Chrono Compendium

Kajar Laboratories - Fan Works and Submissions => Chrono Trigger Modification => Topic started by: justin3009 on June 25, 2006, 04:36:49 pm

Title: Tech Replacement
Post by: justin3009 on June 25, 2006, 04:36:49 pm
I was wondering, is there a way to literally exchange techs instead of changing the pointers to make them different techs?  I mean like, if you change pointer it changes the tech but the graphics stay the same.  Say if you change Shock to Lightning 2, it still keeps Shocks graphics.  Is there a way to EXCHANGE the techs so that the graphics of the tech are actually from the tech you want in and not the one that was previously there?
Title: Re: Tech Replacement
Post by: justin3009 on June 30, 2006, 06:40:52 pm
I'm starting to think a little differently here.  From what I see, when you change the address of the tech, it makes the tech that you replaced it with and the animation the tech has do what the other tech you wanted it to replace does.  It does all the damage and everything, but the only thing that isn't showing up is the graphics.  So i'm guessing there's a pointer somewhere in the tech data that tells what tech animation goes with what tech.  I don't know if my theory is correct but it's worth a shot to check out.
Title: Re: Tech Replacement
Post by: the guru of cabbages on August 14, 2006, 10:06:54 am
... You are everywhere! every topic i enter, you have at least posted once! It's frightening...
Title: Re: Tech Replacement
Post by: justin3009 on August 14, 2006, 04:59:54 pm
Um...Cause I like to help and give info?  Something wrong with that =/
Title: Re: Tech Replacement
Post by: Thorlius on August 15, 2006, 04:40:09 pm
Um...Cause I like to help and give info?  Something wrong with that =/

Yes. You are not allowed to create your own threads and be the first to reply to them. ;)

Sorry, I know I'm not helping either.
Title: Re: Tech Replacement
Post by: Agent 12 on August 15, 2006, 04:50:01 pm
There are many many many times with this site where I have been the first to post and reply.  It's bound to happen when you are the first person to learn something so there's not many people who can comment on what you're talking about. 

Which is going to happen alot with justin with all the rom exploring he does.
