Chrono Compendium

News and Updates => The Great To-Do List => Topic started by: Schala Zeal on February 05, 2011, 11:08:31 pm

Title: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: Schala Zeal on February 05, 2011, 11:08:31 pm
I was wondering if anyone would be able to extract the sound effects from Cross, similar to what was done with CT? I know the PSF sound files can be extracted in some way, but it seems mystifying.

It would be cool to be able to use stuff like menu/battle sounds from Cross, though not limited to those.
Title: Re: [8000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: ZeaLitY on February 06, 2011, 12:52:21 am
Good idea. Moving to the Great To-Do List.
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: Schala Zeal on February 06, 2011, 03:14:53 am
lol I was *wondering* where this disappeared to!
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: FaustWolf on February 06, 2011, 03:27:18 am
Argh, dan_death actually did this (either mostly or fully) a couple years back. And my inability to remember to archive these things being what it is...

Anyway, a utility called "PSound" should be able to detect the samples. I remember very distinctly that dan_death was able to pull the music track samples, but I can't remember for sure whether all the environmental and in-battle sound effects were easily accessible. Vehek, utunnels, or alfadorredux may have looked into this more than I have by now.

EDIT: Hah, we did save a text file that dan_death made, at least. Looks like a series of file numbers.
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: Schala Zeal on February 06, 2011, 05:18:25 am
*googles rapidly* must...make...project...shiny!!

EDIT: Ok, I have like 1,744 WAVs extracted from the first CD. Unfortunately, even with the best compression format I know, the archive is like.... 83 megs. I might need help.

EDIT 2: I have all 1744 WAVs going on winamp as a playlist and I'm picking out some rather amusing tracks (ambience, as well as a chipmunk-pitched clip of Starstealing Girl (o.o ?))
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: FaustWolf on February 06, 2011, 08:28:54 am
Do you have a way removing duplicate files PSZ, or have you already done that? The environmental sound effects should have a ton of duplicates IIRC. Let us know if you find any battle sound effects, I'm particularly curious about those.
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: alfadorredux on February 06, 2011, 11:01:09 am
FW, read what I just posted...elsewhere--I found what are probably the battle SFX a while back (menu SFX are still AWOL, though).
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: Schala Zeal on February 06, 2011, 06:44:26 pm
Not necessarily.... the instruments, however...

What I did was I went into winamp and selected "play folder", listened to all 1744 tracks, picking out some interesting ones along the way.
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: ZeaLitY on March 12, 2015, 01:39:51 pm
Going to attempt this tonight. I'm trying to think of anything that might be naturally excluded. For example, CT's instrument samples were, as expected, stored separately from its sound effects. We'll see.
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: ZeaLitY on March 14, 2015, 08:00:23 pm
Scanning the popularly-available BIN file just leaves garbled samples. I tried mounting it and scanning the actual system file, but no luck there, either. Don't have more time to investigate tonight so putting on hold for now.
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: motakay on January 09, 2021, 01:02:15 pm
Hi! This is a super old thread by I'm take the chance to get some help here. I Have tried using PSound to extract sounds from Chrono Cross to specifically get the instrument sample, and it does find a lot of sound. The problem is that all the sounds have this stuttering, almost echoing kind of effect to it so I can't really use them. I have contacted the PSound guy but really not expecting any replay from him or her.

Has anyone manage to extract these sounds, and if so how did you do it or could they even be able to download from somewhere? Feels like I have looked everywhere on the internet! :P
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: ZeaLitY on January 09, 2021, 05:22:04 pm
Wasn't this similar to some issue with PSicture where all the textures would be there, but would look kind of messed up/stitched together?

We still have some people actively looking into Chrono Cross in Kajar Laboratories, so they might be able to help.
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: Vehek on January 09, 2021, 07:45:27 pm
The short answer is you shouldn't run those tools on BIN disc images (2352 bytes/sector). They don't know to ignore the ECC data/whatever between sectors, so they misinterpret that data as part of the image/sound. Run them instead on an ISO (2048 bytes/sector) or on the extracted files.
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: motakay on January 09, 2021, 08:38:05 pm
Wow! Didn't expect answears this fast! Thank you so much! I'll keep trying tomorrow!

My rip is an .iso file so that's a good start then I guess. In PSound I can select the iso file right away an it analyzes it, but will it make any difference if I mount the iso file as a disc instead (or acctually insert my legit PS disc in the BR/DVD drive I have) and analyze that one insdead of the .iso file?
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: motakay on January 10, 2021, 09:38:35 am
I got correct sound extracted from the game by just having it analyzing my original playstation disc. Unfortunately it only finds the sound that goes together with the FMVs and no sound effects or instrument samples.

So I guess it's like you say that it just reads it wrong if I don't use the actual disc and chops it up into small pieces and garbles the sound. So when I analyze the ripped ISO file it finds 7000+ files and I drag them all and had them playing in sequential order in my DAW, and most of it sounds like generated tones with that echo effects, except for the end of all the files where it sounds like the FMV audio but garbled and chopped up and also sped up, so I guess it some sample rate mismatch.

I'll see if I can think of any other things I could test or other softwares to use but I am starting to give up on it.

But I wonder if I could have any better luck trying to pick apart the the extraced music in the USF format. There are tools for doing that with n64 but not for the playstation format. But I think they are similar so maybe I can figure something out.
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: Kodokami on July 23, 2021, 02:54:56 pm
I was surprised to learn we didn't already have these.

I've mentioned them before, but the folks at Retrograde Amnesia ( have been doing a podcast about Chrono Cross, and I noticed that they play the game's SFX throughout it. I reached out to them, and they were kind enough to share some of the sounds and how they got them.

Turns out it's as simple as using a GameShark code to turn off in-game music, leaving only sound effects and background noises, and then capturing that audio with a recording program. Sure, it's not the original files, but the quality is just as good!

I've attached the few they shared with me and use in their podcast. I'm sure there's plenty more in the game, so if anyone feels up to it, we have a method now for getting the rest.
Title: Re: [6000] Chrono Cross sound pack?
Post by: ZeaLitY on November 23, 2021, 11:23:02 pm
If anyone has the discs unpacked, maybe you can try using this tool:

I've used it with great success on the Unreal series franchise to rip sound effects. It can brute-force scan entire directories for suspected audio.