Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion => Topic started by: legaiaflame on June 07, 2009, 02:20:56 am

Title: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: legaiaflame on June 07, 2009, 02:20:56 am
I'm wondering why when you meet him he is not changed back into a human? I am aware of the fact that in CE the events of Frogs original timeline were completely changed, but Marle kissed him at the end of the original anyway..he...he!
And the ending from the PS and DS game showed he had indeed regained his human form...

In Crimson Echoes does his transformation back to human form not occur until later, or since his timeline was changed the events involving Cyrus and Magus obviously never happened. Did this temporal disturbance somehow force him to stay in frog form? Or was it to save development time, so you guys didn't have to create another set of Glenn human form sprite/battle animations?

Maybe I'm forgetting something involving the flow of time or the change of time-lines, but I'd appreciate it if you could answer this question thanks! It's just really bothering me...

(Oh and I noticed in Video 1 of the CE playthrough while in the Chapter select room, you can see a human Glenn as one of the Chapter Selects!)
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: V_Translanka on June 07, 2009, 02:31:41 am
Maybe you should wait until the Memorial is finished?
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: legaiaflame on June 07, 2009, 02:38:05 am
I'm thinking in regards to Crimson Echoes the scenes where Crono and Marle getting married and Glenn regaining his human form must happen after the events of CE, no? Any other suggestions?

If it's not a spoiler could someone from the CE team comment. And if it is could a member point that out, and just tell me to shut up and keep watching LOL?
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: legaiaflame on June 07, 2009, 02:47:33 am
Wait, are Crono and Marle already married at the start of CE?
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human
Post by: V_Translanka on June 07, 2009, 02:48:16 am
Um, if it was a spoiler how could they point it out?
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human
Post by: IAmSerge on June 07, 2009, 02:50:01 am
Um, if it was a spoiler how could they point it out?

he meant point out the fact that it was a spoiler...  lest you understand that as well then my comment has no meaning or purpose
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: V_Translanka on June 07, 2009, 02:54:24 am
Yes I did...If it was a spoiler and you point it out as a spoiler then you're spoiling it because you're revealing the spoiler as being there. I just said spoil in the same sentence more than I ever have I think.
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: kid123 on June 07, 2009, 02:59:27 am
To avoid spoiler, I recommend PM .Easy as that.
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: legaiaflame on June 07, 2009, 03:17:51 am
Yes I did...If it was a spoiler and you point it out as a spoiler then you're spoiling it because you're revealing the spoiler as being there. I just said spoil in the same sentence more than I ever have I think.

That doesn't matter, because if they point it out as being a spoiler, it's common knowledge that Glenn turns human anyway in the ending to CT. So in a way it is already spoiled!

And we know he isn't human in CE yet, and if they want to go with canon, he has to at some point. So if they don't want to comment on the matter by saying it's a spoiler it just confirms what we already know eventually occurs and would have suspected anyway...All they have to do is say "Its a spoiler, you'll have to wait and see". Now it "would" be a spoiler if they gave us specific details as to how it occurs, which I would assume involves major plot developments. So in a sense it really wouldn't spoil anything we didn't already know eventually happens. We just don't know how it happens in the CE story.
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: IAmSerge on June 07, 2009, 04:10:37 am
Everyone should just say no comment
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: Hipnos on June 07, 2009, 09:11:45 am
I think that you guys are forgetting a critical thing. Frog just becomes Gleen if he kills Magus in that duel in CT, after Crono is dead. As Magus is alive in CE, Frog didn't kill it, since he is still a frog because the curse wasn't lift up.
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: kid123 on June 07, 2009, 09:18:54 am
The point here is the 'best' ending that Crono and Marle wed is canon or not and then continued by CE.
The ending revealed that the Frog turn to Glenn somehow, but somehow in CE he is still Frog.

I think that Crono and Marle wed before the event of CE, and Frog turn into Glenn somehow after the event of CE. And the picture of Frog drawn by the orphanage maybe before he turn into Glenn. Just my two cent. I wonder if young Kidd make appearance...
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: legaiaflame on June 07, 2009, 03:28:40 pm
My question is: it's June 7th, so where are the next set of CE movies. It was a steady flow of updates until now. What happened?
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: FaustWolf on June 07, 2009, 05:07:30 pm
legaiaflame, today's videos (which would have been released around midnight California time) were released early. Tonight there will be yet more feasting.
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: Agent 12 on June 07, 2009, 05:53:00 pm
Creating an entire new sprite sheet/ new animations/ sprite assembly/techs is too daunting of a task.  This should be evidence by how long it took to make just the walking frames of schala (the schala project was what....a year or even more in) From what I could tell only the walking/running animations were in....that's like...4% of the total number of animations of a playable character.

Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: stealthrabbi on June 07, 2009, 10:29:54 pm
Don't know how Crimson Echoes turns out, but one thing that CT shows, is that it's not exactly clear why Frog became human at the ending sequence in Trigger.  It only happens if you kill Magus back in 12K BC, but then, it doesn't happen instantly.

I'd imagine that if he once had the power to change Glenn's form, he could do it again. But, Lavos sapped a lot of his powers in the battle. I think it would have been cool if Magus had a tech to make an enemy as a weaker form, as you could do in Secret of Mana.  As we've seen int the banter in Echoes thus far, Magus definitely dislikes Glenn again, moreso than at the end of Trigger.  Perhaps Magus' life was "bound" to Lavos somehow, and only changed from after Lavos died.  Just speculation here.
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: legaiaflame on June 09, 2009, 08:26:07 pm
Um it's not too difficult to figure out, Marle kissed Glenn before he went back in the portal. Simple as that, a princess kissing a frog.
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: Mr Bekkler on June 09, 2009, 10:33:00 pm
a princess kissing a frog.

Oh yeah. That's hot.  :lol:
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: stealthrabbi on June 10, 2009, 09:52:13 pm
Is the "Frog King" used in Crimson Echoes?  That guy's a BAMF
Title: Re: A question about Glenn in Crimson Echoes...Just wondering why he isn't human?
Post by: ZeaLitY on July 31, 2009, 03:39:29 am
Is the "Frog King" used in Crimson Echoes?  That guy's a BAMF

Damn, we should have had a cameo somewhere. We worked in the bullfrogs, at least (found in one of the Enhasa dreamers' dream).