Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => General Discussion => Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum => Topic started by: SilverStreak on May 11, 2009, 11:01:47 pm

Title: Hey Guys....
Post by: SilverStreak on May 11, 2009, 11:01:47 pm
I've been coming here all the time and catching up on updates, news etc. I've always wanted to join the CC community but never really got around to it. So now that that's finally done... HOWDY FOLKS AND I HOPE TO GET ALONG  :D

And yes I'm aware of the crazy time I've joined at, as I was looking forward to Crimson Echoes just like everyone else... :( Hope the situation improves soon...
Title: Re: Hey Guys....
Post by: leena_zeal on May 11, 2009, 11:11:18 pm
Worry not, the compendiumites seem to be a friendly bunch.

Welcome! (fun, you're being welcomed by a newbie, heh)
Title: Re: Hey Guys....
Post by: IAmSerge on May 11, 2009, 11:11:58 pm
Title: Re: Hey Guys....
Post by: OverlordMikey on May 11, 2009, 11:20:05 pm
Pleasure to meet you. Yes let us all get along.  :)

((Heh-heh-heh fresh meat *gets whip ready* ))

Let's have lots and lots of fun. ^.^
Title: Re: Hey Guys....
Post by: teaflower on May 11, 2009, 11:25:45 pm
A fun time to join the masses, SilverStreak. Soon, things will die down, but right now it's hectic.

While it's chaotic, Animated Squall and Animated Cloud should be friends.
Title: Re: Hey Guys....
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on May 12, 2009, 12:29:22 am
Title: Re: Hey Guys....
Post by: Acacia Sgt on May 12, 2009, 12:32:43 am

A little late, I know, but welcome anyway.