Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Salvadeiro on July 06, 2005, 09:24:35 pm

Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 06, 2005, 09:24:35 pm
I got this idea from many other forums which i've joined or been at.  It's just a friendly chat that goes on forever and ever and what not.  Like a really long IM.

So how is everyone's day going so far.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: DarkGizmo on July 06, 2005, 09:28:33 pm
I want currently to make the map of zeal and compare to the pre release and I jsut try the code 7E010000 to 7E01009F AND THE IS NO GOD DSAMN ZEAL IN THIS AHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 12:12:14 am
Ummm... Ignore the crazy man.

Mine day was pretty ok I guess.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 07, 2005, 12:45:27 am
I think I'm coming down with something, which sucks because tommorow is club night, and if I'm sick i deff won't be able to go, which sucks.  I need club gear too.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 12:47:21 am
Well my mom got sick today... it was horrible because she started ordering us around like she always does when she gets sick.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 07, 2005, 12:50:19 am
I'm sorry, my mom has been doing that alot too.  Too many kids in the house I guess, theres my sister Flavia who's 19 and should already have her own place. Then there's my brother Rui, who's 17, then theres me i'm 15, my sister kelsey who's 11, and my littlest brother Ethan who's 15 months.  We all try to do our fair share around the house and helping the baby, which is why I can't wait to get my car so I can leave, or run errands for my mom when she can't.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Eggith Cyrene on July 07, 2005, 12:51:14 am
I had chicken fingers for dinner. And i got a nice yummy chicken parm ready for me when i wake up tommorrow. Also i will finailly be  able to catch up on AC5 and my replay of SOM tommorrow
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 12:58:56 am
Well I think my mom is ok now seeing as she hasn't ordered me around for about a hour.

Yeah I just have a brother who is 17.  He is not very good at doing homework.  He has to go to summer school every morning.  I just finished the writing part of driver's ed.  Also I take Tae Kwon Doe.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: ZeaLitY on July 07, 2005, 01:07:59 am
Quote from: Eggith Cyrene
I had chicken fingers for dinner. And i got a nice yummy chicken parm ready for me when i wake up tommorrow. Also i will finailly be  able to catch up on AC5 and my replay of SOM tommorrow

What's AC5? I will prepare for flames, now.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 07, 2005, 01:08:01 am
Chicken Fingers from Uno's are the best!!!

Yeah I havent even started driver's ed, just a few more months.  But I still drive anyway, no permit but that doenst matter, theres only two cops where I live anyway.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 01:29:38 am
Heh, well I live in Dover, DE.  I always see cops every where.

I still have the driving to do to get a permit.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: V_Translanka on July 07, 2005, 01:35:29 am
Is that Armored Core? I love Armored Core.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: DarkGizmo on July 07, 2005, 01:36:46 am
Quote from: Myself
I want currently to make the map of zeal and compare to the pre release and I jsut try the code 7E010000 to 7E01009F AND THE IS NO GOD DSAMN ZEAL IN THIS AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Yes nevermind this I jsut play through the game using berserker and turbo (and amxed out character) now I have both map and can comapre them but after 2-3 hour it gets boring  :wink:
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 01:37:30 am
I don't think there is a Armored Core 5.  I also like Armored Core.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: V_Translanka on July 07, 2005, 01:44:56 am
Well, there were the three PS1 Armored Core games: Armored Core, Armored Core: Master of Arena, & Armored Core: Project Phantasma...Then the PS2 Armored Core games: Armored Core 2, Armored Core 2: Another Age, Armored Core 3, Armored Core: Silent Line, Armored Core: Formula Front, Armored Core: Last Raven, Armored Core: Nexus, Armored Core: Nine Breaker, & Armored Core: Sigma Project

So, no officially named Armored Core 5...There are more than five Armored Core games...
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 01:47:15 am
See like I said no Armored Core 5.  I never said there were less than 5.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 07, 2005, 02:06:12 am
Quote from: Ryuusai
Heh, well I live in Dover, DE.  I always see cops every where.

I still have the driving to do to get a permit.

Haha where I live its crazy, I live in the North End of New Bedford (MA) but its only here where theres 2 cops, In the West End, theres always cops because there are so many shootings (R.I.P Cecil) and in the South End its crazy.  But I love the South End because of the Clubs and Beaches and stuff.  I love and hate where i live.  

My best friend Kayleigh has her license and her car so i kinda just chill with her and she drives us everywhere.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 02:09:10 am
Well I know one of my friend's, Tom, can drive so if me and my brother need a drive he usually drives us.

Anyone read magna?  If so whats your favorite series?  Mines Naruto.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 07, 2005, 02:12:11 am
Cool, I'm supposedly getting a Jetta for my 16th Birthday.

I used to read manga, like Pokemon Special, but i stopped because I had no time.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 02:15:38 am
I have plenty of time, mostly at night.  I do, however, spend a lot of time in front of the computer.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 07, 2005, 02:19:02 am
That was me last summer, this summer I have work.  Especially when they put me on overnights uhhh I hate that.  For a grocery store of all things lol. But its good money, plus you can sleep from like 7 to 1 and get up and go to the beach.  Which is good.  My cousin's graduation party is this saturday, i still need to get clothes and go tanning.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 02:24:08 am
Yeah well I can't get a job within reasonable distance of my house.  Well the sun hates me, I don't tan I burn, but I already said that in your tanning thread so you already knew that.  The closest beach to me is like 1-3 hours when driving and depending on traffic.  I'd never be able to walk that distance.  Corse I have a pool that is near where I live and Tom likes to swim, so my summers are usually swimming and getting on the computer.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 07, 2005, 02:32:57 am
Quote from: Ryuusai
Yeah well I can't get a job within reasonable distance of my house.  Well the sun hates me, I don't tan I burn, but I already said that in your tanning thread so you already knew that.  The closest beach to me is like 1-3 hours when driving and depending on traffic.  I'd never be able to walk that distance.  Corse I have a pool that is near where I live and Tom likes to swim, so my summers are usually swimming and getting on the computer.

So go tanning at a Tanning Studio.  That's what I do.  It's not the same as sun-tanning, but it looks the same.  Or use products, those work too.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 02:35:34 am
Yeah well I'm not that big on having a tan, but thanks any way.  I hate it when I get burned and my brother is tanned though, mainly cause he almost never uses sun screen and still doesn't get burned.

Hey does any one have World of Warcraft?
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 07, 2005, 02:39:27 am
I see, I'm tan, but Flavia and Rui (my siblings) are both darker than me, and get better tans.  Which sucks for me lol.

Nope what is it?  Oh its a game right?  I think my cousin Gio has it.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 02:42:19 am
Yeah its a game.  Its a MMORPG.  I play now and then, mainly cause my brother plays it a lot and we use one login name.  It's from Blizzard, which is one of my favorite game companies.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 07, 2005, 02:44:47 am
I love online games, like FFXI, but I can't play them on this computer because my system requirements are screwed up.  Plus its a Notebook, not very efficient for gaming.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Zizzlebop on July 07, 2005, 02:45:53 am
I broke the high E on my guitar again.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 02:51:07 am
Believe it or not sometimes notebooks are better.  That mainly comes from memory usage.  I never played FFXI, wanted to, but never got it.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 07, 2005, 02:55:44 am
True, but physical damage is increased by like 20 times because its such a thin small system as opposed to a metal box.  Nonetheless its one unit, not five and six units.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 02:57:46 am
Well its getting late, I'm going to sleep now.  See ya!
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 07, 2005, 02:59:48 am
Later man.  I'm going to my friends house and probably sleeping there. Goodnight (or Good Morning) everyone.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: V_Translanka on July 07, 2005, 06:18:52 am
My fav manga series is Lone Wolf & Cub. An oldie but a definate goodie.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 07, 2005, 11:12:11 am
Never heard of Lone Wolf & Cub.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Legend of the Past on July 07, 2005, 12:47:03 pm
My fav Anime series is X-TV. Don't let the name put you off, it's really great. Reminds me somewhat of the Chrono series (Alternative future, defying fate, using magic, end of the world in 1999).
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Epsilon Kias on July 07, 2005, 01:07:42 pm
Meh... Right now i've been watching the 6 episodes of FLCL over and over trying to make sence of the damn thing

It's still funny as hell though ^_^
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Legend of the Past on July 07, 2005, 01:10:38 pm
What does FLCL stand for?
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Epsilon Kias on July 07, 2005, 01:38:32 pm
FLCL- Furi Kuri

I still have no idea what Fooly Cooly is tho
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 07, 2005, 07:20:28 pm
Today is a good day :)  Well not really its terrible outside but i bought alot of clothes.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Legend of the Past on July 07, 2005, 07:25:41 pm
Bah. I've been working on my fanfic when the power went out. I was so into the writing I forgot to save. Cursed luck. And Kid just stabbed someone in the neck, too. X_X
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: V_Translanka on July 07, 2005, 11:07:43 pm
Haven't heard of Lone Wolf & Cub (Kozure Okami in Japan)? Oh, man, it's great...It's cool because the main character (Ogami Itto w/son Daigoro) is actually shown in an episode of Samurai Jack in a flashback of when Jack was a kid...Needless to say, Ogami tears it up...

The series is about this wondering Ronin for hire who travels w/his child. He's gaining money so he can buy his clan back...I only have about 12 of the books myself...He's pretty much the most bad ass of bad asses there ever was.

- from the back of book 1 -

It's acknowledged worldwide for the brillian writing of series creator Kazuo Koike and the groundbreaking cinematic visuals of the late Goseki Kojima. Creating unforgettable imagery of stark beauty, kinetic fury, and visceral thematic power, the epic samurai adventure has influenced a generation of visual storytelers both in Japan and in the West.

"It takes you to another time, and to a frightening, alien land, windswept and gray. Koike and Kojima tell their story masterfully and artfully, portraying a man, a boy, and a country on their journey into Hell."
-Frank Miller
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 07, 2005, 11:35:31 pm
I'm attempting to write a fanfiction.  It's journal like and has to do with a the Queen Zeal's nephew, a made up character.  It goes though a week before the fall of Zeal and is kinda love story, kinda not.  But yeah.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 08, 2005, 02:27:25 am
Quote from: V_Translanka
Haven't heard of Lone Wolf & Cub (Kozure Okami in Japan)? Oh, man, it's great...It's cool because the main character (Ogami Itto w/son Daigoro) is actually shown in an episode of Samurai Jack in a flashback of when Jack was a kid...Needless to say, Ogami tears it up...

The series is about this wondering Ronin for hire who travels w/his child. He's gaining money so he can buy his clan back...I only have about 12 of the books myself...He's pretty much the most bad ass of bad asses there ever was.

- from the back of book 1 -

It's acknowledged worldwide for the brillian writing of series creator Kazuo Koike and the groundbreaking cinematic visuals of the late Goseki Kojima. Creating unforgettable imagery of stark beauty, kinetic fury, and visceral thematic power, the epic samurai adventure has influenced a generation of visual storytelers both in Japan and in the West.

"It takes you to another time, and to a frightening, alien land, windswept and gray. Koike and Kojima tell their story masterfully and artfully, portraying a man, a boy, and a country on their journey into Hell."
-Frank Miller

I'll have to try and find it, it sounds cool.

Man I was busy yesterday.  Anime... it is hard for me to pick my favorite.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Legend of the Past on July 08, 2005, 05:26:26 am
Quote from: Salvadeiro
I'm attempting to write a fanfiction.  It's journal like and has to do with a the Queen Zeal's nephew, a made up character.  It goes though a week before the fall of Zeal and is kinda love story, kinda not.  But yeah.

Another side, another story, eh? I might just like to read that. Be sure to let me know when it's done, okay?
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 08, 2005, 07:36:17 pm
Certainly :) I'm kinda re-playing the game just to know what to include and what not to include, that way it seems realistic.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Eggith Cyrene on July 09, 2005, 12:45:45 am
Quote from: ZeaLitY
Quote from: Eggith Cyrene
I had chicken fingers for dinner. And i got a nice yummy chicken parm ready for me when i wake up tommorrow. Also i will finailly be  able to catch up on AC5 and my replay of SOM tommorrow

What's AC5? I will prepare for flames, now.

Ace Combat 5:The Unsung War  GREAT game. 2 4 and 5 are excellant. stay away from 1 and 3

Saw Fantastic 4 today. it was Fantastic! (hahahahahhaha sorry bad pun)

gotta go watch attack of the show in a bit and then catch up on SOM. (Its a fuggin pain to get to the fuggin sand ship damnit)
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Hadriel on July 09, 2005, 01:45:58 am
I've heard a lot of bad reviews of Fantastic Four.  Rotten Tomatoes gives it like 10% or something; that site compiles the reviews of everyone else.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Legend of the Past on July 09, 2005, 04:43:01 am
Quote from: Salvadeiro
Certainly :) I'm kinda re-playing the game just to know what to include and what not to include, that way it seems realistic.

Yeah, I did the same with Chrono Cross. Finished it in a week (Well, it was my second time through and I played it A LOT so it's no wonder, I suppose), and sat down to work on me fic half-way through the game. Kid has a Spectra Dagger, and she kills Dragoons with it. =) Oh, and Schala blasts Dragoons with powerful magic spells.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 09, 2005, 02:49:36 pm
Ace Combat 5 eh...

Yeah I didn't hear anything good about Fantastic 4 either, but it still might be good.

So you watch G4 Eggith Cyrene?
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Hadriel on July 09, 2005, 07:43:59 pm
G4 = t3h total joke.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Zizzlebop on July 09, 2005, 07:54:03 pm
Hey! I like G4, except maybe Video Game Vixens....that is so stupid.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Legend of the Past on July 10, 2005, 01:48:00 am
I happan to like G4. Or X-Play, in general. It's the best game reviewing show I've seen. I've seen worse, including one who called Doom 3 their "Game of the Week". Just an example on how bad some can become. So if G4's the total joke, I don't want to know what that show is.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Eggith Cyrene on July 10, 2005, 02:25:28 am
g4 is a good channel. I watch attack of the show religiously. When it came out it had some corny writing and some shows were retarded (blister) but after the merger its has better writing (funny writing fot aots) and the show are better. Xplay Is a really good show as well. I only wish that it didnt come on 70 times a day. other shows like and filter are great too.

Video game vixens was funny. Especially the commericals they made for it.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Zizzlebop on July 10, 2005, 04:03:52 am
If nothing else, I watch X-play because Morgan Webb is a sex Goddess.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Legend of the Past on July 10, 2005, 04:59:32 am
Quote from: Zizzlebop
If nothing else, I watch X-play because Morgan Webb is a sex Goddess.

Don't know if sex Goddess is really the right word, but yeah, for a geek she  is quite hot. Even so, I watch X-Play because of the game reviews. That, and seeing people torture Adam. DEATH TO ALL RPG HATERS!
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 10, 2005, 08:48:40 am
I'm back with the greatest hangover ever thunk up. Yesterday was a great night, a total wrap but a great night.  I hit the beach even though it was crappy out, got a hair cut, then i went tanning. I fell asleep a little bit, woke up and went to my cousins party, which wasn't that bad.  It was okay, but me and her sister's dual graduation party is going to be much better.  We'll have more people.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Legend of the Past on July 10, 2005, 09:04:26 am
Quote from: Salvadeiro
I'm back with the greatest hangover ever thunk up. Yesterday was a great night, a total wrap but a great night.  I hit the beach even though it was crappy out, got a hair cut, then i went tanning. I fell asleep a little bit, woke up and went to my cousins party, which wasn't that bad.  It was okay, but me and her sister's dual graduation party is going to be much better.  We'll have more people.

Cool. I see you had fun. I'd go out, too, but the sun is an evil, evil thing. An omen of destruction for nerds, actually.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 10, 2005, 09:10:41 am
I'm so crazy though we had the hall until midnight and dinner wasn't served until 9 so we spent the last hours just dancing, I didnt leave until 1, til i went to my cousins house.  Smirnoff and some other good stuff, it was a great night, but i knew i would be paying for it like i am right now. Sorry lol, Vittorino, V, whatever you wanna call me, isn't feeling himself today.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Legend of the Past on July 10, 2005, 09:14:46 am
Poor guy. I'm actually starving right now: Our fridge broke down and all our food decayed with all the heat. It reminded me of the food in one of them domes in 2300 A.D. the ruined future... Where all the food was rotten.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 10, 2005, 09:17:29 am
I'm sorry if you want theres still some kick-ass food left over.  I'm not going to try to get you hungry because thats rude though.  I wish it was hot out, its just been wicked gray lately, not beach weather at all.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Hadriel on July 10, 2005, 08:30:59 pm
X-Play is the only show on G4 that I really watch, but it's about 70% jokes and 30% substance now.  The show is really damn funny, though; Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb are awesome at their jobs.  Unfortunately, I heard that Adam Sessler isn't doing X-Play anymore.  Is that true?

But as bad and repetitive as G4 is, don't even get me started on the SpikeTV game awards.  Those make me sick.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Legend of the Past on July 11, 2005, 05:23:32 am
Quote from: Salvadeiro
its just been wicked gray lately, not beach weather at all.

Gosh, if only it would be gray here; Some of the food woulden't decay so quickly. The milk could probably survive a night before going sour.

Quote from: Hadriel
The show is really damn funny, though; Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb are awesome at their jobs.

Yeah, they really are. They like to joke, but they still manage to give a fair and accurate review of the game.

Unfortunately, I heard that Adam Sessler isn't doing X-Play anymore. Is that true?

I sure hope not. He provides more laugh then Morgan. Seriously, who else would staple himself in the cruch?
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 12, 2005, 02:18:12 am
Yeah I like AOTS and X-Play.  I've been playing World of Warcraft a lot latly though.  It hasn't been hot here, past few days were kinda gray, but mostly sunny and warm.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on July 12, 2005, 07:22:01 am
I'm back you guys, I had mad work to do, plus work ew. lol anyway yeah.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: SilentMartyr on July 12, 2005, 01:41:07 pm
Don't apply to Drexel University, ever. I would rather be standing on the exact spot where Lavos surfaced in 1999 than spend another second in this forsaken college.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 13, 2005, 12:17:57 am
Thanks for the advice SilentMartyr... I think.

Why not?  Not that I'm going to apply, but I want to know why not.

EDIT:  I'm leaving from Friday to Sunday on a trip.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Legend of the Past on July 15, 2005, 11:24:29 am
In the heat of the summer, there's nothing better then cold coke with ice to chill the body down! ^_^
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Ryuusai on July 23, 2005, 02:37:45 pm
Hey I'm back, it took longer than I thought to get back on my computer.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on December 16, 2005, 07:35:18 pm
This dusty old thread needs CPR so here -CPR-

I had a crazy idea like always.  I'm going to make my own "Zealish" Language.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Tonjevic on December 16, 2005, 09:26:44 pm
Are you going to base it on anything?
Quenya, Sindarin? Hebrew?

Or the already existing ingame English?
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on December 16, 2005, 09:50:42 pm
Of course I'd base it off something, probably arabic, but never English :) The people of Zeal were based of Persians werent they something Babylonian right?
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Lord J Esq on December 17, 2005, 12:08:00 am
I recommend you base it upon the oustanding and exotic motifs of Hatten är din (
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on December 17, 2005, 01:00:43 am
lmao is that in Arabic? thats such an awesome song!
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Mystik3eb on December 17, 2005, 02:14:24 am
What about Gaelic? That's the coolest language ever.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Tonjevic on December 17, 2005, 02:21:04 am
Do you even know what Quenya/Sindarin is?
I'm surprised I didnt get more of a comment from that.   :?

And just for kicks:
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on December 17, 2005, 03:51:36 pm
Babylon = Iraq = Arabic
Persia = Iran = Farsi
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on December 17, 2005, 07:19:53 pm
So I would actually base it off Arabic.  I actually know how to write in Arabic.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on December 18, 2005, 06:48:24 pm
Quote from: Salvadeiro
So I would actually base it off Arabic.  I actually know how to write in Arabic.

Is it the same alphabet as Farsi?
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Salvadeiro on December 18, 2005, 11:30:48 pm
Farsi's Arabic and Arabic are the same with the exception of changed letters and different letters and a different language in general, I think basing it off arabic would be easier.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: SilentMartyr on December 20, 2005, 02:55:52 pm
Quote from: Ryuusai
Thanks for the advice SilentMartyr... I think.

Why not?  Not that I'm going to apply, but I want to know why not.

EDIT:  I'm leaving from Friday to Sunday on a trip.

The school is run like a business. They don't care about the students, once you pay them you might as well be dead.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Lord J Esq on December 20, 2005, 10:32:07 pm
Quote from: SilentMartyr
The school is run like a business. They don't care about the students, once you pay them you might as well be dead.

What?! You mean there are people out there who will take my money and treat me like dirt?! Oh, frabjuous day! And just when I was about to give up on humanity...
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on December 20, 2005, 10:42:18 pm
Quote from: Lord J esq
Quote from: SilentMartyr
The school is run like a business. They don't care about the students, once you pay them you might as well be dead.

What?! You mean there are people out there who will take my money and treat me like dirt?! Oh, frabjuous day! And just when I was about to give up on humanity...

My (public) high school was the exact opposite. They got paid per student, per day, so they didn't care if you were dead, as long as you were in class.
Title: Daily Chit-Chat
Post by: SilentMartyr on December 21, 2005, 03:38:15 pm
Quote from: Lord J esq
Quote from: SilentMartyr
The school is run like a business. They don't care about the students, once you pay them you might as well be dead.

What?! You mean there are people out there who will take my money and treat me like dirt?! Oh, frabjuous day! And just when I was about to give up on humanity...

Treating us like dirt would be a drastic improvement. At least dirt gets cleaned up and taken care of, we are just left for dead.
Title: Zealish Language Chart
Post by: Salvadeiro on December 29, 2005, 01:30:16 am
Made by I, Salvadeiro based of Latin and Arabic ->

Zealish Language Chart---


A - Aptah (AHP-TAH) - (Father)
AA - Aavzab (AYV-ZAHB) - (Day)
AE Aegabar (EYE-GAH-BAHR) - (Eye)
E - Erebaajah (EH-REH-BAY-JAH) - (Weapon)
I - Ivzil - (EEV-ZEEL) - (Teeth)
II - Iibhtal (IHP-TAHL) -(Lip)
O - Ojjrah (OJ-RAH) - (Woe)
OI - Oijjrah (OYJ-RAH) - (Toy)
U - Ubojjrah (OOB-OJ-RAH) (Tooth)

Next will come the actually letters and I'll probably make a seperate thread rather than using this one.