Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Eggith Cyrene on June 16, 2005, 02:34:00 am

Title: Batman the begining
Post by: Eggith Cyrene on June 16, 2005, 02:34:00 am
I just  got back from seeing this. GReat movie. I loved it. IT better than Episode 3 (and thats saying a lot) . Easily the best movie and christian bale is easily the best batman.

Title: Batman the begining
Post by: V_Translanka on June 21, 2005, 10:51:32 pm
Man, I bet i'll never get to see this...I missed out on Sin City, still haven't seen SW3, and now a kick ass new Batman movie is out...I bet I'll miss Willy Wonka too...Damn my luck!
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: ZeaLitY on June 21, 2005, 10:56:25 pm
Yeah, agreed on all points. This Batman movie has depth. It is...amazing.
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: Aitrus on June 22, 2005, 12:12:45 am
And a resounding "aye" to this point.  Easily the best screen adaptation of the Dark Knight - they finally got him as he is supposed to be, someone whom the underworld of Gotham fears more than their bosses.  If they can keep this up, I'm back for more.
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: ZeaLitY on June 22, 2005, 01:23:27 am
yeah. I have huge nostalgia for Batman Forever, so I'm totally biased in love with that, but Batman & Robin just...ugh. Sucking is one thing, but killing off the franchise is another.

But we're back on track, it seems.
Title: Re: Batman the begining
Post by: BlueThunder on November 13, 2005, 11:10:26 pm
Quote from: Eggith Cyrene
I just  got back from seeing this. GReat movie. I loved it. IT better than Episode 3 (and thats saying a lot) . Easily the best movie and christian bale is easily the best batman.


Yeah it is good. Best Batman movie and best batman, BUT not better than episode three.
Title: Re: Batman the begining
Post by: Lord J Esq on November 14, 2005, 12:23:08 am
Quote from: BlueThunder
Yeah it is good. Best Batman movie and best batman, BUT not better than episode three.

Batman Returns is the best Batman movie ever made. Period. Anyone who disagrees gets thrown in pit of eternal flaming tar.
Title: Re: Batman the begining
Post by: Sentenal on November 14, 2005, 12:27:46 am
Quote from: Lord J esq
Quote from: BlueThunder
Yeah it is good. Best Batman movie and best batman, BUT not better than episode three.

Batman Returns is the best Batman movie ever made. Period. Anyone who disagrees gets thrown in pit of eternal flaming tar.

Wow!  We agree on something! :)

In order of bestness: Returns, Begins, Original, Forever (crap), &Robin (crap crap).
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: Mystik3eb on November 14, 2005, 12:42:59 am
I like Forever, the Original and Returns (not as much). I hated the other two. I also liked the tv show more than the movies.
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: Solidstar on November 14, 2005, 12:45:31 am
Live Action or one of the cartoon series?
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: Chickenlump on November 14, 2005, 01:39:33 am
It was a pretty good movie, except one thing bothered me near the start of the movie. Bruce refuses to kill the theif, he is above that. Seconds later he begins a series of explosions and there are dead ninja bodies flying through the air, and there's blood everywhere and it's all crazy and and and....

*breaths in*
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: Mystik3eb on November 14, 2005, 01:39:35 am
Good God NOT the live action. The cartoons were awesome, so were Spiderman and X-Men.
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: Lord J Esq on November 14, 2005, 01:42:50 am
Quote from: Solidstar
Live Action or one of the cartoon series?

The live action Batman series movie was friggin' hilarious. It was all the camp of the original series...packed into a feature-length extravaganza. Oh noes!

Robin: Holy pixie sticks, Batman! The leaders of the UN are turned into colored granules of dust! Which one of our corny villains of the week could be behind such a nefarious scheme?!
Batman: All of them!
Robin: What?
Batman: And I suspect they're operating out of the Penguin's nautical submarine with a crew of pirate-talking henchmen.
Robin: Golly gee whiz, Batman! How do you know?
Batman: Because, how else could they sink so low?
Robin: Holy Long John Silver, Batman! Do you think we can stop their evil plot and save the UN leaders in time for the peace talks?!
Batman: It's hard to say, Robin. But if we don't try, think what would become of the United Nations.
Robin: A laughing stock for generations to come?
Batman: Precisely. To the Bat Copter!

I paraphrase, but all those plot details are true. That movie was in a league of its own. At the end somebody sneezes all over the UN leaders, blowing their dust all over the place...and Batman fixes it with the stoichiometrical Bat Computer. And I'll bet poor Batman thought that that was the last time he'd fall for somebody who turned out to be Catwoman. What a movie!
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: V_Translanka on November 14, 2005, 03:23:13 am
Adam West rules.

But seriously, after seeing both Batman Begins and Sin City now, I've seriously got to ask: When are we going to see Frank Miller's Batman? C'mon! The Dark Knight Returns: The Movie would be so awesome people's heads would probably explode from sheer joy! And there's already a sequal book!

*dreams his little, fruitless dream*

In the immortal words of Wayne (no relation) & Garth: SHWING!

Title: Re: Batman the begining
Post by: Dragoness on November 14, 2005, 09:23:41 pm
Quote from: Lord J esq
Quote from: BlueThunder
Yeah it is good. Best Batman movie and best batman, BUT not better than episode three.

Batman Returns is the best Batman movie ever made. Period. Anyone who disagrees gets thrown in pit of eternal flaming tar.

Aye! Darn, aye!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...I so wanna see a sequel. o.o
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: BlueThunder on November 14, 2005, 09:27:56 pm
There is going to be another sequel to Batman. It is going to take place afters Batman Begins.
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: nightmare975 on November 14, 2005, 10:58:10 pm
Quote from: BlueThunder
There is going to be another sequel to Batman. It is going to take place afters Batman Begins.

I take it that the Joker is in it? :roll:
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: BlueThunder on November 14, 2005, 11:38:24 pm
I don't know maybe, I guess.
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: Sentenal on November 15, 2005, 12:47:41 am
Probably.  To my knowledge, they are going to restart the batman movies, making them more in-line with the comics.
Title: Batman the begining
Post by: BlueThunder on November 15, 2005, 01:03:22 am
That could be true I don't know.