Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion => Topic started by: Dice. on August 11, 2010, 07:24:37 pm

Title: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Dice. on August 11, 2010, 07:24:37 pm
Before you bash, hear me out.

I love this site, I do think it IS the most comprehensive look at the series...
But, lets face it, without another game soon, it will be hard to keep this forum and series up, and may sadly get lost in that void of great (hit) games without another sequel.

I think many were disappointed when the new Chrono Trigger announcement was simple a sort of re-imagining and combination of the SNES and PSX title.  But Chrono fans will definitely need more.

I'm surprised Squeenix, or whomever, can't take a bloody hint.

I dunno... maybe this is just a small rant, but I also want to ask you people: where do you think the Chrono series is headed?
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Lance VII on August 11, 2010, 07:45:05 pm
Fan games. Until we hear of something other than a trademarked title, we probably won't get anything other than fan games.

Every new Chrono fan-game I hear of, I look forward to.
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on August 11, 2010, 07:58:42 pm
I disagree about the forum and series disappearing into the Darkness Beyond Time, hahaha... Chrono fans are a zealous and hearty bunch. Really.

I'll be honest. Reviving franchises is big right now. I think another Chrono game will appear... eventually. I mean, it's name comes up in every top RPG list, and it's consistently found in "series that need a sequel" list. I think the Chronoverse will live to see the light of day again. It may not be how we want it (Square Enix has been such a let down the past few years), but I think it's going to happen. Eventually.

And maybe we'll get lucky, and it won't be with Square Enix.
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Kenshuke on August 11, 2010, 08:24:59 pm
I disagree about the forum and series disappearing into the Darkness Beyond Time, hahaha... Chrono fans are a zealous and hearty bunch. Really.

I'll be honest. Reviving franchises is big right now. I think another Chrono game will appear... eventually. I mean, it's name comes up in every top RPG list, and it's consistently found in "series that need a sequel" list. I think the Chronoverse will live to see the light of day again. It may not be how we want it (Square Enix has been such a let down the past few years), but I think it's going to happen. Eventually.

And maybe we'll get lucky, and it won't be with Square Enix.

+1. In fact, i havenīt found another site with that much users, threads and activity ^^ It canīt die like that! D:
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Acacia Sgt on August 11, 2010, 08:38:54 pm
Indeed. This place will hardly die. Even now there are still people signing in. Clearly it means there are still interest in the series. Sure, activity may not be as big as it was, but it can also come back as quickly as it leaves, like in moments like the CTDS release or when CE got the C&D.

Besides, if anything, though heavily themed, these are still forums. Non-Chrono discussion can still happen, but it is activity nontheless. So until the next big thing happens, the place will still be here...
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Dice. on August 11, 2010, 09:18:13 pm
Haha true enough; I didn't mean to sound so severe that this place is D O O M E D or anything.  I do like the volition here though.  I admire the sheer amount of fan projects as well
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on August 12, 2010, 12:34:22 am
I really wish the Chrono community was more unified, though. It seems like everyone has their own concept for a Chrono game, and everyone wants to do a fangame/project "their way". As a result there are so many doomed projects; the resources are just spread too thin. It's really a shame that all the resources weren't pooled together for some truly epic fangame(s).

On top of the scattered resources, people are too public with their fangames. It seems obvious to me that the secret to successfully releasing a fangame is to keep your mouth shut during production and to just throw it out there upon completion. I understand that they want the self-gratification for their hard work ('they' being those working on fangames), but it needs to be remembered that the self-gratification will happen after completion, too, and not just during the creation stages. It seems to me that those who make fangames want to build momentum too early and never get off the ground, and if it's actually making progress (ie, Crimson Echoes), it was too public and Square Enix crushed it.

In all honesty, I'm surprised that Chrono Alter got released at all. I have yet to play it (will hopefully eventually).
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Lennis on August 12, 2010, 04:05:53 am
I disagree about the forum and series disappearing into the Darkness Beyond Time, hahaha... Chrono fans are a zealous and hearty bunch. Really.

I'll be honest. Reviving franchises is big right now. I think another Chrono game will appear... eventually. I mean, it's name comes up in every top RPG list, and it's consistently found in "series that need a sequel" list. I think the Chronoverse will live to see the light of day again. It may not be how we want it (Square Enix has been such a let down the past few years), but I think it's going to happen. Eventually.

And maybe we'll get lucky, and it won't be with Square Enix.

Indeed, reviving old franchises has become mainstream of late.  Perhaps nobody knows this yet, but the 1979 Disney film "The Black Hole" is going to be remade and released sometime in 2012.  It's going to be done by the same people producing Tron: Legacy - coming out in December.  Star Trek has already been remade.  So has "The A Team".  So has "Clash of the Titans".  Sherlock Holmes also counts as an old franchise.  Don't forget Transformers and G.I. Joe.  A live action "Space Battleship Yamato" (Starblazers in the U.S.) is going to be released in Japan in December, and is almost certain to come to America in subtitles sometime in 2011.  And this is just on the movie front.  Konami has released some brand new Contra titles that have old-school 2-D gameplay, and a new 2-D Castlevania has recently come out on X-Box Live.  A new 2-D Sonic game is also coming out - if it's not out already.  Old franchises are the rage right now.  There is big money here, and Square/Enix has to recognize that the time to take advantage of this trend is now.  By all means they should release an enhanced port of Chrono Cross on the upcoming 3DS, and then get to work on a third installment for one of the big consoles.

Dice, this forum is far from dead, and Chrono has a lot of life left in it.  Remember that Obsidian recently floated the idea that they would like to do a Chrono game themselves.  Dead franchises don't get that kind of attention.  Not so very long ago, I myself was pessimistic about the future, but all these revived franchises give me a glimmer of hope.  Do you think I would bother writing 63 single-spaced pages of Chrono fiction if I thought the franchise was doomed? (That's a shameless hint to check out the Dream Splash threads.)  :)
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Insane on August 13, 2010, 04:29:50 am
This forum won't die; people come for Chrono but end up staying for the community.
In all honesty I'd rather it wasn't Square Enix who made the next Chrono game. SE games are getting flashier and flashier, more about graphics than story and that doesn't mesh with Chrono in the slightest.
However, from what I've heard of Obsidain and Chrono, Obsidain wants to take the series because it 'has the elements of a WRPG', which it says are the conversation choices that don't impact the main story much, if at all.
So I suppose I'd rather it go to neither.
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: tushantin on August 13, 2010, 10:04:06 am
You've actually revived this (sub)forum by creating this thread!

One thing though: every Chrono fan already knows this. Eventually this forum's gonna fall like any other, but it hasn't fallen yet, nor will it fall any time soon. For many the Chrono sagas have been a lifechanging and inspiring experience because the stories were so goddamned excellent and the music was powerful enough to kick our spirits into gear. So many stories are left unexplored and thus many folks want to complete the story their way.

Of course people have their own ideas! The problem is that human limitations and social lives make it nearly impossible to maintain the faith actively, but despite that there's so many beautiful artworks, fictions, music and movies (yes, movies) that you can't help but gawk at.

Like someone said (presumably in some TV advertisement my mom was watching once), "Don't be sad that it's over; be happy that it happened." CCompendium doesn't just exist to await for what's coming next, but also to preserve the beauty of art that ever made it to game-hood. CT is a masterpiece that doesn't deserve to be forgotten so easily, and Kato & Mitsuda oughta be honored that even today there's fans for em.

Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Temporal Knight on August 13, 2010, 01:49:23 pm
I honestly cannot see this forum passing beyond the great internet in the sky anytime soon. Perhaps farther into the future, yes, but Lavos hasn't risen yet and we are still enjoying the peaceful days here of 1000 A.D.

Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: idioticidioms on August 13, 2010, 10:10:03 pm
Yeah, everything falls in time, but this still has life and the Chrono fan-base isn't going to give up the ghost any time soon. They're going to be releasing another Chrono game here in the next few years, I'm sure of it, and that will bring a big amount of new fans to this forum. Yeah, this is as dead as this forum has been in years and a lot of the blame can be put on Squeenix for squashing the Crimson Echoes project. A lot of people were looking forward to that.
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Hayden on August 14, 2010, 02:41:58 am
As Magus Says:
No one LIVES forever

That Includes everything, When i first saw Chrono Compendium I found it searching for the Crimson Echoes Full download thinking it was done thats when i found out Months ago that its gone It woulda been a Awesome Game...

So Yes Name ANY Show any Person....Any GAME but i have played another games when my friends just automaticlly Disappear. I first found Chrono Trigger by a day i was bored and i saw that game in my rom list i tryed it out and it was awesome
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Ramsus on August 14, 2010, 09:08:42 am
Well, at least the site is guaranteed to be around for another 4 years, since the hosting for that period is already paid for. After that though, no promises.
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on August 14, 2010, 06:12:53 pm
...Approximately how much is hosting a year...?

Mad props go out to those who pay for it. Ahem, R, ahem!
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Temporal Knight on August 15, 2010, 02:59:19 am
See, what we really need is someone to go behind the scenes at Square and *shot for proposing the idea for nagging Square Enix*

Okay, how about making *shot for bringing up a fan game, which would die or be shot down by Square Enix*

Then what about *shot again*

Hey! Jeez! I was just trying to suggest breathing and enjoying it all while we can. T_T


I think it will last a while.
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Ramsus on August 15, 2010, 04:52:37 am
...Approximately how much is hosting a year...?

Mad props go out to those who pay for it. Ahem, R, ahem!

It's only like $100 a year, and we have enough resources available to expand the site's popularity by a magnitude of ten without worrying about any limits. We do kind of push things though... without memcached we'd need a dedicated server just to run the site as it is now, or it'd be laggy as hell.

Things only get cheaper though. Hosting with our current requirements would've cost about ten times more at the time the site began.  It's amazing how time changes things.
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: 1st Mate Bob on August 20, 2010, 03:38:36 pm
As long as there is still stuff to discuss, the forum won't die.
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Hayden on August 22, 2010, 03:47:32 pm
Actually I think you  guys should know that This site can not stay on forever, thats like Saying You can go in a Video game
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: Crono666 on August 22, 2010, 05:04:33 pm
I don't think that this site is going to die anytime soon. The general discussion forum is pretty active. There's more to this site then just Chrono Trigger, and Chrono Cross. Those games bought us all to this place, but we make friends here, and that's why we keep coming back to the forums here.
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: idioticidioms on August 22, 2010, 07:14:34 pm
I don't think anyone is saying that this forum won't die, Hayden. Just that it won't die for a long time.
Title: Re: This forum may die soon...
Post by: tushantin on August 23, 2010, 07:00:34 am
SE shot Temporal Knight?! THIS IS WAR!!

Chrono will never be just a memory! HELL YEAH!