and cookies for Sir Crono.
O.o wow some of these are lame...ohs well back to some mor Ultimate Tenkaichi.
Chrono News / Re: FFXIII-2 interview with Motomu Toriyama mentions Chrono Trigger
« on: October 16, 2011, 12:51:30 am »
Final Fantasy 13? what's that? ...OH you must mean Press X/A-3. (spawned my saying of press the A button to save the world) yea preety much graphics and story (STORY not the lines the character said (dear god some were awful)) pretty much made the game. it was OK. not good but I'm planning on getting the sequel because I still think that RPG stories are some of the best out there for video games. not saying that all good stories can only be found in the RPG genre, but that with an RPG you are most likely going to get a good story with RPG's than in other genres.
hopefully this will bode well for the Chrono series and Lennis, yeah I can see SE doing something like that. but hey then there may be a chance for another sequel, which would be FF(rdm#)-3 seeing as Chrono Cross would also have a chance being remade, most likely being called FF(rdm#)-2 following that logic.
hopefully this will bode well for the Chrono series and Lennis, yeah I can see SE doing something like that. but hey then there may be a chance for another sequel, which would be FF(rdm#)-3 seeing as Chrono Cross would also have a chance being remade, most likely being called FF(rdm#)-2 following that logic.
General Discussion / Re: Stuff you hate
« on: October 16, 2011, 12:10:52 am »
Right Now, I am hating myself for many reasons. 1. I don't know how long ago my last login was (and scared to check as well...its gotta be over a year) 2. College is killing any social life I had. 3. firefox froze and I could not get a report submitted in on time. 4. hind sight is 20/20 and is a bitch in all our lives. 5. missed a perfect score on a test because of a stupid error. 6. because of #1 I have not been able to do this...
...I'll never tire of that other sites need to make that an emote. and 7. I have realized I really can't hate other people, or I just haven't met the type of person that can piss me off without trying.
On a side note Because I'm too lazy to go to the stuff you love thread.
Right now I love how many of you thought that this was probably be something of material value and have continued to read to this point not realizing that this is still going for the sole purpose of having you continue reading this and has not been about what I love, which was writing this with I shirt I used to have in mind so we can have a laugh at humor that (thank god) dose not use crude, immature, or sexual content to be funny, but uses the dry wit to achieve an entertaining humor.

On a side note Because I'm too lazy to go to the stuff you love thread.
Right now I love how many of you thought that this was probably be something of material value and have continued to read to this point not realizing that this is still going for the sole purpose of having you continue reading this and has not been about what I love, which was writing this with I shirt I used to have in mind so we can have a laugh at humor that (thank god) dose not use crude, immature, or sexual content to be funny, but uses the dry wit to achieve an entertaining humor.
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Obsidian Wants to Work on Chrono Trigger
« on: July 18, 2010, 02:24:08 am »
This is a bad idea if you ask me, I can't really say I have played ANY western RPGs and liked them in fact I would call it a miracle if the Cust. Char. sets have anything decent looking (shudders thinking of Elder scrolls: Oblivion Cust. Char. faces) also I belive graphics will suffer from this we won't get to enjoy good CG with the amount of space that the Cust. Char. sets will take up as well as clothing options for your character. also usually when the CG is good the games story then suffers and if not that then the music or game play. then again this may be the one game out of 100. if this comes to be, Obsidian creating the new Chrono game, I hope it is.
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: You know you've been playing too much with Chrono Trigger When..........
« on: March 24, 2010, 07:38:23 pm »
When you play MGS and when the exclamation point appears above Snake's head you instead hear the jingle of when you loose at the tent of horrors.'
Polling / Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« on: March 24, 2010, 07:33:02 pm »just read this post and can only say one thing...Gogeta SSJ4 is Crono's father. this explains why no one can hold a candle to him, he's the son of the ultimate fusion...then luminare would problably be a variation of the big bang kamehamehax100. this would explain a lot but again we need to see the tail.Only if it turned out Crono was a Saijin...
FOOL! Super Sajin 4 Gogeta has red spiky hair and a monkey tail! Crono's got red spiky hair! We just need to see if he has a tail! And looking at his mother's sprite, I'd say SHE IS CHI CHI! GOKU IS HIS FATHER! AND HE IS THEIR 4TH SON! Goku and the gang just happened to be out on their own adventure on Pluto when Crono went time traveling. Goku must've been pissed when he came back to find his home in shambles and Crono missing.
Lucca is secretly Arale in a more grown up design. Luminaire is just Crono's Kamehameha burst out a little incorrectly. Goku left and didn't have time to teach Crono how to do it properly. Lavos is just the accidental badguy getting away during Goku, Gohan, and Goten's adventure.
Polling / Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« on: September 11, 2009, 12:10:33 pm »
Thank you finally someone gets the asowme-ness of confuse I still think the move can be compared to Goku (early)/(Mid(normal))/(End (normals tate))'s teleport guard counter attack. It can be proformed by guarding then pressing O or pressing O during your rush attacks, and then hit square three times rapidly causing him to teleport directly behind the opponent and hit them not even a second later this happens three times(if you pressed square 3x) giving no room of excape from the combo. other characters can do it but not as many times as a non Ssj goku. (I like to use (early) I think he's one of the best fighters out there seeing he has all the Triangle attacks (ki blast, tripple kick, ect.) after a cirtain amt. of rush attacks. /ki blast also goes into the teleport attack combo mentioned above. (Budokai Tenkaichi 3. ) So assuming that crono can do this and slash more than four times if he either wants to be flashy/show offy or wants to go all out. he can decimate any one. now picture confuse as a counter attack and crono having the 'Frenzy Band' on Ike would not stand a chance
Also if you wanted to know Luminare's unedited dicription reads Ultimate Holy damage on all enemies. so basically its a Devine attack meaning its all powerful, gets priority, barriers and defenses mean jack squat, and nothing can trump it. to put it simply the attack is unbeatable and can harm gods.
Crono could beat any DBZ character with ease seeing as he would not wait 5-35 or so episides and give them the chance to power up. we all know that it feels like it takes that long for Goku to go Ssj 1 & 4. so Crono would just charge and hack them to pieces as soon as they start to power up.
I have stated this before, Crono is FAST. and he has a sword goku would have to dodge a lot and would not be able to get in the powerful hits needed to be able to beat crono.
Polling / Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« on: June 17, 2009, 10:50:29 pm »No Spoilers but:I know I have gotton to the boss where you have 5 turns to win. THAT one is a PAIN in the ass. I gave up and later found out that all data on my card got currupted and had to delete everything...Chrono Trigger, FF7/9 Megaman X4,5,6 Monster rancher 1 and 2 Threads of fate. and MegaMan 8. all lost I was so far on all that day I wept for three hours and felt
The next boss is a real pain. level up a few times, and absorb spoon before you go.. =D
Polling / Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« on: June 17, 2009, 10:10:34 pm »Vahn, from I am playing that right now actually. In sol Tower about to go to the basement levels. Just need items after facing Gaza.
General Discussion / Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« on: June 17, 2009, 01:58:02 pm »I very well may have to start using the phrase "oh shitake mushrooms" myself.funny one of my favorite things to say is shitake muffins, I haven't said it in a couple months actually. I guess mushrooms could be substituted but now I want to look at all my posts and see if I have posted "Shitake muffins some where but that will have to wait I have to mow an acre of lawn...damn parents don't even give me a buck. Its time consuming and I can think of 10 better thing to do off the top of my head Play the Wii Play my DS play My 360 Play the PS2, Plat My PSP, Play My SNES, Laptop stuff, And the last three are simlar, Play Chronotrigger on one of the systems it came out for.
Polling / Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« on: June 17, 2009, 01:48:29 pm »Wow, surprised this is alive again.So that rules out most everybody. Crono's luminare Maxed out is devistatting no matter who you are. I also have to say Link could come out of the attack unscathed with Naru's love seeing how both are considdered to be devine. I have stated somthing similar to this before in one of my earlier posts so I will stat my perspective of Luminare again
As for Sabin. I did my research, and... c'mon. No way! It takes a large number of FF6 guys to beat Kefka! Kefka to Lavos, Kefka's tougher, but not by a whole lot(Kefka's in the air). By the way, just to state since he was brought up earlier, I DO NOT include the towers beneath him. When I say Kefka, I mean kefka. Not Kefka and friends.
Back to the point.
Those guys barely beat beat Kefka. Kefka about 10% tougher than Lavos. Crono outright owned Lavos. ON HIS OWN.
Just from the stats of their opponents, I think it's safe to say, Sabin couldn't top Crono. Terra's tougher than that guy and she'd get creamed by Crono. Step one for proving a match with Crono - you don't get 100% obliterated instantly by the Luminaire. The character has to be able to survive.
Luminaire's tougher than Kefka(ALONE), what chance does your Sabin have now?
Chuck Norris argument, legit. Can u impr0v3 !t?
Luminare: Ultimate holy damage on all enemies (Japanese Translation). This means the Tech is what I would call a devine Tech meaning It has priority to all other attacks except other devine attacks and counters. meaning if someone casted a normal reflect spell Luminare will still strike. Barriers mean nothing you take full damage. If Crono can see you he can hit you with Luminare. Crono's Luminare Differs from Serge's in the fact that Serge dose not have any magic abilities and can olny cast Luminare at quarter strength because he olny uses Chi, where as Crono has axcess to Heven Magic and Can put the magical properties in Luminare making it more devistating in all ways.
Naru's love obviosly is a devine shild move. if a blessing from a god to give protection is not the perfect example of a devine sheild I don't know what is
I also noticed that some one wondeded what Crono's fighting style is like. My guess is that it is a tactical speed based with some power behind it. I like to compare this type of style to Goku's Early form in DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 which is reletivly fast and can uses the vast amount of moves given to combo to do tons of damage. I have compared Confuse to Gokus counter attack: when you guard you can enter a counter stance which uses a ki blow then you can press the normal attack button to have him apear behind your opponent to attack and send him flying three times. I compare this to Confuse because of the amount of speed, except add after images to the mix. Crono whould start off using techs like lightning, Luminare and slash to get out quick attacks on his enemy then move in closer using other techs that would fit mid range and then going in with a cleave to combo into confuse or cyclone them back up while opponent is dazed to cast Luminare again. and muve about the range of the field as he pleases to rackup damage and pull off fast combos.
General Discussion / Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:35:22 pm »
I just remembered somthing that Crono's Final spell is jinxed. Whenever I get luminare bad things happen. 
First time my game boy color got a crack in it.
Secnd time: I broke my ankle,
Third time my sister Totaled the car,
And now I crashed the car taking off thfront bumper
, damageing the back :(and the lights still work
, as well as no one else was involved. 
Dose any one else have somthing similar to this happen to them?

First time my game boy color got a crack in it.

Secnd time: I broke my ankle,

Third time my sister Totaled the car,

And now I crashed the car taking off thfront bumper

Dose any one else have somthing similar to this happen to them?
General Discussion / Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« on: December 22, 2008, 05:28:01 pm »
*Stares blankly for 5 seconds* ...I just don't get how I can get yelled a for sleeping, doing nothing, and how my brother blames his stupidity for balancing on the edge of the cluch on his stomach and falling on me. his reason is that I'm so stupid that my stupin-ness was transfered over to him to ease my brain. I'm one of the best RPG players in my hometown. sure my grades are a D+ through B avarage but I don't always apply myself. I usually don't do homework but that dose not mean I'm stupid. My brother's logic has always been flawed and he just tries to get a jab at me when ever he can. My brother even went as far to say my current girlfriend was a guy which was too far. Sure he nakes jibes at me, calling me a girl and then gay but if I'm a girl and gay and dating a guy that would mean I'm straight... he is annoying beyond all end and his logic is as good as president bushes' speaches about terrorists 'misunderestimating' him. the olny thing left to say about him is...

Polling / Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« on: December 04, 2008, 04:26:56 pm »Majin Buu would be god-like since he was made to destroy the gods themselves.
Good attempt but if that were necessarily true, then wouldn't Cloud be able to do it since Cloud is kinda tougher and has an even heavier sword he carries even more easily? Not to mention we don't know the weight of the Rainbow and the weight issue... wouldn't that make it harder for Ike?
Even if he can carry it pretty easily, he still has a slower swing and as proven well in an episode of DBZ I remember where trunks battled Cell,(that's my example since DBZ and Chrono had the same artists it's done many other places as well)power is squat if you can't even keep up with the opponent and Ike is a slower character thanks to that weight so really Crono with his Confuse attack could easily spin around him so fast he'd have no chance of seeing him AND Crono could be slashing rapidly at the same time(he just doesn't feel like showing off or something so he slashes four times in the game).
Lastly even so, Ike got the crap kicked outta him by characters that Crono could whup the living daylights out of. He may have weight, but we don't know just how heavy the rainbow is since they don't make a bother of that but I'd imagine with the strength behind it, with power comes weight so it's gotta be pretty heavy as well(Crono IS extremely muscular and that's probably why he swings so fast, moves so fast, and treats everything like it's light and slow cause he's too damn fast)and even if it were heavier, the material of the Rainbow wouldn't snap so incredibly easy, and Crono's speed puts him too far ahead for Ike to even touch him anyways.
And of course there is always the cheap method we bring up with practically EVERY character pitted against crono... Luminaire, yada yada, all powerful, blah blah, you've probably picked up the routine since we've done it a thousand times before.
Thank you finally someone gets the asowme-ness of confuse I still think the move can be compared to Goku (early)/(Mid(normal))/(End (normals tate))'s teleport guard counter attack. It can be proformed by guarding then pressing O or pressing O during your rush attacks, and then hit square three times rapidly causing him to teleport directly behind the opponent and hit them not even a second later this happens three times(if you pressed square 3x) giving no room of excape from the combo. other characters can do it but not as many times as a non Ssj goku. (I like to use (early) I think he's one of the best fighters out there seeing he has all the Triangle attacks (ki blast, tripple kick, ect.) after a cirtain amt. of rush attacks. /ki blast also goes into the teleport attack combo mentioned above. (Budokai Tenkaichi 3. ) So assuming that crono can do this and slash more than four times if he either wants to be flashy/show offy or wants to go all out. he can decimate any one. now picture confuse as a counter attack and crono having the 'Frenzy Band' on Ike would not stand a chance
Also if you wanted to know Luminare's unedited dicription reads Ultimate Holy damage on all enemies. so basically its a Devine attack meaning its all powerful, gets priority, barriers and defenses mean jack squat, and nothing can trump it. to put it simply the attack is unbeatable and can harm gods.
Shadow D. Darkman:
Spekkio is the godof war in CT. and it seems magic can harm him. Majin-Buu is Mand out of Magic if I remember correctly, so if he were to be hit with a magic attack it could either hurt him very badly, nothing, or make him stronger.
Crono could beat any DBZ character with ease seeing as he would not wait 5-35 or so episides and give them the chance to power up. we all know that it feels like it takes that long for Goku to go Ssj 1 & 4. so Crono would just charge and hack them to pieces as soon as they start to power up.
General Discussion / Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« on: December 02, 2008, 09:33:35 pm »
Man I'm dead My first semester of college may be looking ok in grades but things are begining to stock pile on me. and my ex girlfriend wants to get back together again when I'm not interested. I have a 5 page history essay due tomorrow that I just finished, I've had little to no time to play video games and draw (vents for me). and I just steped some type of metal sticking out underneath my deak with my right foot and its a thumb tack. great. at least I'm not bleeding.
I need help getting organized anyone have sugestions on what they do? I'd like an answer from a college student on how to organize and manage my time.
I now have to go work on my Math homework then do my japanese homework somewhere between after math homework and 6:00 pm tomorrow.
I need help getting organized anyone have sugestions on what they do? I'd like an answer from a college student on how to organize and manage my time.
I now have to go work on my Math homework then do my japanese homework somewhere between after math homework and 6:00 pm tomorrow.