Chrono Compendium

Enhasa Halls - Chrono Series Analysis => Time, Space, and Dimensions => Topic started by: stenir on March 19, 2009, 03:45:11 pm

Title: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: stenir on March 19, 2009, 03:45:11 pm
Okay, so the reason the first gate opens is due to a reaction to the pendant, correct? Marle has the pendant around her neck, and because she's not really paying attention, she gets sucked into the gate while dropping the pendant. Okay, good so far.

Crono grabs the pendant, and holds onto it, allowing him to use the gate. He still has the pendant as he goes through the gate.

So, how the heck did Lucca "follow"? She has no access to the Pendant when the Gate sending Crono back closes. So, how does she activate the gate?

The only possibly explanation I can think of is that when Marle dropped the pendant, it chipped and Lucca used the chip to create the gate key.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: FouCapitan on March 19, 2009, 03:55:17 pm
Lucca is a goddamn genius that's how.  She calculated the energy field alterations caused by the resonance of the pendant and duplicated the scenario all by mere one time observation.

It's scary in a way.  She could probably do anything if she put her mind to it.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: Thought on March 19, 2009, 04:06:48 pm
Yeah, while impossible in the real world, this is a video game and it seems to hold to the idea that Super Scientists are capable of anything.

Seriously, I'm half surprised Lucca didn't create Mecha Godzilla to battle Lavos.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: stenir on March 19, 2009, 04:18:54 pm
If Super Scientists are able to do anything, why didn't they just create something to head down through the crust of the planet and use like a Super Straw to suck Lavos out into space. Perhaps they don't have Super Vacuums yet?

Well, there has to be a reasonable explanation for Lucca's ability to time travel? What if Marle and Crono die in the past, leaving the pendant behind, Lucca finds it, learns they were in the past, and uses a piece of it to create the gate key? That is a roundabout way of doing it, though. She wouldn't have had that much time between telling Crono she's coming after him and bumping into him on his way out of the castle (maybe an hour or two if you adjusted game play mechanics to real world).
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: FouCapitan on March 19, 2009, 04:25:14 pm
If Super Scientists are able to do anything, why didn't they just create something to head down through the crust of the planet and use like a Super Straw to suck Lavos out into space. Perhaps they don't have Super Vacuums yet?

Simple.  It's a game world.  Have to have something to play through.  Super scientists only achieve godlike brilliance when it advances the story at a reasonable rate.  Killing Lavos with brilliance alone 1 hour into the game ruins the pacing, thus the cognitive abilities Lucca would require to pull off such an event are lost forever.

Well, there has to be a reasonable explanation for Lucca's ability to time travel? What if Marle and Crono die in the past, leaving the pendant behind, Lucca finds it, learns they were in the past, and uses a piece of it to create the gate key? That is a roundabout way of doing it, though. She wouldn't have had that much time between telling Crono she's coming after him and bumping into him on his way out of the castle (maybe an hour or two if you adjusted game play mechanics to real world).

I hate to play the Occam's Razor card here but...

Lucca's smart vs. That huge paragraph up there...
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: stenir on March 19, 2009, 05:02:20 pm
Saying "it's a game world" is just as bad as "the entity did it". There is a reasoning somewhere in it for Lucca's ability to create a gate key without the reacting ingredient.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: FouCapitan on March 19, 2009, 05:11:35 pm
Saying "it's a game world" is just as bad as "the entity did it". There is a reasoning somewhere in it for Lucca's ability to create a gate key without the reacting ingredient.

But the fact is that's really the only explanation.  Lucca says so herself.

Gates are very unstable, so I used
the principal behind my Telepod
device... create a Gate Key.
Now we can use them as we please.

So basically she just mimicked the reaction of the telepod and the pendant to open the gate.  She saw how it happened and went about recreating the process.  I'm sure she had some trial and error in fashioning it, but she eventually forged a device based on the warp technology the telepod had.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: stenir on March 19, 2009, 05:28:49 pm
Lucca says she utilized the principal behind the Telepod device. She never said anything about materials.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: FouCapitan on March 19, 2009, 05:32:47 pm
Lucca says she utilized the principal behind the Telepod device. She never said anything about materials.


If you see a pendant in there anywhere, let me know.

Materials were probably the same basic energy systems as the telepod, focused through those green crystalline orbs to mimic the frequency that the pendant emitted during the first gate opening.  It doesn't emulate the full functions of the pendant, just the energy released when in contact with the telepod.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: stenir on March 19, 2009, 05:43:18 pm
What's inside the center circle? It looks like a shard. Maybe the pendant did actually hit the ground with some force, leaving behind a splinter of it.

I'm not looking for the full pendant, of course.

If you are right though, that it only emulates the function of the pendant, would it be reasonable to assume that the pendant would have a greater deal of control over the gates? Such as, controlling where they went or what the time dilation is?
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: FouCapitan on March 19, 2009, 05:57:56 pm
What's inside the center circle? It looks like a shard. Maybe the pendant did actually hit the ground with some force, leaving behind a splinter of it.

I'm not looking for the full pendant, of course.

If you are right though, that it only emulates the function of the pendant, would it be reasonable to assume that the pendant would have a greater deal of control over the gates? Such as, controlling where they went or what the time dilation is?

It's plausible, but the only one who ever exhibited compotent control over the pendant's abilities was Schala, who didn't seem to know anything about time travel.  The player's team, on the other hand, just holds it up to things and lets it act on its own.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: stenir on March 19, 2009, 08:15:22 pm
Well, my guess is that Schala is able to use the pendant to the best of its abilities because it was designed with her in mind, correct? She'd know what it was capable of and how to use it.

Though I doubt one of the uses they intended for it was time gate activation.

Funny, I always imagine Lucca whacking the gate with the gate key like she does to an enemy if she's right up next to them (swinging her gun around like it's a golf club, lol!). as opposed to holding it up (of course, that's just slightly more programming than they probably wanted in the first place).

Lucca would probably be smart enough to mimic the frequency, that's understandable. And if that it a shard of the pendant inside the central circle, perhaps the surrounding circles are stabilizers. Something to dumb down the power level so the pendant didn't do what it did the first time (i.e., shock everything in the immediate vicinity).
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: Thought on March 20, 2009, 11:35:24 am
The pendant is totally not needed to active a gate. Merely look at when the Prophet opened a gate and threw the party inside. Magic, apparently, can mimic the pendant. And, as we learn from Lucca and Robo (specifically, there techs), technology can mimic magic (Spekkio even notes that Robo can mimic Shadow type magic; that is pretty advanced stuff).

Given that it was a malfunctioning Telepod, not the pendant alone, that opened the gate, it may be that the pendant was nothing more than a monkey wrench thrown into a machine that caused it to malfunction in a wonderful way. Only wouldn't need the exact same monkey wrench to duplicate the effect, but one would need the principles behind the machine.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: stenir on March 20, 2009, 01:13:39 pm
The Prophet never opened the gate, we just don't see them activate the gate when they go into it. He was just there to make certain they went through.

We don't know if it was a malfunctioning Telepod. One who hope and assume that it is working fine, since Crono had no problems (unless half his stomach is missing, a partial explanation as to why there Crono almost never eats, lol).
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: FouCapitan on March 20, 2009, 02:14:39 pm
The Prophet never opened the gate, we just don't see them activate the gate when they go into it. He was just there to make certain they went through.
Have to agree there.  Didn't look like the Prophet did anything to open the gate, I always assumed it was the gate key that did it.  Or the Entity...

We don't know if it was a malfunctioning Telepod.
It wasn't built to send people through gates, so it was a malfunction.

One who hope and assume that it is working fine, since Crono had no problems (unless half his stomach is missing, a partial explanation as to why there Crono almost never eats, lol).
But he's still hungry...
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: stenir on March 20, 2009, 02:43:40 pm
Well, it wasn't built to send people through gates, but is it truly a malfunction? I think a big question we have to decide here is what really happened. First off, are we assuming that the telepod shot power through the pendant, which in turn opened the gate? In that case, there's a big discrepancy, which of course will be immediately answered with "gameplay mechanics". Lucca and Taban aren't really shoving as much power through the pendant when it's around Marle's neck, yet with Crono they have to, in some terminology, "force" it back open with a large amount of power?

As far as malfunctions go, do we say that CT is a malfunctioning product because someone figured out you can fight the Black Omen in 1000 A.D....then 600 AD...then 12000 BC? No, it's an oversight on the part of the programmers. Is a game that you can play over the internet malfunctioning because a low-level player has high-end equipment or has exhaustive amounts of gil just because a friend sent it to him? Nah. (Trust me, I play Final Fantasy XI and I always get people calling Square-Enix on me because I'm curing my girlfriend's character whose about 50 levels below me...that's not cheating, it's using the game mechanics to our advantage when the company knows what is going on and chooses not to do anything about it.)

Or here's one: Lead. I know this was brought up. Lead has been around for the longest time, that is, known to humankind. So has Gamma Radiation. But when you realize that a thick piece of lead can actually decrease the amount of gamma radiation received, it's not the originally intended purpose of lead. So do we say lead is malfunctioning by preventing Gamma radiation?
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: FouCapitan on March 20, 2009, 04:34:28 pm
As far as malfunctions go, do we say that CT is a malfunctioning product because someone figured out you can fight the Black Omen in 1000 A.D....then 600 AD...then 12000 BC? No, it's an oversight on the part of the programmers.
You honestly think that's a mistake in programming?  The only question that brings up is not whether the Omen should be around still in prior times, but the paradox created by destroying something in an earlier time period that you fought in a later time period.  Hence another reason TTI was brought up in the first place.  Rather than approach through the problem on a logical time travelling sense, the programmers simply made it a dungeon you can explore multiple times, prompting us to come up with reasoning for it that is full of contradictions.

Or here's one: Lead. I know this was brought up. Lead has been around for the longest time, that is, known to humankind. So has Gamma Radiation. But when you realize that a thick piece of lead can actually decrease the amount of gamma radiation received, it's not the originally intended purpose of lead. So do we say lead is malfunctioning by preventing Gamma radiation?
You're comparing an undiscovered effect of a naturally occurring element that mankind has played no part in creating to a machine crafted for a specific purpose.  Lead was not made for any purpose, it was discovered within the earth.  Discovering that a metal blocks radiation is quite different from a teleporting machine opening a gate through time.  A better comparison would be if your toaster started making ice cubes, or your television started picking up FM radio.  These functions were not what the devices were built to do, so they are irregular functions or malfunctions.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: chrono eric on March 20, 2009, 04:53:31 pm
You're comparing an undiscovered effect of a naturally occurring element that mankind has played no part in creating to a machine crafted for a specific purpose.  Lead was not made for any purpose, it was discovered within the earth.  Discovering that a metal blocks radiation is quite different from a teleporting machine opening a gate through time.  A better comparison would be if your toaster started making ice cubes, or your television started picking up FM radio.  These functions were not what the devices were built to do, so they are irregular functions or malfunctions.

Dammit Fou I was in the process of typing an almost identical response to that quote but you beat me to it.

But more back on topic, I think the story made it very obvious and at least beyond a reasonable doubt that the Gate was opened because of a combination of the Pendant and the Telepod interacting. We can't really speculate much more than that. Further speculation would involve asking just how the Gate Key or the Telepod work exactly, when no information is given in the game. The Epoch is a futuristic technology that gives the user the ability to travel through time at will, correct? Why then is it so hard to believe that Lucca (in all her infinite mad-scientist wisdom) could have created a technology that simply opens already existing time gates, when she already built a technology that lets someone freaking teleport?
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: ZealKnight on March 21, 2009, 12:10:58 pm
There was no gate originally. But the pendent reacting with the telepod (twice) created it as a malfunction (just as Lead blocking radiation) and the the teleportation that was suppose to take place was intercepted by the gate, sending Marle through time. After Crono went after her the gate became permanent, maybe because of the entity, and all she had to do was create something that could warp her and that how she got in. The Epoch could use the same principle actually. It could make a small rip in time, open it, and go through, but the hole can recover, thats why we don't see 100000000000000000 gates everywhere.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: chrono eric on March 22, 2009, 01:43:00 am
There was no gate originally. But the pendent reacting with the telepod (twice) created it as a malfunction (just as Lead blocking radiation) and the the teleportation that was suppose to take place was intercepted by the gate, sending Marle through time. After Crono went after her the gate became permanent, maybe because of the entity, and all she had to do was create something that could warp her and that how she got in. The Epoch could use the same principle actually. It could make a small rip in time, open it, and go through, but the hole can recover, thats why we don't see 100000000000000000 gates everywhere.

Well, once again the Lead blocking radiation thing is a pretty poor example ZealKnight, no offense, but let me focus on the rest of this paragraph:

How do you know the gate didn't already exist? It is fair to assume that the Entity is what originally created the Gates. Who is to say that the Gate itself didn't already exist, and the malfunctioning Telepod wasn't the catalyst to open it? Lucca herself said that she used the Telepod technology to create the Gate Key. To say that the Telepod created the Gate or made it stable somehow invokes an extra level of complexity that is unnecessary in my opinion. A simpler route of logic would be: Gate already exists - malfunctioning Telepod opens it - Gate Key based on Telepod opens it afterwards.

I guess the one thing that you could argue in your favor of the Gate not existing before the Telepod malfunctions would be the fact that the closed Gate sprite does not appear until after the Telepod malfunctioning, but that is a pretty poor argument in my opinion.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: FouCapitan on March 22, 2009, 04:41:42 am
I guess the one thing that you could argue in your favor of the Gate not existing before the Telepod malfunctions would be the fact that the closed Gate sprite does not appear until after the Telepod malfunctioning, but that is a pretty poor argument in my opinion.
A strong argument against the gate not existing before the telepod malfunction is the fact that we see gates here there and the other place in telepodless areas afterwards.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: chrono eric on March 22, 2009, 05:59:04 am
Yes that is very true Fou, but I was referring to what I interpreted as him saying that the Telepod literally somehow stabilized or created the very first Gate that the party travelled through. I could see an argument raised that was somewhere along the lines of "well, the Gate sprite didn't appear until after the Telepod malfunctioned". But you're right, clearly the other Gates existed independently of the Telepod all along.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: ZealKnight on March 22, 2009, 12:46:13 pm
So you're saying that the telepod always had the power to open the gate? If thats true, how is it that Crono can travel the first time without being warped? And the answer is that the pendent caused a malfunction, but Lucca doesn't have the pendent but can still travel through time, so what do you think?
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: chrono eric on March 22, 2009, 02:03:18 pm
I don't really see a problem here. Perhaps Lucca observed the way the Telepod malfunctioned in the presence of the pendant and utilized that observation to create the Gate Key in her nigh infinite wisdom, which is maybe a device similar to the Telepod that "malfunctions" on its own with the sole purpose this time of opening Gates.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: ZealKnight on March 22, 2009, 04:03:50 pm
Thats like saying it's a game device.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: Zephira on March 22, 2009, 04:19:09 pm
A gate did 'exist' in this area before, though. A gate was opened here when Lavos sent Janus to 600 AD. The gate might not have remained stable, but the timestream was already disturbed in this area. I'm not sure how the Telepod works, but it sends a person from one space to another. Assuming the pendant amplified whatever energies the Telepod uses, it could have been too much of a strain for the already disturbed timespace, and thus the gate was opened once again. All Lucca needed to do was find another material that would amplify the Telepod's energy like the Dreamstone pendant did.
So there you go. Blame Lavos and Janus.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: ZealKnight on March 22, 2009, 05:46:31 pm
I'll agree with that. I never said I was right I just said that Lucca had no Dream Stone so the Gate can't be opened with it. But an alternative might be possible, highly improbable but possible. I was just trying to point out that the Gate was opened without Dream Stone, and maybe try to explain this. But a time machine seems kinda impossible in the Chrono Series without it being made by Belthazar or without Dream Stone.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: chrono eric on March 22, 2009, 10:22:40 pm
But a time machine seems kinda impossible in the Chrono Series without it being made by Belthazar or without Dream Stone.

A time machine, yes, I would be inclined to agree with you on that. But you can't compare the Epoch to the Gate Key. Since very little info is given about the way the Telepod or the Gate Key works, let me just give a hypothetical example of what I mean:

Let's say the Gate originally opened by an electrical surge produced by the malfunctioning Telepod. Perhaps this was amplified by the Pendant but that doesn't make the pendant necessary to open the Gate. Lets say Lucca realized that an electrical surge was all that was necessary to open the Gate and built the Gate Key such that it (hypothetically) uses a sufficient charge of electricity somehow to open the Gate. No Dreamstone is necessary. It is a simple cause produces effect situation here.

Now compare a device that (somehow) opens already existing time Gates with a literal time machine that can travel to presumably any time period it desires (if the Neo Epoch is any indication). One could be a relatively simple device, the other an unimaginably complex one.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: Zephira on March 22, 2009, 10:31:00 pm
If I understand correctly, Dreamstone absorbs and amplifies magical energy. There are many other materials that conduct and amplify electrical energy. Some magic spells produce electricity (Lightning, Lightning2, etc.,) so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say other materials work just as well as Dreamstone when it comes to electricity.
On the same note, wouldn't it also be plausible for Robo's Shock tech to open gates as well? Or does that not produce enough electricity?
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: chrono eric on March 22, 2009, 10:51:46 pm
Who knows? Sure, why not? I was just trying to show that there is no need to add an extra level of complexity and say that "Dreamstone is required to open Gates" just because Dreamstone was present during the initial opening of the first Gate.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: stenir on March 23, 2009, 12:23:04 pm
I agree that complexity need not be included, but all of your responses are complex in my opinion to my "a shard broke off and Lucca used that" theory.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: Thought on March 23, 2009, 01:02:14 pm
Except the other responses are based on things that are indicated in game. There is no hint, not a wiff, of a shard breaking off of the Pendant, or the gate key being anything but something that might as reasonably exist in 1000AD as Gato.

While admittedly somewhat complex, those suppositions borrow from what is known in game. Your's creates something relatively new.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: chrono eric on March 23, 2009, 02:50:29 pm
Right, the idea is not to create a theory that is "as simple as possible" but to create a theory that is "as simple as possible in light of the given evidence". If one idea is more complex than another, but it is supported by in-game evidence whereas the other is not, then that idea should be favored.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: ZealKnight on March 23, 2009, 05:50:44 pm
Wait? Are you saying that is was just the machine that malfunctioned? It has to do with the Dream Stone we know that much.  I highly doubt it's an electrical malfunction, which i originally thought that was just an example of it being the machine. Maybe it caused a malfunction to the machine that she was able to use, but come on it just being something like high amounts of electricity is just being stupid.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: Zephira on March 23, 2009, 06:00:57 pm
How is it stupid? Electricity, being one of the elements, is a form of 'magic' that can be reproduced and harnessed through machines. Think of Crono's Lightning spell like a taser, but instead of batteries, he fuels it with magic (Mana? Life force?).
The definition of malfunction, according to   
 1. Failure to function.
 2. Faulty or abnormal functioning.
So yes, the Telepod did malfunction, by functioning abnormally. Think of the pendant as an amplifier. It amplified the electricity (fake magic) in the Telepod. So when they tried to warp Marle, it reopened the hole in space-time (gate) that Janus first came through, instead of just warping Marle from point A to point B.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: ZealKnight on March 23, 2009, 09:27:07 pm
Electricity isn't one of the four element, light is.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: Zephira on March 23, 2009, 11:51:29 pm
True, but most Light spells are lightning or electricity based. And you still have not answered my question. How is the electricity hypothesis stupid?
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: chrono eric on March 24, 2009, 12:32:49 am
Damn, hostile much Zealknight? We're all friends here. I brought up the possibility of an electrical malfunction because the machine clearly utilizes electricity somehow, and huge sparks of electricity can be seen jumping between the two Telepods while it malfunctions if I remember correctly. Here is what Lucca says:

Lucca: The way she disappeared...
   It couldn't have been the Telepod!

   The warp field seemed to be
   affected by her pendant...

So, Lucca realized that 1) The Telepod malfunctioned, and 2) The "warp field" that the Telepod apparently uses to transport people was affected by her pendant. This scene was preceded by sparks that jumped between the two Telepods and as one giant spark jumps between them the Gate appears immediately afterwards. You can see it here at about 3:30 ish-

Please pay no attention to the nerdy douchebag that is narrating every fucking line of dialog while pronouncing Crono as Craw-no which is absolutely grating to my ears. He even says "Craw-no" Trigger at one point. Learn to speak fucktard. /rant

Crono jumps on the other Telepod all gungho-like around 5:00 minutes or so and this time there is an even more exaggerated and dragged out sequence of electricity jumping between the Telepods with the Gate opening thereafter.

So, either the electricity is a) an unimportant side-effect of the Telepod malfunctioning that has no relevance to the Gate appearing immediately afterwards or b) it is very important. Lucca mentions that the pendant somehow alters the machines "warp field", but it is worth noting that this doesn't mean that the pendant is the only way to alter the warp field and open the Gate. This also doesn't mean that the "warp field" was even the most important part of the machine malfunctioning. Perhaps the warp field caused the electricity, which caused the Gate to open.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: Zephira on March 24, 2009, 12:47:29 am
The warp field was already disturbed when Lavos opened the first gate there. Again, already disturbed space. Throw in a machine that screws with a warp field, throw in something that can amplify that power, and you have trouble (or another gate).
Also, this:
Lucca: Power to full!
TABAN: Roger!
Lucca: More! Give me more power!
Lucca: There! We did it!
So, they're definitely using more electricity or power than they normally would. Also shown by the sparks arcing between the pods.

Still waiting for an answer to that "stupid" question.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: chrono eric on March 24, 2009, 01:08:31 am
That is assuming that the field that Lucca was talking about is the same type of field effected by a Gate. But it makes sense though - if time and space are equivalent in the Chronoverse than altering a spacetime field seems to be a logical way of transporting someone through both space and time. Perhaps the Telepod can even be viewed as a type of time machine. You leave existence for a couple of seconds and reappear at a different point in space (and thus time).
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: FouCapitan on March 24, 2009, 04:37:31 am
Please pay no attention to the nerdy douchebag that is narrating every fucking line of dialog while pronouncing Crono as Craw-no which is absolutely grating to my ears. He even says "Craw-no" Trigger at one point. Learn to speak fucktard. /rant
I actually shared that rant until I learned that "Crah-no" was really the correct way to say it.  Chronology and so forth are pronounced as such according to

However, common American dialect has it pronounced a "kro-nology", and even the Japanese katakana writes it as "Ku-ro-no" so the correct pronounciation is an argument nobody can win.

Edit:  One thing I never did quite understand is why the normal amount of power opened the gate when Marle was sent through, then a greater amount of power through the telepod was needed before the same effect happened for Crono.

My only conclusion relates to Lucca's statement that "Gates are unstable" and perhaps a simple roll of the dice chance made the openening for Marle occur with less effort.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: Zephira on March 24, 2009, 05:42:41 am
Going in a completely different/overly complicated direction here: If that is Schala's pendant, perhaps it still held some charge from the Mammon Machine. Lavos opened the gate the first time, so Lavos energy in pendant would open it again. When Crono picked the pendant up, it was more drained, so they required more energy from the Telepod. This second use drained the pendant completely, so they weren't able to use it for Zealian sealed doors/chests.
Of course, this doesn't explain the Telepod's involvement, or why the Gate Key could work. Still in favor of the electricity hypothesis.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: stenir on March 24, 2009, 10:54:45 am
Do we take CT:DS as the "correct" translation now that it's out, or do we use both CT:DS and the original to draw from?

Here's one statement Lucca makes right before they send Crono back:

Quote from: Lucca
Well, it's worth a shot!
That pendant seems to be the key, so hang on
to it, Crono - and brace yourself!

Seems very obvious the pendant was required for the telepod to "malfunction".
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: chrono eric on March 24, 2009, 03:36:25 pm
Seems very obvious the pendant was required for the telepod to "malfunction".

Oh no doubt, no one is debating that. What we are debating is whether or not the pendant or more specifically Dreamstone is required to open a Gate. I would say that the evidence is not in favor of that conclusion at all.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: Zephira on March 24, 2009, 07:55:43 pm
Unless Lucca had access to some amount of Dreamstone when she made the Gate Key. She certainly seemed to know her way around a Dreamstone when she and Melchior fixed the Masamune.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: ZealKnight on March 24, 2009, 09:34:56 pm
Seems very obvious the pendant was required for the telepod to "malfunction".

Oh no doubt, no one is debating that. What we are debating is whether or not the pendant or more specifically Dreamstone is required to open a Gate. I would say that the evidence is not in favor of that conclusion at all.

That's what I've been arguing. The Gate can open from multiple things, Magic, Dream Stone, and Lavos have all been used. I think we could say the Time Egg but let's not due to it's complexity. I don't think Dream Stone is necessary to open the Gate either, because they would have just used that to open the gate at Mystic Mts, unless it had to be magic infused. Maybe whatever piece of the Telepod that was messed up was used n the Gate Key, maybe some sort of warp field generator was used, anyway I think we solved it without trying to treat it like a real Physics thing, because there is no way we could find any of that out.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: chrono eric on March 24, 2009, 10:29:53 pm
I don't think Dream Stone is necessary to open the Gate either, because they would have just used that to open the gate at Mystic Mts,

Ah that is a very good point Zealknight, I didn't think of that at all. Yes, you'd think that if Dreamstone was all that was necessary than Lucca would definitely have mentioned something. The Gate Key is clearly far more important, and it is a mechanical and (presumably) electrical device in nature.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: stenir on March 25, 2009, 01:04:03 am
My initial thought after reading this far was that most of the gates involve Dreamstone being nearby (red rocks of 65 mil BC, the Zeal Kingdom in 12k BC, and the pendant triggering the malfunction), but after those the thought runs out of steam. Perhaps it's like a "when you know what to look for, you can see it" kind of thing. The gates work on a electrical discharge, which would suffice if you overloaded the telepod via the pendant. Thus, with the right concentration of electricity, you can activate a gate.

This also answers a similar question of why we don't notice gates unless they are there already. We don't notice the 1000<->600 gate until it activates, but all the rest we can see. Wouldn't it make sense that once they knew what a gate looks like closed, they could easily see them from then on? (I think we just see a zoomed in version, with the actual closed gate probably 1/10th of the size, and once again, it's just a gameplay mechanic).
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: FouCapitan on March 25, 2009, 02:23:51 am
Unless Lucca had access to some amount of Dreamstone when she made the Gate Key. She certainly seemed to know her way around a Dreamstone when she and Melchior fixed the Masamune.
True but I believe she was following one of Melchior's textbooks when she assisted him.  For someone as brilliant as Lucca a task as precise as processing Dreamstone would be easily executable when presented with instructions.

She certainly didn't seem to know a thing about Dreamstone when Melchior said he required some to fix the Masamune.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: ZealKnight on March 25, 2009, 05:41:39 pm
My initial thought after reading this far was that most of the gates involve Dreamstone being nearby (red rocks of 65 mil BC, the Zeal Kingdom in 12k BC, and the pendant triggering the malfunction), but after those the thought runs out of steam. Perhaps it's like a "when you know what to look for, you can see it" kind of thing. The gates work on a electrical discharge, which would suffice if you overloaded the telepod via the pendant. Thus, with the right concentration of electricity, you can activate a gate.

This also answers a similar question of why we don't notice gates unless they are there already. We don't notice the 1000<->600 gate until it activates, but all the rest we can see. Wouldn't it make sense that once they knew what a gate looks like closed, they could easily see them from then on? (I think we just see a zoomed in version, with the actual closed gate probably 1/10th of the size, and once again, it's just a gameplay mechanic).

That was kinda my original point that the dream stone helped to create(or more precisely made permanent) the Gate. Dream Stone is required for the original travel but once the distortion becomes a Gate you just need to warp and the field will cross with the Gate and cause time travel.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: Zephira on March 25, 2009, 05:49:27 pm
Dream Stone is required for the original travel but once the distortion becomes a Gate you just need to warp and the field will cross with the Gate and cause time travel.
If Dream Stone is required for original travel, How did Lavos send Janus and the Gurus through time? Did it use the Mammon Machine?
And what about the rest of the gates? It's possible that having the Pendant and Gate key near eachother affected them, but those gates were already stable when you found them.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: stenir on March 25, 2009, 06:51:12 pm
Lavos was summoned by Queen Zeal through the Mammon Machine, which if I remember correctly is made up of Dreamstone. It's likely he used the Mammon Machine to do that.

My guess about why the other gates are stabilized is once again dependent on the pendant. Say the pendant stabilized the first gate. Perhaps Lucca determined how it did it (or once that gate was stabilized and they were in the past, she could study the interaction), and then built that functionality into the gate key. From then on, any stabilized gate it would open, and any unstable gates would be stabilized and then opened.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: ZealKnight on March 25, 2009, 08:31:26 pm
Dream Stone is required for the original travel but once the distortion becomes a Gate you just need to warp and the field will cross with the Gate and cause time travel.
If Dream Stone is required for original travel, How did Lavos send Janus and the Gurus through time? Did it use the Mammon Machine?
And what about the rest of the gates? It's possible that having the Pendant and Gate key near eachother affected them, but those gates were already stable when you found them.

I meant the first gate. And dream stone only worked in my opinion because it properties to conduct magic and other thing of that sort.

And Stenir basically said what I said but much more pretty and clear.
Title: Re: Activation of the very first gate
Post by: xcalibur on June 13, 2009, 05:44:03 am
As far as malfunctions go, do we say that CT is a malfunctioning product because someone figured out you can fight the Black Omen in 1000 A.D....then 600 AD...then 12000 BC? No, it's an oversight on the part of the programmers.
You honestly think that's a mistake in programming?  The only question that brings up is not whether the Omen should be around still in prior times, but the paradox created by destroying something in an earlier time period that you fought in a later time period.  Hence another reason TTI was brought up in the first place.  Rather than approach through the problem on a logical time travelling sense, the programmers simply made it a dungeon you can explore multiple times, prompting us to come up with reasoning for it that is full of contradictions.

i just had to mention that being able to fight in the black omen 3 different times is no mistake, and no paradox. you can destroy it in 1000 ad, then battle it again in 600ad and then in 12000 bc.. because each time, it hadnt been destroyed yet. the fact that it was destroyed in the future doesnt stop it from existing in the past.
if you destroyed the black omen at 12000 bc, then it would disappear in later times.


the gate key situation is a complex situation. after all, chrono didnt drop the pendant like marle did, right?

we can assume that the dreamstone pendants special properties helped open the gate, along with electric/lightning power from the telepod. theres also the question of the telepod itself and how it worked.. if lucca could create a teleportation device, perhaps she was also smart enough to study the pendant/telepod reaction and craft a device with a similar amplifying effect.

then theres the question of why we couldnt see the gate before it opened, but we can see all other gates before we use them once. perhaps the initial gate opening triggered an entity-assisted chain reaction that made other gates available?

and what if the pendant still had a bit of charge from the mammon machine in 1000 ad, and thats what caused the initial reaction? what if the gate became a stable "closed" gate after chrono went through it, making luccas job easier?

many questions...