Chrono Compendium

Kajar Laboratories - Fan Works and Submissions => Submissions => Topic started by: neo-fusion on February 08, 2010, 04:50:11 pm

Title: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 08, 2010, 04:50:11 pm
Well after figuring out what I really need to push CTA over the edge, I figured why not a movie-quality orchestrated version of the CT soundtrack!!!

So... is there one of these out or could someone be nice enough and lay down a few tracks for me?

Lol, just trying and throwing it out there, I need a movie quality soundtrack.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: Mr Bekkler on February 08, 2010, 05:16:26 pm
Chrono Symphonic. I think you can download it here.  (
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 09, 2010, 10:38:46 am
Well I have heard of this and thanks for the suggestion mr. bekkler.

But I will not be going with that one. I hate OC Remix with a passion, no offense to them... i guess, but I also hate the fact that instead of orchestrating the original soundtrack, they mix and match themes.

I find that soundtrack to be okay, but not what I am looking for.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: utunnels on February 09, 2010, 08:06:29 pm
Well, I think there are several orchestra tracks if you google it, for example, CT main theme and a medley of several tracks.
But I doubt there are all of the orchestrated tracks.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 09, 2010, 10:00:50 pm
It's a shame that noone just did all of the original tracks in orchestra/theatre like fashion.

Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: Zephira on February 09, 2010, 10:14:12 pm
While I don't know any big remix sites aside from OCR, you can always find some songs on Youtube.

However, there are some submissions on OCR (that were originally on youtube or elsewhere) that are quite amazing. I'd suggest Black Wind Rising for Magus (this song is LOVE), Corrupter of Time for Zeal, Aqueous Transgression, At The End of All Things, Calamitous Judgment, Subterranean Opus, aaaand a few others whose names I have forgotten. There is a stunning piano arrangement of Wind Scene on CHRONOTORIOUS, as well.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: utunnels on February 09, 2010, 10:18:12 pm
I think this contains most of the best tracks in game.
And you can just find other substitutes (not all those on OCR can please you, but that doesn't mean none of them, hmm)
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 09, 2010, 10:51:23 pm
utunnels, that is exactly what I am looking for, the style that is.

That is just a beautiful piece of work right there.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: Lance VII on February 10, 2010, 10:55:20 am
Try this and all related videos:
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 10, 2010, 11:20:07 am
That looks to be as close as I am gonna get, unless i employ someone. And they probably won't work for free.

Oh well, we will see.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: GenesisOne on February 10, 2010, 02:12:52 pm

Other than those YouTube videos, I'd have to say that the ONLY way to get what you're looking for will consist of obtaining the following:

- The original conductor score from the composer (Good Luck convincing Mitsuda to get some royalties paid)
- A 48-piece orchestra (most likely, they'll want to be paid for their services)
- A recording studio (Costly in its own right just to rent out)

And we wonder why there isn't something as good as film-soundtrack quality music for CT out there.  Chances are, if CT were to be made into a film trilogy, chances are they'll hire someone to write the score (cross your fingers that they hire Mitsuda; Uematsu would've been my second pick, followed by John Williams)
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 17, 2010, 11:03:24 am
Actually I could do what Chi_Z did and tried to put it on FL Studio
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: GenesisOne on February 17, 2010, 01:33:28 pm

Fruity Loops?  I don't know how far you can get with it, but you could try.

There are plenty of crack versions of it already out there, so getting one should be a breeze.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 17, 2010, 01:39:03 pm
Oh the only problem is learning the damn program. I'd rather get someone who is good with the thing.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: GenesisOne on February 17, 2010, 01:55:49 pm

They have tutorials of the program on their website.

It can't be that hard to learn.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 17, 2010, 01:59:22 pm
Well besides my lazyness, I gotta worry about learning flash more to.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: GenesisOne on February 17, 2010, 02:02:23 pm

Well, then...

Maybe I can learn it.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 17, 2010, 02:05:34 pm
Go for it my friend.

Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 17, 2010, 08:11:30 pm
Oh dang that sucks, I would do it if I weren't strapped for time right now. Your timing could not have been worse my friend lol. The best I can tell you is I'm making one album with distorted electric guitar, and doing the same thing with acoustic nylon, so if you want that lol. I would need some real samples of instruments if I were going to do something high quality, unless you would actually prefer to have midi. if you are looking for realism though, that would take for goddamn ever getting all the samples cashed in properly. you would be looking at 100+ hours of work, and you are asking for that from someone's unpaid free time. Once I'm done with my projects, it would take maybe 3 weeks tops if I used midi, because I'd already have the sheet music programmed electronically from paper to whatever program I'd use.. Say I finished my project and used real samples of real instruments, you would be looking at at LEAST 6 months, maybe 3-4 if I finish my project of getting the sheet music on software. The hardest part is getting the samples of a real instrument. Most of the time you have to pay big money for that. The easy part is the actual recording/making of. That's also the LONG LONG LOOONNGGG part though.

Not only that, but the two people (you and whoever would do it) would be a team. Gobs of efficient communication. You might be a strict boss and have a clear outline of the timber. I give you a demo and it has cellos and lyres, then you rant at me that you'd rather have violas and'd have to give the person a clear vision of what you are going for. Believe it or not, but 'orchestra' is one of the broadest genres of music in terms of timbre(instruments that are used). so just saying 'orchestra' is as vague as saying, " Can someone transcribe CT to different instruments than the ones the original uses?"

You might he the kind of boss that says, "try a few songs out and I'll see if I like the mood you are putting out, if I don't agree with it I'll tell you what I'd rather you did on a case by case basis". Generally, free reign bosses can be a dream that turns into a nightmare for an amateur who doesn't know what they are doing. For veteran composers it's heaven, because they can give their stuff a motif, or theme or general mood, without being all over the place and at the same time without being static/stale. You are looking at nothing short of a professional project here man.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 17, 2010, 08:56:10 pm
Ugh I wish me and you could collab on it. We could do it if you got FL Studio, but like you said it would take time.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 17, 2010, 11:55:12 pm
This may have to wait for a few months then.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 18, 2010, 05:01:28 pm

All aboard the airplane (Ha ha it's a delay time airplane joke... get it!!!)
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 19, 2010, 06:25:15 pm
Well I'll tell ya what, Imma go ahead and check out this fruity loops 9 thing and the orchestra samples for it, and see if I deem it worthy of my time or a complete waste. It might take a long ass time, it might be quick and easy. I'll let ya know a little bit later.

Ok 10 minutes of torrenting pirate bay for fl9 and a vst for orchestra, I'm getting pretty enticed. I'm going to see if I can't pull of 'a premonition' or a similar short song without too much inaccuracy, I'm still coming to grips with how the program works; it is not an easy interface. But the important thing is, I have a high quality orchestra sample now. FL does come with its own orchestra, but it sucks severely. this vst I pirated has perfection written all over, so many instruments to choose from! such high quality recording! Once again, I'll get back to you. The good news is, Im down to 1 project, CT guitar. A few days ago I was wrapping up my album that I've been writing, and I'm done with that now. So CT guitar is my only work as of now, so this might happen sooner rather than later, it all depends on if FL studio likes me or not.

I can choose from 4 different types of full orchestras, a baroque, classical, and like 10 more types.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 19, 2010, 08:20:09 pm

Something like the above for the orchestra if possible (I am not exactly sure on classes...)
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 19, 2010, 09:03:41 pm
Alright I'll have 'A Premonition' for you soon, I'm still deciding on instrumentation. Would like choir voices at all or strict instruments only kind of thing? You should know most orchestra style instruments don't go as low an octave as needed for CT, so I could either have those particular notes moved to the lowest POSSIBLE octave or I could use piano for rhythm, which do you think I oughta do? I need to be going as low as C1 when orchestra can only go as low as C2 for the most part. I was thinking having orchestras on the treble clef,lead......and having piano on the bass clef, rhythm. piano is an 'orchestra' style instrument still yet, so it wouldn't be THAT big of a deal and would give the entire score a repeating idea of having the same instrument on rhythm(with various instruments on lead on the different songs). Any songs you want done first and foremost? How much of the soundtrack am I doing? I could give you the complete list of all track I CAN do, as Yasunori has released the sheet music to 43 of the songs in the CT soundtrack. I could give ya the list of those songs, so you know which ones I can make.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 19, 2010, 09:32:18 pm
Yes, that is fine do what you gotta do.

Pianos are cool. I would rather not have choir voices. I stress that I want Violins/Cellos/and other string related instruments. Flutes and winds would also be nice on some of them.

A Premonition should be done piano with violins. (At least that seems like it would work)

I am glad you are finding this to be an interesting endeavour.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 19, 2010, 10:02:16 pm
Im finding this to be a fucking amazing endeavor. I never heard of FL studio for some reason, after about an hour or so I got the hang of it. This thing kix guitar pro in the ass man. will do on the instrumentation
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 19, 2010, 11:11:18 pm
Guitar Pro is the reason I am banned on the Newgrounds audio portal... It emits MIDI sounding stuff and MIDI isn't allowed on Newgrounds.

I got farked...
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 19, 2010, 11:43:21 pm
lol that sucks, anyways here is a premonition with cello violin and piano
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 19, 2010, 11:49:50 pm
I figured you would do the piano where the strings are and the strings where the piano is lol.

If possible could you switch em around?
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 20, 2010, 12:15:05 am
yessiree bob
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 20, 2010, 12:30:44 am
try this one on for size

alright mate these are the songs I can do. take what you KNOW you want off the top of your head and highlight them in a different color or erase the ones you don't want and I'll get cracking to it.

peaceful days
memories of green
a strange happening
wind scene
secret of the forest
guardia castle~pride and glory
silent light
boss battle
frog's theme
the trial
the hidden truth
a shot of crisis
people who threw away the will to live
robo gang
bike chase
robo's theme
battle 2
the brink of time
delightful spekkio
fanfare 3
underground sewers
boss battle 2
primitive mountain
ayra's theme
magus' castle
magus theme
singing mountain
tyran castle
at the bottom of night
corridors of time
sara's theme
sealed door
undersea palace
chrono and marle "far off promise"
wings that cross time
world revolution
first festival of stars
epilogue-to good friends
to far away times
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 20, 2010, 11:46:42 am
Ok I will just put a list of what I want

Now the premonition track is okay, but the strings seem harsh to the ear when they switch notes (Sorry I am not to colorful in the music department vocab wise, but I know what I want lol) Again try to emulate the quality of THIS SONG

Add percussion where need be and make it work. The instrument choice is now completely up to you. Just make it work and we will see what we can do!  :kz

peaceful days
memories of green
a strange happening
wind scene
silent light
the hidden truth
a shot of crisis
people who threw away the will to live
robo gang
robo's theme
battle 2
the brink of time
delightful spekkio
underground sewers
magus' castle
at the bottom of night
corridors of time
undersea palace
wings that cross time
epilogue-to good friends
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 20, 2010, 03:32:09 pm
I know exactly what you mean by harsh strings, I was thinking the same thing. They probably just need to be at a higher pitch, cello and violin are meant for some pretty high octave stuff and that was like 3rd octave. I'mma see what I can do about percussion, gotta be careful with that though because the percussion will either make or break the song.

Ok mate I think I really struck gold with this one.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 20, 2010, 06:42:47 pm
It's better, but I think I need to hear a different song. I think Memories of Green would be a good track to give me a feeling of how well we are going.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 20, 2010, 07:35:12 pm
Alright I'll get to it. Fun fact: I'm having to do this under xp virtual machine mode, fl9 doesn't seem to like my ultimate windows 7.

edit: check it out here

flute and piccolo
celesta(its the one that does the 1 2 3 4 low note rhythm)
string section(kicks in for the chorus, on the CT soundtrack this would be the really high pitched choir)
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 21, 2010, 02:02:39 am
Also, you need to start doing .mp3 files if possible, those wavs are killers on memory.

Ok as for the song, is it me or does it sound scratchy for you to? I think there is an error with the file.

Anyway, I think we need to expand the "umph" to these songs. They seem like it's only one instrument. I want it to sound like a true orchestra.

Sorry if I seem demanding lol. But it's a process I guess.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 21, 2010, 02:43:29 am
And an ever-evolving one at that. Yea I realized that the file is screwed up, I'm guessing my shit went awol with too much running at the same time. try this one instead

yea I'll start doing mp3s, but once we actually have it all said and done it should really be in wav format so as not to skimp on quality for the in game music.
I'm slowly starting to get more familiar with this program, so expect the instrumentation to get better. I imagine the next week or so will be nothing but going to the drawing board and figuring all this out. It took Mitsuda 6 weeks to decide on how he wanted CT to be done you know! rome wasn't built in a day, and this soundtrack won't be ready in a month either. thanks for all the collaboration though man, the more specific you can be the better the end result, a win win for everyone.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 21, 2010, 03:17:10 am
I just don't want to offend you or anything lol.

But my "musical-lingo" isn't what it outta be, but I do know what I want.

But, I am going to need mp3 in the end though because lance's game was around 130 mb. wav, would kill me here and mp3's are gonna put a load on it to, so we gottta go mp3.

As for the track, the piano seems forced... not smooth feeling. It's feels like someone jumpy is playing the piano. The beginning pacing also seems off. Some of the wind instruments also hit the notes kind of flat. I think you can hear what I mean. We got time to work on this which is good.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 21, 2010, 03:21:53 pm
well I'm not sure about the piano, but I think I've struck gold with the wind instruments.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 21, 2010, 03:46:25 pm
Well we are definetley moving in the right direction.

The piano seems eh lacking.

But besides maybe 3-5 notes on the wind instruments you have indeed done it right!
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 21, 2010, 04:05:33 pm
alright let's see if I hit a sweet spot on piano with this one:
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 22, 2010, 12:01:39 am
The Piano is progressing slowly, but surely which is good.

Are you using the notes that you purchased from square?

If you are can I suggest try doing some of the notes by ear for the flute by listening to the song.

Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 22, 2010, 12:39:36 am
yea it's all a transcription of the notes. I think I know which notes you are having beef with, I'm guessing you want them to be slightly higher pitched? any more thoughts on the piano, I'm not really sure what else needs to be done with it.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 22, 2010, 11:23:13 pm
The piano just needs to roll smoother, it seems like it's being very very rough because the note transition just doesn't seem to be there.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 23, 2010, 09:12:54 pm
Had to take a day off been pretty busy, things should start rolling back to normal by tomorrow. I was busy getting a hard drive out of an old computer my family used to have, we just kept it in the basement. I found an old rpgmaker 2003 game I had been creating in the 8th grade, chrono collision. so I was pretty happy about that. Found my old 'hidden' porn folder too, lots of goodies in there. It was like a time capsule your grandfather handed down to his grandson, only to open it after the grandfather's death. When the boy opens it, he finds a bunch of old playboys XD.

edit: alright go ahead and try this one, the strings do seem a bit flat though, right now its violin and viola, up to you if we keep em that way.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on February 23, 2010, 11:24:58 pm
I think you got the piano. The strings are a bit flat and the winds are now the instrument lacking.

It's getting much better.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 24, 2010, 12:14:58 am
haha I'll remember to keep that piano then!
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 24, 2010, 11:03:03 pm
Ok I have another for you to try, piano/celesta are the same but the strings and wind are different.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: Lord J Esq on February 25, 2010, 07:33:44 pm
Question: What sound library are you using?
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 25, 2010, 08:04:49 pm
I have an 'orchestra' vst from a company known as edirol, plugged into good ol' fruity loops 9. why you have any better vst's I should be aware of?

neo: I think you'll like the instrumentation on this one, it's the first few seconds of Peaceful Days.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: Lord J Esq on February 25, 2010, 09:57:50 pm
The other way around. My best sound resources at the moment are the free ones at hamienet, and frankly they are way below my needs. Someday I'll go with the Vienna Symphony library, but for now I need a solution that doesn't cost thousands of dollars. Can you give me any insight and recommendations on that front?
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 25, 2010, 10:16:31 pm
oh vienna huh, thats 250 gigs
I'm not even sure if you can use it in FL studio, it would all need to be converted to .wav, I will try it out tho, edirol is 300 dollars:
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on February 26, 2010, 09:55:06 pm
ok neo I have a raw version of peaceful days. by raw I mean I did not edit the tone/pitch of any of the instruments, I wanna see what you think of it like this, that way you can tell me what needs to be raised or lowered in pitch the best you can. also, if the mix of volumes between the various instruments needs to be modified, don't hesitate to let me know.
Here is A Strange Happening:
Here is Wind Scene:
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: ZeaLitY on March 04, 2010, 04:59:33 am
This seems to still be in full swing, so I'll hold off on archiving the tracks for now.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on March 04, 2010, 08:38:02 pm
sorry chi i have been rather busy this week i will listen to the tracks later.

Can you do a remix for scattering blossoms in the meantime?
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on March 04, 2010, 09:16:54 pm
hmmm I will try....the thing is that song is not done by Mitsuda, there is no sheet music for it as far as I have researched, it's by Tsuyoshi Sekito. I found a midi for it that a guy by the name of Blitz Lunar made, he did it by ear. I'll see what I can do

edit:ok check it out
best I can tell is the volume mix may be slightly off, the horns might be a tad bit too loud, it seems to drown out the strings right when they are needed most. that might just be my opinion though so it's up to you.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on March 04, 2010, 11:10:18 pm
The strings are dead on and the piano is dead on.

Try changing the horns to a different instrument
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on March 04, 2010, 11:44:52 pm
will do, though probably tomorrow, check this spot in about 16 hours. so no horns at all or are we talking a specific section?
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: neo-fusion on March 05, 2010, 04:39:13 pm
something less dramatic and more smooth sounding.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on March 05, 2010, 07:03:27 pm
look ma, no horns!

hey if you want, I changed just about all of the songs from a few weeks back, so just check out the whole thing here. a good measure of where we are at so far I think.
Leave comments on each one saying what you liked/hated, such as choice of instrument, sounds of certain notes, etc.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: DarioEMeloD on March 22, 2010, 06:15:38 pm
Can I help too? :3

Here are two songs I made last year, just a little sample of what I can do
Radical Dreamers - Day of Summer ( (Chrono =P)
Golden Sun - The First Book (Extended) ( (orchestra)

Just give me some songs to work with, and I'll come back later with the results ;D
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: ZeaLitY on May 08, 2010, 06:19:23 am
Hey, just stopping by to note that we'll add all these remixes once the project is complete.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: DarioEMeloD on May 08, 2010, 12:47:56 pm
Is this project dead?
You may know what ZREO ( (Zelda Reorchestratred) has accomplished. There's also another project going on called PREO ( (Pokémon Reorchestrated), and I would really like to see our own CREO (pretty obvious XD).

Anyway... The links I gave may be down.
You can hear my songs here (, in case you're still interested in this ('cause I am)... otherwise I think I'll do it alone. =P
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on May 11, 2010, 12:48:15 am
no it's not down, in fact it's just now getting started. I spent the past few months since February downloading and preparing the sample library "Vienna Symphonic Library" which is 240 gb. I'm done with that now. I've got the sheet music from my previous project, and some downloaded spc2midi rips as well. I'mma start now. neo-fusion and I have been discussing the project via PMs the past couple months to be honest, I'm not sure how much songs he'll have me orchestrate either. I've since read over 1100 pages of orchestra textbooks (one by walter piston the other by samuel adler). I've wrote my own stuff, remixed some radical dreamers, so I think I'm about ready.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: DarioEMeloD on May 11, 2010, 11:16:53 am
I can't afford to download that... thing...
240 GB!? Man, that's insane =O

I'm using Edirol (thanks to you guys). In fact, in my Fb page ( there's a song called "La próxima meta" (The next goal, in spanish) that was made using that library.

Tell me what you think... Yes, no, whatever... I need an answer XD

PS: I don't recommend spc2midi =S
I use a similar system. I just play only one track of the spc file at a time, and then transcribe it myself into a midi program (Guitar Pro, for now).
Obviously that depends of the sequencer's abilities, but you can judge for yourselves ( =)
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on May 11, 2010, 06:54:05 pm
well there are only a few songs that the sheet music was not given out, the main battle theme for instance, and the theme song of CT. that's really about it besides the short quips like 'A Prayer to the Road that Leads'. by the way, it may be 240 gb, but the torrent is zipped up to a tight 54 gb so it's not that bad.

Edirol was not bad by any means, Lord knows it's easy to use......but it's not satisfactory to me because I was looking for actual samples not just midi manipulators. You can't tell the difference between VSL and real orchestras, you can tell when someone uses Edirol though.
On the other hand, making something with VSL takes about 100x as long as with Edirol, no exaggeration at all. You don't just take the midi track and assign the instrument sample to it. the samples are split by various things, length, articulation(pizzicato, spiccato, sforzando, legato, staccato, etc) dynamics (crescendo, p, f, mf etc). It can take a week just to program ONE track of a song, let alone an entire orchestra of 40 something instruments. Edirol is just setting the midi track to the instrument. Doesn't sound very convincing, but it's better than just straight midi I guess(and it's only a few hundred megs).

here is the VSL collection:
violin ensemble (of 14)
viola ensemble (of 10)
cello ensemble (of 8 )
double bass ensemble (of 6)
solo violin
solo cello
piccolo flute
slightly different sounding flute
alto flute
english horn
clarinet in Bb
bass clarinet
piccolo trumpet
trumpet in C
bass trumpet
trumpet ensemble (3)
horn ensemble (4)
bass trombone
contrabass trombone
trombone ensemble (3)
contrabass tuba
Wagner tuba
snare ensemble (4)
piccolo drum
field drum
bass drum
finger cymbals
tempel block
church bells
tubular bells
small bells
plate bells
burma bell
jingle bells
2 other glocken bells
japanese singing bowls
log drum
boa bam
jingle ring
lion roar
ocean drum
spring drum
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on May 11, 2010, 10:49:03 pm
went ahead and did 'a premonition'
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: ZeaLitY on December 01, 2010, 05:28:11 pm
Just bumping.
Title: Re: Can anyone "Orchestrate" the CT Soundtrack
Post by: chi_z on December 06, 2010, 01:02:25 am
I haven't heard from neo in months. right now the track I'm doing is more of a jazz number than orchestral, it's noriko matsueda's piano tune 'boss battle 1' arranged by nobuo uematsu. I've been thinking of doing the prerelease version's redux of this that was a placeholder for boss battle 2 as well, as that one is more 'epic' and orchestral rather than straight jazz (although I shouldn't say straight jazz since it has a swing rhythm to it  :lol: ) I need to develop my 'ear' though, where you can tell exactly what is being played note for note without sheet music. I've been working on recreating the chrono cross tune 'voyage-home world' in order to help with that. mitsuda lays out a very helpful harmonic breakdown that proved to set things in motion for me, if I ever finish that I'll post it.

If interested, I can post what I have thus far, which is like 5 pieces that are recreations more than anything.